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A) Everyone in the house has a task that he or she normally does. Describe
what everyone does, changing each active voice sentence into a passive
voice sentence:

EX: John buys the food every saturday. The food is bought by John every Saturday.

1. Thomas washes the dishes. The dishes are washed by Thomas.

2. Frank feeds the dogs. The dogs are fed by Frank.

3. Maria can prepare the food. The food can be prepared by Maria.

4. David cleans the kitchen. The kitchen is cleaned by David.

5. My father must pay the bills. The bills must be paid by my father.

6. The gardener trims the bushes. The bushes are trimmed by the gardener.

7. Helen sets the table. The table is set by Helen.

8. My brother should water the plants. The plants should be watered by my brother.

9. Arthur does the laundry.The laundry is done by Arthur.

10. The nurse injects almost 100 patients in an hour. Almost 100 patients are
injected by the nurse in an hour.

B) Change into the passive voice if possible. Delete the lines to write your

11. Vitamin A increases the risk of hair loss.

The risk of hair loss is increased by Vitamin A.

12. Tobacco companies may reject the hypothesis that smoking causes lung cancer.

The hypothesis that smoking causes lung cancer may be rejected by tobacco companies.

13. The pineal gland secretes the hormone melatonin.

The hormone melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland.

14. Robert must fly to Lima for his skin graft procedure. (intransitive verb)

It is not possible, because when we want to convert a passive voice the

sentence does not make sense and also because it does not have a direct
C) Write “agree” if you consider that the sentence in red sounds OK or
“disagree” if it doesn’t.

1. An adult heart pumps about 6,000 – 7,500 liters of blood daily.

About 6,000 – 7,500 liters of blood are pumped daily by an adult heart. agree

2. The liver does not secrete gastric juices.

Gastric juices are not secreted by the liver. agree

3. Do medical students attend some classes in hospitals?

Are some classes attended in hospitals by medical students? agree

4. The National Science Foundation should conduct this study.

This study should be conducted by The National Science Foundation. agree

5. Cayetano Heredia Hospital’s medical staff can conduct several studies in this phase of
the year 2022.

Several studies can be conducted by Cayetano Heredia Hospital’s medical staff in this
phase of the year 2022. agree

6. Monkeypox virus causes monkeypox.

Monkeypox is caused by the monkeypox virus. Agree

D) Now, choose one or more than one scientific articles in English and select 7
sentences written in passive (present simple or with modals)

1. Insulin, which is used in about 30% of diabetic patients with HF, causes
adverse effects.

2. Individual data is collected by each investigator and input online in an

electronic case report form.

3. Cardiovascular effects of these new hypoglycemic agents should be

evaluated specifically in diabetic patients with HF

4. Insulin is prescribed to patients with longer lasting diabetes, more 4 severely


5. The clinical centers and clinical data is monitored by a certified clinical


6. Metformin is considered the first choice hypoglycemic agent in patients with

7. All documents relative to endpoint events should be sent to the Scientific
Secretariat to be validated by an independent Event Validation Committee.


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