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Prepared by Tiruneh Engida

Environment Social Safe guard Specialist

Yitayal wodaje Social Safe gaured Office

September, 2022

Debre Markos

1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................3
2. Description of the project area................................................................................................................3
3. Objectives................................................................................................................................................3
4. Methodology...........................................................................................................................................3
5. Environmental and social screening........................................................................................................3
5.1 Environmental screening...................................................................................................................4
Table1. Site selection:..................................................................................................................................4
Table 2. Checklist of impacts.......................................................................................................................5
Table 3.detailed questions:.........................................................................................................................5
Categorization and recommendations........................................................................................................7
5.2 Social safeguards screening...............................................................................................................8
Table 4: Site Selection:................................................................................................................................8
Table 5: Detailed questions.........................................................................................................................9
6. Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................10

1. Introduction

Debremarkos town has planned different infrastructure and service delivery projects under its
capital investment projects. Those projects will finance by world bank /UIIDP/, city
administration and other development partners. Constructing Kebele 5 office through Abriham
Asefa residence and Migbar residence to Arsema river one from the projects which the town has
planned in different kebeles of the town administration. The implementation of this project will
create employment opportunities. However the project may have negative environmental and
social impacts. Therefore before implement the proposed project considering/take it in to
account/ environmental issues through environmental and social impact assessment/ESIA/, it is
mandatory to conduct ESIA, every project passes through screening process which provide basic
information about the project whether the project need EIA or not and to determine the schedule
of the project.The screening conducted based on environmental and social management guide
line/ESMG/.To indicate the risk of causing undesirable environmental and social effects by
rating the sensitivity of the proposed site, using impact identification and classification, checklist
of impacts and detailed questionnaires are important.

2. Description of the project area

The project is located at 05 kebele administration. The city administration has a plan to construct
775 M length drainage in order to improve road passage. .The project benefitsthe surrounding

3. Objectives
The objectives of the screening process of the project is to determine whether the project need
EIA or not and to know the level at which the project fall.

4. Methodology
The methodology used to carry out this screening process includes site visit, ULG report,
reviewing of guidelines.

5. Environmental and social screening

According to environmental and social guideline the screening process has two components.
Environmental screening and social safeguard screening, the screening process help to determine
the schedule of the project. The project is evaluated based on the screening form.

5.1 Environmental screening
The screening determine the schedule of the project whether the project needs EIA or not by
using different checklist.

ULG construction works project name Kebele 5 office through Abriham Asefa residence
and Migbar residence to Arsema river

Location/include map/ Amhara region, D/Markos city administration

Type of activity new construction

Estimated cost 3 494 398.41 Birr

Proposed date of works commencement November,2022

Technical and specification reviewed /circle answer/ Yes No

Table1. Site selection:

Physical data Yes/no answer and bullet lists
preferred except where
descriptive details essential.
Site area in m 775m
Extension of, changes to existing alignment No
Any existing property to transfer to project No
Any plans for new construction Yes
Table2. Impact identification and classification

Issues Site sensitivity

Low Medium High

Natural habitats 
Water quality , water resource availability and 
Natural hazards vulnerability ,flood, soil 
Cultural property 
Involuntary resettlement 
Indigenous peoples 

Table 2. Checklist of impacts
Roads Potential for adverse impacts
None Low Medium high unknown
Soil erosion or flooding concerns/ e.g, highly 
erodible soil or steep gradients/
Number of stream crossings disturbances 
Wet season excavation 
Creation of quarry sites or borrow pits 

Significant vegetation removal 

Wildlife habitats or populations disturbed 

Environmentally sensitive areas disturbed 
Cultural or religious sites disturbed 
Economic or physical resettlement required 
New settlement pressures created 

Table 3.detailed questions:

1.Preminary environmental information : yes/no answers and bullet listspreferred except
where descriptive detail is essential
State the sources of information available at the stage /ULG report, ULG report and
ESIA or other environmental study/ observation
Has there been litigation complaints of any environmental nature No
directed against the proponent or ULG construction works project
2. identify type of activities and likely Yes/no answers and bullet lists preferred
environmental impacts: except where descriptive detail is essential
What are the likely environmental impacts, Environmental impact
opportunities, risks and liabilities associated *soil erosion
with the project Opportunity
*employment opportunity
3. Determine environmental screening category: Yes/no answers and bullet lists preferred

except where descriptive details essential.
After compiling the above, determine which category the ULG 2
construction works falls, based on environmental impact categories
1 ,2, and 3.
4. Mitigation of potential pollution: Yes/no answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive details essential.
Does an ULG construction works project have potential to pollute the No
environment, or contradict any environmental laws and regulations?
Will the ULG construction works project require pesticides use? NO
If so, then the proposal must detail the methodology and equipment -
incorporated in the design to constrain pollution within the laws and
regulations and to address pesticide use, storage and handling
Does the design adequately detail mitigating measures -
5. Environmental Assessment Report or environmental studies required: Yes/No answers and bullet
lists preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
If Screening identifies environmental issues that require an ESIA or a study, No
does the proposal include the ESIA or study?
Indicate the scope and time frame of any outstanding environmental study. September
Required Environmental Monitoring Plan: No
If the screening identifies environmental issues that require long term or No
intermittent monitoring (effluent, gaseous discharges, water quality, soil
quality, air quality, noise etc.), does the proposal detail adequate monitoring
6. Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
where descriptive detail is essential
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, the public to be Yes
informed, consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? Yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation process. -
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia. -
7. Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail is
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG construction works No

How will the proponent go about land purchase? No
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, therefore requiring some No
form of compensation?
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require compensation and No
resettlement assistance?
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Resettlement Process, No
involving a census, valuation, consultation, compensation, evaluation and
What level or type of compensation is planned? -
Who will monitor actual payments? -

Categorization and recommendations

Schedule 1 Project to be fed into the standard ESIA process determined by MEF

Schedule 2 Project will not require an ESIA, but will necessitate the inclusion of
 environmental and social mitigation and enhancement measures in the
design and implementation of the project through the use of standard
construction contract clauses and an environmental management plan
Schedule 3 Project is not subject to environmental assessment as no potential
impacts are anticipated.

Prepared by Tiruneh Engida

Environment Social Safe guard Specialist

Sign ---------------------------------


5.2 Social safeguards screening
The social impact screening using checklists gives us general information about the project
social impact.

UIIDP investment project name: Kebele 5 office through Abriham Asefa residence and
Migbar residence to Arsema river

Location (include map/sketch): Amhara region, D/ Markos city administration

Type of activity : new construction

Estimated Cost: (Birr) 3 494 398.41 Birr

Proposed Date of Works Commencement November,2022

Technical Drawing and Specifications (circle Yes No

Reviewed : answer):

Table 4: Site Selection:

Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
Physical data:
descriptive detail is essential.
Site area in m 775 m

Extension of or changes to existing alignment No

Any existing property to transfer to project No

Any plans for new construction Yes

Table 6: Impact identification and classification:

Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High

Involuntary resettlement 

Checklist of impacts

Potential for Adverse Impacts

ULG infrastructure & services: Roads, Footpaths &
Street lighting, Water supply, etc.
None Low Med High Unknown

Economic or physical resettlement required 

New settlement pressures created 
Other (specify): 

Table 5: Detailed questions
Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential.
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, the public to be informed, yes
consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation process. September
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia.
Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail is
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG investment project? -
How will the ULG go about land purchase? -
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, therefore requiring some form of No
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require compensation and resettlement No
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Resettlement Process, involving a -
census, valuation, consultation, compensation, evaluation and monitoring?
What level or type of compensation is planned? -
Who will monitor actual payments? -
List outstanding actions to be cleared before ULG investment project appraisal. -
Approval/rejection . approval
If proposal is rejected for environmental reasons, should the ULG investment project -
be reconsidered, and what additional data would be required for reconsideration?

Requires an RAP is to be submitted on date

Requires an Census & Land Inventory to be

submitted on date
 Does not require further environmental or social

Prepared by Yitayal wodaje

Social Safe guard Specialist

Sign -------------------------


6. Conclusion
Different infrastructure and service delivery projects planned by Debre Markos city
administration and from those projects Kebele 5 office through Abriham Asefa residence and
Migbar residence to Arsema river drainage projects is one of them. The implementation of the
project will have positive impact and it may also have negative impact on the environment.
Considering environmental and social impact assessment is important and mandatory before
implementing the project using environmental and social management guideline. According to
the guideline every project should pass through screening process which determines the schedule
of the project and the process has two components environmental and social screening having
different checklists. According to the screening process the proposed drainage project falls under
schedule 2, Project will not require further environmental studies


Name ----------------------------

Date -------------------------------

Signature --------------------------


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