Oral Communication q1 Lp-1

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SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL- Oral Communication in Context

STUDENT’S NAME: ________________________GRADE/SECTION: _____________

TEACHER: _______________________________ DATE SUBMITTED: ____________


A. Most Essential Learning Competency
The learner explains the functions, nature and process of communication.

B. Objective/s
The learners are expected to:
a) explain the nature of communication, and
b) write a 200-word essay of their objective observation and evaluation of
the various communication situations watched and listened to.


The term communication comes from the Latin word “communicare”, which
means to share, impart, participate, exchange, transmit or to make common. As defined
by Steven McCornack in his book titled “Interpersonal Communication and You,“
communication is a process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one
person to another within and across channels, contexts, media, and cultures. In order for
you to better understand communication, you have to take a closer look at its nature. As
you explore its nature, you will come across the following features:

• Communication is a process.

Communication is a process in which a source/speaker sends and encodes a message

through a channel to a destination/receiver. The receiver decodes the message in order
to give appropriate feedback. This process is dynamic or always changing as it occurs
within a context which constantly varies depending on so many factors like the people
involved, the place, the channels used and the situation. Communication also occurs
always with noise which affects the entire process in one way or another. (This is further
discussed in Lesson 3 of this module).

• Communication occurs between two or more people

(the speaker and the receiver).

Since communication is basically an exchange of ideas or information, it is two-way –

there is a source of the message and a destination. This can be in the form of a face-to-
face interaction, a phone conversation, a group discussion, and even a letter

RO_Senior HS_Oral Communication_Q1_LP 1

• Communication can be expressed through written or spoken words (verbal),
actions (nonverbal), or both spoken words and nonverbal actions at the same

Communication has two kinds: verbal and nonverbal. Verbal communication is the kind
of communication that uses symbols that have universal meaning for all involved in the
process. These symbols are known as language used in both spoken and written
communication. Nonverbal communication, on the other hand, is the use of symbols
other than language. These symbols could be in the form of gestures, bodily actions,
facial expression, eye behavior and many more. Generally, communication takes place
with the combination of verbal and nonverbal elements as one kind complements the

1. Practice Tasks

Practice Task 1: MATCH AND FILL

Directions: Complete filling in the blanks found in the paragraph below. You are given
the choices of words that you can match with the number corresponding to the blank in
the paragraph.

Listener Verbal Nonverbal

Communication is a 1.________ in which a source sends
and encodes a message through a channel to a destination. It is
basically two-way, so there should always be a 2._________ as
the source of the message and the 3._________ as the
destination. In the process of encoding the message, the
source/speaker chooses to express the message through either
4._________ communication – which makes use of spoken or
written words or 5.__________ communication – which makes
use of actions or symbols other than language.

RO_Senior HS_Oral Communication_Q1_LP 1

Practice Task 2. Map it Out!
Directions: Copy the graphic organizer on your answer sheet. Then, follow the
instructions given in each corner of the organizer.

Practice Task
3. Deepening the understanding

Directions: Having read about the nature of communication, answer the following items
1. Can you consider communication a cycle? Why or why not?

2. Is communication with yourself possible? Why or why not?

3. List down five examples of verbal communication and another five examples for
nonverbal communication.

B. Assessment
1. Assess What You Have Learned

Directions: Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. This is the type of communication that uses symbols other than language.
A. business communication C. silent communication
B. nonverbal communication D. verbal communication

2. What is the function of communication in this situation? “The city mayor presents her
strategies to execute the plans in a public forum.”
RO_Senior HS_Oral Communication_Q1_LP 1
A. control C. motivation
B. information dissemination D. social interaction

3. Which among the following situations is an example of non-verbal communication?

A. The secretary wrote the letter to close the deal.
B. The teacher read her instructions for the students.
C. His grandfather patted his back after doing a great job.
D. Michael asked his seatmate about the assignment for the day.
4. Which of the following does not characterize the nature of communication?
A. Communication is a process.
B. Communication is only face-to-face.
C. Communication is either written or spoken.
D. Communication is between the speaker and the receiver.

5. Which of the following communication situations is an example of a verbal

A. Randy wrote a very long letter of apology.
B. Manny sat so close to Irene because he likes her.
C. The deaf-mute boy wrote his thoughts on a paper.
D. The little girl pointed at the teddy bear which she likes at a toy store.

2. Watch and Write

Directions: Choose a communication situation (at home, from a TV show, or any online
video) that focuses on the necessary health measures and protocols that must be
observed these days. Write a 200-word essay of your objective observation and
evaluation of the communication situation watched and listened to. Be guided by the
given rubric.


Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
The essay is organized and well-structured.
The observation and evaluation are objective.
The essay uses appropriate length.
The essay is free from grammar errors.

A. Practice Tasks
Practice task 1. Match and Fill Practice Task. Deepening The
1. Process
Answers may vary.
2. Speaker
3. Listener B. Assessment 1
4. Verbal
1. B
5. Nonverbal
2. A
Practice Task 2. Map It Out! 3. C
Answers may vary
RO_Senior HS_Oral Communication_Q1_LP 1
4. B Assessment 2. Watch and Write
5. A Answers may vary.
Directions: Share your insights about the lesson by completing the following sentence

Before reading this module, I thought that communication is _____________________


After reading this module, I have realized that _________________________________



Department of Education. (2016) Oral Communication in Context For Senior High

School. 839 EDSA, South Triangle, Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.

Congratulations! You have completed your learning adventure!

Good luck on your next learning journey!

Prepared by:


Legazpi City National High School
SDO Legazpi City

Quality Assured by:


Banquerohan National High School
SDO Legazpi City

English QA Team Head
SDO Legazpi City


SDO Iriga City

RO_Senior HS_Oral Communication_Q1_LP 1


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