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UNITO PART 1 1. (A) There isa large field in front of the building, 2. (C) The women are walking together in the park 3. (B) They're riding thei 4. (D) The man is standing at tho counter. 5. (C) There are no trees near the dam, PART 2 41. (B) I neard thal its Robert. 2. {B}its in the refrigerator. 3. (C)He’s a very tall man 4, (8)! order things off the Internet al the time. 5. (C)! signed it yesterday. PART 3 1. (D)Buy a number of chairs 2. (0) Four 8. (A) Give the man her address 4. (C) Terrible 5. (B) Go hiking 6 (C) Watching a movie PART 4 1. (O)A music supply store 2 (C) Every day 3. (0) All of the above 4 (C) Salas manager 5. (B) Easygoing nature 6 (0)GEO PART 5 1 (B).rimsett - When the object is the same person ot thing as the subject, we Use a reflexive pronoun ending in -selisalves. 2. (C}herseit As the object of the preposition to ‘obviously refers to the same person as tho subject sha, a reflexive pronoun is what best completes the sentence. 3. (B) many ~ Out of the four choices, only many can o used with a plural noun, 4. (C) Both ~ As a contract is concluded, for example, betiween two people or two organizations, both is ‘mos! appropriate forthe sentence. The plural ‘noun, parties, cannot be preceded by efther or one. The determiner ary, when used in an afimative sentence, means it doasn't matter mito ar ro appro ere sentence, ether, 5. (C)others ~ Some + plural noun is usually followed by other plural noun. When the plural noun is left out, the indefinite pronoun otheris changed into a plural form, others, 6, (D)neitner ~ The presence of anything strongly indicates that itis a negative sentence. 7. (Clamount ~ As sewage is an uncountable noun, a large number of cannot be used with it. Ia ‘addition, lot and plenty are not medslied by large because of the resuling redundancy. 8. (8) another ~ Anotharin the sense of addtional can be used before a plural noun. Particularly when 1s followed by a numeral. Note that whon we use more instead, it should occur after a nummoral, {a in fen more minutes, The phrase, an amount Of, cannot be folowed by a plural noun, and every tan minutes is logially nol appropri as the object of the preposiion for. 9. (D)least ~ We normally use the + superlative + noun when we compare ane person‘ihing with thers, and the personsithings are often placed alter a preposition of 25 in the sentence. 10. (a) many ~ As folmed by a plural noun, problems. the Blank should be filed with many. The adjective “smalls not Suitable in terms of meaning, 11, (D}awake - The verb stay is used with awake to ‘mean do not sleep 12, (C) realistic - Really 's not appropriate for the sentence because itis an adverb, and neither realism nor realized is appropriate in meaning, 18. (C)a few ~ Littieva tle cannot be used with a pura Roun. OF the remaining two, a fows what can ‘cour with only 14. (G) Every ~ To mean 2? specified intervals, we use every folowed by a period of time. 15. (O)o!~ The adjective guilys used with a preposton, 0f to mean responsible fr, PART 6 1. (©) They ~ As we know from have been checked ‘over, the blank should be filed with a subject pronoun that reters to the books. 2. (@) she ~ The same person as She in the preceding clause is appropriate fo: the bank, when we Consider the meaning ofthe sentence, 8. (8) our ~ As the error is made by We, a possessive ‘pronaun—that is, our—is needed forthe sentence. 4. (O)yours - According to the content, the blank ‘should be filed with a pronoun equivalent to ‘your idea, Your idea can be reduces to YOU'S. 5. (B) whose ~ Itis obvious from the context that the Ideas belong to two employees, so whase is one thal Best completes the sentence, 6. (©) their ~ From the context we learn that the toys belong to the winnors. Thus, a possessive pronoun—thelr, which refers to the winners—is ‘what can be used with toys PART 7 (C) Four (A) histone place (0)Complaiaing (8) Janet Henderson (A) 200 seats (0)9:00 am. (8) Janola Hampton (C) Central America (A) Water color paintings (C) There is no grice in he adverisement UNITO PART 1 1, (B) He's wearing a short-sleeved shir, 2 {A) The womas Is cleaning 3, (D] Woof is stared in the replace. 4, (8) The mother's feeding her baby 5.(C] There are umbrellas over the tables. PART 2 1. (A) Its in the lobby. 2. (8) Next week 3. (A) Yes, i's postad inthe office 4, (B] OF course, Excuse me. 5. (C} Canada and Fussia, PART 3. 1. (B) At the airport 2 (0) Far business and pleasure 3.(C) Six days, SADA stapler 5.(C) Natalya 6. (8) She usvally retuns things, PART 4 1. (©) Reporter 2. (8) Er giand 3, (0) Six months 4.18) Two 5. (D) Two hours forty-five minutes 6, (0) Before and halfway through the show PART 5 1. (O)machines ~ The aojective various is used with plural nouns. Machinerys a collective nou, Which cannoi take either en or a plural sui ~= 2. (B) mucn trafic ~ AS the word tsffcia an tuncouniable noun, neither much Irafficner many traffcis appropiate or the senteneca, Also many ‘cannot be used with uncountable nouns, 3, (B) aot o! fumture ~ Furniture is an uncountable ‘noun, so you cannot say furnitures, Also many should only be used with a countable noun, 4, (D)athiny-page ~ When a noun is used as a modifier ‘of another noun, the fist noun is usad as an ‘adjective and doesn't take a plural -s, Also ‘assignment isa countabie noun, 5, (a) An = Unless preceded by any or one, then otter is not used before a singular noun. Neither i any ‘appropriate as It means it doesn matter which OF the remaining two, a's more appropriate because the pronunciation of NEC Begins with ‘vowel sound, 6. (C)a ~ The pronunciation ef one-hour begins with ' consonant, therefore a should be used, 7.(B)a~ The indelinte article, a, is most suitable for the sentence, since the noun begins with ‘consonant and it appears in the sentence for the frst time 8, (D)the - Though beautiu begins with a consonant, it should not Be precededby a. The dress isa speci. tone bought by her uncle; hence, the definite arcle the is most appropriate forthe sentence, BM anawor Kev 9. (8) double the ~ When double is used wth the of ‘with a pcasessive pronoun ike his, your, iy, fe. comes fst, asin double the Speed, double ‘my portion. We do not use double with as. 40. (@)in a~ Since the word, orison, appears for tne fist time inthe sentence, i néeds an indefinite anicle 11. (0) prefer ~ vinen we say we ike a personitning nore than the other, we can use preier...f, ‘which is clase in meaning o than. 12. (8) run ~ The word run, as well as n:anage, is often ‘sed with such words as hare! and supermarket However, we never say bring/shopito @ ‘supermarest 12, (C)preserence ~ Wards ike your, my, his, her ete Should be followed by a noun. 14. (D) School = The ward school, when used as an Uuncountable naun, means a session of Instruction. Itrmeans an institution ike a college or universily when iis used as a countable’ ‘out, Schoo! therefore what best completes the sentence since the blank is intended for @ session of insirucicn. 15. (6) from - The phrase keep 0 not allow. 10 do. from -ing means PART 6 1. (A) one of - Since an and the cannot be used with ‘words tke eur, my, etc. only ona of can complete the sentence 2. (B} the ~ As ts sited acove that thieves broke into the coffee, theves is no longer new information, Thus i eed in be preceded by a detinte article the. 3. (D)all = Object pronouns like them cannot occur before @ noun, and since itis followed by a plural pronoun ib doors, the blank cannot be filed with 20 that 4. (Chiving ~ Living is often collocated with words ike conditions, standards, or expenses 1o make a noun phrase, However, we do not say iflefive Conditions, ang leave is nat appropriate because of ts meaning, 5. (C)the ~ As the word house appears for the second lime, i needs a determiner the. 6, (D) buyers ~ As fallowes by a modal verb may, the blank is reserved for a noun that combines with interested to make a subject PART 7 1. (C)$38 2. (8) Payment (O) Actress, 4. (8) $2,500 5. (A) Anecklace 6. (C) Twenty-one 7. (G) Alter lunch | 8 9 10. (8) Spain (8) Mary Adams and Professor Wells are good trends, [C)To ler to help at the conference

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