Pence 1999

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In the Laboratory

Synthesis of Molybdenum–Molybdenum Quadruple Bonds W

A Multistep Advanced Synthesis Laboratory Experiment
Laura E. Pence,* Amy M. Weisgerber, and Florence A. Maounis
Department of Chemistry, University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT 06117

The concept of quadruple bonds formed between tran- HCl gas is required for the preparation of [Mo2Cl8] 4{ in step 2,
sition metal atoms is often not encountered until students but rather than purchasing a tank of the corrosive gas, students
are juniors or seniors, and it is rarely reinforced by laboratory learn to generate the gas through the dropwise addition of
experience, owing to a paucity of easily reproducible experiments H2SO4 to HCl. This procedure has the merits of not damaging
at the advanced level. We describe an inorganic experiment regulators, and it allows the residual acids to be discarded
that focuses on the formation of the quadruple bond and the down the drain after neutralization and dilution. The reaction
substitution chemistry of the assembled dimetal unit for the to form the phosphine complex, Mo2Cl4(PR3)4, in step 3 builds
relatively unfamiliar second-row transition element, molyb- on several techniques learned in step 1. If proper handling
denum. The intense and varied colors of the products dem- techniques were acquired in the first reaction, then dispensing
onstrate the influence of π-donor, σ-donor, and π-acceptor liquid phosphines without polluting the laboratory with the
ligands on the energies of the frontier molecular orbitals; shifts pungent stench of the chemicals will be easy. Unlike the first
in orbital energies alter the wavelength of the δ– δ * transition reaction, which may be assembled in air, the third reaction
in the visible region. The experiment requires students to must be assembled under an inert atmosphere and requires
learn inert atmosphere techniques, but affordable methods deoxygenated solvent to prevent oxidation of the phosphine.
are presented as alternatives to glove boxes and vacuum lines. Therefore, the students gain experience with glove-bag
This multistep inorganic experiment is appropriate for manipulation and learn the techniques of keeping a system free
an advanced synthetic or integrated laboratory course and is of air. The final molybdenum–phosphine compound is relatively
designed to include common aspects of industrial and aca- unreactive in the solid state but decomposes in solution.
demic working environments. By carrying out three sequential Therefore samples for UV-vis or NMR analysis must also be
reactions in which the product of one reaction is the starting prepared by using deoxygenated solvents in a glove bag.
material for the next, students are introduced to the complex We have tried to minimize the cost of implementing this
process of chemical research, which will ease the transition that new experiment. Most academic laboratories will have access to
they make from single-step introductory laboratory experiments N2/Ar gas regulators, bubblers, 1-mL plastic or glass syringes,
to their postgraduate experiences. The molybdenum experiment and most common glassware. The pressure-equalizing dropping
also may be adapted for a team or “research group” of students funnels for the HCl gas generation apparatus may be obtained
who collaborate on the final results. Because up to nine from Ace Glass if necessary. If a still is not available for dis-
tertiary phosphine complexes may be made in the final step, tillation of methanol under an inert gas, then the solvent may
students can work on parallel syntheses while making different be deoxygenated by purging with Ar or N2 for 20 minutes
products. Spectroscopic data for the final products may be before use. The required chemicals that are not typically
compiled by the group to give a greater understanding of found in academic laboratories may be obtained from
features that vary or remain constant among closely related Aldrich, including the molybdenum hexacarbonyl, Mo(CO)6,
compounds. The teamwork skills fostered by collaboration used in the first step and the tertiary phosphines, PR3, used in
are important to the students’ professional futures. step 3. In our experiments we tested PEt3, PMePh2, and PEtPh2;
An advanced synthetic experiment should challenge PMe3, PEt2Ph, PMe2Ph, P(n-Pr)3, P(n-Bu)3, and P(OMe)3
students with new techniques and new responsibilities. The are other phosphines whose molybdenum complexes are
sequence of reactions in this experiment achieves both of these known.
goals. In the first reaction (Scheme I), which is used to prepare Students filling out anonymous evaluations at the end
the metal–metal bonded compound Mo2(O2CCH3)4, students of Advanced Synthesis enthusiastically indicated that the
learn proper procedures for handling the toxic substance experiment should be repeated in subsequent years. An infor-
Mo(CO)6 as well as how handle compressed gases and how mal survey indicated that the array of colors was one of the
to run a reaction under a positive pressure of nitrogen. most appealing components of the experiment, although the
students also displayed an avid interest in the variety of
H3 H3
C C reactions and techniques that they learned. By carrying out
CO O O O O three sequential reactions on the molybdenum system, students
OC CO Step 1
2 Mo Mo Mo gained a better appreciation of the reactivity of the compounds
OC CO O O O O in this field of chemistry compared to the experience obtained
C C in a more common single-step experiment. The differing time
H3 H3
scales and temperature requirements of the three reactions
Step 2 allowed students to appreciate the difference in the energy
Cl PR3 Cl Cl 4-
PR3 Cl Step 3 Cl Cl W Supplementary materials for this article are available on JCE
Mo Mo Mo Mo Online at
R3P Cl Cl PR3 Cl Cl Cl Cl Mar/abs404.html.
Scheme I *Corresponding author. Email:

404 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 •

In the Laboratory

barrier to metal–metal bond formation compared to ligand and ligand type. The wide variety of techniques presented in
substitution. The vivid colors of the three products, bright this set of reactions combined with exposure to an unusual
yellow, purple, and royal blue, were visual indications of the set of compounds makes this a valuable experiment that
relationships among color, electronic spectrum, orbital energies, occupies a formerly unfilled niche in our curriculum. • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 • Journal of Chemical Education 405

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