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Simple Regression & Correlation

I. Define Regression.
( 2018, 2017, 2014 )
Ans. The dependence of a variable on one or more other
variables is called regression. If the dependent variable
depends on a single independent variable, the regression
is called simple. In regression the relation is one way.
For example:
i. Temperature depends on sunshine.
ii. Yield of wheat depends on fertilizer used.

II. If two regression lines are x +3 ŷ−5=0 and

X +¿ 3 y−8=0 , then Find byx and bxy.
( 2018 )
Ans. Finding byx:
−5+ x=3 y
−5 x
y= +
3 3
y=−1.67+0.33 x

➜ byx ¿ 0.33
Finding bxy:
−8+ 4 x=−3 y
−8 4
y= +
−3 −3
y=2.67 – 1.33 x

➜ bxy ¿−1.33
III. Differentiate between Positive and negative correlation.
( 2018, 2017 )
Ans. Positive Correlation Negative correlation
• If the variables move in the • If the variables move in
same direction, the the opposite direction,
correlation between them correlation between
is called positive or direct. is negative or indirect.
• For example: • For example:
i. Age and weight of children. i. Pressure and volume
ii. Age of husbands and wives. ii. Dishonesty and sales.

IV. From given regression lines, find “ r ” ; x +2 ŷ −5=0,

2 X̂ +3 y−8=0.
( 2018 )
Ans. Y on X: X on Y:
x +2 ŷ −5=0 2X̂ +3 y−8=0
2ŷ ¿ 5−x 2X̂ ¿−8+3 y
5 1 −8 3
ŷ= –
2 2x X̂¿ 2 + 2 y
−1 3
➜ byx ¿ 2 ➜ bxy ¿ 2
r =√ byx × bxy

¿ (√ 12 )( 32 )

V. Define the term co-efficient of correlation.

( 2018 )
Ans. Numerical measure of strength of linear relationship
between two variables is called correlation co-efficient.
It is denoted by “r”. It ranges from -1 to +1.

VI. What is a scatter diagram?

( 2018, 2017, 2014 )
Ans. A graphic picture, in which paired observations of X and
Y are plotted in the form of scattered points in a
co-ordinate plane is called scatter diagram. The
independent variable is taken along X-axis and
dependent variable is taken along Y-axis.

VII. What is Rank Correlation?

( 2018, 2015 )
Ans. The correlation between two sets of rankings is called
rank correlation. The measure of rank correlation is called
co-efficient of rank correlation. It is denoted by rs and
given by:
6 Σ d2
rs ¿ 1−
n ( n2 −1 )

VIII. Write down the properties of least square line.

( 2017, 2015 )
Ans. Its properties are as follows:
i. The regression line always passes through ( x,̅ ȳ )
ii. The sum of differences between the observed
and the estimated values of dependent variable is
zero i.e. Σ( y i− ŷ i)=Σe ²
iii. The sum of squares of differences between the
observed and estimated values i.e.
Σ( y i− ŷ i)²=Σe ² is minimum.
iv. Sum of estimated values = sum of observed
values i.e. Σy i=Σŷ i

IX. If bxy = 0.38, byx = 0.67 find rxy =?

( 2017 )
Ans. rxy ¿ √ byx × bxy
¿ √ 0.67 ×0.38
¿ 0.50457

X. If Sx² = 16, sxy = 20 and rxy = 0.8 then find sy.

( 2017 )
s xy
Ans. r=
s x×s y
4×s y
0.8 × 4=
s y=
s y=6.25

XI. Differentiate between correlation and correlation

( 2016 )
Ans. Correlation Correlation Coefficient
• Strength of linear • Numerical measure of
relationship between two linear relationship
variables is called between two variables
correlation. is called correlation
XII. Define slope of straight line.
( 2016 )
Ans. The co-efficient of independent variable in regression
equation is called slope of straight line or regression
co-efficient. For example: in Y = a + bX + e ‘b’ is regression

XIII. Define intercept of straight line.

( 2016 )
Ans. In regression model the average value of dependent
variable when there is no association of independent
variable is called intercept. It is usually denoted by ‘ayx’

XIV. Define the term regression co-efficient.

( 2016, 2015 )
Ans. The co-efficient of an independent variable in a
regression equation is called regression co-efficient. For
example in the regression model: Y = a + bX + e
‘b’ is regression co-efficient.

XV. Given byx = 0.82, bxy = 0.76, find ryx.

( 2016 )
Ans. r =√ b yx × b xy
¿ √ 0.82× 0.67
¿ √ 0.6232
r =0.7894

XVI. Given Σ(x−x̅ ) ²=15, Σ( y− ȳ)²=20,

Σ( x−x̅ )( y− ȳ )=¿ 0, n=5. Find Correlation
( 2016 )
Σ ( x−x )( y − ȳ )
Ans. r=
√ Σ ( x −x ) 2
× Σ ( y− ȳ )

√ 15 ×20
r =0

XVII. Elaborate residual.

( 2015 )
Ans. In regression analysis the difference between observed
value Yi and its estimated value ŷi is called residual.

XVIII. Explain positive Correlation.

( 2015 )
Ans. If the variables move in the same direction, the
correlation between them is called positive or direct.
For example:
i. Age and weight of children
ii. Age of husbands and wives

XIX. Given x̅ = 1, ȳ = 8, b = 2. Find ‘a’.

( 2015 )
Ans. a = ȳ - bx̅
= 8 – 2(1)

XX. Given Sxy = 16 and SxSy = 81. Find ‘r’.

( 2015 )
S xy
Ans. r=
SxS y
¿ 0.1975

XXI. What is perfect negative correlation?

( 2014 )
Ans. If r = -1, the correlation between the variables is known
as perfect negative. It is lower limiting value of
co-efficient. This occurs when both variables move in the
opposite directions exactly at the same rate.

XXII. If byx = 0.71, bxy = 0.29 find ‘r’.

( 2014 )
Ans. r =√ b yx × b xy
¿ √ 0.29 ×0.71
¿ √ 0.2059
¿ 0.45376

XXIII. Define regressand.

( 2014 )
Ans. A variable whose values are to be estimated from the
variables is called dependent variable or regressand. It is
written on the left side of regression equation. For
example: if we want to estimate height of children on the
basis of weights, then height is dependent variable.

XXIV. Give two properties of correlation co-efficient.

( 2014 )
Ans. Its properties are as follows:
i. “r” ranges from -1 to +1.
ii. There is no unit of ‘r’.
iii. It is not affected by the change of origin and scale.
iv. r = 0 for independent variables.
v. r =√ byx × bxy

XXV. Given (y-ŷ) : 0.5, -0.5, 1, -1 then find sum of squares of

residuals i.e Σ(y-ŷ)².
( 2014 )
Ans. D = y-ŷ D²
0.5 0.25
-0.5 0.25
1 1
-1 1 _
0 2.5
XXVI. Given ΣX = 0, ΣY = 41172 and n = 10. Find value of ‘a’.
( 2014 )
Ans. a yx= ȳ−b x̅
¿ –b
n n
41172 0
¿ –b
10 10
¿ 4117.2 – b (0)


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