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Group 2:

Jump Rope

Leader: Jehcon Lancelot Perido

Jane Clarisse Quiachon
Katherine Claire Arribe
Luis Laviña
Jesirae Kim Policarpio
Naldz Reego De Castro

Jump Rope
Jumping rope is a simple exercise in which you jump while a rope passes under your feet, in a
repeating manner. It can help train your cardiovascular because the constant movements will
elevate your heart rate.

As per its history, there aren’t any concrete proof that could direct us to its original creator, but
there are two nations the we think created it; the Egyptians and The Chinese.
Jumping rope was traced back to 1600 BC, when the Egyptian athletes used vines in the same
manner jump ropes are being used today.
It is also said that the Chinese invented jump ropes for the Hundred Rope Jumping game (Also
called Jumping a hundred threads) which is a part of their New Year’s Celebrations.
Another thing to note about jumping rope’s history is that even though it is currently seen as a
feminine thing, it used to be only done by boys. It was because it was believed at that time that
girls should not perform physical activities as it may harm them, and they most definitely
shouldn’t perform a physical activity that showed their ankles.
Luckily though, around the 1800s, people started to change their minds about it and both boys
and girls started doing it. From then on, girls dominated the game and it started to be more
associated with women than men. Also during the 1960s and 1970s, more girls started to do
jumping rope because of being excluded from other sports like football, baseball, and hockey,
which were then only for boys.

You may ask, why should I take up this exercise instead of the others? This is a fun exercise.
Other exercises can feel like a chore but this, this is even something children does. It is fun and
it can also improve your fitness.
Now onto its benefits, there are four; Improves cardio fitness, strengthens muscles, builds
stronger bones, and it may improve coordination and balance.
It improves your cardio fitness because jumping continuously for a certain period of time would
require more blood to be pumped in the muscles and in extension, more oxygen to be inhaled.
Over time, this can strengthen the heart and improve lung capacity which will allow a longer
exercise time.
It can also strengthen your muscles because it is a full body workout. Jumping rope relies on
lower body muscles, upper body muscles, and abdominal muscle. It can improve both muscular
strength and muscular endurance.
Third, it builds stronger bones because it stresses the bones in a good way that will help make
them stronger.
And lastly, it may improve coordination and balance because this exercise involves the
coordination of arms, legs, and torso, while having to keep a rhythm. You also have to have a
proper balance to maintain your center of gravity to be able to jump off the ground, repeatedly.

To ensure that you don’t retain any injuries, make sure you got the right size of jump rope,
which should never be longer than your height plus an additional three feet. The ideal size is
your height plus an additional two and a half feet. Also since it’s a high impact workout, don’t
perform it barefoot, always make sure to wear well-padded to shoes to reduce the impact of
the landing. Doing this would minimize the risk of strain, sprain, or injury to knees, hips, ankles,
and feet.

These next ones don’t have an explanation because they’re part of the demo.

There are six styles in jumping rope:
 Traditional individual.
 Traditional group.
 Double Dutch.
 Double unders
 Alternate feet
 Alternate sides
And we will be reporting 15 jumping rope moves that could help a workout routine. These are:
 Jump Rope Basic Jump
 Jump Rope Alternate Foot Step Jump
 Jump Rope Alternate Foot Step Jump
 Jump Rope High Knees
 Jump Rope Jacks
 Jump Rope Mummy Kicks
 Jump Rope Criss-Cross
 Jump Rope Side Swing
 Side Under Jump
 Jump Rope Half and Full Twist
 Jump Rope Single Foot
 Jump Rope Heel Toe Step
 Double Unders
 Criss-Cross Double Unders
 Criss-Cross Double Unders
Some of these may not be a part of the demo because it is a move or a style of jumping rope
that requires expertise.

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