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MMC 2007 Grade 6 Regionals 1

E1 What is the sum of the largest prime number less than 100 and the smallest prime number greater than
100? [198]
E2 If 3.05 × 76.9 = 234.545, what is 30.5 × 7.69? [234.545]
E3 What 2 digits may be placed in the blank 735 28__ to make it divisible by 6? [2 or 8]
E4 If of the area of a rectangle is 84 cm2 , what is one-half of the area? [63 cm2 ]
E5 In a Grade 6 class of 45 pupils, 80% got a grade of 80 and below. How many pupils got a grade of 80 and
below? [36]
E6 For every 9 garlands that Jane can make, Ann can make 8. If Ann made 56 one afternoon, how many
garlands did the two make? [119]
E7 A 16 cm by 12 cm picture was enlarged so that its dimensions increased by 25%. What are the dimen-
sions of the enlarged picture? [20 cm by 15 cm]
E8 Give the smallest and the largest numbers that round to 250 to the nearest tens. [245; 254]
E9 Carla bought green mangoes at ₧20 a dozen and sold them at 3 for ₧8. If she sold 20 dozens, how much
did she gain? [₧240]
E10 What is the smallest multiple of 7 that is divisible by 13? [91]
EX What is MCMXCIV in Hindu-Arabic? [1994]
A1 Five consecutive odd numbers have a sum of 215. What is the largest number? [47]
A2 A piece of plastic sheet is 3 m by 2 m. How many 6 dm by 5 dm pieces can be cut from it? [20]
A3 What is the smallest number by which you can multiply 2520 to make it a perfect square? [70]
A4 What digit can be placed in 52 14__ to make it divisible by 7? [3]
A5 A stove marked ₧1750 was bought for ₧1505. What was the percent of discount? [14%]
AX What is the sum of 137 and the quotient of 540 divided by 12? [182]
D1 A distance of 65 km is represented on a map by 8 cm. To the nearest tenth of a cm, how long is a line
representing 95 km? [11.7 cm]
3 1
D2 A train travels 60 km in hour. If it maintains the same average speed, how far will it travel in 2 hours?
4 2
[200 km]
D3 A cube of side 4 dm is made up of individual 1 dm cubes. How many of the 1 dm cubes are face-to-face
with exactly 4 other cubes? [24]
D4 A grass lawn is 85 cm by 60 cm. At each end of the length, there is a circular flower plot of radius 9 m.
What is the area covered by grass to the nearest square meter? [4591 m2 ]
D5 What is the smallest number that leaves a remainder of 5 when divided by 12, 14, and 18? [257]
MMC 2007 Grade 6 Regionals 2

DX What is the sum of the cubes of the first 3 odd prime numbers? [495]
TB1 What is the largest 3-digit number divisible by both 2 and 3? [996]
TB2 Each base angle of an isosceles triangle is 9○ more than vertex angle. Find each base angle. [63○ ]
TB3 A piece of rope 75 m long is cut into three pieces in the ratio 4 ∶ 5 ∶ 6. How long is the longest piece?
[30 m]
DoD A class of 25 stood in a circle. They counted off 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, . . .. Each student that counted 3 sat
down. After the third round of counting, how many students remained standing? [8]

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