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1) What is an ABAP dictionary?

ABAP dictionary is a central data management system.ABAP dictionary defines and manages all data
definations used in the is completely integrated in ABAP workbench. ie all the other
components of the work bench can actively access the definitions and stored in ABAP dictionary.
Role of Data Dictionary:
1.It is used to create data definitions or data types globally so that all programs in SAP R/3 system can
access them.
2. The ABAP dictionary also provides tools for editing screen fields (e.g., for assigning a field an input
help i.e. F4 help).
2) What is Domain?
It describes the technical properties of a table field sush as Data type & length Domain defines value
range which helps the user to enter the values b/w this range and also single domain can be used for more
than one field.
3) What is Data Element?
Ans:-It describes the semantic definition of the table field like description of field.Data element describes
how field can be displayed to end-user
4) What are the types of tables in SAP?
Ans:-Transparent Table:-It stored Master Data.It maintain the 1-1 relationship with database ,1-1
relationship means if you create database table dictionary structure same fields same fields and same
structures maintain into the data base.
Pooled Table:-Pooled table maintain and store the screen elements.It maintain 1-n relationship
Clustred Table:-Cluster table stores the continous test such as Documentation.It maintains 1-n
relationship with database.
MASTER DATA--master data :data which is seldomly changed. Company Master, Material Master
Transaction Data:Data which changes frequently.example is goods in ware house data which change after
every purchase order.Purchase order, Goods Receipt
5) What is ABAP Repository?
It is the special memory area in the data base of SAP R/3 System where all the programs develop with the
help of ABAP workbemch are stored
6) What is a keyword & types?
It is a First word of an ABAP statements which determins the meaning of entire statement diff types of
keywords 1. Declarative
2.Control Key words
7) What is Variable?
Variable is a DATA OBJECT which stores some data & the value of variable keeps on changing
throughout an execution of a program
8) What is Table Statements?
It creates a variable with the same&structure as DB table known as Implicit work area.Ex: Tables:
If you use table statements it will provide the work are of the given table.declare any fields of table name
in Selection- screen withour declaring the table name in TABLE STATEMENTS It will give error.
Ex:- select-options :S_matnr like MARA-matnr---This statement will give error.
Tables: MARA.
select-options :S_matnr like MARA-matnr---It means it will occupy some are.
9) What is Constants?
Constants are data objects which contains value at the time of declaration only & the value of the constant
remains unchanged through out the execution of a program.
10) What is delivery class?
Delivery Class: The delivery class controls the transport of table data wheninstalling or upgrading, in a
client copy and when transporting between customersystems. The delivery class is also used in the
extended tablemaintenance.
A -----Application table (master and transaction data)
C -----Customizing table, maintenance only by cust., not SAP import
L -----Table for storing temporary data, delivered empty
G -----Customizing table, protected against SAP Upd., only INS all.
E -----Control table, SAP and customer have separate key areas
S -----System table, maint. only by SAP, change = modification
11) What is foreign key?
A key defined for a field of a table is primary key of another field,foregin key used to establish
relationship b/w two tables.
12) What is value table?
Tables specified in the definition of a domain and is checked against all field that points to this domain
13) When value table becomes check table?
While establishing foregin key relationship b/w value table and check table,if at the domain level value
table is provided then the system will propose that value table as check table if you accept this proposal
then value table will becomes check table
If you define a foreign key for a field that points to this domain where value table is attached then the
value table is proposed as check table for foreign key table
14) Technical settings
What is data class?
Data Class: The data class defines the physical area of the database (for ORACLEthe TABLESPACE) in
which your table is logically stored. If you choose a dataclass correctly, your table will automatically be
assigned to the correct areawhen it is created on the database.
The most important data classesare (other than the system data):
APPL0 Master data
APPL1 Transaction data
APPL2 Organizational and customizing data

Size category:-It described the size of DB table that is the maximum no of records a DB table can
store ..differnt size of categories 0-6
15) What is Buffring?
Ans:-Buffering:-It speed up the data acess by temporarly storing the most frequent accessed data in the
RAM of application server.
Advantages:-1.The program which uses the buffring are will run fastes as it avoids the n/w traffic toward
DB & load on data base tables.
2:-The other program performance also increases as there is less traffic towards DB & load on to
Database table.
Full Buffring:-The complete DB tabel is buffered in Buffer area
Single Buffring:-Single Record is Buffring
Generic Buffring:-Multiple records are buffered based on keyfield
16) What is Enhancement Category?
Enhancement Category: Structures and tables that were defined by SAP in the ABAPDictionary can be
enhanced subsequently by customers using Customizing includes or append structures.Theenhancements
do not only refer to structures/ tablesthemselves, but also to dependent structures that adopt the
enhancement as aninclude or referenced structure. Append structures that only take effect at theend of the
original structure can also cause shifts - in the case of dependentstructures - even within these structures
17) What is diff b/w Include & Append structure?
Include Append
1.It is used to add come extra fields only to ztable 1.It is used to add some extra fields to both
(Custom table) custom and Standard DB Table.
2.With include structure if you add some extra 2.There is no need to go to DB utility.
fields we need to go with DB Utility.
3.With Include structure you can add extra fields 3.With append structure you can add extra
any where in the table definition fields only at the end of table and field name
should be starts with ZZ or YY

18) What is database utility?

Ans:-It is an interface b/w ABAP dictionary and database system,Which allows you to create, convert &
delete the ABAP dictionary objects to db system.

19) What is Table Maintence generator?

The table maintenance generator is used to create the table maintenance program to Add,Modify or delete
records in data base table.Transaction code :Se54 or SM30 or Se11
sm50 is the transaction for table maintainance generator
it is used to add multiple entries in to the data base
throw sm54 we can create table maintainace generator and 
some times it a is used for transporting also.se57
00156-SAP Table Maintenance Generator (TMG) is a tool to generate a table maintenance program i.e. it
will generate
a program to maintain (Create, Edit & Delete) entries in a table.
20) What is Search help?
It is used to define input help for a screen field it is standradfinction of the r/3 system.It permits the user
to display a list of possible value for a screen field.And we have two types of search helps
1.Elementrary search help
2.Collective search help
21) What is lock object ?
Ans:-   Lock Objects used to synchronize access of several users using same data. (or)
It prevents several users to change the data records at the same time.Lock objects are created in ABAP
Dictionary&when you active it system automatically generate two function modules such as
1.Enque_<Lock_object_name>--->It will set the lock.
2.Dequeue_<Lock_object_name>--->It release the lock.
Lock Modes: Exclusive Lock:-The locked data will be edited & displayed to the single user,other lock
requests are rejected.
Shared lock:-The locked data will be available to more than one user but only display mode.Another
shared lock request is accepted even if its come from different users.Other lock request are rejected.
Exclusive But not Cumulative:-Exclusive lock can be put several no of times for the same transaction
where as exclusive but not cumulative can be requested only once for the same transacion.Other lock
request are rejected.
22) What is view?
A data of a particular application is distributed in more than one table,so to get the data of particular
application which is distributed in more than one table we'll go with views
1.Database view
2.Projection view
3.Maintance view
4.Help view
23) What is type Group?
If you want to define global constants, you have to use a type group. We can define Data types in a Type
Group in ABAP Dictionay Instead of defining them within a ABAP program and types in a type group
must be declared in ABAP/4 Programs
24) What is index?
Ans:-Index is a copy of database table that is reduced to certain fields.This copy is always in sorted
form.Sorting provides faster access to the data records of the table
Primary index:-System will automatically cretesnprimary index when you create a table and what exactly
25) When will you use secondary index?
Ans:-If you fetch tha data based on Non-Unique keys then the performance decreases,to increase the
performance of the program we need to create secondary index for the non-unique key fields in the
database table . and we need to use them in the where condition of select statement.
They are allowed only for transparent tables. All business data and application data are stored in
transparent tables.
Essentially, maximum three fields per index, and maximum 6 indexes per table will produce the desired
You can use the following code to select the index of your choice for table access:
Syntax:- SELECT
* FROM <Table>
%_HINTS ORACLE 'INDEX("<Table Name>" "<Table Name>~<Index Id>")'
For E.g.

26) What is Search Help Exit?

Ans:- Search help exits are used to restrict the standard search help returned values according to users’

27) What is the difference between structure and view?

Ans:-Structure:-A structure is the logical template to a database table. it defines about the fields,
corresponding data element and domain and doesn't contain any data.
View:-A view is a collectionof all or selected fields of one or more database tables based on its
definitation. they contain data at runtime.

Project view is a view to project some fields of the table , that is if you want only few fields of the table
then create a project view of that table.

Maintenance view used OUTER JOIN so this is used to enter data into multiple tables using the SM30

HELP VIEW also uses OUTER JOIN and is used as a selection method of Search helps. Basically you
will give some selection conditions here if you want to rsitrcit the data.

Databae view uses INNER JOIN and it is basically to read data from multiple tables.

Search help exit
Creation of search help
Different ways Assign of search help
Table maintance generator

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