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Agricultural botany/botani pertanian


Dichotomous key, also called a sequential key, analytical key, single-access key or pathway key
is an identification key where the sequence and structure of identification steps is fixed by the
author of the key (Winston, 1999). At each point in the decision process, multiple alternatives are
offered, each leading to a result or a further choice. The alternatives are commonly called "leads",
and the set of leads at a given point is called a "couplet". Dichotomous key allows the user to
determine the identity of items or organisms such plants, animals and even rocks.

Sample, observe and identify the family of plant by using the dichotomous key given. Write the
chosen alphabet together with their explanation for the characteristic of the plant in your answer

The specimens are as followed:

i. Andrographis paniculata
ii. Bauhinia purpurea
iii. Ricinus communis
iv. Melastoma malabathricum
v. Asytasia gangetica
vi. Impatiens wallerina

Winston, J. 1999. Describing Species. Columbia University Press.

K. Spikelcts in groups of 2 or 8, dissimilar, l, or

2 gtalked, the other not :

L. Small grasses, inflorescence small, with short,

very slender branches in whorls, without a
leaf-like sheath at their bases, each branch
ending in a group of 8 spikelets looking like
a single spikelet...... . . Chrysopogo11 (p. 844)
LL. Rather large grasses, inflorescence rather
large, with many alternate branches, each
rising from a small. leaf-like sheath:
M. Spike lets arranged in a narrow, cylindrical
spike, not hairy .....Andropogon (p. 844)
MM. Spikelets arranged in tassel-like, hairy
spikes...... .......... Cymbopogon (p. 868)
KK. Spikelets all alike:
L. Tall, reed-like grass with long leaves up to
2 ft. x 2 in., and large, much branched
inflorescences, spikelets very small, upper
flowering glume with distinct, spreading
hairs ......................Thysanolaena (p. 821)
LL. Not a combination of these characters:

M. Spikelets flattened, oblong, fringed with

rather stiff bristles:
N. No ghirr1es present, only flowering
glume and palea. .. . .Leersia (p. 320)
NN. Glumes present, very narrow and
short, much shorter than flowering
glume ........ .......Oryza (p. 821)
MM. Spikelets not flattened, or if so, not
fringed with bristles:
N • �ase of spikeJet with a bead-like or
. e swelling
nng-li.k above the joint of t.t...
stalk of the spikelet, spikelets rath
c: r
fl�ttened and pointed, slightly hai
with long, pale hairs
....... .. . . . . . Eriochloa ��

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