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Package Title: Pratt & Cornely Test Bank

Course Title: Pratt & Cornely

Chapter Number: 3

Question type: Multiple Choice

1) Which of the following is a characteristic of Chargaff’s rules?

A) A + T = C + G
B) A + G = C + T
C) A + G = C + U
D) all organisms have identical amounts of all four nucleotides
E) none of the above

Answer: B

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-1
Learning Objective: Describe the structural features of DNA and RNA

2) A base found exclusively in DNA is _____ while _____ is found only in RNA.

A) adenine; cytosine
B) guanine; thymine
C) uracil; adenine
D) cytosine; guanine
E) thymine; uracil

Answer: E

Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference: 3-1
Learning Objective: Describe the structural features of DNA and RNA

3) The purines found in nucleic acids are _____ and _____.

A) adenine; cytosine
B) guanine; thymine
C) uracil; adenine
D) adenine; guanine
E) thymine; uracil

Answer: D
Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference: 3-1
Learning Objective: Describe the structural features of DNA and RNA

4) In DNA, the ribose derivative lacks an _____ on carbon _____.

A) alcohol; 2
B) alcohol; 3
C) amine; 2
D) amine; 3
E) none of the above

Answer: A

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-1
Learning Objective: Describe the structural features of DNA and RNA

5) Which of the following is correctly paired with its nucleoside?

A) adenine: adenylate
B) cytosine: cytidine diphosphate
C) guanine: guanosine
D) thymine: thymidylate
E) uridine: uridine triphosphate

Answer: C

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-1
Learning Objective: Describe the structural features of DNA and RNA

6) The coenzymes known as NAD+, FAD and coenzyme A all contain a derivative of _____.

A) adenosine
B) cytidine
C) guanosine
D) thymidine
E) uridine

Answer: A
Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-1
Learning Objective: Describe the structural features of DNA and RNA

7) What type of bond is made between nucleotides?

A) ester
B) phosphate ester
C) phosphodiester
D) glycosidic
E) none of the above

Answer: C

Difficulty: 1
Section Reference: 3-1
Learning Objective: Describe the structural features of DNA and RNA

8) The 5 end of a polynucleotide contains _____ while the 3 end contains _____.

A) a hydroxyl group; a phosphate group

B) a phosphate group; a hydroxyl group
C) a phosphate group; a phosphate group
D) a hydroxyl group; a hydroxyl group
E) none of the above

Answer: B

Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference: 3-1
Learning Objective: Describe the structural features of DNA and RNA

9) The most common base pairs in DNA are _____ and _____.

A) A-T; A-G
B) G-C; C-A
C) T-A; A-U
D) C-G; T-A
E) G-U; A-T

Answer: D

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-1
Learning Objective: Describe the structural features of DNA and RNA

10) An A-T base pair consists of _____ H-bond(s); a C-G base pair consists of _____ H-

A) 1; 2
B) 2; 1
C) 2; 2
D) 3; 2
E) 2; 3

Answer: E

Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference: 3-1
Learning Objective: Describe the structural features of DNA and RNA

11) Which of the following correctly describes the B-DNA double helix?

A) antiparallel strands
B) right-handed helix
C) base pairs are located in the center of the helix
D) one helical rotation has a rise of 3.4 nm
E) all of the above

Answer: E

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference: 3-1
Learning Objective: Describe the structural features of DNA and RNA

12) Differences in structure between a DNA helix and an RNA helix can predominantly be
attributed to the presence of _____ in RNA.

A) uracil
B) 2 hydroxyl group
C) 3 hydroxyl group
D) smaller sizes of RNA molecules
E) none of the above

Answer: B
Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-1
Learning Objective: Describe the structural features of DNA and RNA

13) Which of the following non-covalent interactions is the most important in maintaining the
structure of the double helix?

A) phosphodiester bonds
B) hydrogen bonds
C) London dispersion forces
D) van der Waals interactions
E) ionic interactions

Answer: D

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-1
Learning Objective: Describe the structural features of DNA and RNA

14) What term describes the process of converting the information found in DNA into the
sequence of a protein?

A) replication
B) transcription
C) translation
D) expression
E) none of the above

Answer: D

Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference: 3-2
Learning Objective: Summarize the biological roles of DNA and RNA

15) The DNA strand that serves as the template for the synthesis of RNA is often called the

A) coding strand
B) noncoding strand
C) messenger strand
D) transfer strand
E) transcription strand
Answer: B

Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference: 3-2
Learning Objective: Summarize the biological roles of DNA and RNA

16) If instead of four different bases in DNA and RNA, there were six, what is the minimum size
of a codon to encode the 20 amino acids commonly found in proteins?

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) cannot be determined

Answer: B

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference: 3-2
Learning Objective: Summarize the biological roles of DNA and RNA

17) The replication of DNA is made possible by the presence of _____ strands in the double
helix of DNA.

A) antiparallel
B) hydrogen bonded
C) complementary
D) genomic
E) none of the above

Answer: C

Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference: 3-2
Learning Objective: Summarize the biological roles of DNA and RNA

18) Which of the following represents a DNA mutation in the template strand that would convert
serine to cysteine?

A) 5-GCT-3 to 5-GCA-3
B) 5-AGC-3 to 5-TGC-3
C) 5-AGC-3 to 5-UGC-3
D) 5-AGU-3 to 5-UGU-3
E) 5-TCG-3 to 5-TCC-3

Answer: A

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference: 3-3
Learning Objective: Identify the types of information provided by genomic analysis

19) The triplet code allows many amino acids to be specified by more than one codon. Such a
code is said to be _____.

A) conclusive
B) elusive
C) replicative
D) recursive
E) degenerate

Answer: E

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-3
Learning Objective: Identify the types of information provided by genomic analysis

20) Bacteria and archaea typically have fewer than _____ genes while plants and animals
typically have greater than _____ genes.

A) 200; 1,000
B) 500; 2,500
C) 1,000; 5,000
D) 5,000; 10,000
E) 10,000; 100,000

Answer: D

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-3
Learning Objective: Identify the types of information provided by genomic analysis

21) What term is used to describe short segments of DNA that are copied many times and
inserted randomly in chromosomes?

A) moderately repetitive sequences

B) highly repetitive sequences
C) transposable elements
D) spliced sequences
E) none of the above

Answer: C

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-3
Learning Objective: Identify the types of information provided by genomic analysis

22) An open reading frame is defined by _____.

A) a start and stop codon

B) homology with other species
C) placement on a genome map
D) presence of transposable elements
E) absence of highly repetitive sequences

Answer: A

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-3
Learning Objective: Identify the types of information provided by genomic analysis

23) The presence of _____ approximately once in every 1000 base pairs is what makes each
individual human genetically unique.

A) orphan genes
B) horizontal genes
C) homologous genes
D) transposable elements
E) single nucleotide polymorphisms

Answer: E

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-3
Learning Objective: Identify the types of information provided by genomic analysis

24) A genomic library _____.

A) contains only protein-coding DNA sequences

B) is built from mRNA by reverse transcription
C) is a storehouse of protein structures for a specific organism
D) contains all of an organism's DNA
E) is best constructed from very short DNA fragments

Answer: D

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-3
Learning Objective: Identify the types of information provided by genomic analysis

25) In humans, approximately _____ % of the genome encodes proteins.

A) 78
B) 45
C) 33
D) 11
E) 1.5

Answer: E

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-3
Learning Objective: Identify the types of information provided by genomic analysis

26) Incorporation of which of the following would result in chain termination during sequencing
of DNA?

C) ddTTP
E) none of the above

Answer: C

Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference: 3-4
Learning Objective: Describe the procedures used to study DNA

27) The results of DNA sequencing are obtained by first separating different sized pieces of
DNA using _____ followed by detection of the particular dideoxynucleotide using _____.

B) HPLC; absorbance spectroscopy
C) electrophoresis; fluorescence spectroscopy
D) electrophoresis; x-ray crystallography
E) none of the above

Answer: C

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-4
Learning Objective: Describe the procedures used to study DNA

28) What reagents are required for the Sanger sequencing method?

A) template, primer, DNA polymerase, mRNA, dNTPs, ddNTP

B) template, primer, DNA polymerase, dNTPs, ddNTP
C) template, primer, DNA polymerase, rRNA, dNTPs, ddNTP
D) template, primer, DNA polymerase, mRNA, dNTPs
E) none of the above

Answer: B

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-4
Learning Objective: Describe the procedures used to study DNA

29) The most commonly used technique for making large numbers of copies of DNA is _____.

A) polymerase chain reaction

B) dideoxy sequencing
C) restriction digestion
D) genetic engineering
E) site-directed mutagenesis

Answer: A

Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference: 3-4
Learning Objective: Describe the procedures used to study DNA

30) Because of the high temperature _____ step during a PCR reaction, the DNA polymerase
from _____ is used.

A) primer extension; E. coli

B) strand separation; Thermus aquaticus
C) primer annealing; Thermus aquaticus
D) primer extension; bacteriophage 
E) strand separation; E. coli

Answer: B

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-4
Learning Objective: Describe the procedures used to study DNA

31) What reagents are required to perform PCR?

A) DNA fragment, primers flanking the region of interest, dNTPs, DNA polymerase
B) DNA fragment, primers flanking the region of interest, dNTPs, ddNTPs, DNA polymerase
C) DNA fragment, one primer, dNTPs, DNA Polymerase, DNA ligase
D) DNA fragment, one primer, dNTPs, DNA Polymerase, DNA endonuclease
E) DNA fragment, primers flanking the region of interest, dNTPs, DNA endonuclease

Answer: A

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-4
Learning Objective: Describe the procedures used to study DNA

32) Which of the following represents the correct order of steps in a PCR reaction beginning
with double stranded DNA?

A) primer annealing, strand separation, primer extension

B) strand separation, primer extension, primer annealing
C) strand separation, primer annealing, primer extension
D) primer extension, primer annealing, strand separation
E) primer annealing, primer extension, strand separation

Answer: C

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference: 3-4
Learning Objective: Describe the procedures used to study DNA

33) What technique that is commonly used in forensics relies upon PCR to examine segments of
repetitive DNA sequences?
A) cloning
B) transformation
C) DNA sequencing
D) DNA restriction
E) DNA fingerprinting

Answer: E

Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference: 3-4
Learning Objective: Describe the procedures used to study DNA

34) Which of the following is a palindromic sequence?


Answer: A

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference: 3-4
Learning Objective: Describe the procedures used to study DNA

35) EcoRI recognizes the sequence 5-GAATTC-3 (the arrow indicates the point of cleavage).
Treatment of the following oligonucleotide with EcoRI would produce two oligonucleotides with
sizes of _____ nucleotides containing _____ ends.


A) 12 and 13; blunt

B) 12 and 8; blunt
C) 11 and 8; sticky
D) 12 and 13; sticky
E) 9 and 13; sticky

Answer: D

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference: 3-4
Learning Objective: Describe the procedures used to study DNA
36) What term describes a small, circular molecule of DNA that can be used to transfer genetic
material from one organism to another?

A) plasmid
B) bacteriophage
C) clone
E) splice

Answer: A

Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference: 3-4
Learning Objective: Describe the procedures used to study DNA

37) What term describes the production of multiple identical organisms from a single ancestor?

A) transcription
B) cloning
C) sequencing
D) phenotyping
E) ligation

Answer: B

Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference: 3-4
Learning Objective: Describe the procedures used to study DNA

38) What enzyme is required to form a new phosphodiester bond when inserting DNA into a

A) DNA polymerase
B) endonuclease
C) exonuclease
D) ligase
E) clonase

Answer: D

Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference: 3-4
Learning Objective: Describe the procedures used to study DNA
39) What technique involves addition of primers that do not exactly match the sequence of a
gene, thus allowing for introduction of a mutation?

A) cloning
B) transformation
C) site-directed mutagenesis
D) selection
E) none of the above

Answer: C

Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference: 3-4
Learning Objective: Describe the procedures used to study DNA

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