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• Connected but alone because even you're far from each other as long as you have communication it's

like you're still together through technology applications or maybe you're together at home but you're
not talking to each other because you're talking to someone else in cellphone it's like be alone.

• I think the social media has really made the history as time goes by we are gradually practiced the use
of technology in ourlives and we are already attached to it. The social media makes history through the
use of applications that can be used to communicate with people online. Like posting pictures on your
Facebook and your friends react to it then you have made history

•Wiring a web for global good. Due to the technology we build a relationship and if we can make
relationships we will unite and we can help each other wherever we are against crisis. By the use of
technology we can develop the world through the use of social media that we can share our opinions,
ideas and ambitions to fight global problems.

• I amazed and wondering that what if I know how to use language in different country so it's gonna be
exciting and inspires me to learn different culture. I can conclude that language is such a weapon that
we can use wherever we are or whoever we are talking to I learned that studying different language is
like adapting different culture because we are raised differently, so once you've learned others language
you can understand them.

• I can conclude that our language and culture reflect to us and who we are. It is very interesting that
through language we can make relationships to the people and can help in order to unite us as one. So
eventhough we are not the same culture or language but still I can learn from yours and also you can
learn from us.

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