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UNIT@® PART 1 1. (0) They are sitting a! a picnic table, 2. (B) The people are playing cards, 3. (8) One of the plants is daad 4, (A) The olicer I riding a horse. 5 (B) The people are crossing he street, PART 2 1. (©) In your mailbox. 2.(A) They should. | saw some yesterday. 3. (A) Normally you have 10 request them by mail 4. (B) Sure. Go ahead. 5, (B) sent last week. PART 3 1. (A) Her phone does not wort. 2. (B) They have a good variety of cheap phones. 53. (A) The woman passes by itoten 4 (B) Leave a message 5. (D)In a mesting 6. (B) Wate a note PART 4 1. (8) Yearly 2. (A) Nothing 3. (C) Tomorrow 4. (A) Ona plane 5. (0)Las Vegas 6. (A) There wil be a lot of turbulence, PART 5 4, (Gjhave told ~ Otherwise is close in meaning to If ‘ot, obviously, i reters [0 an untrue situation in the past. To express an untrue situation in the pasl, we use would.could/might nav + -ed in the result clause. 2. (C)were ~ In femal English / wish is fotowed by were when an untue situation in the present is assumed. 3, (B) had known - Considering thatthe result clause has would have + -ed as lis ver, itis certain Thal the sentence is intended to éxpress an unirue situation in the past. To express an untrue Situation in the past like this, we use haa’ -d inthe irclause 4, (B) providing that ~ Provided/provieing ise is usec ‘8: a conjunction meaning on conaftion that. So it {cannot go with if, but may be foiowed by that 5. (A) long ~ The two clauses are in @ condition and: resut relation, go they should be connected by a Conjunct meaning for on the condition that ‘Thus fong is most suitable for Ihe sentence, the ‘expression as Jong as is a conjunct meaning on ‘the condition that 6. (B) closed ~ The expression it's time is fllowed fther by a fosnfnive or by a past tense with a present meaning 7. (C)or ~ The logic Says that the blank should be filed with a word meaning if not, oinsrwse. We Use or (else) as a word with such a meaning. 8. (A) Keep ~ Note inal the fist clause should begin with an imperative verb In order for the following Conjunction orto mean ifnot. Thus keep is one thal best completes the sentence, 8. (A)IN~ The first clause is a conditional clause; ifis therefore most appropriate. Remember that unless can also lead a conditional clause and that it roughly means it 10, (C) what he hag done ~ When an interrogative—that, Is, a clause beginning with a question word tke who, what, whieh, ete becomes the object of Verb, there Is no subject-verb inversion 11, (Dyalspesable ~ Whan we mention ining that we ‘can dispose of aller using, wa use disposable 12, (A) loyal ~ Loyalis most appropriate forthe sentence. Remember that the similar sounding word, royal, relatos to a monarch or a monarch’s family. The \Word fegalis close in meaning to pected by lan, land frugalis to economica!0r expensive 13. (Djotherwise~ The logic says thal the two clauses should be connected by a conjunction meaning I not, otherwise has this meaning, 14. (If itis certain that ine first clause should be a ‘conditional, and that ifis most suitable for the ‘sentence. Remember thal once is close in meaning to alter or as soon as and that lest means 50 tha... may Not 18. (c)ater - We often use at, afer, and towith the ‘word look, but they are diferent in meaning, The verb phrase look at roughly means pay attention {o,f00k altor means {0 fake care of, and look to ‘means fo expect Afters therefore most appropriate PART 6 1. (B) would tke - Singe followed by a foinfintive, ‘should and must are not appropriate for the sentence. What can precede a Tovntniive is would Ika, which means want. Note that the ‘modal verb cannot be replaced by wil or ‘Such a meaning 2.(A) should ~ The blank is followed by an infinitive give, which means itis reserved for an auxiliary Ver. Of the three auxiliary verbs (should, do, and would), should is most appropriate because the committee chairs are asked to submit their meeting agenda. 8. (8) wit need ~ Since the ifclause isn a present tense, the result clause cannot be folowed by a past tense or past poet tense. Furtiermore, must ‘needs inappropriaie because of redundancy 4, (8) f= 11s clear trom the context that the sentence Consists of a condition and its result. In this respec, the blank needs to be filed with a Cconaitonal conjunction tke if 5, (C)are open ~ We use the simple present tense to talk about a permanent situation, or about things that happen regulary, repeatedly oa the time 6. (@) could = We use could to make @ poli of formal ‘suggestion PART 7 41. (8) They wit be fred 2. (0) Anytime 3. (C) Weekdays only 4 (C) Tree 5. (0) On December 24" 8. (A) Ina hotel industry magazine 7.(B) Delails about the costs and services provided by Sprung Technologies 8, (8) $950 par nour 9. (0) By phone 10, [B) Calne customer service line newer Koy UNIT® PART 1. (8) She is reading a book in bed 2. (2) The players are on the fed, (6) The man is holding the box 4.(C) The man is paying pool 5.(C) The git is hold g.a doll PART 2 1. (C) Between twenty and twenty-two. 2 (A) He's the best player on the team, 3. (8) One nour 4 (B) Yes, especially at night 5. (A) During the wook would be better for me, PART 3 1. (©) Twenty minutes 2. (6) Sho thought the university was farther. 3. (8) The bus route is not aiect 4 (6) Plan a meeting 5.(C)330 pm 6. (Cin the woman's office PART A 1.) Students 2 (0) Prepating early 8. (A) They can co better on exams. 4. (C) Photographers 5. (G)} Have the subject in focus 6. (6) Unknown people passing by PART 5 1 (A)t0 request ~ When me use either... o, the ‘expressions belore and attor or should mest a Sttuctural parallelism in fonmal English. Since the phrase Immediately folowing either s a torntintve, oris also expected to be followed by a ointinitve 2. (8) being a musician ~ The sentences certainly ‘intended Io say that we need a ot of ime and money to become a musician as well as an acess; hence, being a nrusician is appropiate 45 tha subject of the clause. In modern English 1 avoid Using a fointinve form as the subject ‘of a tensed clause in an infocmal style 3. (D) ick up ~ When the abject of a two-word (verb + fart) verb is a pronoun, we place the pronoun between the verb and tne particle, as i pick i up. 4, (C)opaned ~ The two elements connected by and should meet a structural paraliism. As te preceing elemant consisis of a vero phrase ‘with simple past, the folowing element should also be @ vet phrase with simple past 5,(C) belongs ~ Note that an intransitive verb, Le., a vero without needing an object, cannot lake the form 0! be. -e0. As belongs ane of such veros, is beionged's nol appropriate for the sentence. Moreover, belongs a slave vero and cannot be used in an «ing form. 6. (C)owned ~ The words beleng and have are stative ‘verbs, and they don't allow the form be + -ed vedis not appropriate in terms of meaning. 7.(0)Siton ~ As the word {01s used as an inne marker, iL needs a bare varb. Since preceded by 2 box, the tonnfinive in turn needs 2 preposition onafter it @ rnewor ney 8, (A) live in - Tho insended phrase dedves from‘a house he wil live in, which is reduced to a phrase withthe help ofa fointiniive, 9, (6) ame of Casey's inends ~ Considering that meet ‘needs an object of its own, to Casey's inends 's not appropriate for the sentence. Additionally, trends 0! some Casey doesnt make ary senso {aS words ike Some cannot madiy a proper noun. As for Cosey’s, we cannot tell what Casey'sis. 10. (A) about ~ The sentence can be an answer to “When can you get thera?" Thus abouts most appropriate 11, (A) slock = Corisiering the possible meaning of the Senlence, the blank is clearly reserved for the ‘merchandise or goods that Wat! lo be sold. Stock 's the only choice thal relers to merchandise. 12, (A) fatal ~ Obviously, what results trom food possoning is Intende, ne word fatal, causing ‘eath) 1s most appropiate forthe sentence. 13, (8) disappeared - The word oisappearis an Invransiive verb, go itis not folowed by @ noun: ‘ther can it be used In the form of be . -e. 14, (C)1o write with ~ Since penis a too! for writing, the ‘brepostion with is nevessary. Moreaver, before the blank there is a noun wating to be modilied by an adjective or its equivalent 15, (6) ct ~ We use convicted folowed by of to mean Sentenced after being ‘ound gully of PART 6 1. (8) 10 - When happy followed by a to-nfnitve, ‘means 00 .. wih pleasure 2. (0)as well as “in the sentence thare are provided two objecis of the preposition of one is household products and the olner = gardening, flactromes, and eutomotive goods. When we provide after another tke this, 'We use and, as weil a5, etc. 3.(A) any ~ AS the senvce Is open 24 hours, any is, ‘most agpropriste for the sentence; the phrase 4 any time means whenevar you tke. 4, (B) difference ~ Since preceded by a considerable, the blank is reserved for a noun, Of tne four choices, only cifference Is a neun 5, (C)eceived ~ The presence of from implies that ‘We got something, "The sentence lalks about how much of the product the company selis. For this siuation, "We use @ sum of money + worth followed by of ‘procueugoods. PART 7 1. (O)A kind of transportation 2 (©) 1300 Batvares 3. (C) Reaiile competion 4.(8) Ten 5. (©) Once a week 6. (O) Less than $2.00 7. (8)A map 8. (A) Areniteotuce 9. (C) He wants to stan a one-year subscription 10. (D) He thinks i would be wastetul 6.14)

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