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These defects, he taught, were inherent

to establish a ``universal union of guarantee'' on the broad


state departments. Here are kept very complete and curious

1884. This act extended over Alaska the laws of the state

22nd of January 1793, the day after the death of Louis XVI,

year, a deputation of the Greeks of the Morea on its way to

it clear to him that he was expected to play the part of a

called Agis II. He succeeded his father in 338 B.C., on

own land, but on account of the disturbances which broke out

Mem. (Memento), Remember, Memorandum.

south, but this was not contemplated as part of the immediate

debt. In 1830 the library and museum were presented to him

German. He was still at college in Vienna when the sudden

on Whit-Monday, when the chamber is brilliantly illuminated.

so far successful that the restoration of Plava and Gusinye

of sterilization, until it was discovered that the spores of

comedy, and was engaged to play inigenue parts at the Comeedie

VIII. not to allow Albany's departure from France, but he

marching over the pass of the Predil. He overran Venetia and

of the autocrat and his officials. The newly created council

with his class against the ``tyrants'' who at that time set

aesthetically cultivated soul the reconciliation of the sensual

Jaen. Its distinctive name la Real, ``the Royal,'' was

there were, in 1904, 372,078 Protestants, 1,310,391 Roman

Euting. To these D. H. Muller31 gave the title of

Adam's equal and in wisdom his superior? Is he a pale form

in criminal matters was transferred by the Offences at Sea

Taphians. It was on his return from this expedition that

increased. The acreage in Indian corn, the great American

Gata, along the south-east coast; Alhamilla, east of the city

a railway from Madrid. Pop. (1900) 47,326. The city occupies

Flysch. A few miles farther north these same beds rise

he concluded peace with the allies as soon as he thought the

subjects generally. Among these are commentaries on

and the mountain lion (panther) occur. The moose and red

one of Haroun al Raschid's generals, at the close of the 8th

north. His conduct in these engagements won for him the

ALNWICK, a market-town and the county-town of Northumberland,

Of the very numerous works by Adelung the following may be

office, and was now accompanied by dropsy. His deathbed was

See also S. Wheeler, F.R.G.S., The Amir Abdur Rahman (London,

known kind has been found in the country. Numerous flints of

has also been occasioned through his not unfriendly controversy

is reproduced (see Plate), has been discovered on the borders

is the doctrine of the liberum arbitrium indifferentiae

that is, ``Cynthiae figuras aemulatur Mater Amorum.''

convenience as a meeting-place the agora became in most of the

lat. and 72 deg. 43' E. long., within the Rajputana state of

pressure. It has been found, however, that molten cryolite

death of her father in 526, she succeeded him, acting as

approximately 60,000. Abeokuta lies in a beautiful and fertile

July Count Rochambeau arrived at Newport, Rhode Island. That

games; the aediles refused to bear the additional expense,

small and low that the suppliant could kneel upon them;

was able to effect a territorial )unction of her possessions

against it. It cheapens food by allowing its collection

Eliot Congregational Church (which he founded), at Roxbury,

bread. Alcala de Chisbert (6293) is situated on the coast

Alphabets, pp. 13 f., he argues that the two forms of the

better known under its Hebrew title 'Emunah Ramah

himself. It would be impossible here to give a list of the

translated from the English of Sir Walter Scott, with a

offices. Pop. (1891) 7796; (1901) 8007. Alexandria is

Egyptian; the Greeks and Levantines are usually shopkeepers

few happy inventions interspersed in political pamphlets, and the

glyoxylic acid with two parts of urea for ten hours at 100 deg.

the prizes were to be distributed and analyses of the works

brother, Khair-ed-Din (otherwise known as Barbarossa), at

roofed with timber and matting. Others also before Menes

the conditions seem generally favourable, but in no case

rapids and one cataract on the lower 300 m. of the river.

ABATEMENT IN LITIGATION. In civil proceedings, no action

present time four food acts run parallel and are together in

the Historia de proeliis,1 printed at Strassburg in 1486,

pounds. Ambergris, when taken from the intestinal canal of

four marches above the site of Nineveh. It was near Nineveh

her, and she called for help on Poseidon, who appeared,

and strings of lagoons which flood the flat, low areas of

without attempting tdraccount for these forces. Newton himself,

number of cattle attacked in any one year being 7983 in

contemporaries to bestow on him the honourable surnames

de Nupe branch of the small stream which issues from the

temple to Zeus Panhellenios and helped Poseidon and Apollo

Ancient Alabaster.---This substance, the ``alabaster'' of

reason. Alain even ventures an immediate application of this

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