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Comprehensive Assignment:

● All the following questions must be answered in a booklet and must be hand-written.
● Neatness in writing and maintaining the order of the questions are required.
● References/ sources must be mentioned.
● Submission date: 17 April 2022, late submission will not be accepted.

Question no. 1: Define “Auditing”. Explain the difference between Accounting & Auditing.

Question no. 2: What are the types of Auditing? Describe the types of Auditors`?

Question no. 3: Explain Auditor as an Independent discipline. What are the basic qualifications
required by an auditor?

Question no. 4: What is assurance?

Question no. 5: What are the powers of an auditor? What are the rights and duties of an auditor?

Question no. 6: What is ethics? What are the principles of ethics?

Question no. 7: What is the code of professional conduct? What ethical principles apply to auditors?

Question no. 8: What are the different types of Audit reports?

Question no. 9: When do we issue an unqualified Audit Report with explanatory paragraph?

Question no. 10: What is the basic idea about going concern? How auditors should heed attention to
going concern?

Question no. 11: What is an adverse opinion and when is it issued? What is the disclaimer of

Question no. 12: What are the conditions for Standard Unqualified Audit Report?

Question no. 13: Explain management Responsibilities in an audit. Explain auditor’s Responsibilities
in an audit.

Question no. 14: Explain the transaction related audit objectives. What are Balanced related audit

Question no. 15: What is an Audit Program? Give example of audit program related to audit of any
account head.

Question no. 16: What the different types of Audit Evidence?

Question no. 17: What do we mean by audit planning? What is the time frame associated with audit
Question no. 18: How do auditors decide what evidence is required during the planning phase?

Question no. 19: How is the document requirement communicated to the client?

Question no. 20: What are the steps in audit planning? What are the steps of understanding the

Question no. 21: Why is it necessary to conduct a risk analysis? How do auditors and clients respond
to the assessed risk?

Question no. 22: What is materiality? How is materiality judged by auditors?

Question no. 23: What are the threats to auditor independence?

Question no. 24: Give an overview of audit sampling process.

Question no. 25: What are the different types of control an organization must put in place when
determining threats associated with the use of IT for audit purposes? How can IT help in auditing?

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