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UNIT® PART 1. (8) She is reading a book in bed 2. (2) The players are on the fed, (6) The man is holding the box 4.(C) The man is paying pool 5.(C) The git is hold g.a doll PART 2 1. (C) Between twenty and twenty-two. 2 (A) He's the best player on the team, 3. (8) One nour 4 (B) Yes, especially at night 5. (A) During the wook would be better for me, PART 3 1. (©) Twenty minutes 2. (6) Sho thought the university was farther. 3. (8) The bus route is not aiect 4 (6) Plan a meeting 5.(C)330 pm 6. (Cin the woman's office PART A 1.) Students 2 (0) Prepating early 8. (A) They can co better on exams. 4. (C) Photographers 5. (G)} Have the subject in focus 6. (6) Unknown people passing by PART 5 1 (A)t0 request ~ When me use either... o, the ‘expressions belore and attor or should mest a Sttuctural parallelism in fonmal English. Since the phrase Immediately folowing either s a torntintve, oris also expected to be followed by a ointinitve 2. (8) being a musician ~ The sentences certainly ‘intended Io say that we need a ot of ime and money to become a musician as well as an acess; hence, being a nrusician is appropiate 45 tha subject of the clause. In modern English 1 avoid Using a fointinve form as the subject ‘of a tensed clause in an infocmal style 3. (D) ick up ~ When the abject of a two-word (verb + fart) verb is a pronoun, we place the pronoun between the verb and tne particle, as i pick i up. 4, (C)opaned ~ The two elements connected by and should meet a structural paraliism. As te preceing elemant consisis of a vero phrase ‘with simple past, the folowing element should also be @ vet phrase with simple past 5,(C) belongs ~ Note that an intransitive verb, Le., a vero without needing an object, cannot lake the form 0! be. -e0. As belongs ane of such veros, is beionged's nol appropriate for the sentence. Moreover, belongs a slave vero and cannot be used in an «ing form. 6. (C)owned ~ The words beleng and have are stative ‘verbs, and they don't allow the form be + -ed vedis not appropriate in terms of meaning. 7.(0)Siton ~ As the word {01s used as an inne marker, iL needs a bare varb. Since preceded by 2 box, the tonnfinive in turn needs 2 preposition onafter it @ rnewor ney 8, (A) live in - Tho insended phrase dedves from‘a house he wil live in, which is reduced to a phrase withthe help ofa fointiniive, 9, (6) ame of Casey's inends ~ Considering that meet ‘needs an object of its own, to Casey's inends 's not appropriate for the sentence. Additionally, trends 0! some Casey doesnt make ary senso {aS words ike Some cannot madiy a proper noun. As for Cosey’s, we cannot tell what Casey'sis. 10. (A) about ~ The sentence can be an answer to “When can you get thera?" Thus abouts most appropriate 11, (A) slock = Corisiering the possible meaning of the Senlence, the blank is clearly reserved for the ‘merchandise or goods that Wat! lo be sold. Stock 's the only choice thal relers to merchandise. 12, (A) fatal ~ Obviously, what results trom food possoning is Intende, ne word fatal, causing ‘eath) 1s most appropiate forthe sentence. 13, (8) disappeared - The word oisappearis an Invransiive verb, go itis not folowed by @ noun: ‘ther can it be used In the form of be . -e. 14, (C)1o write with ~ Since penis a too! for writing, the ‘brepostion with is nevessary. Moreaver, before the blank there is a noun wating to be modilied by an adjective or its equivalent 15, (6) ct ~ We use convicted folowed by of to mean Sentenced after being ‘ound gully of PART 6 1. (8) 10 - When happy followed by a to-nfnitve, ‘means 00 .. wih pleasure 2. (0)as well as “in the sentence thare are provided two objecis of the preposition of one is household products and the olner = gardening, flactromes, and eutomotive goods. When we provide after another tke this, 'We use and, as weil a5, etc. 3.(A) any ~ AS the senvce Is open 24 hours, any is, ‘most agpropriste for the sentence; the phrase 4 any time means whenevar you tke. 4, (B) difference ~ Since preceded by a considerable, the blank is reserved for a noun, Of tne four choices, only cifference Is a neun 5, (C)eceived ~ The presence of from implies that ‘We got something, "The sentence lalks about how much of the product the company selis. For this siuation, "We use @ sum of money + worth followed by of ‘procueugoods. PART 7 1. (O)A kind of transportation 2 (©) 1300 Batvares 3. (C) Reaiile competion 4.(8) Ten 5. (©) Once a week 6. (O) Less than $2.00 7. (8)A map 8. (A) Areniteotuce 9. (C) He wants to stan a one-year subscription 10. (D) He thinks i would be wastetul 6.14) UNIT® PART 1 4, (A) The athletes are playing a game. 2. (C) The hood ofthe car's raised. 3, (C) There is no one inthe kitchen 4, (6) The butter is next to the toaster. 5. (B) The woman is walking her dog PART 2 1. (B)My dreams to have a bar in tne Bahamas 2. (A) Sometimes three nignis a week, 3. (C)No, ho is always late 4. (C)Ill be right mere 5. (B) | don't near anything PART 3. 4. (A) Song a package 2. (0) Friday 3. (C)Itis already closed, (A) At he bakery 5.(C) They look delicious. 6. (6) Near the subway station PART 4 1. (C)A television program 2 (0) Romance and drama 3. (B) Weeknights 4. (8) Plans for a meeting 5, (B) Call her back 6. (8) 8y caling fer offee or cell hone PARTS: 1, (A) not ~ The presence of words like recommend, Insist, require, demand, etc. asks the verb of their object clause to be a base form, and negation of the object clause invalves adding a negative ko not just before the verb. 2, (C)0 did ~ We oan use so with a meaning similar to also, especialy in the structs of s+ auxiliary + subject. Thus $0 does and so did are the best candidates for the sentence; ofthe two, however, so did ispreterred over so does because ihe two coordinated clauses should ‘meet parallelism in terms of tense, 3. (0) Would ~ We use woutd very often to make offers with verbs such as lke and prefer 4. (8) tying ~ Since the focus is on what the managers {are now doing, an -ing form, Le, Kings most ‘appropriate for the sentence. Note that due to lack (of 8 conjunction, he's “ping s not approprate. 5. (A) has already been ~ Adverbs of certainty and ‘completeness (probably, certainly, already, ‘almost, as well as adverbs of requency (often, ‘occasionally, never), Occur alter aviary verbs: however, they occur betore ether verbs. Therelore has already doen best completes the sentence. 6. (G}1S — AS the gender of ane member is identied tobe male, fis is defintely most appropriate for the sentence. Theirs 901 appropriate forthe blank, because the subject i sigur. 7, }coming - The blank needs a simple -ing form; ‘we do nol use having + -ed in a phrase or clause led by since meaning from a certain ‘Specified timo, 8. (A) taking — The word busy is folowed either by with “+ nou or by an ving form, 9, (C)bus | should take ~ In indirect questions, we do Pot put an auxiliary vero before the subjec. When the question word is used ike a determiner, it should be immesiately followed by a oun. 10, (A) ice as much as = When words like twice, throe times, ec. are used with the as .. as comparison, they Cecur just before the first as 11. a) eter ~ As itis a negative sentenos, either is ‘most appropriate forthe blank. Note that 100s, used in an affirmative sentence 12, (O)take ~ We use take with a shower, a tax, etc 13, (D)scheduling ~ The word busy is followed either by with + noun or by an ing form, 14, (Djuntl~ As the possibla meaning of the sentence is thal ihe fre alarm went off ater tne whole building hag caught ie, untilis most appropiate did not... until means did only after. 18, () for ~ Care's used with for to moan ihe. PART 6 1. (Aj next ~ I's clear trom tne context that the sale will go on forthe folowing seven days, Thus next 's mote appropriate. 2. (C)otfaxing ~ Since Quick Maris temporarily galing ‘90008 at hal the prices, an ~ing form is needed for the biank 3. (B) another ~ We use another (meaning an adkstianal ‘r extra) when we choose one more aul of seve, 4. (8) ate taking ~ The Sentence mentions a tendency for people to do 2 cenain thing, as indicated by the presence of these days. TO tak about a tendency that may last forthe time being, we use the present progressive tense. 5. (C}for ~ The word responsible is used with foro mean in charge of 6. (C)are ~ The presence of these days in ie preceding ‘clause says thatthe blank is reserved for the present tense; moreover, the number of the voro fa thore-consirucion is determined by the numer ‘of the noun or naun phase that fllows tne vero Sinoe flowed by many DIY home improvement ‘Books, the bank must be filed with are, PART 7 1. (G) Spocial exercises 2.(O) Ina few years 3 {0)$2.00 (A) Monsoon Wedding 5. (8) $7.00 6. (B) To reinstate two contestanis 7.(8) Two 8. (4) Former contestants on Wannabe 8. (8) A television viewer 10. (C) New judges arenes toy @

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