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NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Digital Image Processing

Assignment- Week 3
Number of questions: 10 Total mark: 10 X 2 = 20


Which is first fundamental step in image processing?

a) Image registration
b) Image capture
c) Image enhancement
d) Image restoration

Correct Answer: b.

Detailed Solution:

Image capturing is the first fundamental step in image processing.

Hence option b is correct.

NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


Which of the following transformation matrix corresponds to rotation about z-axis in the
anticlockwise direction?

 cos   sin  0 0 
 sin  cos  0 0 
a)  
 0 0 1 0 
 
 0 0 0 1 
 1 0 0 0 
 0 cos  sin  0 
b)  
 0 sin   cos  0 
 
 0 0 0 1 
 1 0 0 0 
 0 cos  sin  0 
c)  
 0 sin  cos  0 
 
 0 0 0 1 
 cos  sin  0 0 
 sin  cos  0 0 
d)  
 0 0 1 0 
 
 0 0 0 1 
Correct Answer: a.
Detailed Solution:

Transformation matrix corresponds to rotation about z-axis in anticlockwise direction is given as

 cos   sin  0 0 
 sin  cos  0 0 

 0 0 1 0 
 
 0 0 0 1 

Hence option a is correct.

NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


A pin-hole camera with focal length 0.08 m is placed at a height of 2.0 m and is looking vertically
downwards to take images of the XY plane. If the size of the image sesnsor plate is 5mm x 5mm,
find the area on the XY plane that can be imaged.
a) 1728 mm2
b) 15625 mm2
c) 6912 mm2
d) None of the above

Correct Answer: b.

Detailed Solution:

Consider one-dimension view of sensor plate,

Using similar triangles,

2.5mm 0.08m

x 2.0m
On simplifying, x  62.5mm
Total length in x-direction, 2x  125mm

Similarly, we compute total width in y-direction, 2 y  125mm

Therefore total area that can be imaged = 2 x * 2 y  125 *125mm2  15625mm2

Hence option b is correct.

NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


Digitizing coordinates of image is called _____________.

a) Quantization.
b) Framing.
c) Sampling.
d) Both a and b.

Correct Answer: c.

Detailed Solution:

Digitizing coordinates of image is called sampling.

Hence option c is correct.

NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


The ________________ deals with the conversion of three dimensional world co-ordinate to two
dimensional image.

a) Rotation
b) Projective Transformation
c) Nonlinear mapping
d) Perspective Transfomation

Correct Answer: d.

Detailed Solution:

The prespective transformation deals with the conversion of three dimensional world co-ordinate to
two dimensional image.

Hence option d is correct.

NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


For a camera with focal length of 0.05, find out the locus of the points which will be imaged at
location (0.5, -0.3) on the Image plane. Assume the camera coordinate system and world coordinate
system to be perfectly aligned.
a) X = 0.5  10Z, Y = - 0.3  6Z
b) X = 0.2 – 5Z, Y = - 0.3 + 6Z
c) X = 0.5 - 10Z, Y = - 0.3  6Z
d) X = 0.2 – 4Z, Y = - 0.3 + 7Z

Correct Answer: c.
Detailed Solution:

By using pin-hole camera geometry equations,

x y
X  0    Z  and Y  0    Z  , where  X , Y , Z  are world coordinates,  is focal
 
length and  xo , yo  is image coordinates. Using these two equations we get,
X = 0.5 - 10Z, Y = - 0.3  6Z

Hence option c is correct.

NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


Two identical cameras having focal length of 0.01m are used for stereo imaging. If the camera
displacement along X axis is 8.0 cm, left image point corresponding to a world point W is (0.2 mm,
0.8 mm) and the corresponding right image point is (0.4 mm, 0.8 mm), find out the 3-D location of
W with respect to a world coordinate system aligned with the coordinate system of the left camera.

a) (8cm, 32cm, -399 cm)

b) (-8cm, -32cm, -398cm)
c) (4cm, 8cm, -398cm)
d) (-4cm, -8cm, -398cm)

Correct Answer: a.

Detailed Solution:

λ =0.01m, x2 = 0.4mm, x1 = 0.2mm, B = 8.0cm. Displacement is along x-axis, so by using standard

expression for depth in stereo geometry,
Z= λ , substituting the above values we get Z = -399cm
 x 2  x1 
For X and Y with respect to left camera, we use the following relations

x0 y0
X    Z  and Y    Z  ,
 

Substituting Z = -399cm we get X = 8cm and Y = 32cm.

Hence option a is correct.

NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


Which of the following is correct transformation of a 3-D point (X, Y, Z) into image co-ordinates
(x, y)? Assume  is the wavelength.
I. x
II. y
III. x
IV. y

a. I and II
b. I and IV
c. III and IV
d. All of the above

Correct Answer: c.

Detailed Solution:

Using the prespective transformation, we obtain

λX λY
x , y
λZ λZ
Hence option c is correct.
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


Which of the following is correct?

I. Perspective transformation is one to one mapping.

II. Perspective transformation is many to one mapping.
III. Geometrical transformations are commutative.

a) Only I
b) Only II
c) I and III
d) II and III

Correct Answer: b.

Detailed Solution:

Perspective transformation mapping of point a 3D world to point c in the image plane is not a one
to one mapping. Rather it is a many to one mapping because all the 3-D points that lies on the
straight line passing through imaging coordinate and camera center is imaged on same imaging

Geometrical transformations are matrix operations, product of two matrices is not always

Hence option b is correct.

NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


The figure 1 is translated by vector [1, 1]. What is the transformed figure?

Figure 1




d) N

Correct Answer: b.

Detailed Solution:
1 0 1 
 1
Translation matrix = 0 1  1 . Using these, if we transform   then first convert it
  1
0 0 1 
 1
to homogenous coordinate system  1  .
 
 1 
 h1  1 0 1  1
 
Now apply the transformation, h 2   0 1 1  1  , on simplification we get the
 h 3  0 0 1  1 
 
h1 h2
transformed point, x'   0 , y'   0 . In this way we can find out other points, hence
h3 h3
option b is correct.

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