Research Terminology

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Define the following terms:

1. Information- knowledge or information, specifically regarding a particular topic or

event. Information is a set of things that convey meaning, a sequence of symbols
that carry a message, or a present arrangement of complicated structures that do
so. Information does not always occur to exist. It is coded and contained within
something. Information can be coded in a variety of ways, for as in the form of a
written text on paper or a computer disk. There is no mass to information. It can
be transferred and communicated through a picture, a sound, a spoken phrase,
an idea, or a mathematical equation.

2. Communication Technology - All devices and software used to process and

transmit information are referred to as communications technology, often known
as information technology. These hardware and software solutions are
developed, installed, and serviced by experts in the communication technology
field. People who work in this sector get knowledge about how communication
technology devices are designed, produced, tested, and distributed.

3. Internet – There are billions of computers and other electronic devices connected
to the Internet on a worldwide platform. You can speak with anyone in the world,
access nearly any information, and accomplish a lot more with the help of the

4. Computer - it is a programmable technology that retrieves, stores and processes

data also known as computer. this can also perform numerical calculations and
so much more.

5. Computer Operators- A computer operator is an expert who manages the

running of computer networks and makes sure that tools and systems are
operating effectively. Computer operators follow the established rules of practice
when supervising and managing computer hardware, software, and information
networks. They are in charge of setting up and keeping up a company's
computer networks and systems, and they frequently diagnose hardware and
software problems.
6. E-Leaning- E-learning, often known as online learning or electronic learning, is
the process of learning through electronic media and technologies. E-learning is
described as "learning that is enabled electronically" in plain English. E-learning
typically takes place online, so students can access their course materials
whenever they want. Online courses, degrees, and other forms of online learning
are the most common ways that e-learning occurs.

7. Web Applications- Users can access web applications via software called web
browsers, which is an application program that is typically hosted on a remote
server. It is a particular class of computer program that often functions with the
assistance of a web browser and makes use of a wide range of web-based
technologies to carry out various operations online.

8. Graphical User Interface- The term "Graphical User Interface" refers to how
people interact with a device using menus, clickable icons, graphic
representations, and a clicking tool, most frequently a computer mouse. The term
"graphical user interface," sometimes known as "GUI," is frequently used in
reference to computers, smartphones, tablets, and many other gadgets.

9. Network- Multiple devices that communicate with one another, form of a network.
It can range in size from two computers to billions of gadgets. Modern networks
can incorporate laptops, tablets, smartphones, televisions, game consoles, smart
appliances, and other electronics, as opposed to traditional networks, which are
made up of desktop computers.

10. Server- Powerful computers known as servers are designed to store, process,
and manage network data, devices, and systems. Through the provision of
enough resources for network devices and systems, servers act as the driving
force behind businesses. Servers provide crucial flexibility, efficiency, and
business continuity features for enterprises.

Defend your answer to the ff questions:

1. Does ICT Increase access to learning opportunity?

- By using computers in schools or in our houses will help students learn in

various ways as well as the teachers can teach properly. This ability of ICT became
very important. Because it became the tool that attracts and encourages students to
learn and to access information easily from a wide range of global sources, this can be
used for various types of learners to allow them freedom of choice and independence in
terms of learning. With the help of information and communication technology (ICT)
allows learners analyse, interpret data and monitor information's.

2. What are the importance’s of ICT in Education?

-Online learning has become popular amidst the pandemic to ensure that the
learning will continues. Through this the students and teachers are learning innovative
ways in education process. This allows accessibility to various types of learners. All
students can learn from the offered material. Even pupils with particular needs can use
it to their fullest potential. ICT has also addressed problems like the "digital gap,"
enabling even those who are less privileged to have access to the resources they need
for learning. The proper distribution and production of knowledge are essential to the
economy in which we live. ICT affects all levels and industries, including the production,
health, and education sectors. Therefore, its use is required on all levels, everywhere.

3. What are the benefits of Technology to Students?

-Children are inspired to learn by ICT. Online learning helps children study more
effectively. They become attracted by technological tools and inspired to learn well in a
classroom or at home. High-order thinking and reasoning abilities are encouraged by
ICT. These abilities made it possible to evaluate, plan, monitor, control, reflect, etc.

4. What are the challenges of using Technology in Learning?

-Differences in the capabilities of the devices; students typically cannot buy the
same kind of devices. There will certainly be a number of students who own pricey
devices in the average class, while other students may have to make do with less
expensive stuff. With such differences in gadget capabilities, it could be challenging to
organize the class's activities. They might use their gadgets to check their messages
and social media feeds, and some people even just use their phones to browse the
internet. Technology can be a source of distraction. As a result, kids retain less
information, which will poor effect their academic achievement Fast internet access is
usually required for online learning, which not all students have at home. It might
surprise you to hear that some individuals cannot afford Wi-Fi at home. This makes it
challenging to take online live classes. Moreover, it discourages students from using
tools and services that can support their academic needs. Technological disparities
aren’t something new, but they became exposed due to the pandemic and the need to
switch to entirely online learning. Aside from having access to the Internet, many
students lack the tools they need to succeed in their lectures, including computers or

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