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Work to Momentum (pear) set 1 (answer)

1. Code: 08C1Q001, Total marks: 9

Samson is exercising with two identical weights, each of mass 8 kg as shown. In each
lift, the weight is raised through a vertical distance of 55 cm.

Credit: George Dolgikh. Shutterstock

(a) How much energy is gained by the weight in each lift?

(2 marks)
(b) How much work is done on the weight in each lift?
(1 mark)
(c) If Samson makes one lift every two seconds, and he exercises for 1 minute,
estimate the minimum average power developed by him.
(2 marks)
(d) The actual power developed by his muscles is much higher than that estimated
in (c). Explain why briefly.
(2 marks)
(e) After exercising, Samson releases the weights at a height of 0.3 m above the
ground. What is the speed of the weight just before hitting the ground? Does
this speed depend on the mass of the weight?
(2 marks)
(a) The energy gained = mgh = (8 × 9.81 × 0.55) J = 43.164 ≈ 43.1 J. (1M+1A)

(b) Work done = energy gained by the weight ≈ 43.1 J. (1A)

(c) Applying , the minimum average power developed is

43.164/2 = 21.582 ≈ 21.6 W. (1M+1A)

(d) Some power is lost as heat when the body converts chemical energy into
mechanical energy (1A). Besides, extra power is developed to move his arm (1A).
(e) By conservation of energy, the kinetic energy gained by the weight is equal to
the potential energy lost. Hence, we have


The speed of the weight just before hitting the ground is 2.43 m s−1. It is
independent of the mass of the weight.

2. Code: 08C1Q002, Total marks: 9

The figure below shows a schematic diagram illustrating the working principle of an
elevator. The passengers are carried by the cabin. The cable holding the cabin is
allowed to pass through a pulley system and is attached to a counterweight on the
other end. Assume that the mass of the counterweight is equal to the mass of the
cabin plus 40% of the capacity of the elevator; and the friction of the pulley is


elevator cabin

(a) Suppose the cabin has a mass of 2000 kg, and the capacity of the elevator is 550
kg. What should the mass of the counterweight be?
(1 mark)
(b) Suppose the elevator cabin is fully loaded and is raised by a distance of 40 m.
The counterweight is lowered by the same distance.
(i) What is the change in potential energy of the cabin and the load?
(2 marks)
(ii) What is the change in potential energy of the counterweight?
(2 marks)
(iii) Hence, explain how the counterweight can help us to save energy.
(2 marks)
(c) Suppose the fully loaded elevator cabin is moving upwards at a constant
velocity of 1.75 m s−1. Find the power being delivered to the cabin.
(2 marks)
(a) The mass of the counterweight = 2000 kg + 550 kg × 40% = 2220 kg (1A)

(b) (i) Change in PE = mgh = (2000 + 550) × 9.81 × 40

= 1.001 × 106 ≈ 1.00 × 106 J (1M+1A)

(ii) Change in PE = mgh = 2220 × 9.81 × 40
= 8.711 × 105 ≈ 8.71 × 105 J (1M+1A)
(iii) The potential energy lost by the counterweight can be converted into the
potential energy gained by the elevator cabin and its load (1A). Hence, the
counterweight can save energy supplied to the system in raising the cabin
and the load (1A).
(c) Applying P = Fv, the power being delivered is
(2550 – 2220) × 9.81 × 1.75 m s−1 = 5665 ≈ 5.67 kW. (1M+1A)

3. Code: 08C1Q004, Total marks: 10

Simon of mass 70 kg travels down a straight slide from rest as shown. His vertical
displacement is 8 m.

11 m


(a) Neglecting friction, estimate the speed of Simon when he reaches the water
(2 marks)
(b) The actual speed is about 0.3 m s1 lower than that in (a). Calculate the average
frictional force acting on Simon.
(3 marks)
(c) With repeated measurements, it is found that the average downward speed of
Simon is slightly higher when lying down on the slide rather than sitting up.
Briefly explain the phenomenon.
(1 mark)
(d) Ashley proposes another slide design as shown. The top and the bottom of the
slide are 8 m apart.


11 m


She makes the following claim.

‘If Simon travels down this curved slide from rest, he can
(1) experience a higher acceleration at the beginning and
(2) reach a higher speed at the bottom of the slide than that in (a).’

Neglecting air resistance and friction, justify her claim.
(4 marks)
(a) The kinetic energy gained by Simon is equal to his gravitational potential energy
lost, i.e.


The speed of Simon when he reaches the water surface is 12.5 m s1.

(b) The KE lost is  259.9 J. (1M)

Applying W  Fs, the average frictional force is

F = W/s = 259.9/11 = 23.63 ≈ 23.6 N. (1M+1A)
(c) Simon is subjected to a smaller air resistance when he lies down. Thus his
average downward speed is higher (1A).
(d) For statement (1), Ashley is correct (1A). Obviously, the curved slide is steeper at
the beginning. The magnitude of component of weight of Simon parallel to the
surface of the curved slide is larger at the beginning. By Newton’s second law of
motion, Simon will experience a greater net force and thus a greater
acceleration at the beginning (1A).
For statement (2), Ashley is not correct (1A). Neglecting friction, the kinetic
energy converted from gravitational potential energy would be the same in the
two cases. Thus the speed at the bottom of the curved slide would be the same
as that in (a) (1A).

4. Code: 08C2Q001, Total marks: 11

A pendulum bob of mass 0.2 kg is suspended by a light inextensible string. The bob is
projected at P with a speed of 0.8 m s 1 as shown. It reaches the highest position S
on the first swing.


0.3 m Q

(a) Describe the energy change as the bob moves from P to S.

(2 marks)
(b) What is the speed of the bob at the lowest position Q?
(2 marks)
(c) What is the vertical distance between S and Q?
(2 marks)
(d) A student suggests that the tension in the string does work on the bob. Is he
correct? Explain briefly.
(2 marks)
(e) Suppose the string breaks when the bob moves to R.
(i) Draw a free body diagram to show all the forces acting on the bob just
before the string breaks.
(2 marks)
(ii) Sketch a diagram to show the subsequent motion of the bob.
(1 mark)
(a) As the bob moves from P to Q, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.
(1A) As the bob moves from Q to S, kinetic energy is converted into potential

energy (1A).
(b) Take PE at Q as zero. By conservation of energy,


The speed of the bob at Q is 2.55 m s−1.

(c) By conservation of energy,


The vertical distance between S and Q is 0.333 m.

(d) The student is not correct (1A). As the tension in the string is always
perpendicular to bob’s direction of motion, no work is done by the tension (1A).
(e) (i)






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