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TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2

Bảng động từ bất quy tắc cơ bản

Quá khứ cho,
Nguyên Quá khứ
phân từ Ý nghĩa give gave given biếu,
thể (V1) đơn (V2)
(V3) tặng
be was/were been thì, là, ở go went gone đi
become became become trở nên mọc,
grow grew grown
begin began begun bắt đầu lớn lên
blow blew blown thổi hang hung hang treo
bể, làm have had had có
break broke broken
vỡ nghe,
bring brought brought mang hear heard heard nghe
build built built che dấu,
dựng hide hid hidden
ẩn nấp
nổ, nổ
burst burst burst đánh,
tung hit hit hit
đụng, va
buy bought bought mua
cầm, tổ
can could có thể hold held held
chụp, làm đau,
catch caught caught hurt hurt hurt
bắt đau
choose chose chosen giữ, giữ
chọn keep kept kept
come came come đến know knew known biết
cost cost cost trị giá đặt, đẻ
cut cut cut cắt lay laid laid
do did done làm dẫn dắt,
lead led led
draw drew drawn vẽ lãnh đạo
drink drank drunk uống nghiêng,
lean leant leant
drive drove driven lái xe dựa vào
eat ate eaten ăn learn learnt learnt học
rơi, té, rời đi,
fall fell fallen leave left left
ngã để lại
cho ăn, cho
feed fed fed lend lent lent
nuôi mượn
cảm let let let để cho
feel felt felt lie laid lain nằm
chiến thắp
fight fought fought light lighted lit
đấu sáng
find found found tìm thấy đánh
lose lost lost
fly flew flown bay mất, lạc
forget forgot forgotten quên làm, chế
make made made
forgive forgave forgiven tha thứ
đông lại, may might phép, có
freeze froze frozen
ướp lẽ
có meet met met gặp
get got gotten được,
trở nên must had to phải

English grade 8 (FIRST TERM OF 2022-2023) Page 1

COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
pay paid paid trả tiền tiêu, xài,
spend spent spent
put put put đặt, để trải qua
read read read đọc split split split chẻ, nứt
cưỡi, đi trải ra,
ride rode ridden spread spread spread
(xe) lan đi
rung, stand stood stood đúng
ring rang rung
reo đánh
steal stole stolen
rise rose risen dâng lên cắp
run ran run chạy đánh,
strike stroke stricken đình
Say said said nói công
nhìn sweep swept swept quét
See saw seen thấy,
thấy swim swam swum bơi
Sell sold sold bán take took taken cầm lấy
send sent sent gởi teach taught taught dạy
Set set set đặt, để tear tore torn xé rách
shake shook shaken rung, lắc kể lại,
tell told told
shall should sẽ, nên
chiếu think thought thought
shine shone shone suy nghĩ
bắn, sút throw threw thrown
shoot shot shot quăng
understand understood understood hiểu
chỉ, cho
show showed shown thức
xem wake woke waken
Shut shut shut đóng lại
Sing sang sung hát wear wore worn mang,
chìm đội
Sink sank sunk
xuống will would sẽ
Sit sat sat ngồi thắng
sleep slept slept ngủ win won won
smell smelt smelt ngửi write wrote written viết
speak spoke spoken nói

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COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
Unit 1: My friends
A. Basic sentences (Những mẫu câu cơ bản cần nắm vững)
1. Listen and read
1. You seem happy. / You look happy. / You are happy. *trông có vẻ
2. I received a letter from my friend Nien today. Thì quá khứ đơn
3. “What does she look like?” – “Oh. She’s tall and thin.” Trông như thế nào
4. What a lovely smile! Câu cảm thán
5. She wasn’t old enough to be in my class. Đủ lớn để là …
6. Would you like to meet her? – I’d love to. Mời (invite)
1.1. Match column A with its Vietnamese meaning in column B
1. generous __H___ A. hay giúp đỡ _______helpful ______
2. kind _____ B. thoải mái ___________________
3. sociable _____ C. hài hước ___________________
4. hard-working _____ D. độc ác ___________________
5. reserved _____ E. tốt bụng ___________________
6. outgoing _____ F. hòa đồng ___________________
7. humorous _____ G. hẹp hòi, bần tiện ___________________
8. helpful _____ H. rộng lượng ___________________
9. mean _____ I. kín đáo ___________________
10. cruel _____ K. chăm chỉ ___________________

2. Speak
1. Her hair is long and blond. She has long blond hair. Trật tự tính từ

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COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
3. Listen
2. How do you do? Hân hạnh được làm quen
3. Nice to meet you. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Rất vui khi gặp bạn.
4. Read
1. He spends his time doing volunteer work at a local orphanage. ……………………………...
2. They prefer to be outside the classroom. ………………………
3. I enjoy telling jokes. Enjoy +
4.1. Match column A with its Vietnamese meaning in column B
1. Telling jokes __H___ A. một nhà trẻ mồ côi ____________________
2. An orphanage house _____ B. một đứa bé mồ côi ____________________
3. Unlike _____ C. trông giống như ____________________
4. An orphan _____ D. một thư viện ____________________
5. Sense of humor _____ E. đủ lớn để có thể … ____________________
6. To annoy somebody _____ F. không giống như ____________________
7. A library _____ G. gây bực mình cho người khác ___________
8. A lovely smile _____ H. kể chuyện đùa ____________________
9. Look like _____ I. khiếu hài hước ____________________
10. Old enough to … _____ K. một nụ cười đáng yêu __________________

B. Vocabbulary and prepositions

Giới từ cần nhớ:
 At at Christmas,at home, at school
 On on Tran Hung Dao street
 In in Hue, in my class, in the same class, in public
 Of sense of humor, four of us
I. Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions.
1. I am lucky enough to have a lot __________ friends.
2. I spend most ________ my free time with my close friend, Bao and Khai.
3. Bao spends his free time doing volunteer work ________ a local orphanage.
4. My friends usually enjoy my sense ________ humor.
5. Ba’s friends sometimes get tired ______his jokes.
6. He lives ______ 25 Tran Phu street _______ Ho Chi Minh City.
* in, at, of

II – Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition.

1. There are lots of joyful parties _______________ Christmas.
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COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
2. I received a letter ____________ my friend yesterday.
3. She usually goes swimming _____________ Sunday morning.
4. Khoi is my close friend. I spend most of my free time ___________ him.
5. My friends usually enjoy my sense ________ humor.
6. He lives _________ 26 Tran Phu Street __________ Ha Noi.
*in, at, of, from, with, on

III. Give synonym word.

1. Kind: _______________ 6. Hi: _______________
2. Enjoy: _______________ 7. Be interested in: _______________
3. Difficult: _______________ 8. But: _______________
4. Hello: _______________ 9. Generous: _______________
5. However: _______________ 10. Hard: _______________
IV. Give the antonyms of the following adjective.
1. Old _____________ difficult __________________
2. Weak _____________ poor __________________
3. Expensive _____________ dull __________________
4. Stupid _____________ dark __________________
5. Heavy _____________ high __________________
6. Young _____________ easy __________________
7. Strong _____________ rich __________________
8. Cheap _____________ interesting __________________
9. Intelligent _____________ light __________________
10. Light _____________ easy __________________

B. Confusing words (những chữ hay gây nhầm lẫn)

1. What is she like? / What does she look like? (……………………………………………?)
2. What does she like? / What would she like? (……………………………………………?)
3. (the sun) Rise ≠ set

C. Language focus (chủ điểm ngữ pháp)

1. Simple tenses (present simple and past simple) thì hiện tại đơn và quá khứ đơn
2. Be (not) adjective + enough + to-infinitive đủ (không đủ) …. để có thể làm gì đó
I. Present simple tense: thì hiện tại đơn
1. Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả những hành động diễn ra theo thói quen hàng ngày, diễn tả những sự thật
không thay đổi.
2. Những trạng từ thường dùng với thì hiện tại đơn: every day, every morning, today, often, usually …
3. Cách thành lập: lưu ý hai loại động từ: to be và các động từ chỉ hành động:

 Câu khẳng định: S + V1(s/es) (động từ hành động) → Hoa visits her grandfather every Sunday.
S + am, is, are … (động từ to be) → Hoa is happy.
 Câu phủ định: S + don’t/doesn’t +Vbare → Hoa doesn’t like coffee.
S + am not/ isn’t/ aren’t → Hoa is never late for school.
 Câu nghi vấn: (W-h) do/does + S + Vbare …? → Where does Hoa live?
(W-h) is/are + S …? → How old is Hoa?

II. Past simple tense: thì quá khứ đơn

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COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
1. Thì quá khứ đơn diễn tả những hành động đã xảy ra và đã chấm dứt tại một thời điểm cụ thể trong
quá khứ.
2. Những trạng từ chỉ thời điểm cụ thể trong quá khứ: yesterday, last, three years ago, in (2010) …
3. Cách thành lập: lưu ý hai loại động từ: to be và các động từ chỉ hành động:

 Câu khẳng định: S + V2/ed … (động từ hành động) → Hoa visited the museum last night.
S + was/were … (động từ to be) → Hoa was thirteen years old last year.
 Câu phủ định: S + did not +Vbare → Hoa didn’t visit Da Lat last week.
S + was not/were not … → Hoa wasn’t at home two days ago.
 Câu nghi vấn: (W-h) Did + S + Vbare …? → Where did Hoa go yesterday?
(W-h) Was/were + S …? → Was Hoa at home last night?
 Chủ ngữ số ít: he, she, it, Liz, Nam, Viet nam, Malaysia, my pen pal, worship, …
 Chủ ngữ số nhiều: you, we, they, Mary and Liz, Liz and I, the Pakers, these pen pals, …

 Lưu ý chủ ngữ I: “I” là số ít chỉ khi dùng với động từ “to be”:I am …, I was …,nhưngkhi
dùng với những động từ khác thì nó được dùng như chủ ngữ số nhiều: I do… , I have …

 Ghi nhớ: động từ được chia ở thì quá khứ đơn không lệ thuộc chủ ngữ số nhiều hay số ít ngọai
trừ động từ to be (I /he/she/itwas -you/we/they were)
a. Write the complete sentences in Simple Present tense, using the cues given.
1. Hoa / often / play / badminton/ afternoon.
2. Lan / usually/ read/ book / recess.
3. Ba/ seldom/ go/ school/ bus.
4. Her father/ ride/ his motorbike.
5. Lien’s mother/ teach/ Math/ our school.

II.1. Answer the questions with the cues for the person.
 Name: John ● Address: 30 Nguyen Duy street
 Age: thirteen ● Appearace: tall and thin
 Occupation: student ● Characters: sociable and generous
1. What’s his name? ___________________________________________________
2. How old is he? ___________________________________________________
3. What does he do? ___________________________________________________
4. Where does he live? ___________________________________________________
5. What does he look like? ___________________________________________________
6. What is he like? ___________________________________________________
II.2. Supply the correct forms or tenses of the verbs.
1. The moon ____________ around the earth. (move)
2. My father __________________ up early on Sunday mornings. (not get)
3. Last Sunday ______________her fifteenth birthday. (be)
4. I spend half an hour ______________ my homework every afternoon. (do)

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COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
5. I ________thirteen years old now, and Jerry ___________ thirteen, too. (be)
6. Yesterday, I ______________Hoan on the phone (call), but he ___________ at home. (not be)
7. It takes me 10 minutes ________________ to school. (travel)
8. Peter is not tall enough ________________volleyball. (play)
9. My mother ___________ me to Ben Thanh Market last week. (take)
10. Mr. Kevin is out. Would you like ___________________a message? (leave)

III. Subject + be (not) + adjective + enough + to V: đủ/không đủ để có thể làm gì đó

Subject + (don’t/doesn’t) + Vbare + enough + to V
1. Enough dùng với tính từ: enough đứng …………… (……………………)
a) She is old enough to do what she wants.
b) Those apples aren’t ripe enough to eat.
2. Enough dùng với danh từ: enough đứng …………… (……………………………)
a) Are there enough potatoes to make potato soup?
b) I didn’t have enough money to buy that car then.
3. Sau cụm từ enough là một động từ ……………………………
III.1. Transformations
1. Tom is tall; he can be a goalkeeper for our team.
Tom is tall enough ______________________________________________________
2. Jerry is short, he can’t be a goalkeeper.
Jerry is not ____________________________________________________________
3. You aren’t well. You shouldn’t go to school today.
You aren’t well enough __________________________________________________
4. She is too short to reach the top of the cupboard.
She is not _____________________________________________________________
III.2. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence, using:
 Be adj enough to V
 Be adj enough for somebody to V
1. The ladder isn’t very long. It doesn’t reach the window.
The ladder ___________________________________________________________
2. The house was very expensive. We couldn’t afford to buy it.
The house ____________________________________________________________
3. That chair is uncomfortable. I don’t want to sit on it.
That chair _____________________________________________________________
4. These oranges are sour, so we can’t eat them.
These oranges __________________________________________________________

IV. It takes somebody time to do something Nó tốn cho ai đó thời gian để làm việc gì đó
Somebody spend time doing something Ai đó sử dụng thời giờ để làm việc gì đó
IV.1. Sb spend … <=> It takes … to V
1. It takes me two hours to fly to Hue.
I spend ____________________________________________________________________
2. It took Mr. Bean 20 minutes to walk to the market yesterday.
Mr. Bean spent _____________________________________________________________
3. Playing videogames take him an hour every day.
It takes him ________________________________________________________________
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COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
4. Nam spends half an hour having dinner every day.
It takes ____________________________________________________________________
5. Miss Chi walked home in two hours last night.
It took _____________________________________________________________________
V. Tính từ và cụm danh từ
 Tính từ đứng sau to be để mô tả chủ ngữ, cho biết chủ ngữ như thế nào
The schoolbag is big. My house is small. My face is round.
 Tính từ đứng trước danh từ, cho biết danh từ đó như thế nào
It is a big schoolbag. It is a small house. I have a round face.
V.1. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same.
1. Her hair is curly.
She has ___________________________________________________________________
2. My house is big and beautiful.
I have a ___________________________________________________________________
3. Her face is round.
He has a __________________________________________________________________
4. His face is oval.
He has an _________________________________________________________________
5. My house is spacious and comfortable.
I live in ___________________________________________________________________
I. Word form.
Vị trí 4 tự loại trong câu tiếng Anh:
1. Tính từ - adj - Adjective:
đứng sau be, seem, look, feel (có thể có very, quite, too, rather kèm theo sau)
đứng trước danh từ (trong cụm danh từ)
đứng sau động từ make St, find St, keep St
2. Danh từ - n - noun:
đứng sau tính từ (đứng cuối cụm danh từ)
đứng sau chỉ định từ (a/an/the/this/that/these/those/my/your/his/her/some …)
đứng sau giới từ
3. Trạng từ - adv - adverb:
đứng sau hoặc trước động từ để bổ nghĩa cho động từ đó
đứng đầu câu, có dấu phẩy theo sau
đứng giữa trợ động từ (have, be) và động từ chính (V3)
4. Động từ - v - verb:
Động từ thên ING đứng sau enjoy, love, spend time …, sau giới từ
Động từ thêm TO đứng sau how, enough, would you like, it take Sb time …

Cách xác định từ loại trong câu:

1. Những trường hợp cơ bản
 He / is __________ (sau be, seem, look, feel, become là tính từ)
 He is / a _________ (sau a, an, the, my, her, … cần một danh từ)
 His sense / of _______ (sau giới từ cần một danh từ)
 He / bought (mua) ________ (what – cái gì) (sau ngoại động từ cần một danh từ làm tân ngữ)
 He / cooks the food ________ (S V O + adv) (sau dạng S + V + O cần trạng từ bổ nghĩa)
 He / walked_______ (how) (sau nội động từ cần một trạng từ chỉ cách thức)
a) When I was young, I was very _________________. (reserve) ( )
b) It is my ________________ to meet you, Miss Pink. (please) ( )

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COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
c) Lan seems _____________ , she received a letter from her mother today. (happiness) ( )
d) I am ____________ enough to have a good friend like you. (luckily) ( )
e) The child plays with the toys ______________________. (happy) ( )
f) She is a good student, she studies very ______________. (good) ( )
g) His sense of ______________ always makes us laugh happily. (humorous) ( )
Quan sát tiếp đầu ngữ và tiếp vĩ ngữ được thêm vào để thay đổi tự loại
Adverb of
Stt Verb Noun Adjective Meaning
Noun + fy Verb + ence Verb + ed/ing, ent Adjective + ly
Noun + y, ly, ful, Able → ably
1 reserve reserved e dè, kín đáo
2 please pleasure pleased hài long
3 sport sporty thể thao
4 make friends friend friendly friendlily thân thiện
5 happiness (un)happy happily hạnh phúc
6 beautify beauty beautiful beautifully xinh đẹp
7 luck (un)lucky luckily may mắn
8 differ difference different differently khác nhau
9 sociability sociable sociably hòa đồng
10 peace peaceful peacefully thanh bình
I.2. Complete the missing words.

Adverb of
Stt Verb Noun Adjective Meaning
1 reserve e dè, kín đáo
2 please pleasure hài long
3 Sport thể thao
4 make friends friend thân thiện
5 happiness hạnh phúc
6 beautify beauty xinh đẹp
7 luck may mắn
8 differ difference khác nhau
9 sociability hòa đồng
10 peace thanh bình
11 old già
12 speak nói
13 help Giúp đỡ
14 humor Hài hước
15 extreme Cực kỳ, rất
16 good Tốt, giỏi

I.3. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.
1. When I was young, I was very _________________. (reserve) ( )
2. It is my ________________ to meet you, Miss Pink. (please) ( )
3. My father is _______________, he can playsoccer, badminton and so on. (sport) ( )
4. Lan is very ______________, it’s easy to make friends with her. (friend) ( )
5. Lan seems _____________ , she received a letter from her mother today. (happiness) ( )
6. Miss Chi is _________________, she has long black hair and a round face. (beauty) ( )
7. I am ____________ enough to have a good friend like you. (luckily) ( )

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COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
8. Although they are twins, they have _________________ characters. (difference) ( )
9. Bao is the most _______________ in my class. (sociably) ( )
10. I like the ____________ and quiet of the local library. (peaceful) ( )
11. The child plays with the toys ______________________. (happy) ( )
12. Why don’t you join our English __________________ Club? (speak) ( )
13. He is sociable, humorous and __________________. (help) ( )
14. He was late for class, he entered the classroom ___________________. (quiet) ( )
15. She is a good student, she studies very ______________. (good) ( )
16. His sense of ______________ always makes us laugh happily. (humorous) ( )
17. Each of my friends has a _________________ character. (differ) ( )
18. His ____________ forces him to go more slowly than he used to do. (old) ( )
19. Thank you for your _________________ behavior. (generosity) ( )
20. People in my country are very warm and _________________. (friend) ( )
21. Do you enjoy ______________ swimming? (go) ( )
22. I’m _________________ sorry for the delay. (extreme) ( )
23. Her ______________ looks more peaceful than that of her sister. (beautifully) ( )
24. That ________________ has over 20 orphans. (orphan) ( )
25. They were very _________________ to survive a shipwreck. (luck) ( )
26. I love the _________________ of summer evenings in the countryside. (peaceful) ( )
27. The _____________between the two boys are the characters, not the appearances. (differ) ( )
28. He is a _________________ writer. (humor) ( )
Mistakes: chưa nhận biết khoảng trống cần tự loại nào; chưa viết đúng tự loại cần thiết
II. Sentence transformation.
1. Let’s go fishing. Why ________________________________________
2. What about playing chess? Let’s ________________________________________
3. Why don’t we help poor people? What ________________________________________
4. We will meet him tomorrow. We are _______________________________________
5. How do you feel now? What ________________________________________
6. He is too short to be a goalkeeper. He isn’t ______________________________________
7. My school has three floors. There ________________________________________

My note: …………………………………………………………………………….


Revision of unit 1
I. Choose the best answer.
1. Lan is getting tired ______________ doing the same thing every day.
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COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
A. with B. of C. in D. by
2. The sun __________ in the East and __________ in the West.
A. goes / sets B. moves / goes C. rises / moves D. rises / sets
3. Last year, Hoa and Lan __________ to the same school.
A. went B. go C. goes D. going
4. We are ______________ to drive a car.
A. old enough not B. not old enough C. not enough old D. enough not old
5. He wasn’t experienced enough_______.
A. for doing the job B. to do the job C. to the job D. doing the job
6. I don’t have enough money_______________.
A. for a holiday B. to a holiday C. to go a holiday D. going on holiday
7. _______is something that you say or do to make people laugh.
A. Joke B. Novel C. Poem D. Fairy tale
8. Water _____ at 100°C.
A. boil B. boils C. boiled D. is boiling
9. I don’t have enough money _____ for a taxi.
A. to pay B. for paying C. for pay D. paying
10. He rarely shows his feelings. He’s rather______________.
A. reserved B. sociable C. humorous D. helpful
11. what does the sign mean? 12. what does the picture say?
A. no drinking wine A. roundabout
B. no smoking B. no parking
C. no parking C. no turn right
D. no fire area D. go straight ahead

II. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits each blank space.
Dung is fourteen years old. She is a pretty girl (1) ________ long black hair. She goes to school five (2)
________ a week and usually goes swimming with (3) ________ friends on Saturday mornings. She
lives in a (4) ________ house with her mother, father and (5) ________ brother at 2/34 Nguyen Trai
Street. Dung has a (6) ________of friends. Of all her friends, Vy and Van are the ones she spends most
of her time with. They are all like listening to music and playing sports in their free time.
1. A. on B. with C. to D. from
2. A. days B. months C. years D. time
3. A. any B. no C. some D. much
4. A. large B. short C. long D. straight
5. A. shorter B. faster C. younger D. taller
6. A. many B. several C. lots D. lot
III. Read the passage, then do as directed.
Do you have any close friends? I think everybody has at least one close friend in their life. And so do
I. I have two close friends, Anne and Jerry. We are in the same class at the primary school, and then
secondary school. We are also neighbors so we spend most of our time in learning and playing
Anne is a beautiful girl with big black eyes and an oval face. She is an intelligent student who is
always at the top of the class. She likes reading, and she often goes to the library whenever she has
free time.
Jerry isn’t as beautiful as Anne, but she has a lovely smile and looks very healthy. Jerry is very
sporty. She spends most of her free time playing sports. Jerry is a volleyball star of our school. She is
also very sociable and has a good sense of humor. Her jokes always make us laugh. I love both of my
friends and I always hope our friendship will never die.

English grade 8 (FIRST TERM OF 2022-2023) Page 11

COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
A. Check the following statements True or False.
1. The writer has many friends. _________________
2. Anne and Jerry both enjoy playing sports. _________________
3. Anne’s eyes are big and black. _________________
4. Jerry is humorous and sporty. _________________
B. Choose the correct answer.
5. The passage is mainly about __________________.
A. the two friends B. the three friends C. Anne D. Jerry
6. The bolded word star in the passage means ________________.
A. well-known B. popular C. begin D. player
IV. Rearrange these following words into meaningful sentences.
1. In / Hoa and Lan / the same class/ this year/ are / ? /
2. Nam/ have/ and oval faces /short black hair /and Trung / .
V. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.
1. Tuan is very _______________. (society)
2. Bao often spends his free time doing _____________work at a local orphanage. (voluntary)
3. An _________________ is a home for children whose parents are dead. (orphan)
4. ________________, my jokes sometimes annoy mu friends. (unlucky)
5. We love the ________________ of our village. (beautiful)
6. He spends most of his time ______________ part in charity work. (take)
VI. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same.

1. You aren’t well now, you shouldn’t go to school today.

You aren’t well enough ________________________________________________________
2. He is strong, and he can carry the suitcase.
He is strong enough ____________________________________________________________
3. Nam spends an hour doing his homework every day.
It takes ____________________________________________________________________
4. My house is large and beautiful.
I have a ____________________________________________________________________

- Unit 2: Making arrangements –

A. Basic structures
1. Listen and read
2. Speak

English grade 8 (FIRST TERM OF 2022-2023) Page 12

COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
3. Listen

4. Read

B. Vocabulary and prepositions

I.1. Match column A with column B with its Vietnamese meaning. (Page 21-22)
1. Emigrate (v) ___B__ A. truyền phát tín hiệu ________________
2. Transmit (v) ______ B. xuất cảnh, di cư ________________
3. speech (n) ______ C. đồng ý ________________
4. distance (n) ______ D. cái mà, thiết bị ________________
5. assistant (n) ______ E. tạm giữ máy ________________
6. conduct (n) ______ F. lời nói ________________
7. pick Sb up (v) ______ G. thực hiện, tiến hành ________________
8. device (n) ______ H. khoảng cách ________________
9. agree (v) ______ I. người phụ tá ________________
10. hold on (v) ______ J. đón ai đó ________________
I.2. Match column A with column B with its Vietnamese meaning. (Page 23)
1. demonstrate (v) ----F---- A. giao hàng ________________
2. message (n) ______ B. đồ gỗ gia dụng ________________
3. exhibition (n) ______ C. đồ dùng văn phòng ________________
4. commercial (a) ______ D. buôn bán, thương mại ________________
5. furniture (n) ______ E. lời nhắn ________________
6. delivery (v) ______ F. trình diễn ________________
7. midday (adv) ______ G. cuộc triển lãm ________________
8. customer (n) ______ H. để lại lời nhắn ________________
9. stationery (n) ______ I. đồ dùng văn phòng ________________
10. leave the message ______ J. khách hàng ________________
I.3. Complete the missing words.

Subjects Objects Possessive adjective Possessive pronoun Reflexive

I mine
You yours
He his
She hers
It its

English grade 8 (FIRST TERM OF 2022-2023) Page 13

COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
We ours
You yours
They theirs
III. Give synonym word.
1. intent: __________________
2. I would like: __________________
3. Would you like: __________________
4. Thanks: __________________
5. A bit: __________________
IV. Give antonym word.
1. Upstairs ≠ _______________ 6. Unsuccessful ≠ _______________
2. Inside ≠_______________ 7. countless ≠ _______________
3. Like ≠ _______________ 8. Early ≠ _______________
4. Agree ≠ _______________ 9. bad ≠ _______________
5. here ≠ _______________ 10. badly ≠ _______________
II. Giới từ chỉ thời gian cần nhớ: Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn:
 At at six o’clock, at noon, at night At home, At school, At work
 On on Sunday, on Friday morning On the farm, On Nguyen Duy street
 In inMarch, in 2012 In HCM City, In Viet Nam
 It’s a little bit far from here. (hơi xa một chút)
1. Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition.
1. The post office is not far ___________ my house.
2. Let’s meet ____________ the City Theater ___________7 o’clock.
3. She was born __________May 16 th 2001________NhaTrang.
4. He worked ______________ Deaf-mutes ________ Boston University.
5. Mrs. Lien said you could reach her_________8 603 312.
6. Snow is falling all ______________ the country.
7. Will you pick me___________ after the party?
8. The secretary took a message________ her boss.
9. He emigrated ___________Canada _________1870s.
10. We all agreed __________ their request for a full investigation.
2. Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition.
1. Can I speak _______ Hoa, please?
2. I’ll be home ________ half past six.
3. Alexander Graham Bell was born _______ March 3, 1847 _______ Edinburgh.
4. He worked ____________ deaf-mute at Boston University.
5. This was the invention _________ the telephone.
6. Bell demonstrated his invention at a lot _________ exhibition.
7. He went _________ live in the United States.
8. He worked __________ people who could neither speak ________ hear.
9. Mr. Tam took the message __________ Mrs. Ha.
10. She wanted to know ____________ her furniture delivery.
11. You could reach me __________ 090.870.3521.
12. I’ll come and pick you _______ after lunch.
13. Miss Lan said _________ Mr. Hung that she was ill then.
14. Don’t invite him ________ your party, he will be late again

English grade 8 (FIRST TERM OF 2022-2023) Page 14

COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2

C. Sentences structures (những mẫu câu cần ghi nhớ)

1. Although (…………………………..) , however (…………………………..), but
(…………………………..), because (…………………………..), so (…………………………..)
2. Can I take a message? (…………………………………………………………………..)
3. Can I leave a message for? (………………………………………………………..……..)
4. Come (đến) – come in (đi vào)- come up with (chế tạo ra) – come across (gặp tình cờ)

D. Language focus (chủ điểm ngữ pháp)

I. Be going to + infinitive
1. Thì tương lai dự định dùng để nói về những kế hoạch sẽ thực hiện trong tương lai.
2. Những trạng ngữ chỉ thời điểm trong tương lai: tonight, tomorrow, next (week)
3. Cách thành lập:
 Câu khẳng định: S + am/is/are + going + to-infi …
I am going to see a movie tomorrow.
 Câu phủ định: S + am/is/are + not + going + to-infi …
Hoa isn’t going to visit her grandma tonight.
 Câu nghi vấn: (W-h) is/are + S + going + to-infi …?
What are you going to do next Sunday?

I.1. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same.
Intend (v): có ý định; want (v): muốn; plan (v): lập kế hoạch → (be) am/is/are going to

1. Hoa intends to read a new novel tonight.

Hoa is _____________________________________________________________________
2. We intend to visit our grandparents on Sundays.
We are ___________________________________________________________________
3. We are planning to have a picnic next weekend.
We are ___________________________________________________________________
4. I want to come over to pick you up.
I am _____________________________________________________________________
5. They don’t intend to stay here tonight.
They are __________________________________________________________________
English grade 8 (FIRST TERM OF 2022-2023) Page 15
COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
6. He isn’t quick, so he cannot catch the bus.
He isn’t quick enough _________________________________________________________
7. Nam is not very clever, so he cannot mend his clothes himself.
Nam is not clever enough ______________________________________________________
II. Adverbs of places
In: trong out: ngoài up: trên down: dưới
Inside: bên trong outside: bên ngoài upstairs: trên lầu downstairs: dưới lầu
Here: ở đây there: ở đó
IV. Choose the correct word in parentheses to complete each sentences.
1. This is not my car. Mine is over ____________. (here / there).
2. This is my apartment. I’ve lived ____________ for over 3 years. (here/there)
3. “Where are the children? I can’t see them on the ground floor?” - “They’re playing ________. “
(downstairs / upstairs)
4. Our house is not very large. We sleep upstairs, but we eat and receive guests ______________.
(downstairs/ upstairs).
5. Can you go ______________ and see if it’s raining? (outside / inside)
6. He searched the bag carefully, but there was nothing ______________. (outsides/ inside)
7. You should let your children play more _________. Fresh air is good for them. (indoors/ outdoors)
8. Most plants grow well in the open air, but some plants can also grow ________. (indoors / outdoors).
9. Last month, our class went camping in a small village and we had a great time ______. (here/ there).
10. I can’t leave this place. I must wait ___________ until my mother comes back. (here/ There)
Bài tập tổng hợp A
I. Word form.

Adverb of
Stt Verb Noun Adjective Meaning
Verb + ence, ion, Noun + al, ful, ant Adjective + ly
or, ment
1 importance important Quan trọng
2 invent Invention Phát minh
inventor Nhà phát minh
3 commerce commercial Thương mại
4 distance distant Khoảng cách
5 succeed success (un)successful successfully Thành công
6 exhibit exhibition Triển lãm
7 arrange arrangement Sắp xếp
8 assist Cộng tác
9 differ Khác nhau
10 importance Quan trọng
11 beauty Đẹp
12 speak Nói
13 write Viết

I.1. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.
1. Telephone was Alexander Graham Bell’s ___________________. (invent) ( )
2. Hoa is making some ____________________ for her next trip to Da Lat. (arrange) ( )
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COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
3. Bell started experimenting with ways of transmitting speech over a long ____________(distant) ( )
4. Alexander Graham Bell _________________demontrated his invention. (successful) ( )
5. The experiment was __________________, so they had to do it again. (success) ( )
6. Thomas Watson worked as the only __________________to Alexander G. Bell. (assist) ( )
7. Alexander G. Bell was among the greatest__________________ of all time. (invent) ( )
8. What is the _______________between the Moon and the Earth? (distant) ( )
9. Confidence is an important element of _________________. (succeed) ( )
10. I’ll make _____________________ for the meeting tonight. (arrange) ( )
11. Michael Faraday made a lot of _______________ in the field of electricity. (invent) ( )
12. This old man is ____________________ in one ear. (deafen) ( )
13. Thomas Watson was Bell’s __________________, wasn’t he? (assist) ( )
14. He was ___________________ in the demonstrating his invention. (success) ( )
15. I’ll make ___________________ for the meeting tonight. (arrange) ( )
16. There was still no ___________________on what to do next. ( agree) ( )
17. Ho Chi Minh City is an important ____________________ center. ( commerce) ( )
18. Michael Faraday made a lot of ________________in the field of electricity. ( invent) ( )
19. Thomas Watson was Bell’s ________________________, wasn’t he? ( assist) ( )
20. He was ___________________in demonstrating in his invention. (success) ( )
II. Choose the best answer.

1. He is playing soccer ____________ with some of his friends.

A. inside B. outside C. insides D. outsides
2. I tried to phone him countless times but he wasn’t there.
A. few B. little C. much D. many
3. She came _____ with a new idea for increasing sales.
A. in B. on C. to D. up
4. Hello. Can I speak _____ Martin, please. This is Peter.
A. on B. of C. at D. to
5. Bell was born ______ the third of March 1847.
A. of B. in C. at D. on
6. After conducting many ______________, Bell and his assistant finally invented the telephone.
A. exhibitions B. devices C. experiments D. movies
7. Could you __________a message? I want to leave her a message
A. give B. spend C. like D. take
8. Mrs. Van said you could reach her __________________8 630 457.
A. with B. at C. to D. in
9. Deaf-mutes can neither speak nor __________.
A. read B. see C. hear D. walk
10. He was born in England, but his family _________to the USA when he was a little boy.
A. delivered B. lifted C. affected D. emigrated

III. Rearrange these following words into complete sentences:

1. tall / is / enough / the ceiling / to reach / Nam.
2. her / grandparents / visited / Lan / weekend / last.
English grade 8 (FIRST TERM OF 2022-2023) Page 17
COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
Lan _________________________________________________________________________
3. tomorrow / is / to have / going / Math / Van / at / school.
4. going / for / out / dinner/ how about/?
How ________________________________________________________________________
5. father / me / my / bought / yesterday / a fishing rod.
My _________________________________________________________________________
6. Mr. Ha / a message / out / was / , so / Mrs. Lan / for / him / took.
Mr. Ha _______________________________________________________________________
7. difficult / is / it / very / the window / to open.
It ___________________________________________________________________________
8. to wear / the dress / wasn’t / enough / long / for / Loan.
The dress _____________________________________________________________________
Bài tập tổng hợp B
I. Choose the best answers.
1. Don’t come in. Please wait______________ for a few minutes.
A. inside B. outside C. insides D. outsides
2. I’ll come ______________ to pick her up.
A. in B. on C. over D. up
3. There are many ways _______________doing it.
A. of B. for C. to D. about
4. They found some electrical ________________ in the room.
A. devices B. device C. advices D. advice
5. I tried to phone him countless times but he wasn’t there.
A. few B. little C. much D. many
6. We are going to visit my American aunt_______________.
A. next Wednesday B. last Wednesday C. at Wednesday D. in Wednesday
7. Is Chris going to close his shop early ______________?
A. last night B. tonight C. last month D. yesterday
8. I can’t reach him by phone.
A. arrive at B. achieve C. contact D. come to
9. She came _____________ with a new idea for increasing sales.
A. in B. on C. to D. up
10. He agreed_________________ our suggestion.
A. of B. to C. with D. for
II. Sentence transformation.
1. The question is so very easy that all of us can answer it.
The question is easy enough ________________________________________________
2. Tuan is good at swimming.
Tuan swims _____________________________________________________________
3. I intend to visit my friends next Sunday.
I am ___________________________________________________________________
4. She doesn’t go to the party because she has no time.
She doesn’t have _________________________________________________________

III. Supply the correct form or tense of the tense of the verbs in brackets.

English grade 8 (FIRST TERM OF 2022-2023) Page 18

COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
Isaac Newton (1) ___________ (be) one of the greatest men in the history of scientists. He (2)
was _________ (bear) in a small village of Wootsphore in England. His father (3) ____________ (be)
a poor farmer. When the boy was 14, his father (4) ___________ (die). Newton left school and (5)
_____________ (help) his mother on the farm. But the boy (6) ________________ (not like) farming.
He was fond of the poetry and mathematics, so he was sent to school. After Newton (7) ____________
(leave) school, he studied at Cambridge University. He lectured on mathematics at Cambridge
University after (8) ______________ (graduate). His greatest discovery (9) _____________(be) the law
of gravitation.

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
1. Peter is too young to see the horror film.
Peter is not ______________________________________________________________
2. Remember to turn off the light before going out.
Don’t __________________________________________________________________
3. That girl is very intelligent.
What __________________________________________________________________!
4. I intend to come over to pick you up.
I am ___________________________________________________________________
5. Hoa is older than Nien.
Nien is _________________________________________________________________
6. Her hair is long and black.
She has ________________________________________________________________
7. The theater is near Hoa’s house.
The theater isn’t _________________________________________________________
8. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
Alexander Graham Bell was _______________________________________________
9. I’ll telephone you tomorrow evening.
I’ll make ______________________________________________________________
10. How about going the movie tonight?
Let’s __________________________________________________________________
Revision of unit 2
I. Choose the best answer.
1. I have to leave to pick up the kids at school.
A. must B. should C. ought to D. need to
2. Come _____ and see the garden!
A. inside B. outside C. insides D. outsides
3. He fell ______ and broke his leg.
A. upstairs B. upstair C. downstair D. downstairs
4. I _____ town next Saturday.
A. am going to B. am going C. go to D. am going to go
5. Can you hurry up in the bathroom, I can’t hold _____ much longer.
A. against B. on C. onto D. with
6. Don’t put the box there. - Put it _____.
A. near B. here C. that D. nearby

English grade 8 (FIRST TERM OF 2022-2023) Page 19

COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
7. Jenny’s not here now. Can I take a(n) ________?
A. message B. advice C. news D. information
8. ______ is a telephone you can carry around with you.
A. Answering machine B. Public telephone C. Mobile phoneD. Telephone directory
9. The train to Ha Noi _____ at 10:00 a.m tomorrow.
A. leave B. is going to leave C. leaves D. is leaving
10. I’ll ask my personal ______ to deal with this.
A. assist B. assistant C. assistance D. assisting
11. What does the sign mean? 12. What does the sign mean?

A. Road goes right A. walk here

B. Go straight or left B. don’t walk here
C. Go left or right C. play soccer here
D. Go straight D. don’t play soccer here

II. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits each blank space.
Secretary: Hello. Grant and Lee.
Ms. Curtis: May I speak (1)_______ Ms. Grace Schmidt, please?
Secretary: I’m sorry. She’s (2)______. Can I (3)_______ a message?
Ms. Curtis: Yes, please. This is Ms. Curtis. Would you (4)____ her that I’m staying at the Plaza
Hotel? The (5) ______ is 735-9001, Room 605. Could you tell her to call me?
Secretary: OK, Ms. Curtis. I’ll give her the (6) ______ .
Ms. Curtis: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

1. A. with B. to C. about D. at
2. A. in B. out C. upstairs D. downstairs
3. A. take B. leave C. give D. hear
4. A. ask B. tell C. talk D. speak
5. A. number B. numbers C. address D. place
6. A. telephone B. note C. news D. message
III. Read the passage, then do as directed.
Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. His father was an expert in
phonetics, the study of the sounds of languages. As a boy, Bell became interested in sound and
In 1870, the Bell decided to emigrate to America. They live in Boston, where Alexander taught in a
school for the deaf. There he began experimenting with a machine to help the deaf hear.
While experimenting with this machine, Bell has an idea. Why not use electricity to send the human
voice from one place to another? Bell began work on a new invention.
Expert ( n) : chuyên gia
A. Check the following statements True or False.
1. Bell was interested in sounds and speak when he was a boy. __________
2. The Bell decided to emigrate to America in 1880. __________
3. They live in Boston, where Bell taught in a school for the blind. __________
4. There he started experimenting with a machine to help the deaf hear. __________

B. Choose the correct answer.

1. When was Alexander G. Bell born?
A. In 1847 B. In 1870 C. In 1870s D. no information
2. He went to live ___________________
A. in Scotland B. in American C. in Boston D. b & c are correct

IV. Rearrange these following words into meaningful sentences.

1. Going to / see the movie / this evening / we are / .

English grade 8 (FIRST TERM OF 2022-2023) Page 20

COMPILED BY MR. TRIEU NGUYEN (0768282357) Đề cương ngữ pháp và bài tập tuần 1 & 2
2. Bought / Quang / yesterday / new fishing rods / .

V. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.

1. Bell demonstrated his invention at a lot of _______________________. (exhibit)
2. I’d like to live here because the people are very _______________. (friend)
3. She is a good _______________. She swims very fast and skillfully. (swim)
4. Alexander Graham Bell was a great ________________. (invent)
5. ________________, they came up with a device called telephone. (final)
6. It’s very _______________ for you to do the homework every day. (importance)
VI. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same.

1. Do you intend to come over to pick me up.

Are you _______________________________________________________________
2. The theater is not near Hoa’s house.
Hoa lives ______________________________________________________________
3. Remember to do your homework every day.
Don’t _________________________________________________________________
4. Horror films are not suitable for a young boy like Peter.
Peter is not _____________________________________________________________

My note: …………………………………………………………………………….


English grade 8 (FIRST TERM OF 2022-2023) Page 21

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