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Skin Research and Technology 2013; 19: e60–e64 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Printed in Singapore  All rights reserved Skin Research and Technology

doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0846.2011.00608.x

A comparative study of hair shafts in scalp psoriasis and

seborrheic dermatitis using atomic force microscopy
Kyung Sook Kim1,2,*, M. K. Shin3,*, J. J. Ahn3, C. R. Haw3 and Hun-Kuk Park1,2,4
Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea,
Healthcare Industry Research Institute, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea,
Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea and 4Program of Medical Engineering, Kyung Hee
University, Seoul, Korea, * These authors contributed equally to this work.

Background: As the inflammatory scalp conditions share simi- hair shafts. In both the SP and SD-affected hairs, the scale
lar clinical manifestations of scaling, inflammation, and pruritus, thickness was more than 4-fold than that in the control hairs.
the differential diagnosis of these lesions; especially between The surface of SP-affected hairs was rougher than that of SD-
scalp psoriasis (SP) and seborrheic dermatitis (SD) is some- affected and control hairs.
times difficult. Conclusion: The differences in hair shafts between SP and
Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the differ- SD were investigated noninvasively using AFM. The presence
ences on the hair surface in SP and SD for a clinical diagno- of macropits could be helpful in the differentiation between SP
sis, using atomic force microscopy (AFM). and SD.
Methods: The hair shafts of 14 patients and 28 patients with
SP and SD respectively, were taken from the lesional region. Key words: scalp psoriasis – seborrheic dermatitis – atomic
Hairs from healthy adults not having any hair diseases were force microscopy – pitting – hair
also examined in the same way for the controls. Surface charac-
teristics of SP and SD-affected hair shafts such as, pitting, scale Ó 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S
thickness, and roughness, were observed on the AFM images. Accepted for publication 27 November 2011
Results: One hundred percentage and four percentage of the
patients with SP and SD respectively had macropits on their

a chronic, relapsing inflammatory quently in hair from psoriasis patients in the

disease that occurs in approximately 2% of
the population; 50% of those affected will have
scanning electron microscopy (4).
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a promis-
scalp involvement (1, 2). Seborrheic dermatitis ing tool for observing the surface topography of
(SD) has a predilection for the scalp, eyebrows, hair shafts because it is a very high-resolution
nasolabial angle, ears, and sterna region. Some type of scanning probe microscopy. The resolu-
cases of SD bear a close clinical resemblance to tion of AFM is more than 1000 times better than
psoriasis, especially of the scalp. Because the the optical diffraction limit, and it can provide
inflammatory scalp disorders share similar clin- three-dimensional information about the surface
ical manifestations of scaling, erythema, and morphology (5, 6). In this work, we investigated
pruritus, the clinical differential diagnosis is the surface of hair shafts in scalp psoriasis (SP)
sometimes very difficult. and seborrheic dermatitis (SD), using AFM. A
Zaias stated that the most common nail lesion special focus was on the presence of macropit-
of psoriasis is pitting (3). Although pits can be ting on the surface of hair shafts as the differen-
seen in normal individuals, they can also tiating point between SP and SD.
appear in other diseases, such as chronic
eczema, alopecia areata, and lichen planus, but
they are typically deeper in the individuals hav-
Materials and Methods
ing nail psoriasis. Kumar et al. reported that Hair sample preparation
macropits in the hair shaft demarcated depres- Hairs from 14 patients with SP and 28 patients
sions on the surface and were seen more fre- with SD were investigated. The severity scores

Comparison of hairs in SP and SD

of scalp psoriasis were moderate (7). All patients sharply demarcated depression on the hair sur-
had psoriatic lesions elsewhere on their bodies. face. The pit can be classified into two types;
The clinical form of psoriasis was psoriasis vul- micro and macropit depending on the size. The
garis in all the patients. The age of the patients micropit has a small diameter (< 0.5 lm) or a
ranged from 24 to 75 years (mean age, smaller area (< 0.25 lm2) and the macropit has a
46.9 ± 13.8 years); there were 10 male patients large diameter (> 0.5 lm) or a larger area
and 4 female patients in this group. Patients (> 0.25 lm2). The scale thickness was measured
with other systemic diseases were excluded. SD- at several different sites for each AFM image and
affected group included both erythema and scal- all the values were averaged. The surface rough-
ing were more 2 point, respectively using a 4- ness was measured in a randomly selected area of
point scale (0–3): 0, absent; 1, mild; 2, moderate; 3 9 3 lm2. In all samples, four parameters of the
and 3, severe. The age of the patients ranged surface roughness, Sa, Sq, Sz, and Sku were calcu-
from 19 to 78 years (mean age, 44.6 ± 17.9 lated. Here, Sa is the average value of the rough-
years); there were 14 male patients and 14 ness, Sq is the root mean square, Sz is the peak-to-
female patients in this group. None of the peak value, and Sku is the surface kurtosis.
patients ever had any previous systemic treat-
ment and all had discontinued topical drug
application at least 6 months prior to this study. Statistical analysis
Hairs from 50 healthy adult controls (27 male The analysis was performed by one-way ANO-
patients and 23 female patients), between 21 and VA using the SPSS 11.0 statistical software pro-
60 years of age (mean age, 39.5 ± 13.95 years) gram (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). A P-value
were examined in a similar way. All hair sam- of less than 0.05 was considered as statistically
ples were obtained by cutting with fine scissors significant. The result is expressed as the
as close to the skin surface as possible to mini- mean ± standard deviation.
mize the production of artifacts. The hair sam-
ples were washed using a 1% sodium
dodecylsulfate solution, and then rinsed using
distilled water. The hairs were then dried at Pit
room temperature for > 4 h. The pits observed in the SP and SD-affected
hairs are listed in Table 1. One hundred per-
centage and four percentage of the patients
AFM with SP and SD respectively had macropits on
The SP and SD-affected hairs were examined for their hair shafts, and 5% of the control hair had
the morphological and mechanical properties macropits. In the case of SP-affected hair, the
using AFM (NANOStation II; Surface Imaging average number of pits was 2.84 ± 0.41. In
Systems, Herzogenrath, Germany). The micros- patients with SP, most of the the pits of the
copy consisted of an AFM scanner (92.5 9 lesions (92%) were macropits. The long and
92.5 9 6 lm3 in x, y, and z directions) and a Zeiss short axis of the pit observed in the lesion was
optical microscope (Epiplan 5009; Zeiss, Epiplan- 1.81 ± 0.21 lm and 1.11 ± 0.02 lm, respectively.
Jena, Germany). To avoid any unwanted noise The pit was rarely observed in the SD-affected
signal originating from vibrations, the AFM sys- hair collected. The total number of the pit
tem was placed on a vibration isolation table (TS- observed in the SD-affected hair collected from
150, Table Stable, Zwillikon, Switzerland). All the lesional region was 0.61 ± 0.19. Most of the
images were obtained in the non-contact mode pits in SD-affected hair were micropits: macro-
for an area of 20 9 20 lm2. The scan resolution pit was only 13% of the total pit. The number
and scan speed were 512 9 512 pixels and of pits in the control hair was also small,
0.8 line/s, respectively. The specifications of the 0.42 ± 0.07. Most of the pits observed in the SD-
cantilever used in this work were; frequency of affected hair and control hair were micropits.
146 ~ 236 kHz, spring constant of 21 ~ 98 N/m,
length of 225 nm, and resistance of
0.01 ~ 0.02 O cm. For each sample, five or more Scale
AFM images were taken at the same position, The scales were observed in all samples of the
which is 1 cm from the proximal root. Pit is a SP-affected, SD-affected, and control hairs.

Kim et al.

TABLE 1. Results of pits, scale, diameter and surface roughness of hair shafts in scalp psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis

Scalp psoriasis dermatitis Control P-value* P-value* P-value*

Pit Number (N) Macropit 2.61 ± 0.11 0.08 ± 0.01 0.03 ± 0.001 0.003 0.025 3.45
Micropit 0.23 ± 0.04 0.53 ± 0.05 0.39 ± 0.07 0.02 0.13 1.25
Total pit 2.84 ± 0.41 0.61 ± 0.19 0.42 ± 0.07 0.005 0.025 0.32
Dimension (lm) Long axis 1.81 ± 0.21 0.26 ± 0.04 0.37 ± 0.11 2.91 3 10 7 0.256 0.09
Short axis 1.11 ± 0.02 0.18 ± 0.03 0.24 ± 0.11 1.01 3 10 5 0.238 0.24
Scale Thickness (lm) 160.11 ± 9.21 169.12 ± 6.41 37.96 ± 6.81 0.046 0.001 0.001
Roughness Sa (nm) 44.31 ± 1.91 14.1 ± 0.51 12.31 ± 0.31 2.21 3 10 9 2.18 3 10 10
0. 91
Sq (nm) 57.51 ± 2.61 18.1 ± 0.72 16.41 ± 3.41 2.2 3 10 9 6.31 3 10 11
Sku 5.91 ± 0.51 3.9 ± 0.21 5.41 ± 1.81 0.008 0.36 0.45
Sz (nm) 420.41 ± 13.41 133.5 ± 5.51 125.11 ± 36.89 3.89 3 10 12 4.36 3 10 11

*Statistical results between SP and SD, SP and control, and SD and control hairs, respectively. Statistically significant results were written in bold letter.

Fig. 1. Representative AFM images of scalp psoriasis (a), seborrheic dermatitis (b) and control hairs (c). The colors indicate height of the surface
topography: the light and dark colors correspond to the higher and the lower topography, respectively. (d)–(f) are enlarged images of dotted circles
and (g)–(i) enlarged images of dotted rectangles in (a)–(c), respectively.

However, the scales were observed more fre- Roughness

quently in the SP and SD-affected hairs than in The SP-affected hairs showed the largest values
control hairs. There was a significant difference of all the roughness parameters indicating a
in the scale thickness between the SP or SD- rougher surface. The SD-affected hairs showed
affected hairs, and the control hairs. The scale roughness parameter values very similar to
thickness of the SP and SD-affected hairs was 4- those of the control hairs.
fold more than that of the control hairs as
shown in Table 1. The SP-affected hairs
(160.11 ± 9.21 nm) showed a scale thickness
similar to that of the SD-affected hairs The scale of SD has often shown a yellow,
(169.12 ± 6.41). greasy appearance. Psoriasis is characterized by

Comparison of hairs in SP and SD

more well-defined erythematous plaques, with and SD-affected groups. However, the surface
heavier silvery scales that peel in layers. Psori- roughness showed a significant difference in
atic lesions in the scalp areas are moist and ery- the roughness parameter values of Sa, Sq, and
thematous, with yellow, greasy, soft scales, Sz. This might be caused by the thinner and
rather than dry and micaceous scales (8). There- wider scale of SD than that of SP.
fore, the differential diagnosis between seborr- Zaias et al. described the mechanism of
heic dermatitis and scalp psoriasis may be development of pitting in the psoriatic nail as
difficult. Indeed, the clinical overlap between follows: Psoriatic lesions within the nail matrix
SP and SD has led some clinicians to describe primarily consist of clusters of parakeratotic
the cases in which psoriatic lesions appear cells in the stratum corneum that disrupt the
along with those of SD as ‘seborrhiasis’. An process of normal keratinization (3). As the nail
accurate diagnosis of SP is important to predict plate grows outwards, these parakeratotic foci
the prognosis of patients; however, it is more are exposed to the surrounding environment
difficult than that in the case of SD. and there is a gradual sloughing of these cells,
Microscopic examination of the scalp hair is leaving a distinct depression within the nail
commonly used to confirm the diagnosis of SP. plate (3). However, parakeratosis is also
However, the histopathologic features of SD are observed near the follicular ostia in the SD
a combination of those observed in psoriasis and lesion, so it is difficult to confirm parakeratotic
spongiotic dermatitis. In SD, the stratum corne- shedding as the reason of development of hair
um contains focal parakeratosis, with a predilec- shaft pitting. Keratin 17 is normally found in
tion for the follicular ostia, a finding known as hyperproliferative epidermis such as in psoria-
shoulder parakeratosis. Werner et al. reported that sis (11). Keratin 17 is expressed in the outer root
42% cases of SP may exhibit contains focal para- sheath (ORS), the companion layer, and the
keratosis, with a predilection for the follicular medulla of the human hair follicle, but it is also
ostia (9). A definitive diagnosis of SP may be dif- strongly present in the multilayered basal cell
ficult after studying the pathologic examination compartment of the apical and ventral nail
(6). Also, the invasive nature of the technique matrix (12–14). Smedts et al. reported that the
renders it impractical as a routine method for lack of cornification is seen in the mucosal epi-
monitoring the disease progression or the phar- thelium in combination with the presence of
macogenomic effects of various treatments. Keratin 17 (15). Therefore, we supposed that
Noninvasively, the presence or absence of Keratin 17 is one of the main reasons for the
twisted loops as a dermoscopic sign is thought development of pitting in hairs and nails. To
to correspond to tortuous capillaries in the der- better understand the mechanism of develop-
mal papilla, and it can be particularly helpful in ment of pitting in hairs and nails, more research
clinically difficult cases (10). Ross et al. reported will be needed in the future.
that all cases of psoriasis, regardless of the In conclusion, we suggest that macropitting
stage, exhibited twisted loops, in comparison can be used as the differentiating point between
with 20% cases of seborrheic dermatitis. In the SP and SD of the scalp. In this view, although
present study, 100% of the patients with SP SD and SP have similar clinical features, differ-
showed macropitting, whereas only 4% of the ent pathogenesis could affect the microscopic
patients with SD showed macro pits in the hair changes in the hair shaft.
shaft. This result implies that the presence of
macropitting may be one of the important dif- Acknowledgements
ferentiating points between SP and SD.
Using the AFM, the observed scale thickness This work was supported by a grant from the
was not significantly different between the SP Kyung Hee University in 2011. (KHU-20110093)

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