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Dorotheus of Sidon Carmen X strologicam translated by David Pingree Dorotheus of Sidon Carmen Astrologicum with charts, ables and index. translated by David Pingree (On the cover: From the Dead Sea Scrolls: Part ofa page of prayers and hymns. discovered ince ‘Thanks to Rob H 1 for his assistance a : escler Greenbaum, rights reserve 4 ISBN: 1.933303 14x ‘eof America 2124 Nicole Way ‘Abingdon. MD 21009, Contents Preface. : i (Page thers are according to the 1976 Pi The first book of Dorotheus: FROM THE STARS ON THE JUDGMENTS CONCERNING NATIVIT lot 162 163 5. On the superiority 164 6. The power of the seven planets... . 164 7 sand for whom there will be an upbringing not be known, 165 8. Knowle 167 om 167 10, Knowledge of what indic are slaves or free. ‘of how many 16. Knowledge of whether the native wi 17. Knowledge of how many will be born inherit his parents" oF no are judgments concerning the mat and propert 25. On the know! 26. The magni ide of fortune and property 27. ‘The decline of siatus and disaster, nT) 28. Knowledge of masculine and fer ‘western, and diurnal and noctu ‘The second book of Dorotheus: (On marriage and children he beginning of its beginning is from marr 4. The lot of marriage : 5. Knowledge of how many wives he will marry. § Knowledge ofthe lot of welding by day and by night 8 9, Knowledge of sodomy Knowledge of Knowledge of whether females or males are ‘more numerous 14 nes, if one ofthe pl Arrival of the 23. Arrival of Saturn in the places, 24, Arrival of Jy 25. Arrival of Mars in Arrival of Venus i °s house, Mars in another's house ‘of Venus in another's house. 32, Amvival of Mercury in another's house. - 33. On the arrival of the planets, one of them in the house of another. 234 ‘THE THIRD BOOK OF DOROTHEUS WHICH HE WROTE WITH RESPECT TO. ‘THE HAYLAJ AND THE KADHKHUDAH, WHICH ARE THE GOVERNOR AND ‘THE INDICATOR OF THE TIME OF THE YEARS OF LIFE. |. Governors and indicators of the years of life. sen DRS 2. The hayley DAD ‘THE FOURTH BOOK OF DOROTHEUS ON THE TRANSFER OF YEARS. 1. The transfer of years .n ‘THE FIFTH BOOK OF DOROTHEUS, ON INTERROGATIONS. ule or fom a man fora request 15, Ifyou want to write to a man or you want to teach aman a science or writing. 16. Marriage and m Yor 17. The courtship of a woman, and what occurs between a ‘wife and her husband when she quarrels and scolds and departs from ber house publicly. 18, A pregnant woman, if her child will die in her belly. payment for journey, 22, Departure from a journey 23. Buying a ship or building it 24. Commencing to build a ship, 25. Commencing to row the ship in the ws 26. “I'a book or a message or a letter” 27. Bondage and chai 28, Judgement about what ot be afterwards before a judge. which of the two will be successful oft be defeated. 34, “Concerning w will depart from his land”. 24s 262 263 263 263 264 267 267 267 268 269 269 270 270 an 21 2 275 216 276 218 278 29 281 282 282 286 287 289 290, 290, 291 292 292 296 Contents of Book Five, continued 35. If you want to know the matter of a theft that has been comin or Something that has been lost, whether he will possess 36, The runaway. 37. The treatment of spirits, 38. Someone wishes to eye ora covering over it oF ated with i 1 as Qitrinus the Sadwali say. Appendix 3: Index. Index of Charts titles are as given by Pingree ho sorted the Sexta Octava, ns Tenia, 4 296 307 314 314 315 ais 316 321 322 163) (169) (170) <7) 180 184 185, 186 186 187 188 188 3B 283 To Victor Stegemann Most excellent investigator of Dorot PREFACE Learned men! have very often examined the poem of Dorotheus, to which end they have used it as a foundation of the science of astrology, but who nevertheless were relying to a great extent only on Greek, Latin and Arabic fragments. you will find a new | never made accessible unt text from a Pahlavi source, The rk, composed in the t iy, Was transmitted together with lar books on Greek astrology to educated Persians in the Sassanid in the preface of his book, calls himself the king of Egypt and. however, we have testimony of both Firmicus Maternus and sus* that Dorothe though in Michael Ital books. We know in fact that Dorotheus was named as king of Egypt in a Pahlavi work made slation of the Pahlavi book of Zoroaster dating from about 750 However, eight nativities preserved in Book | inform us abou 124, 15-16. About the 11% hour before n chart computed longi Saturn Pisces 5 Pisces Pisces 9 Pisces Mars Virgo 11 Virgo Sun Aries TAties Venus Taurus 23 Aries Mercury Aries 13 Pisces, Moon Pisces 2B Ascendant Gemini ca, Preface 2. Secunda, 124, 12-14. About the 10 hour after noon, 31 October, year 12. atu Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury ‘Moon ‘Ascendant chart computed longitudes Scorpio 8 Scorpio bra 4 Libra Leo 18 Virgo Scorpio 7 Scorpio Virgo 2 Libra Scorpio 25 Scorpio Libra 9 Libra Cancer ca. 10 p.m, 3. Tertia. 124, 5-6. About noon, 26 January, year 13. Saturn Jupiter Mars Mercury Moon Ascends chart computed lon Scorpio 17 Scorpio Libra 15 Libra Scorpio ‘Aquarius Pisces Aquarius Sagittarius 17 Sagittarius Aries ca. noon ‘was placed on the other side of the Sun, 4. Quarta, 124, 17-19. About the 2" hour after midnight, 25 November, year 14, Saturn Jupiter Mars dl ‘computed longitudes Scorpio Sagittarius Sagittarius 28 Scorpio Capricom 17 Libra Scorpio 2 Sagittarius Sagittarius 9 Sagittarius Scorpio 25 Scorpio Gemini 5 Gemini Virgo ca, 2am. in square to itself. 5. Quima, 124, 7-8. About noon, 30 March, year 22. ‘computed longitudes 29 Aquarius 10 Cancer a 15 Cancer Aries TAties Venus 21 Aquarius Mercury U1 Aries Moon 22 Cancer Ascendant ca. noon ‘Venus was placed opposite [to its position} 6. Sexta. 121, 14-20. About noon, 2 May, year 29. chart computed Satu Taurus 27 Taurus Jupiter Aquarius 29 Aquarius Mars Gemini 29 Taurus Taurus (0 Taurus = 19 Taurus Taurus 2 Taurus Taurus Ascendant Leo ca. noon 7. Septima. 124, 9-11. About the 8" h Saturn Venus Mercury Moon Scorpio Ascendant Scorpio 8. Octava. 124, 2-4, About the 2" hour aft chart Saturn Scorpio Jupiter Taurus M Aquarius Sun Leo Venus Leo Mercury Moon Scorpio Ascendant Gemini Mars was again placed in square to itself. 17 Scorpio ca. 8 p.m, ‘was placed on the other side of the Sun ight, 2 August, year 43, ‘computed longitudes 19 Scorpio 18 Taurus. 9 Scorpio 7 Leo Scorpio 2am. Preface Fromall of these it appears that Dorotheus flourished from about the year 25 to the year 75. One must not believe Simon of Phares, a 15 century astrologer from Lyon, who relates that our Dorotheus was one and the same as the son of Nathanael whom Josephus (Ant. Iud. 20, 14) included among the ‘envoys sent by the Judaeans to the Emperor Claudius in the year $1.! We will pass over other stories about Dorotheus related not only by Simon but by other \riters of the middle and mote recent ages; we are examining here only genuine Dorotheus? irms that his doctrines are drawn from Babylonian and Yet itis evident that he owes all his doctrines to a science nistic age, and not more ancient. We have earned that he cited Hermes Trismegi astrology were widely kno opinions of Vettius Valens, astrologer of Antioch atthe end of the 2! century, have been inserted; these are not found in his Anthology which has been ed, but seem to be posed by some learned ted the Greek text into Pahlavi or already read a translation; for it is easy o perceive that he has used the work of Vettius Valens.* Therefore we have litle for sure about the sources ‘of Dorotheus, but at this time we will consider many which ate derived from his work. Manetho, bom 80 A.D.” tried in his poem on astrology" to explain in many verses the doctrines of Dorotheus; they will not be noted here since his poem, edited first by Koechly, may have to be corrected. Somewhat later, the clegiac poet Anubio copied the work of Dorotheus, of which an ancie: paraphrase of the verses composed on the aspects and places of the planets was published later. In about 350, Firmicus Maternus turned the greatest part, it seems, of Anubio's poem into Latin in Books 5 and 6 of the Maihesis.’ Third in order, Maximus, a poet of uncertain timeframe, follows Dorotheus primi im his book entitled On Inceptions (Peri KatarchM ‘n).? All fragments of the ‘work of Dorotheus from these three poets will be found preserved in a new edition, now begun, oftheir poems Hephaistio of Thebes composed three books of Apotelesmatics about 415," n which he transmits very many fragments of Dorotheus which are collected for us in this volume. Likewise the most expert astrologer Rhetotius, falsely called the Egyptian, in my opinion, followed the trail of Dorotheus closely. Preface His work, in very many hand-written codices is inscribed “Explan narrative of every astronomical eraft from the Thesaurus of Antioch only one, more recent copy, “Exposition and explanation of Rhetorius ‘concerning the aforesaid twelve zodiac signs and other different things from the fe purest text preserved to us in Codices L and R to make an almost complete edition In chapter 110 a nativity of 24 February 601 is found: chart ‘computed lo Saturn 26 Scorpio 14 Scorpio Jupiter 3 Taurus 6 Taurus Mars 19 Taurus 21 Taurus Sun 20Pisces 9 Pisces Venus 27 Gemini Mercury 17 Pisces Moon 24 Virgo Venus ined by its own place. Rhetorius therefore seems to have flourished at the begi century; they err who assert that he lived inthe 6" century." Also, many chapters of “Rhetorius” were inserted, translated into Lat book we judge was translated from Greek in the 13 ig of the 7* Among Byzant 1e astrologers of the 10%, ‘must be mentioned: one discussed the the work of Dorotheus, two prima geniture of Constantine Porphyrogenitus, born 3 September 905,® the other computed a natal chart and return of the same person, the 10° hour after noon, 13 October 1011, and the former after noon on 11 October 984.4 Geniture: Saturday, 11 October of the year of the world 6493 ind. 13, hart ‘computed longitudes 15; 9 Scorpio 19 Scorpio 22; 54 Virgo 26 Virgo 29 Cancer 20; 17 Libra 24 Libra 9; 33 Virgo 15 Virgo Mercury 22; 26 Libra 29 Libra Moon 19; 9 Aries. 1 Aries Dragon’s Head Aquarius 20 Aquarius Preface ‘Ascendant 7; 28 Gen ca.9 p.m, Return: 13 October, 6/7 hour, year of the world 6520 Chart computed longitudes 17 Libra 25 Libra 6 Sagittari 17 Libra 25 Libra 9 Virgo 9 Scorpio BAries a. 10/11 am. ‘Mars was put in the place of Mercury and Mercury in the place of Mars. ho another genuine fragment! repeated the many Pseudo-Dorothean ones drawn from Arabie sources. On the Arabic Text of Dorothens agree that in the book of Zoroaster the work of Dorotheu m refers’ to a history composed by Ibn Nawbal id into Persian, works which had been destroyed in his own, kingdom; which work Sabur ibn Ardashir also supported. Among the books Preface writer King of Egypt, Dorotheus of Syi city of Athens, which works Kista Anushin n antiquity and then translated were works of Hermes of Babylon former i, Cedrus (Cedrenus?) of Greece, from the , Ptolemy of Alexani ash of India; flerwards elaborated.” The Pahlavi work of Dorotheus is confirmed also in Persian words employed in Books 4 and 5, and in two genitures inserted in Book 3. Geniture, about the 7* hour before n chart urn 2 Jupiter 28 Gemini Mars 7 Virgo Sun 22 Libra Venus 28 Leo Mercury 29 Libra Scorpio Moon 6 Cancer 6 Cancer Ascendant 6 Scorpio ca. Tam. Geniture, about | anda half equinoctial hours, 2 Mihr year 96 (read 97) of Darinus (that is Diocletian), or about noon, 26 February 381') (II 1, 27-65). chart 4; 34 Taurus Mercury ‘Moon Ascendant 18 Pisces is evident, then that ‘Umar ians, who reshaped the text, seem to hav ts of Vettius Valens to the 4 book (IV 1 ws, ne of th book, Wedon +y contribu text Preface Itis commonly known that Arab astrologers at the end of the 8" centul used the work of Dorotheus; here we mention those such as Masha’ n another place we will discuss in ied by writers of the middle and more On the Codices in two codices, of which \e other, B= n C described above, pages 88-89 destroyed, the 5" book omitted, preserve the work of Dorotheus. In preparing ur edition we have used Codex C, whose corrections, added from C? are also found in B. The folia of the original Codex C now appear to be disordered from V 33, 23, V 36, 6-7 and V 36, 77 — (80b). Certain Arabic words seem to be nevertheless retained. ince vestiges of the Pahlavic translation remain, stantinopol is oF. oct. 2663 pages 2-133 Now my greatest puanks ah and E'S. Kennedy of Beirut, and B.R. Goldstein of Pittsburgh who assisted me inmany ways in reviewing the Arabic text; and also G. Chr. Hansen of Ber id Ae. Boer of Dresden, who read through each version and the fragments 3 diligently. D. Pingree Oxford, 16 Feb 1976 st of codices omitted by the tr words, list of fra slaror) both omitted by the p ir. 2: See also V sus Maternas Society 48, Phi Lipsiae 5p. 38-54; and CCAG 8, 42 174.1, 3 Ed. W. Gundel, Neue astologische Texte des ‘Abt. NE 12, megists. Abh, Bayer Akad. Wis. ine VII Porphyroges Dumbarton Oaks Papers 27. Biography: Leipzig 187 vs.of Ab Preface wo own tothe Sassanid ast ogers: "This eet rates sce D. Pingree, JAOS 93. 1973. 38 The first book of Dorotheus a from the stars on the judgments concerning nativities: on the upbringing and condition [of the native] the name of God, the merciful be rich in compassion towards you. May the lord be confident in your heart abo and words according to the stars which which gather honey] from the tre: it there is the honey of medicine. and all kinds of plants; for from Chapter 1. ‘The knowledge of the seven in longitude and latitude, 1-1 and the triplicities of the signs and their lords. iy; Taurus, and Aquarius are a and Pisces are a en the Moon, then Mars, by night the Moon, then Venus, wi 13, BTDextheus 161 @ 1 3 then Mars, and in Virgo is also a share for Mercury; the lords of the by day are Saturn, then Mercury, then Jupiter, by x; the lords of the tr t will be. Ifthe St ipse is for two hours and each hour is a year; as for tes when its eclipse is for two hours, sand for how eclipsed, its e ius, 1 sa jong work-horses and horse ‘and similarly is it said in all the sorts of signs, 7 Tknow Tunderstand the signs ing. Know the houses of the planets: Cancer is the house of the he house of the Sun, Capricorn and Aquarius the houses 2es the houses of Jupiter, Aries and Scor- 's and Libra the houses of Venus, and nd Virgo the houses of Mercury. Saturn rejoices arriving at cr in Sagittarius, Mars in Scorpio, Venus in Taurus, 1 The aset in nineteen | de- »* grees of Aries, n three degrees of Taurus, of Saturn in twenty-one degrees of Libra, of Jupiter in fifteen degrees of Cancer, of ‘Mars in twenty-cight degrees of Capricom, of Venus in twenty-seven 2 degrees of Pisces, and of Mercury in fifteen degrees of Virgo. The descent of each one of them is opposite to its ascent 1.3 Chapter 3, Judgment about the case of the native or his difficulty tohismother. 1 the Sun eof his male and you male signs, then the nat 1 Ifa woman gives bi and the Moon and the ascen« 162 134 @ birth escapes what frightens him, and trouble does not strike his mother nor does misfortune. If the native is female and you Sun and the Moon in female signs and the ascendent it happens] simi birth and of her del indicates [who is} di female si her giving female sign be- h respect to evil and ving bit nd sometimes [the time] comes upon he road or like this. Look concerning the signs [wh and gi ing and in the aspe man who is wretched signs [which are] crooke: cates injury and misfor Moon ne {For] the womau ina cardine the native, re Now I will ell you the matter of the upbringing. Take care ua ‘you are not afraid nor interrupt your expectation from the native because you ne because you desire that of the ascender fine or in what is 8 {equivalent to this from among the places in which they are strong, then this increases if God wishes, and strength hes is best. Iftwo of them s h in their ini complete, and this is better if the first of them is ina good place. If they are 6 fom quantile o trine and one of them ion is best. If they also aspect one of the 7 ger for them, 163 > 14-6 ‘Saturn or Mars or both of them in the ascendent and the places in which they are Sun but coming out in lord of the of the ascend ing. But if you find you fin 11 the Sun by day or it aspecting the lot of fort Moon by night, ty of the ascendent or in what follows hen he will be brought up. ud Mercury together in the ascendent and Jupi it indicates life, if God — He is exalted! — wishes. nd Mercury and Jupiter by day in the cardines, If you find Saturn by be brought up. if cardine of God wishes. Chapter $. On the superiority of the places. 1 Keep what I tell you of the places and the superiority of one of them 2 over another in power. So he places is 1e midheaven, which ascet to the ascendent, then the cardine of the earth, then the 3 ninth place from the ascendent. se are seven places which are preferred to the places which are not recognized as good: the third from the aseé place of the joy of the Moon, and the second from yen the eighth from sign of death, Of these places which I told gest. There remain equal to this wo places which are the worst of the worst, and they are the sixth and the twelft 16 Chapter 6, The power of the seven planets. 12 Nowl planet is creasing. A malefic also, rand decreases. Say how tell you the power of the seven planets. F benefic when itis in its house or in its ti 3 that what it indicates of good is strong, 4 if itis in its own place, its evil become los 167 o Saturn harms one wl is born by day and Mars one who is born at feminine sign and Saturn in a they are in one of their dignities. 5 of the Sun towards the xy have no power. and) misfortune in the Chapter 7. ‘The upbringing of natives, and for whom there will be 17 an upbringing or for whom an upbringing will not be known, Ge Now I will tell you the ives, and for whom there will be 4 1 good upbringing and for whom an upbringing will not be knows ‘This is known from what I wrote for you without trouble and places, he I planets are in s F these places, itis be 67 een degrees betwe sign from the ascendent, 5 ° y or in a bad pla es.a diminution of life, and especially if with this first lord of the two malefics aspects it fron ascer dent from the degree. u If the Moon is in the sev 2 benefies and a malefic is birth to what has no escape from ruin. Sit 4 cardine of the earth and Saturn and Mars aspect from opposition or this isa corrupting indication for th Ifthe 4 di the malefics from 's own triplicity and the benefi ine, he is not ruined but he is brought up in 165 wo | 17 another house than his parents’ because he is expelled and is brought up in the house of strangers, and sometimes he will bea slave and bbe employed and will be miserable. i ie slavery and t casts ‘Moon with indicates fate and shortness of life, idicates his escape from what I told If you find the Moon with a malefic in 20 will be brought up know which 21 a belief of misfortune. If you find the Moon injured, his mother fa- 22 vors and desires this. If you find the Moon and the Sun both injured, idheaven or in the seventh sign, If you find the Moon in a term of the 17-10 om hapter 8. Knowledge of the masculine and feminine “hours” of thes ity. now the mas. ‘masculine dodeca then, ev ; Ifyou find a masculi planet sign and the 1g of his teeth, discomfort, ‘Moon is free from these two, say the contrary to wha [Chapter 10, Knowledge of what mother are slaves or free, licates whether the native and hi the sixth good place, Tord of the 4 first and the 167 @) 110 second lords of the triplicty of the Sun by day in a good place, this indicates that the native is born from free {parents] but according to his parents are poor, If you find the Moon in the degrees of the of the sign, his mother is bad in descent unless Jupiter is with it. olf a sign other than his sign is bad, the misery is removed. If you find 'Venus"} house, it indicates the disappear ic in his cardine and you find Mars putation of the free will leave the s if the Moon is in a feminine hood. If you find the lot of fortune in the is an indicator of service. If you find the lord of the lot of fortune 168 native sometimes is cast out [aborted] and hen he grows up in the house of strangers. icity of the ascendent cadent and you it and the Su If you find the lord of the find the Moon [with] a malefie oppos place, the native’s parents are slaves. command you, conceming the one who is bom in a con sbserve the degree of the conjunction so that itis and [concerning] on, them. If you find the firs the second in a good and the Ifyou find the fi ginning of his {good place, he is free from life. If you find a mal ness of the Moon! experience his f the term of that degree in which the conjunc Moon} is in an evil place or in the sev lavery and poverty, But if a benefic planet is term is in a good place when the yy of a slave in a cardine in any sign benefics, 169 » 0 ission, If you find Venus also wi you] about his escape from slavery. If you fine and the Moon in cardines or you find the Sun and the Moon in one [and the ss y, they indicate imanumission. If you find the Moon in Taurus or in Cancer when they are cardines, without the aspect of the malefies or in the aspect of the the benefies together, he is freed from slavery. He who is born when Jupiter is with the lot of fortune or in quartile from it, the misery of slav ter aspects the lot of fortune and they are both i ted but he wi He who is born w1 the second, a or twelfth, vil places, this t escape from servitude in the eighth sign from the indicates what is like slavery. If and worse chapter 11, The knowledge of how many will own the naive it If you wish to know how many will own the native if he isa slave, ime from the Sun to the lord of the triplicity of the , then [at} whatever of the planets is between these two, nocturnal, {look} planets from the Moon to the fot of fortun is between the number of these is ru and if you between the sign of slaves, which is place, and then whatever of the pl the ruling number. If the Moon is under the earth, then mark off from the twelfth sign to the sixth [and proceed] as I told you. planet you find in a sign having two bodies, double it. If you wish to know how many will own his father, then mark off from the Si to the lord of its [the Sun's] triplicity, and whatever of the planets is, between these two, that is the number which will own him. Mark off from the Moon to the lord of the triplicity of the Moon for his mother. 1en [at] whatever of the 170 12 Chapter 12. Consideration concerning the upbringing of the native, 1.12 ivelihood. It is necessary day from the bi to look at the sign which the Moon en of the native as you will know this from the id which [planet] tune. Ifit is evil and malefies aspect it icates his misery. Look also at the lord of the house of the Moon on the third day, and mark it aspecting it, the! and he i in this neither happy nor destitute. If itis dffere 5 is misery. If you find the dodecatemorion of the Moon with malefies. 6 or they aspect f misfortune for the native. Ifyou 7 it and none isin the ascendent | or aspecting the asce pis ive is void of good in livelihood, possesses pain it of what he needs. If you find the Moon increasing and Mars , git from opposition or quartile or [Mars] is with it o (if) it [the Moon] is decre s aspecting it, then there is no 00d for hi velihood. If the Moon he di- ° rection of North, he attains good atthe end of cutting from the and is ascendi its end. Know the sphere of heav perity and (othe direct ife and tes splendor and good for the native, but if a malefic is there ion ofthis and injury. If the Moon is injured and Saturn is in tes misery and misfortune, If in other than its house and its place is not on this sid its own place, then t honesty If you wish to consider the parents of t ve, look for his father ) 112 F stoweicaden tenth velibod of his mein sven. IF you find the Moon in a cardine and of Saturn or Mars tom the Sun andthe lords pict because fom hese cre tnwn he inage of hs athe a sifgou Fede leo the tpi weer teeter ale ina goal plas ane Sona songs ple, tens am nd Storch and prasad ame fr hit, the Son ims ol he beter an ities wih is Visinatodpiay sta, Bui yo nd ith tel epi ‘Sun in a good place and the ty cadent, then this indi- cates that his father is noble, but he will not keep his property and is thus. If you find wi is] an indi the Sun, you | nd the Sun in a bad pl lord ofthe triplicty | ofthe Sun in a cadent sign in a bad postion, judge for the native and his father affliction and misery, and (that) sometimes not reach weaning at the whim of his he time he is cut off, because in a diurnal nativity the Sun ‘g00d, and the} 24equal position. If you find the first lord of the tr strong place and the second is in a bad place, then 1g of his birth attains goodness of condit he end, and mother. If you find the Moot icity in anoctur- 35 s the opposite, then reverse nal nativity in a bad place, 1en it indicates misfortune in the condi and from its place in the Sou ing node and the descending node bec: towar male athe malefics ‘ou find one of the bene! fies dese If you find the Sun and the Moon and the ina bad place, then judge for ine has passed. IF you find the Sun 8 ‘g00d place and the aspect of the malefics while the benefies aspect this indicates im of property roperty of the the matterof 9 fourth, 40 \d disdain and humiliation have struck her. the cardine under the earth, then a chronic of the West or in the car- ics and the lord of, 28 And especi dine under ly if the Moon is in 1 earth in the terms] of the mal his mother. It is worse than this ifthe lord of the cardin m 173 > rata 41 is injured because it is the indicator of the matter of the parents. IF ‘you find the Sum in a cadent and the malefics aspect, it indicates the ndicates the slavery of id their poverty and «az day. If with this you find the lord of the ascendent ca then the native is not brought up out of misery and expul isa slave or a pauper or one in need of nourishment Lis [Chapter 13, Knowledge of the lot of the father. 1 Donot leave aside the consideration concerning the lot of fathers + and so on, Calculate it by day from the degree of the Sun to the degree in which Saturn is, and by night from Saturn to the Sun, and ‘add to it the degrees of the ascendent (by day) and subtract it from the ascendent (by night] thirty [degrees at a time}, and look where its 3 lord is situated. If you find its lord in a good place, it indicate of his father is known by means 4 of its [ location. Prevent that it be the sixth or the ‘eighth or the third or the twelfth as these four places are bad. From it is also known the character of the If you find Sa- ‘under the rays of the Sun, then mark off the lot of the father from add to it the degrees of the ascendent [by day} or ‘as you subtracted previously; then [you find] the lot of the father. Look fi sign in which the lot of the father is, \d if you find it aspecting the lot or you find the Tord of the lot ‘what follows its own house, of [if] the lord of the sign opposite the sign of the lot is aspectin then the native is summoned to [some- ne] othe tus | Chapter 14. The lot of the mother. falculate the lot of the mother in a nocturnal birth from the Moon to Venus and in the daytime from Venus to the Moon, and add to it the degrees of the ascendent [by night] of subtract {it] from the ascen- dent [by day] thirty [degrees at atime]; wherever it ends, there is the 2 lot ofthe nother. If you find the Sun and the Moon in tropical signs nd the a¥cendent is a tropical sign, then the parents of this native are not from one race, and es} 1¢ malefics aspect them or are + with them or in quartile of them or in opposition. It is also thus if you find one of the two luminaries not aspecting the other and not 74 114 aspecting the ascendent, 0 cone of the two is under the earth and, the other above the earth 3s, oF [if] the ascendent tropical sign in which there are more planets than one, and espe- lanets are malefic and one of the two luminaries is this parents are not from one race. indicates the separation | of he squandering of then say her's property. If you find the Moon in ‘concerning his property and If you find the Moon in this pos I described, this is concerning his mother, and his parents are se in a cardine (and this is worst i seventh) without the aspect of Jupiter, w! this indicates the separation of his pa Mars in a cardine without Venus. IF y ‘cadent from the sign of the West [and] twelfth, then this also is an indicator of the separation of his parents. Ifyou fi ‘one of the two places which and the thes indicates the separation of his parents if you find the lot of the father and {tl aspect of the rmalefies also indicates separation from ly [does it happen} also in a {in which one of the two luminaries does not ascendent. If you find the {wo lots, each one of from the sign, then this is an indicator of the destruct between the parents. Look at the cardine, the fourth. If you find Venus pecting the cardine, the fourth, then predict regarding his mother an inerease of good and a goodness of condition, If you find the Sun and ter and Saturn are opposite the house of the father, it indicates ‘mentioned, 175 p 6) 114-15 2o praise of the father and the goodness of his condition. If they aspect together, then judge for his two parents together good fortune and 21 wealth and fine. Ifyou find | Mars and Satur aspeting the cardine, jon to it or in quartile or {if} they are in it without micerning his parents misfortune and mis- ery and s ion of the Moon is in the cardine, the fourth, then predict regarding his mother the aggregate of this evil, but ifthe of the Sun [isin it], then regarding his Father. Chapter 15. Knowledge of the death of the parents of the native, of the two before his companion. 1 Ifydu wish to know which of his parents will die before his com- fies are or 2 one who wi n Opp. die first, If you find wen say tl become a widow. If yo Iso: if you find the Sun in qua opposition to a strong malefi, then his 4 father is dead. If you find the Moon approximately as I told you about the Su, then predict concerning his mother in the way you x. If you find the malefics aspecting ts but {the two Tots} not aspecting any of them er this atthe two luminaries, which of nter the eardine under the earth — not by the of the sphere. If you then his ‘m ‘more quickly wi 6 proper motion of find (that) the Sun wi he two luminaries, be injured from opposition or quartile, then look from the conjunction or the fullness [of the Moon] as this will indicate to you whatever of that s you wish, If you find the Sun under the earth and the malefics aspect ther will die first. If the Moon is inthis posi- die first). Look also at the conjunct the Moon. If you find Saturn in opposition to Mars or if] you find cator of the 176 118-16 ‘Jupiter is in a cardine, then predict thereupon {that} the native wil inherit his father's wealth at his {the father’s) death, If Saturn an ‘Mars transit the sign in which the two luminaries are, then it indi- cates the death of them both. | Chapter 16. Knowledge of whether the native wi ‘ents’ property or not. If you wish to know whether or not his father's property him, look at his father's property from the Sun and Saturn by day. If you find them both in a place good in luck for them, then this is an indicator that his father's property will reach him. holding fon toit. If Mars does not aspect from quartile and is not with the Sun, you will succeed [when you predict thus] because Mars is an indi- cator of the squandering of property. But if you find the benefics then he wi reach his father's property and will hold on you find Mars ina cardine, and especially by day if Saturn is notin his ejection, then he will waste the property of his father during his father’s lifetime and after his death If you also find the Sun sixth or the twelfth, then simiarly it property, IF with this Jupiter aspects, the grief which strikes him because ofthe property will be diminished. Look concering the mother's property from Venus and the Moon and from thei lords because if these two are in the Westin a bad place and the Sun also is in a cadent, and [its] rays do not relieve these two nor the bad place, then predict thatthe native is from poor and {that he himself] is needy. If you find the her in a bad place and a malefic aspects from then his father wil the fourth you find the lord of the Of the Sun and the Sun are not aspecting the ascenden a terrible death for his father. Ifyou fi overcoming Sat series ofthe father because of to Jupiter, it indicates misery is between son and father. But if you find ‘of Jupiter, it indicates the love of so seeking of affection, and that the son fat rit the property of his 16 Bry herit his par- an pal ‘ 7 | 117-18 ua 1 | Chapter 17. Knowledge of how many will be born tothe mother 2 he 1 Ifyou wish to know how many will be born to his mother before she bears [them], then look at the ascendent and at the lord[s} of 2 its triplicity, and consider which lord of its triplicity isthe stronger. If ‘you find the stronger of these two in the ascendent, then say that this he is the fourth hen say he is the seventh the beginning. If are in cadents, then sometimes nothing is allotted. If [the two {ords} are in the vicinity of the left side from the ascendent under the earth, then mark off from it to the ascendent, and fro n before him, If you find a malefic ‘between this {and the ascendent), then say that he is @ miscarried fe- or one having a {birth]mark or a defect. If you find a benefic say that there will be more than tha ight. If you find t icity above the earth, then ct from the ascendent to it, and the rest of the consideration is as I wrote he who considers [correctly] is a master. If you don't find a what is between the ascendent and the mid- is (native] first-born, but if he is not the first-born, then the one who is before him there is no good i [but he is] a miscarried fetus or {somet indicates the death of the one who is before him. If fic in what is between that [ascet then say that there is no use in him who is before 10 Look from the ascender planet in what is between that [ascendent and cardine]. 1 a child will be born to his mother. If that planet is a 12 cates the death of him who is after him [the native}. If you then find nothing, then say that there is none who is [born] from his mother after him. 118 Chapter 18, On the matter of brothers. 11821 «sy two signs will have few brothers. If you find Mercury in a term of 2 ‘Mars aspecting the Moon or the ascendent, then | this is harmful 10 p23 the brothers. Whoever has Scorpio or Cancer or Pisces for his ascend- 3 cent, know that his mot bear numerous children. 7 Chapter 19, The lot of brothers. t If you wish to compute the lot of brothers, count from the degree u {by there is] the aspecting it, then from this the mat to you. Ifthe lot happens to be in his brothers (sterile are Leo, Virgo, umber are Cancer, Scorpio, are signs of water and the rest of them keep the middle). If you Jupiter and Venus aspecting the lot of brothers, them it hey, aspect from qua agood brothers and diminish for the Chapter 20, Knowledge of the love of the brothers. If you wish to know what of love and other than that there is be- ' tween him [the nativ lot of brothers. If i look from the lord of the lord aspects ne, it indicates love 2 if it aspects from quartile, it indicates a medium love, If you find it in opposition to the lot, then itis 3 icator of enmity and separation. IF it {the lord] does not aspect 4 lot) it indicates the estrangement of one of them from the other. | Chapter 21. Knowledge of the number of brothers and sisters. "3! nH Count from the degree in which Mercury is to Jupiter, and add to it 1 Whenever the counting comes 2 nets which aspect that place, and in their number will he have brothers. Whenever Venus and Mercury 3 179 20) 121 12 ay of a man when midheaven is Taurus, in which are 14 ‘Saturn, Mercury and the lot of brothers, and Mars scendent is Leo. The 1s and Mercury be- the [ot are in bad places, cause they are the lords of the triy 'y of Mars. Because they both 6 no good in them or have sicknesses, there is enmity between happen to be above the earth you count from them to the ascender their] opinion and thought [of each but if they were below the earth you would count from the ascend Saturn and Mars and the Moon and the Sun in to them. Thereupon you predict that the native wil have five brothers 17 en they indicate the loss ofthe brothers. If from Taurus, in which are the two lords of Mars’ the ascendent, are three signs and [one] sign having wo would be necessary for you to sepé is eastern and in a strong place, then Predict to whoever asks you about the ‘mentioned to you: the 8 Look from the 9 brothers. If you find sign having two bodi mixed [in their parentage], sons of concubines, {born} from his father ers than them. Look in the matter of brothers cate older brothers, Jupiter and Mercury younger ones, the Moon older sisters, and Venus younger sisters. of them are then also because of this a brother who is of the younge: effect} will be the first and 11.12 Look in the matter of brothers from Mars. If you fi | There are some experts who consider in a diurnal nativity how 9.3% of Mars in a bad plac ‘many planets are abo yw many below 1s number of brothers. If you find one of the two in a good place and the the a bad place, then he has brothers, but itis inevitable that he ineand 22 pas fl vio | Ascenn | Cacer Mercury in the ascende ‘Leo thers older than he is, and if there were, they are de: 2 Lia Moon leaving Saturn especially by night, then predict that he have no benefit from his brothers who are before him because they sean ion of eminence will main for them. If the % 2” agit inicnter ais Copco | rust — | Paces 180 181 (22) m2 122-23 (23) integral in mind and character for things, and he will be praised con- Chapter 22. Knowledge of the matter of the fortune of the native 122 s of signs as the ac- Look concerning the matter of fortune and property and what isthe 4 30 If you find the Sun in the ascendent, then there is no good in with respect to brothers. If ‘or midheaven or: the tenth, then sometimes he ‘noctumal then look at the Moon and the lords of its ti find the first and second lords of the trip cor each one of them sepa he cardine under the earth or in the cardine, the s 10 good in the matter of brothers, especially if find the lord of the ascendent or the lord of the Moon with Mars jing Mercury. Itis worse than this if Mars in a ni in abad place and the second in 5 will ‘ 2 agood * very ds} in cadents 7 xry and poverty, ‘or opposition bread to ly or clothes in which to clot yy under the rays of the Sun and indicates benefit from them. 38 Look concerning one who will see the death of his brothers, look at these two lots, and count from the degree of the lot to the degree to 1m casts its rays in quartile or opposition or presence, as 401f Saturn and Mars in the place of the dicates the death of his younger brothers, b they aspect) then females [i 4 182 183 (Hy 12324 124 sy a cardine and it has a sha s with regard to Satu. Mats » si triplicity, it will drive off the evil for nineteen years, but 7 happen to it [the dine which is a fe the nativity like what Ttold you ‘The nativity was nocturnal, and I found the first planets in the 3 obstruct [the evil] for fifteen years FF matter of fortune to be Mars and Venus because they are the lords icity ofthe sign in which the Moon is; and both of them are in cadents so that this man should be needy, poor, not Finding in a nocturnal nativity. If the Moon is in acar- his daly bread, miserable. And this was in him more evident than 4 for twenty- what [told you. five years, b signs for twenty-five months. Tams Pisces Ascendent Vers Aves ‘an [what to do} if you wish to judge the nativity with regard Som to property and fortune. 2 Anative was born when the ascendent was Gem Cancer Capricosn tions of it y's] planets i diagram, Oct Leo Taurus Ascendent Virgo Some Leo Jupiter Saturn Mars Gemini Aries Sun Venus Pisces ity was diumal, and Aries was be visible at that § “Aquarius from out ofthe depths ofthe sea, and the lord of the was Saturn, then Mercury. Satur was in what follows ‘Scorpio ars ad the cardine of the West and Mercury in what follows the cardine of Capricorn rmidheaven, which is the place of fortune, so that the native should be Saturn Moon ‘wealthy, rich, powerful in business affairs, great in property seizing eminence and fortune and increasing in them. 34 185 5) 124 cin veo emi ao ‘ons = Mesuy tea fal seo ea their own exaltations, so that «praise of kings and nobles and weal “Ascendant Le a 7 fa a ts 1 ‘Taurus ‘Cancer 186 any from the earth is Scorpio, is mighty in eminence, powerful that crowns of gold and silver are placed on him and he is praised. Mars Ascendent Cancer Capricorn Moon in a cardine, he wi days in poverty except that of misfortun 187 «sy 124 in Cancer Ascendent Gemini Leo 4 Pisces Mars Moon Saturn Jupiter oe Aquarius Sagitaius Scorpio tides | Ascendant 7 > Vio cacer emis Moon Taurus Pisces “asaies vies 188 | rays [of the Sun] or retrograde, and the lord of [ 1 2425 This nativity is nocturnal; so I looked at the two lords of the t ity of the Moon, and I found the firs of them to be Mercury, then Saturn, and both of them were in a ca licates the loss of the property of his father and its dispersal in [all] directions, and the Jords ofthe triplicity which are in a cadent indicate poverty and indi gence, and he wi the best of things with regard to fortune is that the lord opposition to it or qu: not aspecting the ascendent nor the Moon nor the shining and the lord of the sign in which the luminary is is also thus, ve. If Jupiter and Venus and Mer- tion or triplicity and the ascend dling in him, bbut does not aspect livelihood, [and] good tis also necessary for you to look the lord of midheaven and the lord ofthe house of property, wh with benefics and they are not malefic ‘rin what follows cardi (0) 1 25-26 ep them are in a cadent, then look at where are the lord of the seventh wealthy, those in the lord of the eighth sign and the lord of the eleventh sign, jiddle, and the poor. [For him] whose birth is in the day count from " fof fortune, and the lord of the fifth sign and the lord | the Sun to the Moon and add to it the degrees of the ascendent, and in ' y the opposite of this. Then look at where it is 2 located, whether its place is good or | bad, what benefics or malefics 9.38 If he who possesses reason. 13 ced in science looks concerning this, he will know 126 | Chapter 26. ‘The magnitude of fortune and property. Cs If the lord of the lot aspects the lot from a bad place, then there is 4 \ magnitude of fortune and property. Look no good for the native; and si Is are fifteen degrees the 6 0 then there is born because of this especially if it does aspect the lot. If you find the lord of the lot of “ fortune under the rays of the Sun, then it has no power to grant good. nesses the lord of the lot of » «6 will be middling in property and fortune. If you find the lord of the reaches the next cardine, then 7 the natives will be needy [and] miserable, But you should have these 20 the ascendents because degrees are the lot of fortune 2 he ascendents are not equal because some you find the lord of the lot of fortune in a cadent, and Venus and Ju- it, And the crooked ones are piter in {what is} like this, then let this be a harmful indication in which Il be born none except people of contempt; and the Moon does not aspect the benefics. If wi n low [and] excessive[?]. If you find the lord of 5 in by day in a bad place and the lords of the the lord of the lot injured, but the bene! ‘Moon by night in a good place contrary to that, then there is no good it and the ascendent and the Moon, and the ber re was almost good he is middling with respect to property and thinks that his affair has in a good place, always drawn near, but there was a 1m nobles and mighty people and from well known work, and he destiny by which he for this reason, and if Venus is in a place like 1 If you find the lords of both luminaries in a bad place, then | nw the lot of fortune as on accot here is a change in some of these aa 126 1 26-27 (33) ation, and if Mercury and Jupiter are mixed together he will be a con- own property in affluence. If you find the first lord of the trip 24 fidant with kings and bands [of people]. If the lord of the lot is in a lot of fortune not aspecting the lot, but the second is aspect th this the benefics aspect it in good places -n some of the native’s property will be squandered and some then this native will be one of the If both of them are not aspect edy for righteousness, and he will be one the power of the planets and the lord of the B M 8 ab follow cardines and he whose Moon turns away from the malefics and with the benefics, these will be at the begin- ning of 27 perty and fortune and joy. If you find jorated the ascendent and the midheaven, but you , then, even 1 in the seventh without the aspect of the ber rom Fortune and pro- bbe well known [and] good in [hi ion, (but) then he cer. If Jupiter If you find the lot of aspecting. ‘or being western without light, or its lord being in a bad place or in its deject i aspecting the Moon by night or the Sun by day, instruct you to look w benefics do not aspect F ascendent. If yo then judge a decline in property an © of that place, then pred isadi fall from his reputation among women. If Mercury is its lord, then the 7 aster which occurs will be because of a book or calculation. If Ju- 8 » the sign of property which is the second from the ascendet indicates a fall from property and status unl their portions [sect (the portion of Mars is his city. If this house is the house of Mar 9 30 Saturn the day). ‘The malefics indicate car Violent aets or ... or anger or thieves or the dine of the ea worse if one of them is in thing] like this because this is its nature. 1 BS because of Saturn, then his di If you find Mars in from one who is freed [or] from one who has no commendation or praise or from one whose life revolv isery and misfortune, or with respect to a building or from a he ‘you find this place [to be] mother’s husbands, or wit has borrowed. If this si respect to a debt or to money which he the house of the Moon. wl 127 127 (3s) {and the Moon] is not in a good place, then the disaster will be because Fin seven [days], then he will be rich, but will have no fame and not of [his] mothers or his mother’s relatives, or disaster will be his [be- ‘cause of] his father's wives. 1d the lot of property 25.26 ce this [and] eastern, lord of this place is other than then his condition [tends] toward deterioration. Also know the and so also is the judgment about him. But even if he leaves his parents as the planets indicate, 6 iter's strength bbe seen for him because of these two participation ir }ood and pleasure. If bbenefics which I mentioned to you | are in strength from their place[s}. _»-40 they indicate good and beauty in cities and groups of men because lord of the second, then count from it to the se- | many are his acquaintances and friends, and so to the degree of the ascendent] as from (that) ihood will be made clear to you. | If you look 21of these two, they and thei efficacy and their steadfastness. If you find Mars, is in a good derous one, or Saturn, the destroyer, in what is near those places in 39 sorrow. If he is a king, then his people and his 40 for him and 12s 4 i pal (36) 12728 as an enemy until he shall see from the gene of men grief and treat him as an enemy, love anyone of them. If yo I be reflective and anxi hen a native is born, which [planet] will reach the ascendent after his birth or the place of the Mo from this planet the matter of fortune and his property and what extent is will be clear to you. Chapter 28. Knowledge of masculine and feminine signs, eastert and western, and diurnal and nocturnal. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are masct their lord by day is the Sun, by night Jupi these two is Saturn, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are femini northern, i Libra, and Aquarius are western, diurnal, their lord by day is Saturn, by night Mercury, and the associate of these two is Jupiter. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are feminine, nocturnal, [and] southern; their lord by day is Venus, by light Mars, and the associate of these two is the Moon. | The first book is finished. Praise to God, the grantor of fortune to whom He wishes of His servants because of his excellence, and Who sfortune from whom He wishes of His servants because and Who is generous, beneficent, just, [and] compassio- s blessing be upon His prophets whom He has chosen of His messengers, and {upon 1-1 ‘The second book of Dorotheus from the stars on the judgments concerning on marriage and children This and children and the judgments of t beginning is from marriage. He sai Look at Venus where a, if they are with Venus or in a cardine o1 then this is a good indicat Venus is full for the matter of marriage. If you find the lords of the tripI Venus with it or in the in thei third ight and direct matter of place or a cadent, corrupted, or they are under the rays of the Sun or | hear the West, then predict differently from that about the badness of the marriage because those who are born will be of those who will never marry or whos ls or whores o old women who are disgraced or those young in years, or he is a leaser of whores; we have seen someone in [a nati 10 leased his wife, and he was disgraced in 1 lords of the ty of Venus come in between [Venus and the benefi icate disaster and disgrace because of women and anxiety and grief because of them, known cates fame Qn) pa Pa (sy m1 and women so that his revolve in grief and misery because of women, especii is the Moon, to Ifyou find Mercury indicates the marriage of 11 Vants and strangers, and similar cand ser- of females. If Mercourse with ‘oman. Especially if Jupiter aspects the Moon, then course mistress or his lady or the wife of one s. If with this S Mars aspect, from the Moon, [which is} the king of the nig rcourse with his lady or the wife of one of 14 also predict in the nativties of women. If Venus in the day ascendent or midheaves cardine or wi 16 If you find the malefics aspecting the sign of weddi seventh from the ascendent, and y« lord of that place is Saturn, thers and mature men or because s calamity and injury is because of a and talk, and Some of them will marry a woman who has beet shameful [and] disgrace- itis bad because he wil ‘own hand and {her} blood will stick to him, the bride’s dowry is damaged, and she willbe furious w bu 198 m23 a Chapter 2. Knowledge of the lot of wedding. na s is the indicator of the wedding. Look: perhaps ic or a cardine of the fot is in the sixth or the twelfth so his happens to be in a sign ful of marriage, ' toitthe the lot or in ascendent, If you find any of the planets is place, then itis the indicator. es women who will marry [several] men i play the whore with men, that he will be her grandfather or her mal uncle or one of those possessing rela- the native is a slave girl or a servant, then be her master. IF the lord of 1ot be Known and he will be one who pursues one of the professions of Mar is Jupiter, then the man who will marry her ler aspects Ve- because of females, aspecting, then it di ty of a woman predi similarly about their benefiting from men, If you find Venus in a 8 sign possessing two bodies or possessing two figures, then the marriage 199 (40) 3-4 14 of the native will not be IF Venus Ibe one who will have no stability in marriage, but he in that woman another since the aspect of, is and the existence of the lords of Venus” occur pub- that idheaven indicates that her debauchery in renown. If Jupiter is with Venus in a bad place, bi acardine or in what follows a cardine and it asp will not be corrupted. But if you find Jupiter this in a bad place, then it indicates disgrace and debauchery and a bad reps this, because both of the th the cader first of the lords of Venus’ place and the second in a bad place, then his condition in the matter of women is good in the beginning of his age, and in the bad he middle yea ife, so that whichever of the lords 1en it indicates good in its own 4 Chapter 4. The lot of marriage. 4 If the fot of marriage is in opposition to Venus or in opposi the ascendent or in a bad place, or Venus is also in a masculine sign is eastern, then, because the feminine signs are of the of the night and Venus is of the portion of the night, most [of what was predicted for] one who was born thus will remain 2 the end of his life except for his wife. Because the diurnal planets re- Joice in the East 3 Ttold you of 200 aspecting neither mi pleasure in marriage. If ng are aspecting nei is (native) th this the lords of the er the lot of wedding stability with them, who have need and poverty an¢ strangers, but accordi place of Venus in ‘Venus fine, | but because of the place of the ascendent \dicates injury because of women. If Venus is ina bad place without the aspect of a benefic while Saturn does aspect it and is free of Jupi this remain without marriage, but he will have intercourse are disgraced and in whom ther own places, tes marriage, and the »pical sign whic ly Cancer or Capricorn, ve will be desirous. ic, and debt will always come upon hhim because of this. If Satum is with Venus or Venus is in the term of Saturn while Saturn aspect is bad concerning marriage because he will marry a widow or an old woman or a woman jim or a young gitl or a ‘or a woman disgraced in 6 201 «ay m4 the nativities of men that sometimes the wives of the men are among those who are barren because of the existence of Mars with Venus ot 15 in opposition to it. If you find Jupiter and Venus under the rays of the Sun, then these two indicate an obscure marriage because he will 1 marry widows and her whose childbearing has been cutoff. If you exaltation with Venus while Jupiter ‘will marry from among their own women. Moon, each of them in opposition to the other mare in one sign in a bad place, then this. ina cardine they indi [that] the marriage of the native is to his sister | or the closest [t0 1s him] of his women. If you find the Moon and Venus together in the fine under the earth while Jupiter aspects {them riage to one of his marry from among their Wer or their sister's daughter. If Saturn is house of one of | with his daugt 21 to these tw if the Moon does not aspect w' he will marry a woman in whom he will take pleasure, but, however that is, the loss come upon him because of the 22 woman, but i Venus is in an al [it] or if the Moon course, and from her longing for 23 also if Saturn also aspects. If each one of the two, Venus and Mars, in the other's house or term, it indicates debauchery and wickedness, and similarly if they are together or one of the two aspects the other from quartile or opposition or they are in the East so that this de- a bauchery will be be kept quiet ‘or in a quadruped sign while the sign of wed-