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1. Answer the following questions according to the Reading s context and your own project.

a) The four functions of management are only important to achieve the enterprise s goals? What other important activity are the functions of management to? Write part of text where you infer that. b) In your own words describe the meaning of the following sentences: Well plan is half done . c) Why planning is different to guess? d) According to the text state three quantitative and three qualitative objectives for your project. e) Do you think that the formulation of derivate plans are the same of describe specific aims? Why? f) What is the main of advantage of planning process that you emphasize in the reading? g) What disadvantage do you consider the most negative term to the planning?

ANSWERS a) No, the four function of a management are important for somebody that isn t manager, becausethese four steps will can use to help us to achieve the goals in our life much faster, easier and better. Other important activity that is important of management is the leading function; we can find it in the next sentences of the reading: when managers motivates subordinates, influence individuals or team as they work .. So we should have a trust and good aptitude with ourtask and goals. b) The meaning of well plan half done is, if we have a good planning the half of our job or the most part of our job like managers it will be made, it s because in our planning are set the goals and how going to do it. c) Planning is different to guess,because planning mean set real goals, establish strategies to for achieving those real goals; guess only mean set goals that aren t related with our company or our project.

d) The threequantitative and qualitative objectives for our project are: Quantitative Have quality and certificated workers. Offer good wages to ours workers. Have a good numbers (three or more) of women workers, because in this business women are excluded. Qualitative Offer and sell quality products in our project, sell computer with good guaranties and new technology. Distribute and sell new technology to our market. Have a good labor climate at the company.

e) No, we don t. The formulation of derivate plans aren t the same of describe specific aims, because derivateplans are detail plan that includes policies, procedures, rules, programmes, schedule and others. Derivate plans help us to achieve de objectives. Objectives are the goals, derivate plans are the way. f) The main advantages of planning that we emphasize in the reading are this. y Planning helps in reduced uncertainties of futures as it involves anticipation of future events, because in the planning, we find the possible mistake and difficulties that we can have in a future. Planning help in the economies, because planning facilities optimum utilization of resources, and this is a main advantages if our company doesn t have enough money to star. Planning begins with determination of objectives, these are very important because if we set objectives, we will know how we can achieve the goals.

g) The main disadvantage we consider the most negative term to the planning are: y Planning has tendency to make administration inflexible, in this case we have a serious problem if in our company we don t have a manager that be creative and flexible to find the problem and others way to achieve the goals. y Planning maybe used to serve individual interest rather than the interest of the enterprise. y Elaborate planning may create a false sense of security and we can disregard the enterprise and not get the goals.

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