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Good work-life balance-10

Good work-life balance - 6

I am
Yes, to be happy and hopeful to
have a
and fulfilled.
Yes, very much good-work
I am fully committed balance
with AIA

I no longer want to experience burnout because of overworking 10

and frequent overtime. I also want to work in an office near my
residence and a flexible time to attend to other commitments for
other aspects in my life like my family and personal fulfillment.
I want to gain enough trainings and coaching from experienced 10
professionals from this business to get acquainted with the job
and develop my skills and knowledge.

It would be a great feeling if I could help other people

secure their financial future by offering and convincing 10
them to get an insurance and explaining its importance
and benefits.

I am Loida M. Pangan, 56 years old. I graduated from Concordia College in April 1986 with a degree of Bachelor of
Science in Commerce Major in Accounting. I am the youngest in the family of six and came from a poor family in
San Simon, Pampanga. I worked for 5 years in one of the agencies of the Dept. of Science and Technology (DOST)
assigned in the Treasury Department from 1987 to 1991. From there, I transferred to a private company, K Servico
Trade, Inc. and worked there for 30 years assigned in the Disbursement Section for more than 20 years and my last
stay was in the Inventory Section of the Accounting Dept. I managed to reach the retirement age of the company of
55 years old in Dec. 2020. I worked so hard and I patiently commuted daily from Bulacan to Quezon City. I was an
Accounting Supervisor then.
Currently, I just stay in the house doing household chores and assisting my son in his on-line class, I gave myself a
respite from working for 35 years in 2021 and also because of the pandemic where we caught in a situation full of
limitations. But of course, I don't want to still be confined at home because I believe I can still do more great things.

1. I believe I have given my best and contributed a lot in the success of the company. Meeting deadlines after
deadlines, interacting with co-employees, customers, bank personnel, etc. gave me the feeling of satisfaction. I got
to equipped myself of the knowledge needed to train bookkeepers, cashiers and inventory clerks. It is fulfilling to be
a part of the training group because you are imparting knowledge and experiences gained through the years.
2. Well, sometimes there are bosses whom you will encounter that tend to be unreasonable and play favoritism
and do not know how to motivate and coach subordinates.
When I was working at the DOST, I was given the "Best Female Employee of the Year Award"
At K Servico, I was able to look for solutions on how to allocate funds for the company's payables to suppliers
and all the other disbursements easily. For 30 years of working there I know I have given my best and get
recognized by my bosses. I did my job patiently and always aiming for the best results.

During my first years of working with K Servico, my biggest challenge was how to pay all our dues with suppliers
on time, considering that back then, K Servico was just starting. Allocation and putting all together the sources
of funds of the company was very tedious and done manually, mainly because there was no computerized systems
and procedures yet. Fortunately, I never experienced bouncing checks. To be very careful in preparing check was
a very big deal for me. In everything I do, I need to check every detail thoroughly.

Task: Conduct a year-end inventory count of all our more than 100 branches all over Luzon.
Actions/Steps: 1. Preparation of Systems and Procedures in conducting Inventory count 2. Do a list of employees
to perform the count at their respective assignment. 3. Designate the dates when to conduct the inventory.
4. Prepare memos to regional managers, store managers and inventory clerks and conduct orientation to the
participants. 5. Prepare the budget and make cash advance 6. Monitor the actual count 7. Check the reconciliation
of actual count against the book by bookkeepers and inventory clerks. 8. Liquidate the cash advance within 7 days
after the count.
Results: Reconciled book of accounts (determined if there are shortages and or overages)
We were able to identify old, damaged and non-moving inventories.
Ethical guides: 1. Avoid tardiness and absenteeism. 2. Maximize working time 3. Malversation of funds is a big NO
4. Good customer service 5. Always work fairly (not to get ahead at the expense of others) 6. Be very courteous,
always respect everybody including their opinion and listen to suggestions of others to learn from them. 7. Do not
gossip 8. Don't get involved in bribery 9. Prioritize 10. Obey company rules, policies and procedures. 11. Be always
mindful of the Code of Ethics of the company. 12. Work had even when nobody is looking at you.

2. I handled the situation with the best I can and been very grateful for my employment and the result was I made it
to retirement.

As of now, I am not yet engaged in any organization but hopeful to gain more friends and eventually to become
a member of an organization.

Short Term - I want to earn again to augment daily expenses and monthly dues
Medium Term - I want to have a license as insurance agent and get the necessary trainings and coaching from
experienced and successful professionals in insurance business. I am aiming to earn commission and incentives
to sustain me in my financial needs.
Long Term - To get ahead and reach the high level in this business by continuous learning and hard work because.
by this, I know I will be able to help other people. I also want to get another insurance policy for my son. I also want
to travel (with Visa: US/Europe/Japan?) abroad,

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