Grade 10 - Q2 Law 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
N a t i o n a l C a pi t a l Re g i o n
Sc h o o l s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e o f La s Pi ñ a s C i t y



Name_______________________________ Date_______________ Score______________

Directions: Focus on the statements given. Determine whether it is a Fact or an
___________1. Clenching your fists may help you remember something.
___________2. Bottled water is not healthier than tap water.
___________3. The demand for ivory is endangering elephants.
___________4. Due to hemoglobin, the color of the blood is red.
___________5. People who clenched a ball when trying to memorize words were
able to recall the words.
___________6. Some bottled water is not healthier than tap water.
___________7. Hemoglobin is a red color pigment.
___________8. Many elephants have been slaughtered for their tusks.
___________9. Sun rays reach Pluto in slanting manner.
__________10. Pluto is known as one of the coldest planet.

Directions: Classify the following statements whether FACT or OPINION. Then,
explain your answer why is it so? Watch out for the signal words.

1.George Washington was the first president of the United States of America.
Answer: _____________________________________________________
Analysis (Explanation): __________________________________________

2.Computers are the best invention ever.

Answer: ______________________________________________________
Analysis (Explanation): __________________________________________

3. Sunday is the best day of the week.

Answer: ______________________________________________________
Analysis (Explanation): ___________________________________________

4.Government should start interventions that will provide mental health awareness.
Answer: _______________________________________________________
Analysis (Explanation): ___________________________________________

5. According to PAG-ASA, Manila will experience extreme heat on June, 2020 with 38
degree Celsius as maximum temperature.
Answer: _________________________________________________________
Analysis (Explanation): _____________________________________________
Directions: Complete the table below to identify facts and opinions in the passage.
Ethiopia is a country in Africa. It has a longer name. That name is officially the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. It is a country inside the continent. Other
countries are all around it. It is a wonderful place. It has a great history. Its people
are very proud of their history.
Ethiopia has many people. There are about 78 million people here. There is
only one other country in Africa that has more people.
The country has different parts. There are three different climates. One part
is cold. That is the high part. One part is hot. That is the low part. Another part is
warm. That is a part that is in between low and high land. There are wonderful
mountains. They are beautiful.
Every part of Ethiopia is special. Every place is beautiful. The people who live
there make it a special place. They work hard to make it a good place to live.
Some people think Ethiopia is the first place people lived long ago. It has a
long history. It is one of Africa’s oldest countries. At first, there were different parts of
this place. Different people led each part. Then it became one country. More than
150 years ago, one person united the country. He was the emperor.
Other African countries became colonies. That means they were taken over
by other countries. Ethiopia did not have that problem. More than 100 years ago, the
army of Ethiopia fought for freedom. They won that fight.
Ethiopia has important resources. It has gold. It has good land for farming.
Many people farm. Many raise animals. They sell the food they raise.
Many people raise very beautiful flowers. They grow them. They sell them.
The flowers are important. People in other countries buy them. Some of the roses
people buy in the United States may have come all the way from Ethiopia!
Long ago when people first settled in Ethiopia it looked very different. There
were not many people. People lived by hunting and getting food that grew there.
Today, some people live in small places. Others live in big cities. They all know they
live in a very special country.
If you visit Ethiopia, you will be glad you came. You will meet wonderful
people. You will see many different places. Each place is very special. You will be in
a country that has a very important history. You will be in a country with a great

Statement Proof Signal Words Fact/Opinion





Quarter: 2_ Week: 3
MELC: Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion
Note to the Teacher:
(Government Property. Not for sale)

Directions: Identify the types of claims. Choose whether it is a fact, policy, or value.
_________1. Rebuilding flooded homes in flood plains is a poor decision.
_________2. Students’ cellphone should be collected by office personnel when
they enter school.
________ 3. Imposing harsh prison sentences and fines for non-violent crimes is wrong.
________ 4. Providing students with devices that they use in the classroom is better than
allowing them to use their cell phones in class.
________ 5. Mac computers are more reliable than PC’s.

Directions: Identify the types of claims. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Zoos help save endangered species with captive breeding programs.

A. Fact B. Value C. Policy D. Treat
2. Cell phones pull students away from learning.
A. Fact B. Value C. Policy D. Issue
3. The speed limit on Montana's highways should be lowered.
A. Fact B. Value C. Policy D. Manner
4. The right thing to do is to support this year's school fundraiser.
A. Fact B. Value C. Policy D. Manner
5. Going solar to power our lives and our communities with clean, renewable, local
energy, is far better than depending on fossil fuels.
A. Fact B. Value C. Policy D. Manner

Directions: Give their meanings by using a graphic organizer similar to the one below.
Choose two of these given topics. For each topic, create a proposition of fact, value, and
policy on the same topic.

• Sentencing juveniles in adult court
• Saving the environment
• Banning fraternities and sororities
on campus
• Vegetarian lifestyle Types

Quarter: 2 Week: 4
MELC: Formulate claims of fact, policy, and value

Note to the Teacher:

(Government Property. Not for sale)


Directions: Analyze and determine what type of claim are the following statements.
Write your answer in the appropriate label on the graphic organizer below.

1. We should do the right thing to do is to support this year's school fundraiser.

2. Keeping animals locked away in zoos, no matter how nice they are, is unethical and
3. Providing students with devices that they can use in the classroom is better than allowing
them to use their cell phones in class.
4. Millions of bees are dying off with alarming consequences for our environment and our
food supply.
5. Putting dirty, contaminated hands on your face can lead to an infection.
6. Sleep helps your body to recover, lowers stress, and is an essential survival mechanism.

Fact Policy


Quarter: 2 Week: 4
MELC: Formulate claims of fact, policy, and value
Note to the Teacher:
(Government Property. Not for sale

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