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Name: Aldita Anggun Fauzia

Class: 02 B

Nim : 210502502030


1. What is the main Idea in the video you have watched?

= The main idea of this video
 The first title: The New Telegraph in Nigeria discusses Ultra, Ultra is processed to cognitive
function. Namely Ultra is someone who has an extreme view or opinion on something. Ultra-
processed foods are foods that undergo some sort of real industrial process that is often
done to make food last longer or look better. Also to mention that Ultraprocessed food has
done a lot before even putting it in the mouth. The cognitive function itself is an expression
that refers to various mental abilities.
 Second title: The Times discusses the junk food Cap demanded school lunches. Where it
says that the Cap is a limitation that we cannot reach. It can be used as a “To Cap” verb and
it means to limit something. It can also be used for serious matters as well as official actions
are taken to limit things. for example at work: they might “ put a cap” on your spending
 The final title: The House which discusses escaping the junk food cycle: disposable. Escaping
is go away from a place that you don't like it. A cycle is something that goes around, like a
bicycle spinning around a wheel, or clothes spinning in a washing machine. So escaping a
cycle and staying away from negative and bad situations. And it can also be used in other
dangerous situations such as someone escaping an addiction cycle.

2. Write down 20 useful vocabularies for everyday life in the videos you have watched and make
examples of each!

1) Meanwhile ( sementara itu ) Meanwhile means the period of time between two events.
 Meanwhile, this means in the period of time between two events
2) Refers ( mengacu ) If a word refers to a particular thing, situation, or idea, it describes it in
some way.
 The term electronics refers to electrically induced action.
3) Abilities ( kemampuan ) if do something and the fact that you can do it
 The public never had faith in their abilities to handle the job.
4) Kind of ( agak ) describe something less.
 It’s kind of weird.
5) Often ( sering ) If something happens many times or much of the time.
 He’s often late
6) Extremely ( sangat ) describes something that is really true to the highest level
 She is extremely gifted.
7) Exactly ( tepat ) shows that the meaning or situation is exactly what people think or expect.
 Jason’s answer is exactly right.
8) Exists (ada ) it is present in the world as a real thing.
 He thought that if he couldn't see something, it didn't exist.
9) As long as ( asalkan) is another word for a while.
 As long as you never give up on it, you can be that champion. As long as you never
give up on it, you can be that champion.
10) Above ( di atas ) it is directly over it or higher than it.
 Apartment 46 was a quiet apartment, unlike the one above it.
11) Measure ( mengukur ) If you use to measure for the quality, value, or to effect of something,
you discover or judge how great it is.
 I continued to measure his progress against the charts in the doctor's office.
12) Probably ( mungkin ) Reveal something that's still unsure or uncertain
 They'll probably be here Monday and Tuesday.
13) Strange (janggal) Something that is unusual or unexpected, and makes feel slightly nervous
or afraid.
 Then a strange thing happened.
14) Get away ( menjauh ) means the word away and go.
 He is too busy to get away.
15) Dangerous ( berbahaya) is able or likely to hurt or harm.
 It's a dangerous stretch of road.
16) Addiction ( kecanduan ) something is a very strong desire or need for it.
 He needed money to feed his addiction to gambling.
17) Worse ( buruk ) is a situation that leads to bad.
 My healthy is getting worse.
18) Unhealthy ( tidak sehat ) describes someone that sick or not healthy physical condition
 An unhealthy person has to be humble.
19) Restrict ( membatasi ) put a limit on it in order to reduce it or prevent it from becoming too
 There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of
students on campus.
20) Most ( Sebagian Besar ) to refer to the majority of a group of things or people or the largest
part of something.
 Most of the houses in the capital don't have indoor plumbing.

3. Make a summary of the videos you have watched before!


Video yang saya tonton adalah video youtube dari “ BBC Learning English” dimana dalam video ini
membahas tentang ultra-olahan dan junk food mempengaruhi mental Menurut 3 headline. Headline
yang pertama yaitu dari The New Telegraph in Negeria yang membahas tentang fungsi kognitif Yaitu
ekspresi yang mengacu pada berbagai kemampuan mental. Namun ada juga kata ultra-processed
yang disebutkan yaitu makanan yang telah menjalani semacam proses nyata industri yang sering
dilakukan untuk membuat makanan bertahan lebih lama atau terlihat lebih baik. Dan jika kata
“ultra” diletakkan di awalan kata maka sama dengan extremely yang artinya “sangat”. ultra adalah
seseorang yang memiliki pandangan atau pendapat ekstrim terhadap sesuatu. Selanjutnya headline
yang kedua yaitu dari The Times yang membahas Cap. Dimana menyebutkan bahwa “Cap” adalah
Batasan yang tidak bisa kita jangkau. Bisa digunakan sebagai kata kerja “ To Cap” dan itu bermaksud
seperti membatasi sesuatu. Bisa juga digunakan untuk hal hal serius dan juga Tindakan resmi yang
diambil untuk membatasi sesuatu. Dan headline yang terakhir yaitu dari The House yang membahas
tentang Escaping dan Cycle dimana escaping sendiri adalah mejauh dari suatu tempat yang tidak
disukai. Sedangkan Cycle adalah sesuatu yang berputar seperti siklus, seperti sepeda yang memutari
roda, pakaian yang memutar di mesin cuci. Jadi escaping a cycle yaitu mencoba dan menjauh dari
situasi negative dan buruk. juga dapat digunakan dalam situasi bahaya lainnya seperti seseorang
yang lolos dari siklus kecanduan. Seperti halnya menjauh dari siklus junk food dimana orang orang
tidak punya cukup banyak waktu dan uang untuk membeli makanan yang sehat, jadi mereka
memilih untuk membeli makanan yang tidak sehat dan itu adalah siklus yang berputar.


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