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formed part of ancient Gaul, and was therefore included in

suspended at the circumference of a nearly circular expanse

expenses incidental to the birth, or the funeral expenses,

K. Struvea sp., showing branches forming a net-work.

in 1827, employing potassium alone as the reducing agent,

soil, and has four or five months in which to distribute its

confine the English between the Alleghanies and the sea.

was held valid (Thellusson v. Woodford, 1798, 4 Vesey,

dissimilar substances are capable of entering into chemical combination

countries. An examination of the map of West Africa will

from that of the Farah Rud. These spurs retain a considerable

the Pacific region are most remarkable---extraordinary alike

government, the lessees having exclusive trading privileges.

About 1000 B.C. there happened a final catastrophe. The

nor inflection, accent plays a very important part. As the

important. He died at Wadstena on the 13th of August 1819.

culture see Die Hellenische Kultur by F. Baumgarten, &c.

called ``the Se-Baptist''), entitled a Defence of Holy

numbers, and sharp fighting took place when the garrison of

lead. He was an emancipator of the mind. In his Poems

sister of the French king, Francis I., he had a daughter, Jeanne

1868-1805 (Washington, 1898) (United States Treasury, also

year, however, the Northmen returned and inflicted worse evil

elongated ellipse in 33 1/4 years, and is subject to definite

NERO, 34; Stahr, Agrippina. die Mutter Neros (1880); Raffay, Die

States. Amherst Academy (opened about 1814, chartered 1816),

is more than likely that he was indebted to earlier writers,

apply to a wide range of questions, provided we could be certain

realization of his ambitious projects, which included the

vain. Eight times the mean motion of Venus is so nearly equal

ALRERTI, LEONE BATTISTA (1404-1472), Italian painter,

developments and reactions of the movement in Europe is far more

passes them on into the uterus, and thus out of the body via

periods, very carefully graduated to the individual child.

the Latin university plays in the Jahrbuch der

constructed by George Graham (1675-1751), a celebrated

nevertheless, but for this work, we should be led to assume

the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic, but all these versions are

Total crop 32.0 42.4 9.2 21.7 15.1 6.7

itself exclusively in the economic development of the country.

amir. Under the governors of provinces the nobles and kazis

Madrid, Marshal Prim, chief promoter of his candidature, was

serious section in parliament were frankly opposed to the

FIG. 6.--Anterior region of two pelagic larvae of A.

12' W., since 1876 capital of the British Gold Coast

arrested, but whether at the instigation of d'Aiguillon is not

the east. and of plains to the west. The mountainous region

the powor of Aegina had steadily declined during the twenty

such advice and assistance as will best promote the purposes

and Mahommedan legends, see Jewish Cyclopaedia, ``Adam.''

feet. They are overlain by the fossiliferous limestones of

younger Hazlitt in 1847, was originally collected by Dr Anton

vols., Boston, 1863), by W. V. Wells, Adams's great-grandson--a

origin to the movement against the old classical school and

The events of the war that followed belong to the general

uniserer Tage: Bodengestalt, &c. (Vienna, 1881); F.

fire-breathing monster like the Chimaera, which was slain by

to their American possessions by the Spaniards for many

an albino may be an individual in which one or more of

arrival in 1824 of Father Ivan Venyaminov, who in 1840 became

(2 vols., 1793), who was the first to formulate the political

early age which have been discovered are only three.

differences developed between the followers of Adams and the

district is an extensive plain, about 800 ft. above sea-level,

of Ceres in Fife for three years, in 1566 he set out for

of the alphabet to the Greeks by the Phoenicians at an early

to the development of the Athenian navy. It is probable that

attained. He holds that all things are in some degree beautiful,

ft. As very little snow can rest on rocks that lie at an

dates in parts from the time of Justinian, but was restored

the principal copper-mine at Butte--one of the most famous

al tempo dei Greci e dei Romani (1882); H. Kiepert, Zur

concluding line of each stanza. In English usage, moreover,

many leading Greek states. After annexing Boeotia (by 245)

to occupy 365 heavens, each fashioned like, but inferior

Adowa on the 1st of March 1896, the Italians were disastrously

as a reward or an honorary distinction. In many foreign armies

fundamental rules of their profession.'' Allowance must here be

extensive learning, a philologist and philosopher as well as

this cause, but conjunctions like the Gr. te (``and''),

whole field thus opened up he explored with characteristic

and breweries; also an extensive trade in cereals and timber.

rows, distant from one another about 7 in. when there were

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