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UNIT PART 1 4, (B) The boxes are on the belt, 2. (A) The man is putting a letier in the mailbox 3. (@) The woman is opening a present (6) They are walking in tront of a theater. 5. (G) The man is toycning the stutfed bear. PART 2 4. (8) About 4:90. 2. (0) like Spanish 3. (C)No problem, 4. (8) By bicycle 5. (C) Ava language institute PART 3 1. (A) Plans for ater a conference 2.(C) Leaving early 8, (0) Take a tour 4 (©) To offer her a job 5. (A) Next week 6. (O)AL the end of this week PART 4 1. (A) Musician 2 (C) Fourteen years, 3. (6) Soundtracks 4. (6) Yesterday evening 5. (C) Evacuate the area 6 (BJA storm PART 5, 1. (B) much worse - Te presence of than is strongly indleative of worse being necessary. Also, very isan adverb that cannot occur with a ‘comparative fam, 2. (C)as ~ When comparing two things by using a base fotn of an adjective or adverb, we use 3. (D) the more ~ When a comparative form comes Detore, or somehow is related wit, “ol the two," thos needed belore the comparative form, 4. (O)the mast ~ A Superative form with the is used when itis folowed by ever 5. (C)most - A superiative form, particularly when itis, followed by a noun, needs the, Thus the use of the betore the blank elrongy ndicates that most ig the hes? choice, Best isnot appropriate, because its a superlative form of “good wel” 6. (Bj least ~ Because of ihe presence of the before the blank, @ superative form ran best complete the sentence. The context says that least is most appropriate for tne sentence. 7. (A) talest ~ A supertative form is often followed by “ofthe...” and a one-syllable word lakes -est for comparison. 8. (A) to~ Prioris folowed by to, meaning “betore.” Gen 9. (0)thal ot weman's ~ Since what is compared is ‘eyes, the pronoun should be plural 10. (B) twice as ~ When words lke twice, three times etc are used with the as .. as comparison, they ‘cour just before the fist as 11. (A) over ~ Over means more than, and therelore best completes the sentence, 12, {4} almost ~ You could almost hear a pin drop is an idiomatic sentence tnat means i wasis vary quiet, Almostis also an advere that modiies ear. 13. (8) far ~ Of the four choices, nothing bur farcan be ses belore a comparative form 14. (C)older~ The presence of than strongly indicates. that @ comparative form best completes the sentence, 18. (A) about ~ Be about iomeans be atthe point of ing, PART 6 1. {B) enough ~ AS it is intended to say that the fabric lefts less than wanted, enough is the only choice that expresses this, 2. (A) less popular ~ The clause the supplier has no plans .. because of the lank of demands ‘enough evidence that lass popular is most Appropriate (or the sentence. 43. (0) cheaper ~ The presence of than requires the blank to be filed with a comparative form. 4. (Ofer ~ As fis a one-sylable word, ts ‘comparative form should be -er. 5, (B) the newest ~ As anctier superiave for folens, the blank should be fled with a superative form to meet a structural parallelism betwoen the two elements linked by and. 6. (C)the friendliest = It is not very dificult to see that ‘the phrase of allis omitted al a position just after workers. The superative form of Inenaly 1s Iiendlest, PART 7 1. (@) uly 7 2.(C) uly 11 3. (6) Comedian 4 (O)Chilsren. 5. (8) Seeing peopie smile 6. (8) Spanish music 7. (B) In Sandra's studio 8. (A) More than a decade 9. (G) She broke her arm. 10. (6) 3:00 pm. Monday UNITO PART 1 4. (8) Closes are behind the sale signs, 2. (C) They're infront ofthe gift shop. 3. (G) The trucks are Joaded with logs. 4. (A) The woman is pulling gas in ner ear 5. (A) The vending machine is lll of food PART 2 1.8) Tho 14, 2. (B) Not ata. 3. (B) About eight or nine. ' (C)Go down this street and take your this right 5.(A) A month ago. PART 3. 41. (A) He fost his credit card 2. {G) The woman s going to Chicago, 3. (D)L-oking ins aramor 4, [B)In a store ina big city 5. (A) High prices: 6. (8) would be t00 costly. PART 4 1. {A)A.cel phone 2. (8) About 200 dollars 3. (C)A cameordar 4, (8) Skateboarding 5. (D) Skateboard stores 6. (0) Fashion PART 5 1. (A) Not koaning - As the object remains in its place, know should be changes into an ~ing form; moreover, ‘when we negate nontiite forms (12. 10 da, -ng), we [Bul a negative adverb like not and never just before them. 2.(A) no — We use not, an adverb, 1o make a word or 2 clause negative, while we use no, an adjective, with a noun or -ing form to mean No! any. or not a/an. When negating such + noun, we therefore put no betore such as in no such menihingsitees, ete 3. {C)not to = In order to negate a foinfiritve, we put not or never betors it 4.(D) not having ~ In order t0 negate an «ing fom, we ut not or never betore it 5, (C)any ~ Since the sentence begins with Nobody, a hnonassertve any is one that best completes the ‘sentence, 6. (Clany- Since aificuty is a noun, * cannot be ‘moditiad by the aaverD £0. Furthermore, /nany'is nck appronriate because it doesn't agree with officuy in number, Ot the remaining two, any best completes, the sentence: we use any with viords like never hardly, winout, retise, doubt 7.(B) some ~ We mostly use some in afimative Sentences, but we also use it in affers or requests, 48, (Alcan = Considering the second clause, the tense is expected to be present. Also, we generally don't use double negation, so can'veouldht cannot eceur with hace, @ sewer vor 8. (A) any ~ We use any instead of some in negative Sentences, in most questions, and in iAclauses, 10. (A) dia he lose ~ When a negative word or ‘expression iniates a suntance, an auxiliary verb is placed betore the subject. 11. (Al frequent ~ Frequent is used not only as an adjective, but as a verb meaning go frenuently, Go land dap vannet occur witha place noun uniese they are followed by a prepsstion. And the phrase callon occurs before @ person, nota ulace. 12. (A) ealor-bind - We say a person is color.bling t they cannot disinguish certain colors, 18, (C)assignment ~ Srice nos an adjective, it ean be used with 2 oun, 14 (C)have |= Singe the sentence begins with @ nnegaliva word nover, an auxiliary vere must come bbofare tne subject Due to the presence ot dreamed, the auxilary verb should be have, 15, (6) on ~ Just lika depend takes (up) on, its adjective form dependleni needs the same prepostion. PART 6 1. (C)may nat ~ The presence of under any Circumstances strongly implies thatthe sentence is intended to he negaive. 2. (B) dressed ~ Wearing and ciothing need 1o be followed by their object, and look cannot be placed alters king verb. However, we can say like, 18 dressed (in white), 3, (C] won't ~ Since wearing a uniform is necessary for all employees, tne loge says that wor't is mast “appropriate forthe sentence, 4.(C}no longer ~ The phrase sony to inform implies thal the folowing clause contains negative information. Note that noi cannot make a comparative form negative; we instead use mo to ‘agate comparatves. 5. (C)aot able ~ Since are cannot be used with an auliaty verb, oniy not abisis what can complete tne sentence 6. (Clany ~ The determiner anys used in negative sentences, in questions, and in itelauses. Futhermote, jots should be followed by of, and the Indefinite article a/an cannot be used with a plural oun. Henes, any is most appropriate for the Sentence, PART 7 1. (B) One and two 2 (0) The garage and basement 3 (0) Monthly 4, (A}CDs 5 (C) Pans 6. (C) She wants to tind out abou free programs. 7.{A) Sally is elgible for the courses. 8. (0) Online 8, (C) Check their work schedule 10. (A)A signature

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