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1. The scores of 13 students in Grade 10 Mathematics are as follows 45, 37, 50, 23, 45, 37, 46, 40,
39, 38, 23, 38 and 43. Compute the:
A. Mean =

B. Median

C. Mode
23, 37, 38, 45

D. Range
50 – 23 = 27
2. A researcher plan to investigate the food preference of male and female students in certain
school. Through simple random sampling with a 5% margin of error:

a. What is the sample size if the total population is 3,450?

1 + 8.625

= 358

b. If the female students comprise 65% of the total population, how many of them are to
be included as sample?

358 (.65)
= 233 Female

3. A random sample of 200 married men, all retired, were classified according to education and
number of children. Test the hypothesis, at the 5 percent level of significance that the size of a
family is independent of the level of education attained by the father. Refer to the table below

Number of Children
0-1 2-3 Over 3
y 14 37 32
Secondary 19 42 17
College 12 17 10

a. State the null and alternative hypotheses.

H0 = size of the family is independent of the level of education attained by the father
Ha = size of the family is not independent of the level of education attained by the father
b. What is expected frequency for row 3 column 1?
c. What is the expected frequency for row 2 column 2?
d. In this problem, the critical chi-square value is 9.488 and the computed chi-square value is
7.464. state the statistical decision. Provide an interpretation for the results.
Since the computed chi-square value (7.464) is less than the tabular value (9.488), accept
the null hypothesis. Therefore, the size of the family is independent of levels of education
attained by the father.
4. The following data were obtained to test the relationship between the person’s age and his
monthly salary. Refer to the table below:

Age (x) 28 30 27 30 32 34 33 32 36 40
(y) in
pesos 25000 28000 29750 32000 45000 40000 38580 42000 38650 39560

a. Testing the significance at .05 probability level, state the alternative hypothesis.

Ha = The person’s age is related to monthly his monthly salary.

b. The computed correlation coefficient is 0.646, state the strength and direction of the

c. In this problem, the critical r-value is 0.632. state the statistical decision.

Since the computed correlation value (0.646) is greater than the critical r-value (0.632), reject
the null hypothesis. There is a significant relationship between the person’s age and salary.

d. Do you concur that there is a correlation between a person’s age and his salary? Why or why

e. Aside from a person’s age, what other variables may be correlated with a person’s salary. Cite
(2) and explain.
5. The following data were obtained to test the relationship between the person’s age and his
monthly salary. Refer to the table below. In this problem, the least-square regression equation is
y = 1116.8 x – 106.36 and the computed R 2 value is 0.4174

Age (x) 28 30 27 30 32 34 33 32 36 40
(y) in
pesos 25000 28000 29750 32000 45000 40000 38580 42000 38650 39560

a. What is the value of the slope?

Slope = 1116.8

b. What is the value of the y-intercept?

Y – intercept = 106.36

c. Interpret the computed coefficient of determination.

Low correlation since computed R2 value (0.4174) is between 0.3 – 0.5

d. What is a person’s age if his salary is Php 42,250? Round answer to the nearest ones. How much
is Mario’s salary if he is now 48 years old?


y = 1116.8 x – 106.36 y = 1116.8x-106.36

42,250 + 1116.8 x – 106.36 y = 1116.8(48)-106.36
42,250 + 106.36 = 1116.8x y = 53606.4-106.36
42,356.36 1116.8 x
= 1116.8
y = 53,500.00

37.93 = x
X = 38 yrs old

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