HRM Report - Teo Jia Wei - Finalised

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Report on Human

Resource Management

Module: HR9510

MAY 25 TH 2022

Lecturer: Roland Yeow

Name: Teo Jia Wei, Northumbria ID:

1. Introduction..........................................................................................................3
2. What is Strategic Human Resource Management?................................................3
3. Learning and Development ...................................................................................6
4. Absence & Health Management ...........................................................................8
5. Conclusion ..........................................................................................................10
6. Personal Skills Framework ………………………………………………………………………………11
References ...............................................................................................................19

1. Introduction
The purpose of this report is to identify 3 key topics to focus on the importance they
have in an organization within the context of Human Resource Management. The
select topics are Strategic Human Resource Management, Learning & Development
and lastly, Future Challenges in Human Resource Management. Strategic Human
Resource Management is the key concept where we will look into how organizations
manage their human capital towards their objectives & intended goals. Learning &
Development will zoom into how the organization improves the quality of its people
and finally, we will look into those impacts on Absence & Health Management. We will
dive into each topic’s concept, identify the problems in today’s market setting & the
plausible solutions to tackle these issues.

2. What is Strategic Human Resource

2.1 CORE CONCEPT: This concept of human resource management in its
simplest form refers to the control of the people inside an organization. How
the way these people are being managed & lead towards the organization’s
goals via means such as HR policies & practices can be referred as strategy.
We can also interpret this as a set of managerial decisions and actions that
determines the performance of the organization. Putting both together, we
identify this as strategic human resource management. Due to ever-
changing market conditions and globalization, there is no single strategy that
always delivers success across different types of organizations. There is a
constant need for adjustments amongst key factors such as management’s
internal objectives, external variables & market changes. (Osibanjo &
Adenike, 2012)

MANAGEMENT: Internal factors are matters that are controllable &
occurs within the company such as operational changes where the
organization introduces a new IT system or procedures at work have
changed. It may consist of new marketing strategies due to new product
development or financial decisions where organizations reduce costs by
outsourcing certain departments. External factors are issues that occur
fundamentally outside of the organization which is usually not controllable.
Market changes such as new competitor, technological changes such as e-
commerce and social factors such as aging population requires the
organization to be aware of its environment so as to plan the correct steps &
contingencies. Political & legal changes are also another key factor that
affects the way organizations moving forward. (Limited, 2019) Each
individual concern is not deemed as strategic human resource management
but rather, the overall framework where strengths & weaknesses are
identified & resolved with strategic moves, systematically linking people into
the organization’s goals to ultimately deliver a wholesome organizational
success. (CIPD United Kingdom, 2021)

2.3 KEY ISSUE ENCOUNTERED: One of the key problems has always been
a debate between the ‘Best Fit’ approach and ‘Best Practice’ approach. Each
approach changes the way strategic human resource management is
applied, depending on the top management. The general idea of best
practice, independent of the strategy, is to follow a set of benchmark
standards according to industry’s most practiced as that has often been
indicated as the best method in reaching a competitive advantage. ‘Best Fit’
on the other hand, is a much-detailed plan where organizations look into
their business model & strategy to find the best corresponding method for
their staff and operations as universal industry practices may not work well
for them. (MBA Knowledge Base, 2020) An example would be food catering.
In order to maximize profit on a generic market, a central kitchen which can
maintain overall quality & reduce overall wastage, easily managed by
kitchen staffs, might be selected for this business model. This in turn would
set the business direction the management would take, inclined towards
supply for schools, army camps etc. The organization would then structure
their HR policies towards efficiency of the kitchen, staff production rates,
overall manpower requirements & packing standards of the food. A luxury
restaurant in contrast, may not consider the central kitchen but rather, a
customized kitchen based on the head chef’s expertise & needs. The
management’s business direction may be focused on fine dining, serving the
higher class of the society, customers with stronger purchasing power that
seeks more than just food itself. The organization would then need to look
into aspects such as multiple head chefs providing different types of cuisine.
Employees are trained in dining etiquette, delicate designs that creates the
best dining experience or even hiring of staff with foreign language skills at a
higher remuneration package taking care of different ethnic races simply for
better customer service. (Adel, 2021)

2.4 PROPOSED RECOMMENDATIONS: There are two suggestions

organizations may consider. Firstly, to look into the quality of the leaders &
the management. In order to navigate the stormy seas of today’s business
environment, organizations need to have a team of highly qualified
executives as finding the correct direction requires strong decision-making
skills & strategic leadership qualities. These personnel will then be able to
look in-depth into the organization’s work frame and understand what is
truly needed before applying desired aspect of both best fit & best practice
into their human resource management strategies. (All Answers Ltd, 2021)
The second suggestion is for HR to set its sights on data analytics platforms.
(Milon Gupta, 2015) Though it might be uncommon and raises issues such
as data privacy concerns, the complexity and cost of setting up a data-driven
HR analytics system, organizations that manages to utilize data analytics in
HR has shown to yield significant benefits in regard to understanding
emerging issues much earlier and improving HR strategies and operational

3. Learning and Development
3.1 DEFINITION: L&D is the continuous process of improving knowledge,
competencies, and skills to boost productivity and job satisfaction, while
reducing turnover. We often hear the saying, ‘to live is to continue learning’,
which is very true when set in the context of an organization. This is a
distinct area of human resource management where the development of
skills, knowledge & behaviors of the employees directly affects the daily
operations of the organization itself. (HR Helpboard, 2018) From the
organization’s perspective, it is very important to stay relevant to today’s
market changes & retain employees with the right set of skills. This is even
more so where today’s market is so much more digitalized with new e-
commerce platforms & internal systems used by different industries.

3.2 KEY BENEFITS: There is no doubt that learning & development

contributes to key improvements such as employee performance &
production. Learning of new skills allows employees to employ the best
practices and methods when at work, improving performance & production.
This also allows employees to keep themselves up-to-date with market
changes such as new safety procedures, new market competition and
processes. In today’s everchanging market, such actions will proof to be
worthwhile as it increases the employee’s capacity to adopt changes should
the organization move forward with new technologies, processes & even
new products. This is also a correlated relationship as organizations will now
also be able to take the first step into new innovations knowing that their
employees are able to keep up with the next stage. This also enhances job
satisfaction as once employees can sense that the organization is helping
them improve themselves and concerned about their welfare, they will be
motivated to put in extra effort in their daily jobs. Once these employees
have been trained and becomes more skilled, this raises the quality of the
staff and reduces turnover rates. (OU Online, 2021) It is important to an
organization to retain skilled employees as compared to hiring cheap labor
and spending additional resources & time to retrain a new batch of

employees. Knowing that an organization that prioritizes employee training
and development sets a benchmark, which draws in top-level talent. This
has been proven by several surveys indicating that consistent emphasis on
employee training & development is considered a major benefit when
looking for job opportunities. Internal promotion is another factor that
benefits from this as organizations are aware that hiring new high level
qualified people is very expensive. Instead of that, due to the benefits of
training & development, internal promotion is now considered as an
alternative cost-effective option which existing employees are well
acquainted with the organization's operations and work culture to start their
new station immediately. (Simplilearn, 2022) This also creates a positive
inspiration & attitude and influence other employees to look forward to
learning & development.

3.3 DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED: As ideal as the benefits of learning &

development illustrated before us, it is often the case where this concern
goes unaddressed. In Singapore, one of the key main reasons is due to hectic
work schedules. There is always the risk where work, personal life and other
reasons that may already occupy a large amount of time for an employee.
Training becomes an additional workload that may not be well received as
compared to the organizations well intentions. (Sigala, 2019) Different
learning habits is another factor that may impede the training process. Not
all employees function on same learning methods. It is not easy to plan a
productive learning session where it fits all employees in the best manner to
absorb the new knowledge imparted. Should the training proof to be
productive, how much employees can retain that learnt knowledge is yet
another issue organizations face when trying to calculate the return on
investments spent on these very trainings.

3.4 RECOMMENDED SOLUTIONS: With the advancement of technology

in today’s settings, there are multiple ways we may assist employees in
increasing the willingness to partake in these trainings & development.
Organizations may consider putting in shorter learning sessions in between

official meetings in the forms of bite-sized nuggets with easy-to-understand
charts, infographics & videos. For longer sessions, webinars & video
conferences will allow employees to attend the training as and when
possible. (Andriotis, 2022) Organizations can also conduct surveys & needs
analysis to understand more about their employees so that they provide the
most relevant trainings, increase the overall rate of attendance & perhaps,
with some form of incentive to entice employees into the training sessions.
Most importantly, organizations should highlight the importance of L&D to
their staff while in return, employees should also see the benefits it provides
on an individual level in the long run. It is only through efficient and effective
learning & development that both parties are in a win-win situation where
organizations retain quality employees & employees nurture a sense of
belonging & loyalty to the organization.

4. Absence & Health Management

the control of employees being absent due to matters such as urgent family
matters, personal illness & hospitalization and even unplanned or excessive
absenteeism with no appropriate reason. Absence management is a very
crucial factor relevant as it affects daily operations & relates directly to the
level of productivity of the organization. Employees may need time off for
multiple reasons, be it related to personal matters or work-related factors.
(Janza, 2021) An effective absence management framework should support
the health needs of employees while providing clear and consistent
guidance where operations remain functional and that benefits of being
away from work is not abused. This is very important as management of
leave & absences involves finding a delicate balance between providing
support to help employees with legitimate health conditions remaining
employed while differentiating situations or cases where there are
suspicions of employees taking advantage of the policies.

4.2 TYPES OF ABSENTEEISM: Illnesses are often the first & foremost
reason, commonly known as medical leave. This is for when employees are
down with fever or in more severe cases, hospitalization due to unforeseen
circumstances such as traffic incidents or sport injuries. Other relevant
factors are like maternity, paternity, compassionate leave when loved ones
passed away or instances of short educational leaves to study for upcoming
high-key examinations. (Bill Cushard, 2020) Other instances of absenteeism
may be related to work environments such as low workplace morale, time
thefts such as being late to work or extended lunch breaks and even cases of
bullying or harassment issues. (van Vulpen, 2021)

4.3 MOST RELEVANT ISSUES: In recent events, the world is still

recovering from the impacts of COVID-19 and the difficulties it has brought
us. When a real pandemic of such global presence takes place, many find it
hard to keep up in Singapore as there wasn’t much of a precedent to learn
from. Absenteeism due to long medical reasons is occurring on a major
spectrum due to manpower being down with the disease itself & in
accordance of regulations to lockdown on 3rd April 2020. (Baker, 2020)
Organizations had to consider operational alternatives such as moving
towards online platforms to maintain their sales or outsource delivery to
official forwarders, all in the midst of waiting for the government’s decisions
on their approach against the disease, the extent of the impact of COVID-19
on the organization, both with regards to immediate actions to be taken in
the near future for safety purposes and also long-term contingency plans on
how to remain operational & sustainability. (Barrett, 2021) Employees on
the other hand, are now concerned with livelihood issues such as their
employability and safety concerns. Employee instability such as will the
company still be able to provide a salary or will I be let off due to closure.
What will happen to my medical bills if I contract COVID-19. (Phua, 2020)
Under such environment, there is bound to be an increase in employees’
stress levels, which may trigger certain mental health issues. (Auto, 2020)

4.4 RECOMMENDED SOLUTIONS: It has been proven that in such
delicate situations, we require a combination of strong leadership &
teamwork within the organization to tide over this pandemic. (Ministry of
Manpower, 2021) Leaders of the organization should first & foremost
understand the overall situation & explain to their staff what is happening to
the ground. Informing the staff of the company’s future plans brings a form
of trust that both management & employees are going to move forward
together. (Emmett et al., 2021) Organizations should also plan ahead on the
additional resources using technology to assist their staff with changes to
their daily job scope such as moving towards a centralized cloud system
where everyone can work from home. (Anand, 2021) With the continuity of
operations being established, that in turn maintains the organizations’
source of income & remaining operational. This symbiotic relationship will
then provide the assurance that employees remain employable & livelihood
would no longer be of immediate concern.

5. Conclusion
Human resource management requires strong planning with good strategy in
order to maximize the capacity of its human capital towards the organization’s
goals. Learning & development is the key investment into employees for the
future of the organization and lastly, we should take COVID-19’s global
pandemic as a learning point to look into employees’ health management and
the contingency plans to protect the organization’s future.

6. Personal Skills Framework
Weekly Reflection – Lecture; seminar activity; wider reading; independent study

Target Role/Industry (This could be for placement or post-graduation):

1. Human Resource Management in Context 200 word limit

What new knowledge did you gain and which skills did you develop this week?

HRM is mainly a concept on people management, branching out to different aspects of

hiring & optimising staff towards the organisation’s goals. Development of practical policies
that shape the effective use of these human capital are strongly affected by formal
institutions such as government bodies & laws to informal institutions such as different
social cultures & the people’s values.
Globalisation has further broadened the impact & necessity of good HRM practices as
foreign regulations, culture differences & technological developments will affect the overall
balance of maintaining the right staff in line to the organisation’s ultimate goal.

How does this knowledge and/or skills relate to your future career goals?

My future career goal on a broader aspect is to become the right-hand man of my

As such, these new knowledge & the many different branches it expends out has to be
properly disseminated & utilised for the growth of my organisation. Effective approach
towards the study of HRM rhetoric theories must be paired up with plausible reality when
management comes to the decision-making process. Micro focus on traditional HR
processes & techniques should slowly advance towards macro aspects of a ‘learning
organisation’, where my team can make sense between Staff, their Superiors, Management
& manage a diverse workforce when we move towards the international level.

2. Strategic Human Resource Management 200 word limit

What new knowledge did you gain and which skills did you develop this week?

Strategic HRM is an in-depth look at the management & development of human capital that
supports my organisation’s long-term goals. No single HRM strategy delivers complete
success as different stage of the organisation will give rise to new challenges & solutions.
The balance between the universal approach of best practices, where a set of methods
guide the way to a better performance of the business needs to blend in where contingency
approach of best fits allow the organisation to be flexible & select suitable paths that
creates competitive advantages & opportunities. This will move towards constructing a
coherent work frame that reflects our business strategy.

How does this knowledge and/or skills relate to your future career goals?

The closer the alignment between my HRM planning to my organisation’s overall business
strategy, the better I gain a competitive advantage in anticipating and meeting ever-
changing customer needs. This can firstly be demonstrated through vital steps such as
hiring the correct staff, training more experience employees & rewarding the staff as
everyone works together towards the same objectives. Analysis of my staff will also allow
me to determine the actions to take to increase their value & quality to the organisation.
These results may also highlight potential weakness that HR may work on to reduce
ineffective decisions that may affect the organisation’s growth.

3. Recruitment and Selection 200 word limit

What new knowledge did you gain and which skills did you develop this week?

The 3 main approaches are Job Analysis, Job Description, Person Specification. Analysis
refers to the study of the job to determine its activities & responsibilities, the nature & its
qualifications to which the job is performed. Description is primarily focused on the opening
itself, the job title, department, location, content & its specific duties. Person specification
on the other hand omits the job factor & simply looks at the “ideal” candidate process that
fits the organisation’s standards, such as number of years of experience or specific
professional qualifications. These approaches when matched with different selection
methods, will show the effectiveness & success of HR hiring the right person.

How does this knowledge and/or skills relate to your future career goals?

This has allowed me to review my future hiring process in many different forms. I can
revamp the approach to highlight to candidates what is my actual job scope, what are the
key criteria I’m looking for & to set an acceptable benchmark to give applicants a fighting
chance. I’ve also learnt that some form of tests that indicates the applicant’s aptitude,
literacy & general ability will further give me a clearer picture of who I am hiring. This will
also prepare me better for myself as an interviewer to reduce the weaknesses & time, cost
spent, to conduct a productive interview.

4. Learning and Development 200 word limit

What new knowledge did you gain and which skills did you develop this week?

L&D roughly falls between 2 parties, the employees & the organisation. Employees may be
self-initiated & motivated to learn, which more often, leads to personal growth. Alternatively,
there is a competency gap that organisation feels the need to step-in & provide training for
the staff that aims specifically for an intended outcome. These are investments allocated by
the organisation for the purpose of training staff with relevant skillsets & fulfil the needs of
the organisation on different levels. Such practices also improve staff’s performance &
productivity, attract more talents to join the organisation while enforcing their values &
further inspires better learning amongst their employees.

How does this knowledge and/or skills relate to your future career goals?

This has set an awareness that companies should not treat their staff simply as labour
workforce. The ultimate goal is to process together as collective organisation where
companies aim to identify their gaps & provide solutions to improve the overall performance
while employees see the bigger picture that these trainings not only upgrade their current
skillsets but also keeps them up-to-date with the market changes. The resulting effect is that
my company waste less time on recruitment while retaining quality staff in the long run.
Employees will also build a sense of loyalty & belonging, progressing to the next generation
of leaders & continuity for my company.

5. Managing Absence and Health 200 word limit

What new knowledge did you gain and which skills did you develop this week?

Absentees is not simply a case of employees not turning up for work. There is direct impact
on daily operations & overall performance. Absence can also be classified into long & short-
term reasons, not limited to only medical conditions or illnesses. Work related reasons are
also cause for concern such as high volume of work, unmotivating / rigid management
styles or even bad relationships at work amongst peers can cause adverse reactions,
pushing staff to take more leave of absence. This in turn affects mental health in the long
run for employees with reports indicating the increase of such symptoms in recent years.

How does this knowledge and/or skills relate to your future career goals?

This allows me to better understand the mentality of my workers. The direction to focus on
is that a happy worker should feel good about working in his current station. Should
absenteeism occur, this means there is a might be an issue that the employee is facing.
Should the reason be legitimate, HR should provide some kind of additional assistance to
ease some burden off so as to allow the employee some room to rest & recuperate while

maintaining daily operations. Don’t be too quick to judge and brush off the issue as we may
never know the true extend of the problems on hand.

6. Total Reward 200 word limit

What new knowledge did you gain and which skills did you develop this week?

It is a system of reward for employees who achieves specific business goals. There are
multiple theories mainly focusing on the concept of motivation such as Maslow’s hierarchy
of needs where we look at the level of needs of a person. Having a total reward strategy is
important because this is the fundamentals of how organizations attract, motivates &
retains staff. Forms of rewards can be identified mainly by 2 types. Financial aspects can
range from salary, bonus to paid oversea trips or even a sponsored vehicle. Non-financial
rewards such as healthcare benefits, career development trainings, company recognition
are other key aspects employees look for. The combination of both can be summarised as
total rewards.

How does this knowledge and/or skills relate to your future career goals?

Studying the needs of my employees have enlightened me on the possible alternatives of

rewarding my staff. More than just setting a benchmark for a generic financial reward across
the organization, I should focus more on employees needs & set out specific rewards that
entices staff & improves their level of motivation. Rewards should also be managed well in
terms of fairness & equal opportunities so as to achieve workplace harmony &
cohesiveness. Working towards both physical & physiological needs should be an ideal
balance where the employee feels that their efforts towards the organization is reciprocated
on a high level.

7. Performance Management 200 word limit

What new knowledge did you gain and which skills did you develop this week?

This is a continuous process of communicating and clarifying job responsibilities, priorities,

performance expectations, and development planning that optimize an individual’s
performance and aligns with organizational strategic goals. This is periodic, systematic in
nature. This allows employees to understand their own strengths & minimises weakness,
for managers like myself to differentiate who are the better performers I can trust for future
endeavours & allows the organization to properly quantify its overall staff performance to
make appropriate changes. This can be conducted via behavioural approach for when

situations where results are hard to quantify. Result-oriented approach can be perceived via
factors such as sales quota & production rates.

How does this knowledge and/or skills relate to your future career goals?

I am now able to understand the complexity of setting up the matrix in which we define
performance. It has to be an effective overall measure while aspiring fairness & reliability,
validity & practicability. This will assist me in guiding employees to perform efficiently
throughout the year & address any issues that may arise. Planning the review, monitoring
the employees daily work, developing employees by sending them for refresher courses &
lastly rating them by means of appraisal, we can have a 1-to-1 discussion where it keeps
both employee & manager in-loop to ongoing changes & streamline the processes better
towards overall performance.

8. Employee Relations 200 word limit

What new knowledge did you gain and which skills did you develop this week?

More than just the working relationship between the organization & employees, we should
strive to construct positive relations to keep employees loyal & more engaged at work.
Organizations may dedicate liaison roles to handle such a task to focus on resolving
problems or disputes at work between employee & management. Workplace bullying and
safety may also be a point of concern as such matters do still occur in today’s society. It is
also necessary that we view employees as stakeholders & contributors to the company
instead of just paid labour. Policies should be fair & consistent for all employees in the

How does this knowledge and/or skills relate to your future career goals?

When engaging discussion with employees, it has shown that giving the full attention &
focus allows better mutual understanding. Understanding of this chapter has also
highlighted to me the potential issues that may occur in my current office. There is s need to
extend the helping hand to assist employees to convey what they truly want to feedback to
management. Such approaches will allow higher employee satisfaction which in turn will
improve employee productivity & retention. This will create an ideal overall working
environment where employees are able to work together within their teams & across
departments with senior executives smoothly with minimal conflict.

9. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 200 word limit
What new knowledge did you gain and which skills did you develop this week?

This brings awareness to multiple aspects of the workplace. Equality generally refers to the
number of males compared to females when considered upon matters such as recruitment
& promotion, salary & remuneration & even performance evaluations. More than often, they
are not treated equally. Diversity looks at a broader spectrum of construct. Internally, we
may focus on age, ethnicity, race & even physical ability while externally, we look at factors
such as geographic locations, income level, religion, education, work experience or
personal status such as marital or parental. Should the HR practices be formalised, diversity
will become a positive factor that can integrate with business objectives & provide better
success in the long run.

How does this knowledge and/or skills relate to your future career goals?

It comes with moral integrity that we understand matters such as racism, sexism, are
frowned upon in today’s context. While I understand the ideal goal to be as diversified &
equalised opportunities are what the minority seeks for, it is often hard to achieve in reality.
Using Singapore as context, as much as I would like to hire young blood, I cannot depend
on them as lack of experience causes issues at work. Conversely, I cannot force my HR to
employ only senior staff where a work station may be empty when they go for long paternity
/ maternity leave. There is a need for me to find a balance amongst all these variables to
maintain daily operations.

10. Future Challenges in Human Resource Management 200 word limit

What new knowledge did you gain and which skills did you develop this week?

Globalisation is still the key component that triggered the ever-changing challenges in HRM
today. Emergence of new technology such as automation may affect staff’s employability.
Economic & political factors such as the latest Russia-Ukraine conflict influences
organization’s decision-making process. New working patterns in Singapore such as self-
employed cryptocurrency traders & part-time delivery jobs under LalaMove or GrabFood
may not fit into HRM’s standard office hours. While such is the situation we are facing now,
with new challenges comes new opportunities. Introduction of new tech has improved
quality of work. Facing the threat of COVID-19 has pushed organizations to move towards e-
commerce where they can remain operational.

How does this knowledge and/or skills relate to your future career goals?

This brings my awareness up to potential room for upgrades & how I should set myself for
the future. Knowing what is coming & preparing myself for it by taking automation courses,
looking at new ways to improve my organization & keep up with market changes, I can set
the path for the next generation of employees & push the organization to higher levels. This
will also allow us to expand into new industries and take the first step in new & innovative
venture. Such investments & direction may just be the right method to allow my
organization to survive & stay relevant for the future to come.

Objective Setting – What would you like to develop further?

SMART Objective Number One 150 word limit

I want to progress in my career, moving into the bigger spectrum on Logistics & Supply-
Reason being my current role is relatively on the processing stage with an average impact
on the company’s operations. As such, I would like to move forward to a role with a higher
level of importance.
I have applied & started my degree into Northumbria University’s Business with Logistics &
Supply Chain Management.
I will attend all lessons & make sure I’m up-to-date with the knowledge provided on the
teaching materials.
I want to use this opportunity to upgrade myself & use this as a selling-point for my next
career jump.
This course will last for 16 months, which upon completion will allow me to know more
about the industry, putting myself in a better position as a candidate aiming for a potential
Managerial role.

SMART Objective Number Two 150 word limit

I want to gain the opportunity to move overseas & be part of the company’s expansion
initiative. Expansion is a very important role as with more ports of supply in different
countries, we are able to cover more area, effectively pushing sales to a higher level.
As such, I am going to volunteer to my company on taking up foreign customers & start
working on handling such portfolios, increasing my overall experience.
Learning an additional language related to my target expansion would be a plus point in
facilitating communications.
I will learn from our foreign counterparts on the local practices, target market audience,
potential mistakes to get myself prepared.
With 2 more years of experience, this will allow me to become a seasoned employee & the
ideal choice when the company decides to move into setting up a new branch in Germany.

SMART Objective Number Three 150 word limit

I’m going to aim for a healthier lifestyle where my weight control was once at 88 KGS.
In order to move towards a positive career change, my mental & physical limits should also
be on the same direction.
In order to do so, I must first identify the bad habits & reduce them.
I will reduce my total sugar intake & the sweet drinks during the day.
I will start to take note of my food intake towards a healthier option.
I will resume my workouts at least 4 times a week.
These will be key focus for the next 6 months.
Start small, keep consistency.
These will allow me to keep up with my goals both mentally & physically.
The end result should be a better, healthier version of myself & a better image to the people
around me. This will build confidence for my superiors & a peace of mind for my loved ones.


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