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UNITO PART 1 1, (B) He's wearing a short-sleeved shir, 2 {A) The womas Is cleaning 3, (D] Woof is stared in the replace. 4, (8) The mother's feeding her baby 5.(C] There are umbrellas over the tables. PART 2 1. (A) Its in the lobby. 2. (8) Next week 3. (A) Yes, i's postad inthe office 4, (B] OF course, Excuse me. 5. (C} Canada and Fussia, PART 3. 1. (B) At the airport 2 (0) Far business and pleasure 3.(C) Six days, SADA stapler 5.(C) Natalya 6. (8) She usvally retuns things, PART 4 1. (©) Reporter 2. (8) Er giand 3, (0) Six months 4.18) Two 5. (D) Two hours forty-five minutes 6, (0) Before and halfway through the show PART 5 1. (O)machines ~ The aojective various is used with plural nouns. Machinerys a collective nou, Which cannoi take either en or a plural sui ~= 2. (B) mucn trafic ~ AS the word tsffcia an tuncouniable noun, neither much Irafficner many traffcis appropiate or the senteneca, Also many ‘cannot be used with uncountable nouns, 3, (B) aot o! fumture ~ Furniture is an uncountable ‘noun, so you cannot say furnitures, Also many should only be used with a countable noun, 4, (D)athiny-page ~ When a noun is used as a modifier ‘of another noun, the fist noun is usad as an ‘adjective and doesn't take a plural -s, Also ‘assignment isa countabie noun, 5, (a) An = Unless preceded by any or one, then otter is not used before a singular noun. Neither i any ‘appropriate as It means it doesn matter which OF the remaining two, a's more appropriate because the pronunciation of NEC Begins with ‘vowel sound, 6. (C)a ~ The pronunciation ef one-hour begins with ' consonant, therefore a should be used, 7.(B)a~ The indelinte article, a, is most suitable for the sentence, since the noun begins with ‘consonant and it appears in the sentence for the frst time 8, (D)the - Though beautiu begins with a consonant, it should not Be precededby a. The dress isa speci. tone bought by her uncle; hence, the definite arcle the is most appropriate forthe sentence, BM anawor Kev 9. (8) double the ~ When double is used wth the of ‘with a pcasessive pronoun ike his, your, iy, fe. comes fst, asin double the Speed, double ‘my portion. We do not use double with as. 40. (@)in a~ Since the word, orison, appears for tne fist time inthe sentence, i néeds an indefinite anicle 11. (0) prefer ~ vinen we say we ike a personitning nore than the other, we can use preier...f, ‘which is clase in meaning o than. 12. (8) run ~ The word run, as well as n:anage, is often ‘sed with such words as hare! and supermarket However, we never say bring/shopito @ ‘supermarest 12, (C)preserence ~ Wards ike your, my, his, her ete Should be followed by a noun. 14. (D) School = The ward school, when used as an Uuncountable naun, means a session of Instruction. Itrmeans an institution ike a college or universily when iis used as a countable’ ‘out, Schoo! therefore what best completes the sentence since the blank is intended for @ session of insirucicn. 15. (6) from - The phrase keep 0 not allow. 10 do. from -ing means PART 6 1. (A) one of - Since an and the cannot be used with ‘words tke eur, my, etc. only ona of can complete the sentence 2. (B} the ~ As ts sited acove that thieves broke into the coffee, theves is no longer new information, Thus i eed in be preceded by a detinte article the. 3. (D)all = Object pronouns like them cannot occur before @ noun, and since itis followed by a plural pronoun ib doors, the blank cannot be filed with 20 that 4. (Chiving ~ Living is often collocated with words ike conditions, standards, or expenses 1o make a noun phrase, However, we do not say iflefive Conditions, ang leave is nat appropriate because of ts meaning, 5. (C)the ~ As the word house appears for the second lime, i needs a determiner the. 6, (D) buyers ~ As fallowes by a modal verb may, the blank is reserved for a noun that combines with interested to make a subject PART 7 1. (C)$38 2. (8) Payment (O) Actress, 4. (8) $2,500 5. (A) Anecklace 6. (C) Twenty-one 7. (G) Alter lunch | 8 9 10. (8) Spain (8) Mary Adams and Professor Wells are good trends, [C)To ler to help at the conference UNIT® PART 1 1. (A) The back ofthe truck is open. 2. (B) The man is drawing her picture. 3. (C) The garbago bags are next lo the trash can. 4 (A) The people are enjoying themselves by the ake. 5. (C) The exercise equipment is avaiable PART 2 1. (©) Only on Thursdays. 2.(A) L did't realize i arrived already. 3. (C) Statsies. 4.(B) Over 5,000. 5. (B) No, but 'm going next year. PART 3 1. (@) Over the telephone 2.(C)A creditcard 3. (C) The sending of statements by email 4. (A) In fall 9: (G) Summer 6 (A) Knitted goods PART 4 1. (8) A grocery store 2. (6) Fruits and vegetables 3. (C)Larry 4. (A) City stroets 5, (B) Menaul Boulevard 6. (A) Ten minutes PARTS, 1. (O)who As tis preceded by a person and at the ‘samo time itis a positon for the subject, the biank must be filed with wi, 2. (A) Wal Al the threo choices except what need @ ‘noun betore them: tat is, as there is no suc noun, only what can be used in the blank, 3. (8) who ~ The blanks reserved fora relative pronoun, ‘which isthe subject of tho relative clause and refers toa person, thus, netter which nor whom s sutablo for the sentence. Nor can that be used, Because the felalive clause s surtounded by commas 4. (D) whose ~ We use witose for a position that can ‘act as a possessive determiner as well as a Cconjunct f link the two clauses. 8. (8) whose — As miliary power belongs to the European countries, we need a telalve pronoun of possessive case. Remember that whose can be used wih a person, animal, or thing. 6. (D) why ~ Since the preceding noun is a “ease, why is most suitable forthe sentence. 7. (A) whore ~ Smith's is understood to be a bar. As the preceding noun, Sinih’s,relers to a place, where best completes the sentence. 8. (A) that ~ The same is usually followod either by as or by that. In general, we use as belore a noun F pronoun, and that betore a clause, 9. (C) han - The presence of mores a strong indication ‘hal the blank should be filed wth than. 10. (C) wien ~ A quick consideration f the sentential meaning shows thatthe blank should be filed with @ word that can be the subject and substitute for the clause preceding. OF the relative pronouns, itis which that can replace a preceding clause, 11, (@) indifferent ~ As preceded by is, the blank is reserved for an adjective. OF the two adjectives indifferent ana independent, tho former can be Used wath f0 and the later with of. 12, (A) particular ~ Cansidering ne mast nossibio ‘meaning of the sentence, the word particulars most appropriate because it means attentive {9 ‘minute detail. 13, (©) Whenever ~ As the clause / visi this place is. camplate by ise, the blank is reserved for an adverb. OF the two whenever and wherever, the latter is not suitable due to the presence ofthis place. 14, (6) than ~ Due tothe presence of the comparative farm sooner, the conjunet than bost completes the sentence, 18, (C)on - We often use cut down on to mean reduce. PART 6 1. (B] which ~ Since preceded by a noun a fotsree ine, the bank is reserved fora relative pronoun that Can take the preceding noun as is antecedent land al the same time be the subject of the following ver. 2. (C)information ~ As the object ofthe verb gets, missing, the blank needs a noun, of the two Roun, informer and information, the former is ‘ot appropriate because of its meaning 3. (C) which ~ We use the relative pronoun which when there is a noun prececingit and simutaneously ‘he noun isa thing. Note that a pronoun tke those ‘cannot conjoin two clauses. In adaition, whose land whom do not match the preceding noun phrase the welcome packet in terms ol moaning. 4. (A) ho ~ Since the blank is both preceded by a noun and folowed by a verb, we need a relative pronoun fort AS the precoding noun refers to persons, the Falatve pronoun whos st appropriate 5, (@) much = As the blank ig surrounded by how and sleep, we need an adjective for it thus, 10 and ‘amount are not appropriate. In adliion, many cannot mocity the noun sleep, which is an ‘uncountable noun. 6. (0) that ~ As the preceding noun phrase refers to ‘amount of sleep, the relative pronoun right for the blank Is tha, which can take einer a personlanimal or a thing as its antecedent, PART 7 1. (@) Musicians 2. (8) Women over twenty-one 3, (0) Students 4. (A) A porsonalidentlication number 5.(B) Your last name 6. (©) To ask fr his money back 7. (©)Pieza 5. (8) Three packs 9. (C)An apology 10. (8) Buying Juan's Taco products snawarker @

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