7 Highlighting The Factors That Influenced Your Decision

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7 highlighting the factors that influenced There is a chain of events, or a domino

your decision effect associated with everything decision

we make. The bigger the decision, the more
1. Investigate the situation and detail.
life-changing and the bigger the impact of
2. Create a constructive environment.
the chain of events will be for the decision-
3. Generate good alternatives. maker and the people surrounding them. The
impact can be positive or negative and there
4. Explore your options.
is always a consequence.
5. Select the best solution.
B. When do you know that you're doing a
6. Evaluate your plan.
sound decision?
7. Communicate your decision and act.
Signs that you made the right decision

Decision: Continue with whatever I started  You Weighted Out All of Your
and work harder, and I will fully accept Options
every trial I go through because in the end I  You Listened to Your Instincts
will also achieve success.  You can Imagine Positive Results
 Your Family and Friends Support
 You Thought of Long-Term
a most significant decision of my life? you
thought your request would not be fulfilled Consequences
but one day you prayed to God that you will  You Feel More Confident
not only get a request but also that you will  You Took a Considerable Amount of
be given a long life and you became
successful one day
 You Commit to Trusting Your Gut
without Regret
 Your Mind Is at Peace
A. Why should decision always be sound?
 Positive Things Begin to Unfold
Making sound decisions in your life is a
critical skill. The effects of good decision-
making change the world around us, the
world of the people around us, and our lives
as well.  From deciding not to buy bottled
water to standing up for the truth or
remaining quiet, the values we have shape
the decisions we make, and the decisions we
make shape the world we live in.

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