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360-degree feedback A performance appraisal system applicants, identification and removal of employment
in which feedback is obtained from multiple sources practices working against minority applicants and
such as supervisors, subordinates, and peers. employees, and preferential hiring and promotion of
Ability A basic capacity for performing a wide range of minorities.
different tasks, acquiring knowledge, or developing Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)
a skill. A federal law that, with its amendments, forbids
Absolute amount The actual salary paid for a discrimination against an individual who is over
particular job. the age of 40.
Acceptance stage The fourth and final stage of emotional Alternate-forms reliability The extent to which two
reaction to downsizing, in which employees accept forms of the same test are similar.
that lay-offs will occur and are ready to take steps to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) A federal law,
secure their future. passed in 1990, that forbids discrimination against
Accommodating style The conflict style of a person the physically and mentally disabled.
who tends to respond to conflict by giving in to the Ammerman technique A job analysis method in which
other person. a group of job experts identifies the objectives and
Achievement-oriented style In path–goal theory, a standards to be met by the ideal worker.
leadership style in which the leader sets challenging Anger stage The second stage of emotional reaction to
goals and rewards achievement. downsizing, in which employees become angry at
Adaptation The fourth stage of change, in which the organization.
employees try to adapt to new policies and procedures. Anxiety An organizational climate in which worry
Additive tasks Tasks for which the group’s performance predominates.
is equal to the sum of the performances of each Application of training Measurement of the effectiveness
individual group member. of training by determining the extent to which
Adverse impact An employment practice that results employees apply the material taught in a training
in members of a protected class being negatively program.
affected at a higher rate than members of the Apply-in-person ads Recruitment ads that instruct
majority class. Adverse impact is usually determined applicants to apply in person rather than to call or
by the four-fifths rule. send résumés.
AET An ergonomic job analysis method developed Apprentice training A training program, usually found
in Germany (Arbeitswissenschaftliches in the craft and building trades, in which employees
Erhebungsverfahren zur Tätigkeitsanalyse). combine formal coursework with formal on-the-job
Affect Feelings or emotion. training.
Affective commitment The extent to which an Arbitration A method of resolving conflicts in which a
employee wants to remain with an organization and neutral third party is asked to choose which side is
cares about the organization. correct.
Affective identity motivation The motivation to lead Archival research Research that involves the use of
as a result of a desire to be in charge and lead others. previously collected data.
Affiliation A psychological need involving the Army Alpha An intelligence test developed during
tendency to approach and interact with others. World War I and used by the army for soldiers who
Affiliation style A leadership style in which the can read.
individual leads by caring about others and that is Army Beta An intelligence test developed during
most effective in a climate of anxiety. World War I and used by the army for soldiers who
Affirmative action The process of ensuring cannot read.
proportional representation of employees based on Artifacts The things people surround themselves with
variables such as race and sex. Affirmative-action (clothes, jewelry, office decorations, cars, and so forth)
strategies include intentional recruitment of minority that communicate information about the person.

Assessment center A method of selecting employees Behavior modeling A training technique in which
in which applicants participate in several job-related employees observe correct behavior, practice that
activities, at least one of which must be a simulation, behavior, and then receive feedback about their
and are rated by several trained evaluators. performance.
Assimilated A description of a message in which Behavioral observation scales (BOS) A method of
the information has been modified to fit the performance appraisal in which supervisors rate the
existing beliefs and knowledge of the person frequency of observed behaviors.
sending the message before it is passed on to Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) A
another person. method of performance appraisal involving the
Assimilation A type of rating error in which raters base placement of benchmark behaviors next to each
their rating of an employee during one rating period point on a graphic rating scale.
on the ratings the rater gave during a previous Benchmark answers Standard answers to interview
period. questions, the quality of which has been agreed on
Attitude survey A form of upward communication in by job experts.
which a survey is conducted to determine employee Binding arbitration A method of resolving conflicts in
attitudes about an organization. which a neutral third party is asked to choose which
Attitudinal Listening Profile A test developed side is correct and in which neither party is allowed
by Geier and Downey that measures individual to appeal the decision.
listening styles. Biodata A method of selection involving application
Attractiveness The extent to which a leader is blanks that contain questions that research has
appealing to look at. shown will predict job performance.
Audience effects The effect on behavior when one or Blind box ads Recruitment ads that instruct applicants
more people passively watch the behavior of another to send their résumé to a box at the newspaper;
person. neither the name nor the address of the company is
Autocratic I strategy Leaders use available information provided.
to make a decision without consulting their Blog A website in which the host regularly posts
subordinates. commentaries on a topic that readers can respond to.
Autocratic II strategy Leaders obtain necessary Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) A
information from their subordinates and then make selection requirement that is necessary for the
their own decision. performance of job-related duties and for which
Averaging versus adding model A model proposed by there is no substitute.
Anderson that postulates that our impressions are Bottom-line measure Evaluation of a training program
based more on the average value of each impression by determining if the organization actually saved
than on the sum of the values for each impression. money as a result of the training.
Avoiding style The conflict style of a person who reacts Brainstorming A technique in which ideas are
to conflict by pretending that it does not exist. generated by people in a group setting.
Bridge publication A publication with the goal of
Banding A statistical technique based on the standard bridging the gap between the research conducted
error of measurement that allows similar test scores by academics and the practical needs of
to be grouped. practitioners.
Bandwidth The total number of potential work hours Bulletin board A method of downward communication
available each day. in which informal or relatively unimportant written
Barnum statements Statements, such as those used in information is posted in a public place.
astrological forecasts, that are so general that they Burnout The psychological state of being overwhelmed
can be true of almost anyone. with stress.
Base rate Percentage of current employees who are Business communication The transmission of
considered successful. business-related information among employees,
Baseline The level of productivity before the management, and customers.
implementation of a gainsharing plan. Business game An exercise, usually found in assessment
Basic biological needs The first step in Maslow’s needs centers, that is designed to simulate the business
hierarchy, concerning survival needs for food, air, and marketing activities that take place in an
water, and the like. organization.

604 
Business impact A method of evaluating the effectiveness Coercive style A leadership style in which the individual
of training by determining whether the goals of the leads by controlling reward and punishment; most
training were met. effective in a climate of crisis.
Cognitive ability Abilities involving the knowledge and
Case law The interpretation of a law by a court through use of information such as math and grammar.
a verdict in a trial, setting precedent for subsequent Cognitive ability test Tests designed to measure the
court decisions. level of intelligence or the amount of knowledge
Case study A training technique in which employees, possessed by an applicant.
usually in a group, are presented with a real or Collaborating style The conflict style of a person who
hypothetical workplace problem and are asked to wants a conflict resolved in such a way that both
propose the best solution. sides get what they want.
Cause-and-effect relationship The result of a Common goal An aim or purpose shared by members
well-controlled experiment about which of a group.
the researcher can confidently state that the Communication barriers Physical, cultural, and
independent variable caused the change in the psychological obstacles that interfere with successful
dependent variable. communication and create a source of conflict.
Central tendency error A type of rating error in which Communication channel The medium by which a
a rater consistently rates all employees in the middle communication is transmitted.
of the scale, regardless of their actual levels of Communication structure The manner in which
performance. members of a group communicate with one another.
Change agent A person who enjoys change and makes Comparable worth The idea that jobs requiring the
changes for the sake of it. same level of skill and responsibility should be paid
Change analyst A person who is not afraid of change the same regardless of supply and demand.
but makes changes only when there is a compelling Comparison The effect when an individual working on
reason to do so. a task compares his or her performance with that of
Change resister A person who hates change and will another person performing the same task.
do anything to keep change from occurring. Compensable job factors Factors, such as responsibility
Chronic self-esteem The positive or negative way in and education requirements, that differentiate the
which a person views himself or herself as a whole. relative worth of jobs.
Chronological résumé A résumé in which jobs are Compensatory approach A method of making
listed in order from most to least recent. selection decisions in which a high score on one test
Circadian rhythm The 24-hour cycle of physiological can compensate for a low score on another test. For
functions maintained by every person. example, a high GPA might compensate for a low
Clarifier A type of structured interview question that GRE score.
clarifies information on the résumé or application. Competencies The knowledge, skills, abilities, and
Closed desk arrangement An office arranged so that other characteristics needed to perform a job.
a visitor must sit across from the person behind the Competition for resources A cause of conflict that
desk. occurs when the demand for resources is greater
Cluster grapevine A pattern of grapevine communication than the resources available.
in which a message is passed to a select group of people Complaint box A form of upward communication in
who each in turn pass the message to a few select which employees are asked to place their complaints
others. in a box.
Coaching A method of training in which a new Composite score A single score that is the sum of the
employee receives on-the-job guidance from an scores of several items or dimensions.
experienced employee. Compressed workweeks Work schedules in which
Coaction The effect on behavior when two or more 40 hours are worked in less than the traditional
people are performing the same task in the presence five-day workweek.
of each other. Compromising style A style of resolving conflicts in
Coefficient alpha A statistic used to determine internal which an individual allows each side to get some of
reliability of tests that use interval or ratio scales. what it wants.
Coercive power Leadership power that comes from the Computer-adaptive testing (CAT) A type of test taken
leader’s capacity to punish others. on a computer in which the computer adapts the

 605
difficulty level of questions asked to the test-taker’s Control group A group of employees who do not
success in answering previous questions. receive a particular type of training so that their
Computer-based training (CBT) A type of performance can be compared with that of
programmed instruction presented through a employees who do receive training.
computer. Convenience sample A nonrandom research sample
Concurrent validity A form of criterion validity that is used because it is easily available.
that correlates test scores with measures of job Cooperation-consideration One of five categories
performance for employees currently working for an from the trait approach to scoring letters of
organization. recommendation.
Conflict The psychological and behavioral reaction to Cooperative problem solving A method of resolving
a perception that another person is either keeping conflict in which two sides get together to discuss a
you from reaching a goal, taking away your right problem and arrive at a solution.
to behave in a particular way, or violating the Core hours The hours in a flextime schedule during
expectancies of a relationship. which every employee must work.
Conjunctive tasks Tasks for which the group’s Corrected validity A term usually found with
performance is dependent on the performance of meta-analysis, referring to a correlation coefficient
the least effective group member. that has been corrected for predictor and criterion
Consideration The degree to which leaders act in reliability and for range restriction. Corrected
a warm and supportive manner toward their validity is sometimes called “true validity.”
subordinates. Correlation A statistical procedure used to measure
Consistency theory Korman’s theory that employees the relationship between two variables.
will be motivated to perform at levels consistent Correlation coefficient A statistic, resulting from
with their levels of self-esteem. performing a correlation, that indicates the
Construct validity The extent to which a test actually magnitude and direction of a relationship.
measures the construct that it purports to measure. Corresponding effects An event that affects one member
Consultative I strategy Leaders share the problem on of a group will affect the other group members.
an individual basis with their subordinates and then Cost per applicant The amount of money spent on
make a decision that may or may not be consistent a recruitment campaign divided by the number of
with the thinking of the group. people that subsequently apply for jobs as a result
Consultative II strategy Leaders share the problem of the recruitment campaign.
with the group as a whole and then make a decision Cost per qualified applicant The amount of money
that may or may not be consistent with the thinking spent on a recruitment campaign divided by the
of the group. number of qualified people that subsequently apply
Contamination The condition in which a criterion for jobs as a result of the recruitment campaign.
score is affected by things other than those under Counterbalancing A method of controlling for order
the control of the employee. effects by giving half of a sample Test A first,
Content validity The extent to which tests or test followed by Test B, and giving the other half of the
items sample the content that they are supposed to sample Test B first, followed by Test A.
measure. Country club leadership A style of leadership in which
Contextual performance The effort employees make to the leader is concerned about the well-being of
get along with their peers, improve the organization, employees but is not task oriented.
and “go the extra mile.” Cover letter A letter that accompanies a résumé or job
Continuance commitment The extent to which application.
employees believe they must remain with an Crisis A critical time or climate for an organization
organization due to the time, expense, and effort in which the outcome to a decision has extreme
they have already put into the organization. consequences.
Contrast effect When the performance of one Criterion A measure of job performance, such as
applicant affects the perception of the performance attendance, productivity, or a supervisor rating.
of the next applicant. Criterion group Division of employees into groups
Contrast error A type of rating error in which the rating based on high and low scores on a particular criterion.
of the performance level of one employee affects the Criterion validity The extent to which a test score is
ratings given to the next employee being rated. related to some measure of job performance.

606 
Critical Incident Technique (CIT) The job analysis Dictionary of Occupational Titles The DOT is
method developed by John Flanagan that uses a directory that was published by the federal
written reports of good and bad employee government that supplied information for almost
behavior. 30,000 jobs. It has been replaced by O*NET.
Critical incidents A method of performance appraisal Difference score A type of effect size used in
in which the supervisor records employee behaviors meta-analysis that is signified by the letter d and
that were observed on the job and rates the indicates how many standard deviations separate
employee on the basis of that record. the mean score for the experimental group from the
Critical judge A person who, when under stress, control group.
focuses on his or her negative aspects as well as Differential validity The characteristic of a test that
those of the situation. significantly predicts a criterion for two groups,
Cross-functional teams Teams consisting of such as both minorities and nonminorities, but
representatives from various departments predicts significantly better for one of the two
(functions) within an organization. groups.
Cross-training Teaching employees how to perform Direct compensation The amount of money paid to an
tasks traditionally performed by other employees. employee (does not count benefits, time off, and so
Cutoff approach A method of hiring in which an forth).
applicant must score higher than a particular score Direct mail A method of recruitment in which an
to be considered for employment. organization sends out mass mailings of information
about job openings to potential applicants.
Dale-Chall Index A method of determining the Discarding The third stage of change, in which
readability level of written material by looking at employees accept that change will occur and decide
the number of commonly known words used in the to discard their old ways of doing things.
document. Disjunctive tasks Tasks for which the performance
Dead-enders Employees who receive much grapevine of a group is based on the performance of its most
information but who seldom pass it on to others. talented member.
Debriefing Informing the subject in an experiment Disorganization A climate in which the organization
about the purpose of the study in which he or she has the necessary knowledge and resources but does
was a participant and providing any other relevant not know how to efficiently use the knowledge or
information. the resources.
Defense The second stage of change, in which employees Dispute A situation when two parties do not agree.
accept that change will occur but try to justify the old Disqualifier A type of structured interview question in
way of doing things. which a wrong answer will disqualify the applicant
Denial The first stage in the emotional reaction to from further consideration.
change or layoffs, in which an employee denies that Dissertation A formal research paper required of most
an organizational change or layoff will occur. doctoral students in order to graduate.
Dependability-reliability One of five categories Distracting The idea that social inhibition occurs
from the trait approach to scoring letters of because the presence of others provides a distraction
recommendation. that interferes with concentration.
Dependent variable The measure of behavior that Distress Stress that results in negative energy and
is expected to change as a result of changes in the decreases in performance and health.
independent variable. Distributed practice Learning a few things at a time.
Derivation sample A group of employees who were Distribution errors Rating errors in which a rater
used in creating the initial weights for a biodata will use only a certain part of a rating scale when
instrument. evaluating employee performance.
Desirability The extent to which a trait or behavior is Distributive justice The perceived fairness of the
valued as being good in society. decisions made in an organization.
Despair An organizational climate characterized by low Downward communication Communication within an
morale. organization in which the direction of communication
Devil’s advocate A group member who intentionally is from management to employees.
provides an opposing opinion to that expressed by Drug-Free Workplace Act Requires federal contractors
the leader or the majority of the group. to maintain a drug-free workplace.

 607
Drug testing Tests that indicate whether an applicant Enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT) A
has recently used a drug. method of drug testing that uses enzymes to detect
Dysfunctional conflict Conflict that keeps people from the presence of drugs in a urine sample.
working together, lessens productivity, spreads to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
other areas, or increases turnover. (EEOC) A branch of the Department of Labor
charged with investigating and prosecuting
e-learning Using computer-based training (CBT) over complaints of employment discrimination.
the Web. Equity theory A theory of job satisfaction stating that
Effect size Used in meta-analysis, a statistic that employees will be satisfied if their ratio of effort to
indicates the amount of change caused by an reward is similar to that of other employees.
experimental manipulation. ERG theory Aldefer’s needs theory, which describes
Effective temperature The combination of air three levels of satisfaction: existence, relatedness,
temperature, humidity, airflow, and heat radiation that and growth.
determines how hot or cold the environment feels. Error Deviation from a standard of quality; also a
Ego needs The fourth step in Maslow’s hierarchy, type of response to communication overload that
concerning the individual’s need for recognition and involves processing all information but processing
success. some of it incorrectly.
Embeddedness The extent to which employees have Escape A response to communication overload in
links to their jobs and community, the importance which the employee leaves the organization to
of these links, and the ease with which they can be reduce the stress.
broken and replaced at another job. Eustress Stress that results in positive energy and
Empathic listening The listening style of a person who improvements in performance and health.
cares primarily about the feelings of the speaker. Evaluation apprehension The idea that a person
Employee learning Evaluating the effectiveness performing a task becomes aroused because he or
of a training program by measuring how much she is concerned that others are evaluating his or her
employees learned from it. performance.
Employee Performance Record A standardized use of Evaporation One way our bodies maintain a normal
the critical-incident technique developed at General temperature, in which perspiration reduces excess
Motors. heat.
Employee reactions A method of evaluating training Executive search firms Employment agencies, often
in which employees are asked their opinions of a also called headhunters, that specialize in placing
training program. applicants in high-paying jobs.
Employee referral A method of recruitment in which Expectancy In expectancy theory, the perceived
a current employee refers a friend or family member probability that a particular amount of effort will
for a job. result in a particular level of performance.
Employment agency An organization that specializes Expectancy theory Vroom’s theory that motivation is a
in finding jobs for applicants and finding applicants function of expectancy, instrumentality, and valence.
for organizations looking for employees. Experiment A type of research study in which
Employment interview A method of selecting the independent variable is manipulated by the
employees in which an interviewer asks questions of experimenter.
an applicant and then makes an employment decision Experimental group In an experiment, the group of
based on the answers to the questions as well as the subjects that receives the experimental treatment of
way in which the questions were answered. interest to the experimenter.
Employment-at-will doctrine The opinion of courts Expert power Power that individuals have because they
in most states that employers have the right to hire have knowledge.
and fire an employee at will and without any specific Expertise The amount of knowledge or skill possessed
cause. by a leader.
Employment-at-will statements Statements in employment External equity The extent to which employees within
applications and company manuals reaffirming an an organization are paid fairly compared with
organization’s right to hire and fire at will. employees in other organizations.
Empowerment chart A chart made for each employee External locus of control The extent to which people
that shows what level of input the employee has for believe that their success and failure is determined
each task. by external sources (e.g., luck, other people).

608 
External recruitment Recruiting employees from Flexible hours The part of a flextime schedule in which
outside the organization. employees may choose which hours to work.
External validity The extent to which research results Flexitour A flextime schedule in which employees have
can be expected to hold true outside the specific flexibility in scheduling but must schedule their
setting in which they were obtained. work hours at least a week in advance.
Extrinsic motivation Work motivation that arises from Flextime A work schedule that allows employees to
such nonpersonal factors as pay, coworkers, and choose their own work hours.
opportunities for advancement. FOG Index A method of determining the readability
level of written material by analyzing sentence
Face validity The extent to which a test appears to be length and the number of three-syllable words.
valid. (The term is interpreted as either the measure of
Faces Scale A measure of job satisfaction in which the “fog” a reader may be in or as the acronym FOG,
raters place a mark under a facial expression that is for “frequency of gobbledygook.”)
most similar to the way they feel about their jobs. Forced distribution method A performance appraisal
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Passed in method in which a predetermined percentage of
1993, the FMLA provides 12 weeks of unpaid leave employees are placed into a number of performance
for birth, adoption, or serious illness of a child, categories.
parent, spouse, or the employee. All organizations Forced-choice rating scales A method of performance
that physically employ 50 or more people within a appraisal in which a supervisor is given several
70-mile radius of one another are covered by the act. behaviors and is forced to choose which of them is
Fear stage The third emotional stage following the most typical of the employee.
announcement of a layoff, in which employees worry Forcing style The conflict style of a person who
about how they will survive financially. responds to conflict by always trying to win.
Feedback Providing employees with specific Forecasting Constant worrying about the future.
information about how well they are performing a Form stability The extent to which the scores on two
task or series of tasks. forms of a test are similar.
Feng shui The ancient Chinese practice of arranging Forming stage The first stage of the team process, in
objects to maximize positive energy and improve the which team members “feel out” the team concept
quality of life. and attempt to make a positive impression.
Fiedler’s contingency model A theory of leadership Four-fifths rule When the selection ratio for one group
that states that leadership effectiveness is dependent (e.g., women) is less than 80% (four fifths) of the
on the interaction between the leader and the selection ratio for another group (e.g., men), adverse
situation. impact is said to exist.
Field research Research conducted in a natural setting Fourteenth Amendment The amendment to the U.S.
as opposed to a laboratory. Constitution that mandates that no state may deny a
Fifth Amendment The amendment to the U.S. person equal protection under the law.
Constitution that mandates that the federal Fourth Amendment The amendment to the U.S.
government may not deny a person equal protection Constitution that protects against unreasonable
under the law. search or seizure; the amendment has been ruled to
File approach The gathering of biodata from employee cover such privacy issues as drug testing, locker and
files rather than by questionnaire. office searches, psychological testing, and electronic
Financial bonus A method of absenteeism control in surveillance.
which employees who meet an attendance standard Frame-of-reference training A method of training
are given a cash reward. raters in which the rater is provided with job-related
Fixed shift A shift schedule in which employees never information, a chance to practice ratings, examples
change the shifts they work. of ratings made by experts, and the rationale behind
Fleishman Job Analysis Survey (F-JAS) A job analysis the expert ratings.
method in which jobs are rated on the basis of the Fry Readability Graph A method of determining the
abilities needed to perform them. readability level of written material by analyzing
Flesch Index A method of determining the readability sentence length and the average number of syllables
level of written material by analyzing average per word.
sentence length and the number of syllables per Functional conflict Conflict that results in increased
100 words. performance or better interpersonal relations.

 609
Functional Job Analysis (FJA) A job analysis method Graphology Also called handwriting analysis, a method
developed by Fine that rates the extent to which of measuring personality by looking at the way in
a job incumbent is involved with functions in the which a person writes.
categories of data, people, and things. Grievance system A process in which an employee files
Functional résumé A résumé format in which jobs are a complaint with the organization and a person or
grouped by function rather than listed in order by committee within the organization makes a decision
date. regarding the complaint.
Future-focused question A type of structured Group cohesiveness The extent to which members of a
interview question in which applicants are given a group like and trust one another.
situation and asked how they would handle it. Group I strategy Leaders share the problem with the
group and let the group reach a decision or solution.
Gainsharing A group incentive system in which Group size The number of members in a group.
employees are paid a bonus based on improvements Group status The esteem in which the group is held by
in group productivity. people not in the group.
Galatea effect When high self-expectations result in Group–group conflict Conflict between two or more
higher levels of performance. groups.
Games An absenteeism control method in which Groupthink A state of mind in which a group is so
games such as poker and bingo are used to reward concerned about its own cohesiveness that it ignores
employee attendance. important information.
Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis A
means of analyzing urine samples for the presence Halo error A type of rating error that occurs when
of drugs in which the urine sample is vaporized and raters allow either a single attribute or an overall
then bombarded with electrons. impression of an individual to affect the ratings they
Gatekeeper A person who screens potential make on each relevant job dimension.
communication for someone else and allows only Hawthorne effect When employees change their
the most important information to pass through. behavior due solely to the fact that they are receiving
Generalizability Like external validity, the extent to attention or are being observed.
which research results hold true outside the specific Hawthorne studies A series of studies, conducted
setting in which they were obtained. at the Western Electric plant in Hawthorne,
Gliding time A flextime schedule in which employees Illinois, that have come to represent any change
can choose their own hours without any advance in behavior when people react to a change in the
notice or scheduling. environment.
Goal setting A method of increasing performance in Heterogeneous groups Groups whose members share
which employees are given specific performance few similarities.
goals to aim for. Hierarchy A system arranged by rank.
Golem effect When negative expectations of an Hold-out sample A group of employees who are not
individual cause a decrease in that individual’s used in creating the initial weights for a biodata
performance. instrument but instead are used to double-check the
Gossip Poorly substantiated information and accuracy of the initial weights.
insignificant information that is primarily about Homogeneous groups Groups whose members share
individuals. the same characteristics.
Gossip grapevine A pattern of grapevine communication Hostile environment A type of harassment
in which a message is passed to only a select group of characterized by a pattern of unwanted conduct
individuals. related to gender that interferes with an individual’s
Grade A cluster of jobs of similar worth. work performance.
Graduate Record Exam (GRE) A standardized admission Human factors A field of study concentrating on the
test required by most psychology graduate schools. interaction between humans and machines.
Grapevine An unofficial, informal communication Hygiene factors In Herzberg’s two-factor theory,
network. job-related elements that result from but do not
Graphic rating scale A method of performance involve the job itself.
appraisal that involves rating employee performance Hypothesis An educated prediction about the answer
on an interval or ratio scale. to a research question.

610 
Identification The need to associate ourselves with the Instrumental style In path–goal theory, a leadership
image projected by other people, groups, or objects. style in which the leader plans and organizes the
Ignorance An organizational climate in which activities of employees.
important information is not available. Instrumentality In expectancy theory, the perceived
IMPACT theory A theory of leadership that states probability that a particular level of performance will
that there are six styles of leadership (informational, result in a particular consequence.
magnetic, position, affiliation, coercive, and tactical) Integrity test Also called an honesty test; a psychological
and that each style will be effective only in one of six test designed to predict an applicant’s tendency to
organizational climates. steal.
Impoverished leadership A style of leadership Interacting group A collection of individuals who work
in which the leader is concerned with neither together to perform a task.
productivity nor the well-being of employees. Interactional justice The perceived fairness of the
In-basket technique An assessment center exercise interpersonal treatment that employees receive.
designed to simulate the types of information that Interactive video A training technique in which an
daily come across a manager’s or employee’s desk in employee is presented with a videotaped situation
order to observe the applicant’s responses to such and is asked to respond to the situation and then
information. receives feedback based on the response.
Inclusive listening The listening style of a person Interdependence The extent to which team members
who cares about only the main points of a need and rely on other team members.
communication. Interest inventory A psychological test designed to
Independent variable The manipulated variable in an identify vocational areas in which an individual
experiment. might be interested.
Individual dominance When one member of a group Internal locus of control The extent to which people
dominates the group. believe that they are responsible for and in control of
Individual–group conflict Conflict between an their success or failure in life.
individual and the other members of a group. Internal pay equity The extent to which employees
Industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology A branch of within an organization are paid fairly compared with
psychology that applies the principles of psychology other employees within the same organization.
to the workplace. Internal recruitment Recruiting employees already
Informal communication Communication among employed by the organization.
employees in an organization that is not directly Internal reliability The extent to which responses
related to the completion of an organizational task. to test items measuring the same construct are
Informational style A style of leadership in which the consistent.
leader leads through knowledge and information; Internal timekeepers A type of stress personality who
most effective in a climate of ignorance. takes on too much work because he or she enjoys
Informed consent The formal process by which doing a variety of things.
subjects give permission to be included in a study. Internalization The fifth and final stage of organizational
Infrequent observation The idea that supervisors do change, in which employees become comfortable with
not see most of an employee’s behavior. and productive in the new system.
Initiating structure The extent to which leaders define Internship A situation in which a student works for
and structure their roles and the roles of their an organization, either for pay or as a volunteer, to
subordinates. receive practical work experience.
Inner con artists A person who procrastinates. Interpersonal communication Communication
Input/output ratio The ratio of how much employees between two individuals.
believe they put into their jobs to how much they Interpersonal conflict Conflict between two people.
believe they get from their jobs. Intervening variable A third variable that can often
Inputs In equity theory, the elements that employees explain the relationship between two other variables.
put into their jobs. Intimacy zone A distance zone within 18 inches of a
Instability An organizational climate in which people person, where only people with a close relationship
are not sure what to do. to the person are allowed to enter.
Institutional review board A committee designated to Intranet A computer-based employee communication
ensure the ethical treatment of research subjects. network used exclusively by one organization.

 611
Intraorganizational communication Communication Job evaluation The process of determining the
within an organization. monetary worth of a job.
Intrinsic motivation Work motivation in the absence Job fair A recruitment method in which several
of such external factors as pay, promotion, and employers are available at one location so that many
coworkers. applicants can obtain information at one time.
Isolate An employee who receives less than half of all Job in General (JIG) Scale A measure of the overall
grapevine information. level of job satisfaction.
Isolation The degree of physical distance of a group Job knowledge test A test that measures the amount of
from other groups. job-related knowledge an applicant possesses.
Item homogeneity The extent to which test items Job participation A job analysis method in which
measure the same construct. the job analyst actually performs the job being
Item stability The extent to which responses to the analyzed.
same test items are consistent. Job related The extent to which a test or measure taps
a knowledge, skill, ability, behavior, or other
Job Adaptability Inventory (JAI) A job analysis characteristic needed to successfully perform
method that taps the extent to which a job involves a job.
eight types of adaptability. Job rotation A system in which employees are given
Job analysis The process of identifying how a job the opportunity to perform several different jobs in
is performed, the conditions under which it is an organization.
performed, and the personal requirements it takes Job satisfaction The attitude employees have toward
to perform the job. their jobs.
Job analysis interview Obtaining information about a Job sharing A work schedule in which two employees
job by talking to a person performing it. share one job by splitting the work hours.
Job analyst The person conducting the job analysis. Job specifications A relatively dated term that refers
Job characteristics theory The theory proposed by to the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to
Hackman and Oldham that suggests that certain successfully perform a job. Competencies is the
characteristics of a job will make the job more or more common term used today.
less satisfying, depending on the particular needs Job Structure Profile (JSP) A revised version of the
of the worker. Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) designed
Job Choice Exercise (JCE) An objective test used to to be used more by the job analyst than by the job
measure various need levels. incumbent.
Job Components Inventory (JCI) A structured job Journal A written collection of articles describing the
analysis technique that concentrates on worker methods and results of new research.
requirements for performing a job rather than on Jurisdictional ambiguity Conflict caused by a
specific tasks. disagreement about geographical territory or lines of
Job descriptions A written summary of the tasks authority.
performed in a job, the conditions under which the
job is performed, and the requirements needed to Key-issues approach A method of scoring interview
perform the job. answers that provides points for each part of an
Job Descriptive Index (JDI) A measure of job answer that matches the scoring key.
satisfaction that yields scores on five dimensions. Knowledge A body of information needed to perform
Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS) A measure of the extent a task.
to which a job provides opportunities for growth, Knowledge test A test that measures the level of an
autonomy, and meaning. employee’s knowledge about a job-related topic.
Job Elements Inventory (JEI) A structured job analysis Known-group validity A form of validity in which
technique developed by Cornelius and Hakel that is test scores from two contrasting groups “known” to
similar to the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) differ on a construct are compared.
but easier to read. KSAOs Knowledge, skills, abilities, and other
Job enlargement A system in which employees are characteristics required to perform a job.
given more tasks to perform at the same time. Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 (K-R 20) A statistic
Job enrichment A system in which employees are given used to determine internal reliability of tests that
more responsibility over the tasks and decisions use items with dichotomous answers (yes/no, true/
related to their job. false).

612 
Laboratory research Research that is conducted in a performance, work habits, character, or potential for
laboratory setting that can be controlled more easily success.
than research conducted in a field setting. Leveled Describes a message from which unimportant
Lawshe tables Tables that use the base rate, test validity, informational details have been removed before the
and applicant percentile on a test to determine the message is passed from one person to another.
probability of future success for that applicant. Liaison A person who acts as an intermediary
Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire between employees and management; or the type
(LBDQ) A test used to measure perceptions of a of employee who both sends and receives most
leader’s style by his or her subordinates. grapevine information.
Leader emergence A part of trait theory that postulates Linear A straight-line relationship between the test
that certain types of people will become leaders and score and the criterion of measurement.
certain types will not. Living case A case study based on a real situation
Leader Match A training program that teaches leaders rather than a hypothetical one.
how to change situations to match their leadership
styles. Magazine An unscientific collection of articles about a
Leader performance A part of trait theory that wide range of topics.
postulates that certain types of people will be better Magnetic style A style of leadership in which the leader
leaders than will other types of people. has influence because of his or her charismatic
Leader position power The variable in Fiedler’s personality; most effective in a climate of despair.
contingency model that refers to the extent to which Management teams Teams that coordinate, manage,
a leader, by the nature of his or her position, has the advice, and direct employees and teams.
power to reward and punish subordinates. Managerial Grid A measure of leadership that classifies
Leaderless group discussion A selection technique, a leader into one of five leadership styles.
usually found in assessment centers, in which Manipulation The alteration of a variable by an
applicants meet in small groups and are given a experimenter in expectation that the alteration will
problem to solve or an issue to discuss. result in a change in the dependent variable.
Leader–member exchange (LMX) theory A leadership Massed practice Concentrating learning into a short
theory that focuses on the interaction between leaders period of time.
and subordinates. Maximum supportable position (MSP) The highest
Leader/member relations The variable in Fiedler’s possible settlement that a person could reasonably
contingency model that refers to the extent to which ask for and still maintain credibility in negotiating
subordinates like a leader. an agreement.
Leadership motive pattern The name for a pattern of Mean effect size Used in meta-analysis, a statistic
needs in which a leader has a high need for power that is the average of the effect sizes for all studies
and a low need for affiliation. included in the analysis.
Leadership Opinion Questionnaire (LOQ) A test used Mediation A method of resolving conflict in which a
to measure a leader’s self-perception of his or her neutral third party is asked to help the two parties
leadership style. reach an agreement.
Least acceptable result (LAR) The lowest settlement Meeting cow An unnecessary or unnecessarily long
that a person is willing to accept in a negotiated meeting scheduled out of force of habit.
agreement. Mental agility One of the intelligence measurement
Least-Preferred Coworker (LPC) Scale A test used categories developed by Peres and Garcia for analyzing
in conjunction with Fiedler’s contingency model to the adjectives used in letters of recommendation.
reveal leadership style and effectiveness. Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY ) The name of
Legitimate power The power that individuals have a book containing information about the reliability
because of their elected or appointed position. and validity of various psychological tests.
Leisure listening The listening style of a person who Mentor An experienced employee who advises and
cares about only interesting information. looks out for a new employee.
Leniency error A type of rating error in which a Mere presence Theory stating that the very fact that
rater consistently gives all employees high ratings, others happen to be present naturally produces
regardless of their actual levels of performance. arousal and thus may affect performance.
Letter of recommendation A letter expressing an Merit pay An incentive plan in which employees receive
opinion regarding an applicant’s ability, previous pay bonuses based on performance appraisal scores.

 613
Meta-analysis A statistical method for cumulating Need for affiliation The extent to which a person
research results. desires to be around other people.
Middle-of-the-road leadership A leadership style Need for power According to trait theory, the extent
reflecting a balanced orientation between people to which a person desires to be in control of other
and tasks. people.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Needs analysis The process of determining the training
(MMPI-2) The most widely used objective test of needs of an organization.
psychopathology. Needs theory A theory based on the idea that employees
Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) A will be satisfied with jobs that satisfy their needs.
measure of job satisfaction that yields scores on Negative feedback Telling employees what they
20 dimensions. are doing incorrectly in order to improve their
Mixed-standard scale A method of performance performance of a task.
appraisal in which a supervisor reads the description Negative information bias The fact that negative
of a specific behavior and then decides whether the information receives more weight in an employment
behavior of the employee is better than, equal to, or decision than does positive information.
poorer than the behavior described. Negligent hiring An organization’s failure to meet its
Modeling Learning through watching and imitating the legal duty to protect its employees and customers
behavior of others. from potential harm caused by its employees.
Modified flexitour A flextime schedule in which Negligent reference An organization’s failure to meet
employees have flexibility in scheduling but must its legal duty to supply relevant information to a
schedule their work hours a day in advance. prospective employer about a former employee’s
Moonlighting Working more than one job. potential for legal trouble.
Motivation The force that drives an employee to Negotiation and bargaining A method of resolving
perform well. conflict in which two sides use verbal skill and
Motivators In Herzberg’s two-factor theory, elements strategy to reach an agreement.
of a job that concern the actual duties performed by Neuroticism One of the big five personality categories
the employee. (the opposite of emotional stability), a description
Multiple channels A strategy for coping with of people who are anxious, tense, and worried.
communication overload in which an organization Newsletters A method of downward communication
reduces the amount of communication going to one typically used to communicate organizational
person by directing some of it to another person. feedback and celebrate employee success.
Multiple-cutoff approach A selection strategy in which Noise Any variable concerning or affecting the channel
applicants must meet or exceed the passing score on that interferes with the proper reception of a message.
more than one selection test. Nominal group A collection of individuals whose results
Multiple-hurdle approach Selection practice of are pooled but who never interact with one another.
administering one test at a time so that applicants must Nonbinding arbitration A method of resolving
pass that test before being allowed to take the next test. conflicts in which a neutral third party is asked to
Multiple regression A statistical procedure in which choose which side is correct but in which either
the scores from more than one criterion-valid test party may appeal the decision.
are weighted according to how well each test score Noncalculative motivation Those who seek leadership
predicts the criterion. positions because they will result in personal gain.
Multiple-source feedback A performance appraisal Nonconforming listening The listening style of a
strategy in which an employee receives feedback person who cares about only information that is
from sources (e.g., clients, subordinates, peers) other consistent with his or her way of thinking.
than just his/her supervisor. Nonverbal communication Factors such as eye contact
MUM (minimize unpleasant messages) effect The and posture that are not associated with actual
idea that people prefer not to pass on unpleasant words spoken.
information, with the result that important Normative commitment The extent to which employees
information is not always communicated. feel an obligation to remain with an organization.
Norming The third stage of the team process, in which
Need for achievement According to trait theory, the teams establish roles and determine policies and
extent to which a person desires to be successful. procedures.

614 
Objective tests A type of personality test that is Organizational justice A theory that postulates that if
structured to limit the respondent to a few answers employees perceive they are being treated fairly, they
that will be scored by standardized keys. will be more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and
Observation A job analysis method in which the job motivated to do well.
analyst watches job incumbents perform their jobs. Organizational psychology The field of study that
Occupational Information Network (O*NET) The job investigates the behavior of employees within the
analysis system used by the federal government that context of an organization.
has replaced the Dictionary of Occupational Titles Organizational socialization The process whereby
(DOT). new employees learn the behaviors and attitudes
Ombudsperson A person who investigates employees’ they need to be successful in an organization.
complaints and solves problems. Other characteristics Such personal factors as
Omission A response to communication overload personality, willingness, and interest that are
that involves the conscious decision not to process not knowledge, skills, or abilities.
certain types of information. Outputs In equity theory, what employees get from
On-site child-care facility A child-care center that is their jobs.
located on the site of the organization employing the Outside pressure The amount of psychological
parent. pressure placed on a group by people who are not
Open desk arrangement An office arranged so that a members of the group.
visitor can sit adjacent to rather than across from the Outsourcing The process of having certain
person behind the desk. organizational functions performed by an
Operant conditioning A type of learning based on outside vendor rather than an employee in the
the idea that humans learn to behave in ways that organization.
will result in favorable outcomes and learn not Overlearning Practicing a task even after it has been
to behave in ways that result in unfavorable mastered in order to retain learning.
outcomes. Overt integrity test A type of honesty test that asks
Optimal level of arousal The idea that performance is questions about applicants’ attitudes toward theft
best with moderate levels of arousal. and their previous theft history.
Optimist A person who looks at the positive aspects of
every situation. Paid time off (PTO) An attendance policy in which all
Organizational analysis The process of determining paid vacations, sick days, holidays, and so forth are
the organizational factors that will either facilitate or combined.
inhibit training effectiveness. Paired comparison A form of ranking in which a group
Organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) Behaviors of employees to be ranked are compared one pair at
that are not part of an employee’s job but which make a time.
the organization a better place to work (e.g., helping Paper cow Unnecessary paperwork generated within
others, staying late). organizations out of force of habit.
Organizational commitment The extent to which an Paralanguage Communication inferred from the tone,
employee identifies with and is involved with an tempo, volume, and rate of speech.
organization. Parallel teams Also called cross-functional teams, they
Organizational Commitment Questionnaire consist of representatives from various departments
(OCQ) A 15-item questionnaire that taps three (functions) within an organization.
organizational commitment dimensions. Participative style In path–goal theory, a leadership
Organizational Commitment Scale (OCS) A 9-item style in which the leader allows employees to
survey that taps three aspects of organizational participate in decisions.
commitment. Passing score The minimum test score that an
Organizational culture The shared values, beliefs, applicant must achieve to be considered for hire.
and traditions that exist among individuals in an Pass-through programs A formal method of coaching
organization. in which excellent employees spend a period of time
Organizational fit questions A type of in the training department learning training
structured-interview question that taps how techniques and training employees.
well an applicant’s personality and values will Past-focused question A type of structured-interview
fit with the organizational culture. question that taps an applicant’s experience.

 615
Path–goal theory A theory of leadership stating that Peter Principle The idea that organizations tend to
leaders will be effective if their behavior helps promote good employees until they reach the level at
subordinates achieve relevant goals. which they are not competent—in other words, their
Patterned-behavior description interview (PBDI) highest level of incompetence.
A structured interview in which the questions focus Physical ability tests Tests that measure an applicant’s
on behavior in previous jobs. level of physical ability required for a job.
Pay for performance A system in which employees Pleaser A type of person who wants to make everyone
are paid on the basis of how much they individually happy and is usually cooperative and helpful.
produce. Point method A job evaluation system in which jobs
Peak-time pay A system in which part-time employees are assigned points across several compensable
who work only during peak hours are paid at a factors to determine the worth of the job.
higher hourly rate than all-day, full-time employees. Point-of-purchase method A recruitment method in
Perceptual ability Measure of facility with such which help-wanted signs are placed so that they can
processes as spatial relations and form perception. be viewed by people who visit the organization.
Performance appraisal review A meeting between a Policy manual A formal method of downward
supervisor and a subordinate for the purpose of communication in which an organization’s rules and
discussing performance appraisal results. procedures are placed in a manual; legally binding by
Performance appraisal score A rating representing courts of law.
some aspect of an employee’s work performance. Polygraph An electronic test intended to determine
Performing The fourth and final stage of the team honesty by measuring an individual’s physiological
process, in which teams work toward accomplishing changes after being asked questions.
their goals. Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) A structured
Permanency The extent to which a team will remain job analysis method developed by McCormick.
together or be disbanded after a task has been Position style A leadership style in which the leaders
accomplished. influence others by virtue of their appointed or
Person analysis The process of identifying the employees elected authority; most effective in a climate of
who need training and determining the areas in which instability.
each individual employee needs to be trained. Posttest A measure of job performance or knowledge
Personal distance zone A distance zone from 18 inches taken after a training program has been completed.
to four feet from a person that is usually reserved for Power differentiation The extent to which team
friends and acquaintances. members have the same level of power and respect.
Personality Relatively stable traits possessed by an Practical significance The extent to which the results
individual. of a study have actual impact on human behavior.
Personality-based integrity test A type of honesty Practicum A paid or unpaid position with an organization
test that measures personality traits thought to be that gives a student practical work experience.
related to antisocial behavior. Predictive validity A form of criterion validity in which
Personality inventory A psychological assessment test scores of applicants are compared at a later date
designed to measure various aspects of an applicant’s with a measure of job performance.
personality. Pregnancy Discrimination Act A 1978 federal law
Personality-Related Position Requirements Form protecting the rights of pregnant women.
(PPRF) A new job analysis instrument that helps Premack Principle The idea that reinforcement is
determine the personality requirements for a job. relative both within an individual and between
Personnel psychology The field of study that concentrates individuals.
on the selection and evaluation of employees. Pretest A measure of job performance or knowledge
Person/organization fit The extent to which an taken before the implementation of a training
employee’s personality, values, attitudes, philosophy, program.
and skills match those of the organization. Primacy effect The fact that information presented
Perspective taking Rating a potential stressor by early in an interview carries more weight than
asking how bad it really is compared with all things information presented later.
considered or with a worst-case scenario. Probability grapevine A pattern of grapevine
Pessimist A person who looks at the negative aspects communication in which a message is passed
of every situation. randomly among all employees.

616 
Procedural justice The perceived fairness of the Quality circles Employee groups that meet to propose
methods used by an organization to make decisions. changes that will improve productivity and the
Profit sharing A group incentive method in which quality of work life.
employees get a percentage of the profits made by an Quantity A type of objective criterion used to measure
organization. job performance by counting the number of relevant
Programmed instruction A training method in which job behaviors that occur.
employees learn information at their own pace. Quasi-experiment Research method in which the
Progressive discipline Providing employees with experimenter either does not manipulate the
punishments of increasing severity, as needed, in independent variable or in which subjects are not
order to change behavior. randomly assigned to conditions.
Project teams Groups formed to produce one-time Questionnaire approach The method of obtaining
outputs such as creating a new product, installing a biodata from questionnaires rather than from
new software system, or hiring a new employee. employee files.
Projective tests A subjective test in which a subject is Queuing A method of coping with communication
asked to perform relatively unstructured tasks, such overload that involves organizing work into an order
as drawing pictures, and in which a psychologist in which it will be handled.
analyzes his or her responses. Quid pro quo A type of sexual harassment in which the
Proportion of correct decisions A utility method granting of sexual favors is tied to an employment
that compares the percentage of times a selection decision.
decision was accurate with the percentage of
successful employees. Race According to Congress, the four races are African
Protected class Any group of people for whom American, European American, Asian American,
protective legislation has been passed. and Native American Indian.
Prototype The overall image that a supervisor has of an Racial bias The tendency to give members of a
employee. particular race lower evaluation ratings than are
Proximity Physical distance between people. justified by their actual performance or to give
Proximity error A type of rating error in which a rating members of one race lower ratings than members
made on one dimension influences the rating made of another race.
on the dimension that immediately follows it on the Radiation One way our bodies maintain a normal
rating scale. temperature, by the emission of heat waves.
Psychological résumé A résumé style that takes Radioimmunoassay (RIA) A method of drug testing
advantage of psychological principles pertaining to that uses radioactive tagging to determine the
memory organization and impression formation. presence of drugs in a urine sample.
Psychomotor ability Measure of facility with such Random assignment The random, unbiased
processes as finger dexterity and motor coordination. assignment of subjects in a research sample to the
Public distance zone Distance greater than 12 feet various experimental and control conditions.
from a person that is typical of the interpersonal Random sample A sample in which every member of
space allowed for social interactions such as large the relevant population had an equal chance of being
group lectures. chosen to participate in the study.
Public employment agency An employment service Rank order A method of performance appraisal in
operated by a state or local government, designed to which employees are ranked from best to worst.
match applicants with job openings. Realistic job preview (RJP) A method of recruitment
Pygmalion effect The idea that if people believe in which job applicants are told both the positive
that something is true, they will act in a manner and the negative aspects of a job.
consistent with that belief. Recency effect The tendency for supervisors to recall
and place more weight on recent behaviors when
Qualified workforce The percentage of people in a given they evaluate performance.
geographic area who have the qualifications (skills, Receptive changer A person who is willing to change.
education, and so forth) to perform a certain job. Recruitment The process of attracting employees to an
Quality A type of objective criterion used to measure organization.
job performance by comparing a job behavior with a Reference The expression of an opinion, either
standard. orally or through a written checklist, regarding

 617
an applicant’s ability, previous performance, work Rorschach Ink Blot Test A projective personality test.
habits, character, or potential for future success. Rotating shift A shift schedule in which employees
Reference check The process of confirming the periodically change the shifts that they work.
accuracy of résumé and job application information. Rule of three A variation on top-down selection in
Referent power Leadership power that exists when which the names of the top three applicants are
followers can identify with a leader and the leader’s given to a hiring authority who can then select any
goals. of the three.
Referral service A system of child care in which an Rumor Poorly substantiated information that is passed
employer maintains a list of certified child-care along the grapevine.
centers that can be used by its employees.
Reinforcement hierarchy A rank-ordered list of Sabertooth People who respond to stress with anger.
reinforcers for an individual. Sacred cow hunt The first step in organizational
Rejection letter A letter from an organization to an change, in which employees look for practices and
applicant informing the applicant that he or she will policies that waste time and are counterproductive.
not receive a job offer. Safety needs The second step in Maslow’s hierarchy,
Reliability The extent to which a score from a test or concerning the need for security, stability, and
from an evaluation is consistent and free from error. physical safety.
Reluctant changer A person who will initially resist Salary survey A questionnaire sent to other
change but will eventually go along with it. organizations to see how much they are paying
Residual stress Stress that is carried over from their employees in positions similar to those in the
previous stressful situations. organization sending the survey.
Respond by calling ads Recruitment ads in which Scientist-practitioner model A teaching model in
applicants are instructed to call rather than to apply which students are trained first to be scientists, and
in person or send résumés. second, to be able to apply the science of their field
Restricted range A narrow range of performance to find solutions to real-world problems.
scores that makes it difficult to obtain a significant Scorer reliability The extent to which two people
validity coefficient. scoring a test agree on the test score, or the extent to
Résumé A formal summary of an applicant’s which a test is scored correctly.
professional and educational background. Selection ratio The percentage of applicants an
Résumé fraud The intentional placement of untrue organization hires.
information on a résumé. Self-actualization needs The fifth step in Maslow’s
Return on investment (ROI) The amount of money hierarchy, concerning the need to realize one’s
an organization makes after subtracting the cost of potential.
training or other interventions. Self-directed teams See Quality circles.
Reward power Leadership power that exists to the Self-esteem The extent to which a person views him or
extent that the leader has the ability and authority to herself as a valuable and worthy individual.
provide rewards. Self-fulfilling prophecy The idea that people behave in
Right/wrong scoring A method of scoring interview ways consistent with their self-image.
questions in which the answer is either right or Self-monitoring A personality trait characterized
wrong (e.g., What is the legal drinking age in by the tendency to adapt one’s behavior to fit a
Virginia?) particular social situation.
Rituals Procedures in which employees participate to Self-regulation theory Postulates that employees can
become “one of the gang.” be motivated by monitoring their own progress
Role ambiguity The extent to which an employee’s toward the goals they set and adjusting their
roles and expectations are unclear. behavior to reach those goals.
Role conflict The extent to which an employee’s role Send-résumé ads Recruitment ads in which applicants
and expected role are the same. are instructed to send their résumé to the company
Role overload The extent to which an employee is able rather than call or apply in person.
to psychologically handle the number of roles and Serial communication Communication passed
tasks assigned. consecutively from one person to another.
Role play A training technique in which employees act Sharpened Describes a message in which interesting
out simulated roles. and unusual information has been kept in the

618 
message when it is passed from one person to Social impact theory States that the addition of a
another; see Leveled. group member has the greatest effect on group
Shrinkage The amount of goods lost by an organization behavior when the size of the group is small.
as a result of theft, breakage, or other loss. Social inhibition The negative effects that occur
Simulation An exercise designed to place an applicant when a person performs a task in the presence of
in a situation that is similar to the one that will be others.
encountered on the job. Social learning theory States that employees model
Single-group validity The characteristic of a test that their levels of satisfaction and motivation from other
significantly predicts a criterion for one class of employees.
people but not for another. Social loafing The fact that individuals in a group often
Single-strand grapevine A pattern of grapevine exert less individual effort than they would if they
communication in which a message is passed in a were not in a group.
chainlike fashion from one person to the next until Social needs The third step in Maslow’s hierarchy,
the chain is broken. concerning the need to interact with other people.
Situational question A structured-interview technique Social-normative motivation The desire to lead out of
in which applicants are presented with a series of a sense of duty or responsibility.
situations and asked how they would handle each Social recognition A motivation technique using such
one. methods as personal attention, signs of approval,
Situational leadership theory A theory of leadership and expressions of appreciation.
stating that effective leaders must adapt their style Socially influenced self-esteem The positive or
of leadership to fit both the situation and the negative way in which a person views him or herself
followers. based on the expectations of others.
Situational self-esteem The positive or negative way in Solomon four-groups design An extensive method of
which a person views him or herself in a particular evaluating the effectiveness of training with the use
situation. of pretests, posttests, and control groups.
Situation-wanted ads Newspaper advertisements run Spearman-Brown prophecy formula Used to correct
by applicants looking for jobs rather than by organi- reliability coefficients resulting from the split-half
zations looking for applicants. method.
Skill Proficiency to perform a particular task. Speed cow The tendency for organizations to require
Skill-level determiner A type of structured-interview employees to work faster and produce work sooner
question designed to tap an applicant’s knowledge than needed.
or skill. Split-half method A form of internal reliability
Skill test A test that measures an employee’s level of in which the consistency of item responses is
some job-related skill. determined by comparing scores on half of the
Skill-based pay Compensating an employee who items with scores on the other half of the items.
participates in a training program designed to Stability The extent to which the membership of a
increase a particular job-related skill. group remains consistent over time.
Slightly heterogeneous groups Groups in which a few Standard deviation (SD) A statistic that indicates the
group members have different characteristics from variation of scores in a distribution.
the rest of the group. Standard error (SE) The number of points that a test
SME conference A group job analysis interview score could be off due to test unreliability.
consisting of subject-matter experts (SMEs). Stock options A group incentive method in which
Social distance The extent to which team members employees are given the option of buying stock in
treat each other in a friendly, informal manner. the future at the price of the stock when the options
Social distance zone An interpersonal distance from were granted.
4 to 12 feet from a person that is typically used for Storming The second stage in group formation in
business and for interacting with strangers. which group members disagree and resist their team
Social facilitation The positive effects that occur when roles.
a person performs a task in the presence of others. Strain The physical and psychological consequences of
Social information processing theory States that stress.
employees model their levels of satisfaction and Stress Perceived psychological pressure.
motivation from other employees. Stressors Events that cause stress.

 619
Strictness error A type of rating error in which a Taylor-Russell tables A series of tables based on the
rater consistently gives all employees low ratings, selection ratio, base rate, and test validity that
regardless of their actual levels of performance. yield information about the percentage of future
Striver An ambitious and competitive person whose employees who will be successful if a particular
source of stress is often self-placed demands. test is used.
Strong Interest Inventory (SII) A popular interest Team leadership A leadership style in which the leader
inventory used to help people choose careers. is concerned with both productivity and employee
Structured interviews Interviews in which questions well-being.
are based on a job analysis, every applicant is asked Technical listening The listening style of a person who
the same questions, and there is a standardized cares about only facts and details.
scoring system so that identical answers are given Telecommuting Working at home rather than at
identical scores. the office by communicating with managers and
Stylistic listening The listening style of a person who coworkers via phone, computer, fax machine, and
pays attention mainly to the way in which words are other offsite media.
spoken. Temporal stability The consistency of test scores
Subject-matter experts (SMEs) Sources such as across time.
supervisors and incumbents who are knowledgeable Temporary employees Also called “temps”—
about a job. employees hired through a temporary employment
Suggestion box A form of upward communication in agency.
which employees are asked to place their suggestions Tenure The length of time an employee has been with
in a box. an organization.
Supportive style In path–goal theory, a leadership style Terminal master’s degree programs Graduate
in which leaders show concern for their employees. programs that offer a master’s degree but not a Ph.D.
Surveys Questionnaires asking employees about the Test-retest reliability The extent to which repeated
areas in which they feel they need training. administration of the same test will achieve similar
Survivors Employees who retain their jobs following a results.
downsizing. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) A projective
Symbols Organizational behaviors or practices that personality test in which test-takers are shown
convey messages to employees. pictures and asked to tell stories. It is designed to
measure various need levels.
Theory A systematic set of assumptions regarding the
Tactical style A leadership style in which a person leads
cause and nature of behavior.
through organization and strategy; most effective in
a climate of disorganization. Theory X leaders Leaders who believe that employees
Task analysis The process of identifying the tasks for are extrinsically motivated and thus lead by giving
which employees need to be trained. directives and setting goals.
Task-centered leaders Leaders who define and Theory Y leaders Leaders who believe that employees
structure their roles as well as the roles of their are intrinsically motivated and thus lead with a
subordinates. “hands-off ” or a participative approach.
Task-centered leadership A leadership style in which Thin-layer chromatography A method of analyzing
the leader is more concerned with productivity than urine specimens for drugs that is performed by hand
with employee well-being. and requires a great deal of analyst skill.
Task interdependence A potential source of conflict Third-party intervention When a neutral party is
that arises when the completion of a task by one asked to help resolve a conflict.
person affects the completion of a task by another Threshold Traits Analysis (TTA) A 33-item
person. questionnaire developed by Lopez that identifies
Task inventory A questionnaire containing a list of traits necessary to successfully perform a job.
tasks each of which the job incumbent rates on a Top-down selection Selecting applicants in straight
series of scales such as importance and time spent. rank order of their test scores.
Task structuredness The variable in Fiedler’s Trade magazine A collection of articles for those “in
contingency model that refers to the extent to the biz,” about related professional topics, seldom
which tasks have clear goals and problems can be directly reporting the methods and results of new
solved. research.

620 
Training A planned effort by an organization to Validity coefficient The correlation between scores
facilitate the learning of job-related behavior on the on a selection method (e.g., interview, cognitive
part of its employees. ability test) and a measure of job performance
Transactional leadership Leadership style in which the (e.g., supervisor rating, absenteeism).
leader focuses on task-oriented behaviors. Validity generalization (VG) The extent to which
Transfer of training The extent to which behavior inferences from test scores from one organization
learned in training will be performed on the job. can be applied to another organization.
Transformational leadership Visionary leadership in Vertical dyad linkage (VDL) theory A leadership
which the leader changes the nature and goals of an theory that concentrates on the interaction between
organization. the leader and his or her subordinates.
Triangling An employee discusses a conflict with a Vertical percentage method For scoring biodata in which
third-party such as a friend or supervisor. In doing the percentage of unsuccessful employees responding
so, the employee hopes that the third party will in a particular way is subtracted from the percentage
talk to the second party and that the conflict will of successful employees responding in the same way.
be resolved without the need for the two parties to Victims Employees who lose their jobs due to a layoff.
meet. Vietnam-Era Veterans Readjustment Act A 1974
Trustworthiness The extent to which a leader is federal law that mandates that federal government
believed and trusted by his or her followers. contractors and subcontractors take affirmative
Two-factor theory Herzberg’s needs theory, action to employ and promote Vietnam-era veterans.
postulating that there are two factors involved in job Vigor A category referring to energy; one of the five
satisfaction: hygiene factors and motivators. dimensions in the trait approach to scoring letters of
Type A personality A stress-prone person who is recommendation.
competitive, impatient, and hurried. Virtual job fair A job fair held on campus in which
Type B personality A non–stress-prone person who is students can “tour” a company online, ask questions
relaxed and agreeable. of recruiters, and electronically send résumés.
Typical-answer approach A method of scoring Virtual teams Teams that communicate through email
interview answers that compares an applicant’s rather than face to face.
answer with benchmark answers. Vocational counseling The process of helping an
individual choose and prepare for the most suitable
Uniform Guidelines Federal guidelines used to guide career.
an employer in establishing fair selection methods. Vocational Rehabilitation Act Federal act passed in
Union steward An employee who serves as a liaison 1973 that prohibits federal government contractors
between unionized employees and management. or subcontractors from discriminating against the
physically or mentally handicapped.
Unstructured interview An interview in which
applicants are not asked the same questions and in Voice stress analyzer An electronic test to determine
which there is no standard scoring system to score honesty by measuring an individual’s voice changes
applicant answers. after being asked questions.
Upward communication Communication within an Voucher system Child-care policy in which an
organization in which the direction of communication organization pays all or some of its employees’
is from employees up to management. child-care costs at private child-care centers by
providing the employees with vouchers.
Urbanity A category referring to social skills and
refinement; one of the five dimensions in the trait Vroom-Yetton Model A theory of leadership that
approach to scoring letters of recommendation. concentrates on helping a leader choose how to
make a decision.
Utility formula Method of ascertaining the extent to
which an organization will benefit from the use of a
particular selection system.
Wage trend line A line that represents the ideal
relationship between the number of points that a
Valence In expectancy theory, the perceived desirability job has been assigned (using the point method of
of a consequence that results from a particular level evaluation) and the salary range for that job.
of performance. Webcast A noninteractive training method in which
Validity The degree to which inferences from scores on the trainer transmits training information over the
tests or assessments are justified by the evidence. Internet.

 621
Webinar Short for “web seminar”, an interactive Wonderlic Personnel Test The cognitive ability test
training method in which training is transmitted that is most commonly used in industry.
over the Inernet. Work at home Alternative to having employees come
Well pay A method of absenteeism control to an organization’s building.
in which employees are paid for their unused Work Preference Inventory (WPI) A measure of
sick leave. an individual’s orientation toward intrinsic versus
Wiki A collection of web pages in which users can extrinsic motivation.
create web pages on a topic and readers can freely Work sample A method of selecting employees in
edit those pages. which an applicant is asked to perform samples of
Winning at all costs An approach to handling conflict actual job-related tasks.
in which one side seeks to win regardless of the Work teams Groups of employees who manage
damage to the other side. themselves, assign jobs, plan and schedule work,
Withdrawal An approach to handling conflict make work-related decisions, and solve work-related
in which one of the parties removes him/ problems.
herself from the situation to avoid Worrier A person who always thinks the worst is going
the conflict. to happen.

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