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UNITG PARTY 1, (O) The house has two stories. 2. (C) Theyre a! the dentist's office. 3. (6) The cusiomers are siting at a table 4, (A) The people are walking foward the buildings. 5. (B) The poople ate playing a card game. PART 2 1, (A) think Sara lat it here 2. (C) Sure, in just a minute. 8. (8) There are two by the door. 4 (8) Over $1,000 5. (A) No, [haven't thought aoout it PART 3 1. (0) The project manager 2. (A) The operator {(B) Call again tha same day (A) To make an appointinent [C)A hair salon (G) Friday at 00 p.m. PART 4 4. (O}Ina hotel 2. (8) All day and all night 8. (8) The manager 4. (A) His wile 5. (C) Microbiologiet 6. (0) Retail PARTS 1. (©)boring = An ing form is used when the navn it rmodties is a causor—L.e., brings a resul, 2. (D)muderad - Sinea a man who was Killed is talked about, a past paricipla(va,, murdered) is ‘most appropriate for the sentence, 3. (P)undersiaoe ~ Since himserfis logically the abject ‘of understand and is placed before the verb, an ‘ed form is needed 4. (C)faling ~ we use an -ing form, @ present particle, when something iss going on. 5. (C)living ~ There is no conjunction used ia the sentence, therelore neither live nor lived appropriate. Nor is a fo-nlnitve appropriate because the most possible meaning of the sentence is 10 reler 1o people who hive ia large Cites, not people who wil live in large cies. 6. (D) brought ~ As the abjact occurs botore iis vaib, a past participle is appropriata, 7. (B) Wanting ~ The participle phrase derives from As ‘he wanted 10 ‘eave early. Thats, As he's omiied singe iis recaveradle, and the verb is changes into an sing form 8. (8) Shouting ~ The participle form we can make out ol an intransitive verb ike shout is an -ing form. 8. (8) permiting ~ Weather permitting is an idiomatic expression that we can derve fram If weather pparmits by changing the verb into an -ing form aller the conjunction pius the subject is lll out @ rnswer key 10. (C)exhausted ~ Te patie pase derives fam Since hess ule exhausted Woon the Conjunction, together wath tho sect, somes, te bets uteny exhausted which nur Changed into etn ery existed As a al Step tne parce Bog seh xk and we et iter exhausted 11. (@)tegretaby = An esvorbia is needed here ash ‘imodty tne aantence Here t shows hat the peste aoseng tat a oe regret that eis ou of anpuyent 12. (a) tanslr = For changing cars. tains, oF pana, ‘te use the vero ianser 19. (C)ehined ~ As ne ero shoe has is obec tore ita pas parte fom fe most appropiate fo Tie wortnoe. shone an ened sre bah past bation itt usage fale, sono e {sou h the conse olf em fg iia shined is Used nthe sone ol 10 make begh by polahing. 14. (o)ocssig ve use aning orm ater be ares to say hat a person arested whe dong 15. (a)for= Me reposlion formaaning a a result of isncalod forthe senionce becadsa Ps reckless decision s tne reason lorena PART 6 +. {C}10 announce - Would lke is followed by Toinfinitve, 2. (8) pick up ~ When collecting things ike a coupon, ‘we use pick up. Drop off means fa leave Something af a place intentionally 3. (8) per ~ When we Say that only one thing goes to fone perscn, we say ene thing per person 4. (C)oceur~ The presence of Every year implies that tha occurrenge is regular. For things that happen requiary, we use a present tense, 5. (8) mignt - According to tne context, the blank should be tiled with a modal verb representing less probable or less define. 1. (8) make = An appointment is used with make imeaning fo make aa arrangement to meet someoie al paicular ime and place. PART 7 1. (©) Patio 2. (A) Madson {6) Tour information (G)Single passengers (8) Three (02:00 pm. (B) Have a businass n {B)In the toboy (C)The secretary {8} Leave tat the front desk ating UNIT PART 1 4, (B) The boxes are on the belt, 2. (A) The man is putting a letier in the mailbox 3. (@) The woman is opening a present (6) They are walking in tront of a theater. 5. (G) The man is toycning the stutfed bear. PART 2 4. (8) About 4:90. 2. (0) like Spanish 3. (C)No problem, 4. (8) By bicycle 5. (C) Ava language institute PART 3 1. (A) Plans for ater a conference 2.(C) Leaving early 8, (0) Take a tour 4 (©) To offer her a job 5. (A) Next week 6. (O)AL the end of this week PART 4 1. (A) Musician 2 (C) Fourteen years, 3. (6) Soundtracks 4. (6) Yesterday evening 5. (C) Evacuate the area 6 (BJA storm PART 5, 1. (B) much worse - Te presence of than is strongly indleative of worse being necessary. Also, very isan adverb that cannot occur with a ‘comparative fam, 2. (C)as ~ When comparing two things by using a base fotn of an adjective or adverb, we use 3. (D) the more ~ When a comparative form comes Detore, or somehow is related wit, “ol the two," thos needed belore the comparative form, 4. (O)the mast ~ A Superative form with the is used when itis folowed by ever 5. (C)most - A superiative form, particularly when itis, followed by a noun, needs the, Thus the use of the betore the blank elrongy ndicates that most ig the hes? choice, Best isnot appropriate, because its a superlative form of “good wel” 6. (Bj least ~ Because of ihe presence of the before the blank, @ superative form ran best complete the sentence. The context says that least is most appropriate for tne sentence. 7. (A) talest ~ A supertative form is often followed by “ofthe...” and a one-syllable word lakes -est for comparison. 8. (A) to~ Prioris folowed by to, meaning “betore.” Gen 9. (0)thal ot weman's ~ Since what is compared is ‘eyes, the pronoun should be plural 10. (B) twice as ~ When words lke twice, three times etc are used with the as .. as comparison, they ‘cour just before the fist as 11. (A) over ~ Over means more than, and therelore best completes the sentence, 12, {4} almost ~ You could almost hear a pin drop is an idiomatic sentence tnat means i wasis vary quiet, Almostis also an advere that modiies ear. 13. (8) far ~ Of the four choices, nothing bur farcan be ses belore a comparative form 14. (C)older~ The presence of than strongly indicates. that @ comparative form best completes the sentence, 18. (A) about ~ Be about iomeans be atthe point of ing, PART 6 1. {B) enough ~ AS it is intended to say that the fabric lefts less than wanted, enough is the only choice that expresses this, 2. (A) less popular ~ The clause the supplier has no plans .. because of the lank of demands ‘enough evidence that lass popular is most Appropriate (or the sentence. 43. (0) cheaper ~ The presence of than requires the blank to be filed with a comparative form. 4. (Ofer ~ As fis a one-sylable word, ts ‘comparative form should be -er. 5, (B) the newest ~ As anctier superiave for folens, the blank should be fled with a superative form to meet a structural parallelism betwoen the two elements linked by and. 6. (C)the friendliest = It is not very dificult to see that ‘the phrase of allis omitted al a position just after workers. The superative form of Inenaly 1s Iiendlest, PART 7 1. (@) uly 7 2.(C) uly 11 3. (6) Comedian 4 (O)Chilsren. 5. (8) Seeing peopie smile 6. (8) Spanish music 7. (B) In Sandra's studio 8. (A) More than a decade 9. (G) She broke her arm. 10. (6) 3:00 pm. Monday

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