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1 General

5.1.1 The Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) are a series of surfaces that define the limits to which objects may project into the airspace. 5.2 The OLS comprises the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) . 5.3 Transitional surface; Approach surface/ Take-off climb surface; Inner horizontal surface; Conical surface; Outer horizontal surface; Inner approach surface; Inner transitional surface; Balked landing surface;

Transitional surface

5.3.1 It is a complex surface sloping upwards and outwards upto the inner horizontal surface from the edge of the approach surface and from a line originating at the end of the inner edge of each approach area, drawn parallel to the runway centre line in the direction of landing. Its slope shall be measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the centre line of each runway as given below: 5.3.2 The outer limit of the transitional surface is determined by its intersection with the plane containing inner horizontal surface. 5.3.3 In case of instrument runway, its slope shall be 14.3% i.e. (1:7). In case of non- instrument runway, the slope shall be 20% i.e. (1:5) for runway length less than 1200 m and 14.3% i.e. (1:7) for runway length 1200 m and above. 5.4 Approach surface/ take-off climb surface

5.4.1 The approach and take-off climb area shall be established from the smaller ends of the runway strip for each runway direction intended to be used for the landing and take-off of aeroplanes. The limits and slopes are given in the Table 5-1 below:

Table 5-1: DIMENSIONS AND SLOPES OF TAKE-OFF CLIMB/ APPROACH SURFACES INSTRUMENT RUNWAY (DIVERGENCE 15% ON EITHER SIDE FIRST SECOND Code No. SECTION SECTION Length Length Length Slope (M) Slope (M) (M) 1. < 3000 3600 3% 800 2.5% 3600 3% 2. 800 < 3000 1200 2.5% 3600 2.5% 3. 1200 < 3000 2% 1800 3600 3000 2% 2.5% 4. 1800 & above RUNWAY NON-INSTRUMENT RWY (DIVERGENCE 10% ON EITHER SIDE) Length (M) Slope

1600 2500 3000 3000

5% 4% 3.33% 2.5%


Any existing obstacle penetrating in the take off climb surface that cannot be removed will be notified. The permissible elevations shall be restricted to that of either Approach or Inner Horizontal Surface/Conical Surface, whichever is the lowest. For Datum of Approach/Take-off climb surface refer Para



At aerodromes where there are more than one runway with overlapping take-off/climb approach areas and associated surface the criteria shall be as prescribed for the main runway.

For determining the take-off climb/approach area, the physical extremities of the runway shall only be considered irrespective of the fact that a runway threshold is displaced due to any reason. However, where clearway is provided, take-off climb surface will commence at the end of the clearway, if its length exceeds 60 m.

At Aerodromes, where the proposals for runways extension exist, the requisite surface will be determined from the proposed extended runway strip/associated clearway, as applicable.

5.5 Inner horizontal surface 5.5.1 The dimension and permissible height of Inner Horizontal Surface are given in the Table 5-2 below: Table 5-2: DIMENSIONS AND PERMISSIBLE HEIGHTS OF INNER HORIZONTAL SURFACE RUNWAY CODE NO. 1. LENGTH (M) < 800 INSTRUMENT RUNWAY RADIUS (M) 3500 HEIGHT (M) 45 NON-INSTRUMENT RUNWAY RADIUS HEIGHT (M) (M) 2000 45


800 < 1200






1200 < 1800






1800 & above





5.5.2 Where the runway length is 1525 m or more, the inner horizontal surface will be a composite pattern, consisting of two circular areas centred at the two runway ends with a radius of 4000 m. These areas will be joined tangentially to form an elliptical shape. 5.5.3 Where it is required to protect two or more widely spaced long runways, an even more complex pattern involving four or more circular arcs are formed. These arcs would be joined tangentially by straight lines and the IHS will be defined by the external limits of the resulting pattern. 5.5.4 Adjoining aerodromes with overlapping circuits When two aerodromes are close to each other with overlapping circuits the IHS will be drawn as prescribed in Para 5.5. The Inner Horizontal Surfaces of these two aerodromes will be joined tangentially to form one common IHS.


Landing ground without paved runways For the landing ground without paved runways a clearance of 4% (1:25) from the Boundary of aerodrome in all direction shall be applied up to a distance of 460 m and beyond that a uniform elevation of 45 m above ARP elevation be permitted up to a distance of 2600 m. A conical surface extending upwards and outwards from the edge of the area ending at 2600 m would be provided up to a distance of another 1525 m. with a slope of 5% (1:20). In case of common horizontal surface serving two aerodromes, the elevation of the IHS will be the lower of the two aerodromes. In case of complex IHS for two runways at the same aerodrome, a common surface need not be worked out. However, when these surfaces overlap each other, the lower surface be regarded as over-riding. 5.6 Conical surface

5.6.1 The conical surface shall be projected upwards and outwards from the periphery of the Inner Horizontal Surface (IHS). The slope of the conical surface measured above the IHS in a vertical plane will be 5% (1:20). The outer limits and permissible heights of the conical surface are given in the Table 5-3 below: Table 5-3: OUTER LIMITS AND PERMISSIBLE HEIGHTS OF CONICAL SURFACE RUNWAY CODE ENGTH NO. (M) INSTRUMENT RUNWAY L HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF HEIGHT CONICAL ABOVE SURFACE IHS BEYOND IHS (M) (M) 1200 60 NON-INSTRUMENT RUNWAY HORIZONTAL MAXIMUM DISTANCE OF HEIGHT CONICAL ABOVE SURFACE HIS BEYOND IHS (M) (M)


< 800




800 < 1200 1200




3. 1800

1200 <





2100 4. above 1800 & 105




Outer horizontal surface

5.7.1 The Outer Horizontal Surface (OHS) will extend to 15240 m from the Aerodrome Reference Point (ARP) for Aerodromes with runway code 3 and 4. 5.7.2 In case of Aerodromes with Runway code 2, the Outer Horizontal Surface (OHS) will extend to 14740 m from Aerodrome Reference Point (ARP) for Instrument runways and 13740 m for Non-Instrument of runways. 5.7.3 Where combined IHS is established for two aerodromes, the OHS will be centred on the ARP of the more important aerodrome. Note: Outer Horizontal Surface (OHS) is not established at aerodromes with runway code 1. 5.7.4 The height of the OHS will be 150 m above the ARP elevation. The constructions protruding above these surfaces will not be permitted. The existing obstruction would be marked. 5.7.5 The tall structures will be considered to be of possible significance, if they are 35 m or more above ground level within the obstacle limitation surfaces and 120 m or more above ground level outside the obstacle limitation surfaces. 5.8 5.8.1 Datum for OLS Approach/Take-off climb surfaces The elevation of the associated runway end or the elevation of the runway end after completion of the proposed extension will be the datum. 5.8.2 Inner horizontal surface, Conical surface and outer horizontal surface In respect of Inner Horizontal Surface (IHS) and Conical Surface, the elevation of the associated runway ends will be considered if the runway length is 1525 m or more. In case, the runway length is less than 1525 m, the ARP will be considered as its datum. In case of OHS, the elevation will be determined with the ARP as its datum. 5.8.3 Transitional surface For the transitional surface, the elevation of the point on the centre line of the runway, which is the nearest to the proposed building/structure will be the datum. For the areas in the transitional surface, which are located beyond the length of the runway strip, the elevation of the runway end nearest to which the new construction is proposed will be the datum for determining the permissible height.


Obstacle-free zone

5.9.1 The inner approach, inner transitional and balked landing surfaces together define a volume of airspace in the immediate vicinity of a precision approach runway Cat-II & III, which is known as the obstacle- free zone. This zone will be kept free from fixed objects, other than lightweight frangibly mounted aids to air navigation which must be near the runway to perform their function, and from transient objects such as aircraft and vehicles when the runway is being used for precision approaches Cat II/III. 5.10 Inner approach surface

5.10.1 The inner approach surface is a rectangular portion of the approach surface immediately preceding the threshold. 5.10.2 The inner approach surface originates from an inner edge of a specified length, at the same location as the inner edge for the approach surface, and extends on two sides parallel to the vertical plane containing the runway centerline, to an outer edge which is located at a specified distance to the inner edge and parallel to the inner edge. 5.11 Inner transitional surface

5.11.1 The inner transitional surface is similar to the transitional sur face but closer to the runway. The lower edge of this surface originates from the end of the inner approach surface, extending down the side of the inner approach surface to the inner edge of that surface, thence along the runway strip to the inner edge of the balked landing surface and from there up the side of the balked landing surface to the point where the side intersects the inner horizontal surface. 5.11.2 The elevation of a point on the lower edge is to be:


along the side of the inner approach and balked landing surface, equal to the elevation of the particular surface at that point. along the runway strip, equal to the elevation of the nearest point on the center line of the runway.


5.11.3 The inner transitional surface slopes upwards and outwards at a specified rate and is to be measured in a vertical plane at right angles to the centerline of the runway. 5.11.4 The upper edge of the inner transitional surface is located in the plane of the inner horizontal surface. 5.11.5 The inner transitional surface would be used as the controlling surface for navigational aids, aircraft and vehicle holding positions which have to be located near the runway. The transitional surface would be used for building height control. 5.12 Balked landing surface

5.12.1 The balked landing surface is an inclined plane originating at a specified distance after the threshold and extending between the inner transitional surfaces. 5.12.2 The balked landing surface originates from an inner edge of a specified length, located horizontally and perpendicularly to the centerline of the runway, with two sides from the ends of the inner edge diverging uniformly at a specified rate from the vertical plane containing the centerline of the runway, ending at an outer edge located in the plane of the inner horizontal surface. 5.12.3 The elevation of the inner edge is to be equal to the elevation of the runway center line at the location of the inner edge. 5.12.4 The specified slope of the balked landing surface is to be measured in the vertical plane containing the centerline of the runway.


Shielding benefit from the existing structures

5.13.1 The following criteria will be applied to determine whether a structure is shielded by an already existing obstruction or whether the benefit of shielding from an already existing obstruction should be given to a newly proposed structure. 5.13.2 The principle of shielding will not be applied in the transition surface area. 5.13.3 The principle of shielding will not be applied in the approach/take-off climb areas within 3000 m of the Inner edge of these areas 5.13.4 The principle of shielding will not be applied in the IHS up to radius of 2500 m from the runway end/ARP, as the case may be. 5.13.5 Beyond the radius of 2500 m from the runway end/ARP, the principle of shielding will be applied in the inner, conical and outs horizontal surfaces. In the

approach/take-off climb areas, the principle of shielding will be applied beyond 3000 m from the Inner edge in a negative slope of 10% from the top of the authorized existing buildings/structures causing obstructions when projected towards the runway and on a horizontal plane when projected away from the runway. 5.13.6 Tall and skeletal obstructions such as isolated towers, chimney, masts, electric pylons, telephone and power lines and poles will not provide any shielding. 5.13.7 The benefit of shielding will not be given from a building which has not been constructed lawfully.

5.14 Restrictions/prohibition of new constructions, the height of which does not constitute obstruction but which is nevertheless considered hazardous to the safety of aircraft operations: 5.14.1 New construction/installation which will adversely affect the performance of radio/radar/navigational aids which will adversely affect the published instrument approach to land procedures or which will necessitate a probable change in the published procedures, shall be restricted/prohibited as deemed fit. Overhead HT/LT lines or telephone/telegraph lines will not be permitted in the approach/take-off climb areas within 3000 m of the Inner edge of these areas. 5.14.2 Construction of butcheries, tanneries and refuse dumps will not be permitted within a radius of 10 kms from the Runway ends/ARP. NOTE: Incinerators could be permitted clear of approach/take-off climb areas. 5.14.3 Factory chimneys proposed to be constructed within a radius of 8 km of runway ends/ARP will not be permitted unless the owners give a written undertaking that oil- fired or electric furnaces or any other fuel which will not cause smoke- hazard will only be used. 5.14.4 A 3 m deduction will be made from the permissible elevation of the proposed structure falling in approach/take-off climb surfaces and transition surfaces in the close proximity of approach funnels. This provision is kept for super structures of any kind, such as, Wireless/TV antennas, cooling towers, mumties, lift machine rooms, overhead water tanks, etc. 5.14.5 For the buildings/structures to be constructed in the vicinity of an aerodrome, the owner will have to give an undertaking in the prescribed performa to the effect that he is aware of the fact that no complaints of claims against the noise, vibration, nuisance or other damage to buildings/property/individuals, caused by the regular aircraft operations from/to the aerodrome, shall be entertained by the Central Government/Airports Authority of India. 5.14.6 considered: For mobile obstructions, the following additional heights will be

Rail Track Road 5.15 aids

: :

7.62 m 5.0 m

Parameters to be taken into consideration from navigation/landing

5.15.1 In an aerodrome, no building or structure shall be constructed or erected or no tree will be planted on any land within the limits specified as under: a) the land within 305 m radius of the VOR/TVOR/DVOR/DME/VHF DF;

b) the area up to 305 m on + 350 of the localizer beam and up to 60 m on area beyond + 350 of the localizer antenna. c) In the case of Glide Path, the area bounded by the following:(i) A line 460 m in the direction of the approach from the glide path facility and perpendicular to the runway. A line 120 m in the opposite direction and perpendicular to the runway. Far edge of the runway from the glide path. A line 120 m in the directions away from the runway and parallel to it.


(iii) (iv)

d) the land within a radius of 30 m of the site of the markers and locator beacons. e) the area within a radius of 305 m of the ASR. f) the area within a radius of 610 m of the ARSR/SSR site. g) the area of 45 m width on either side of the direct line of slight in the azimuth and 9 m from the line of sight in elevation in the vertical plane of MICROWAVE link. h) up to a distance of 305 m in front of the antenna of the Extended range VHF.

i) on a corridor of 90 m on either side of the direct line of azimuth and 30 m in vertical from the line of sight in the elevation plane of UHF link; j) within a radius of 180 m around the antenna of Beacon. k) within a radius of 1525 m of the site of the remote receiver facilities.

5.15.2 In an aerodrome no building or structure or no tree shall be planted higher than the heights as specified below: a) VOR/TVOR/DVOR/DME/VHF DF:- Beyond 305 m radius of the facility, an object should not protrude an angle of elevation of one degree from the facility site. b) ILS Localizer:- Beyond the area specified in sub para (b) of para 5.15.1 above, an object should not protrude an angle of elevation of 0.75 degrees. Glide Path:- Beyond the area specified in sub para of para 5.15.1 above, a building/structure should not subtend an angle of elevation of 1 degree. c) Markers/Locators:- Beyond the area specified in sub para (d) of para 5.15.1 above structure is allowed up to a height of 9 m to a distance of 110 m from the facility and angle of elevation of 0.5 degree beyond 110 m. d) ASR:- Beyond 305 m of the facility, the structure should not subtend an angle of elevation more than 0.5 degree. e) ASSR/SSR:- Beyond 610 m of the facility up to 1 NM, structure is allowed up to radar antenna height. More than 1 NM, structure should not form an angle of elevation more than 0.5 degree. f) Extended Range VHF:- Beyond 305 m from the antenna front, the elevation angle permitted is 0.5 degree in the line of shoot (10 degrees on either side of the desired direction). 5.16 Operational criteria

5.16.1 The heights of structures will be restricted with reference to the Obstacle Clearance Altitudes as published in Notices to Airmen and amended from time to time. The vertical clearance between the structure and the aircraft making an instrument approach to land shall be up to 150 m. Note: To have the effective control over the construction activities of the Government or private agencies within the areas specified for obstacle limitation surfaces, all in-charges of aerodromes are enjoined to exercise continuous vigilance over such activities. They are to take immediate action to bring any violation of the laid down criteria to the notice of Local Administrative Authorities for stoppage of such construction activities and also keep Headquarters informed in this regard.

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