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Early and Late Bone-Marrow

Changes After Irradiation:
MR Evaluation

Susan K. Stevens1’2 Knowledge of the chronologic evolution of bone-marrow changes during and after
Sheila G. Moore1 radiation therapy is essential in differentiating normal postradiation changes from other

Irving D. Kaplan3 marrow abnormalities. The appearance of the lumbar vertebral bone marrow was studied
on 55 serial spin-echo and short-TI inversion-recovery (STIR) MR images obtained in
American Journal of Roentgenology 1990.154:745-750.

14 patients receiving radiation therapy for Hodgkin disease, seminoma, or prostate

carcinoma. Images were obtained before, at weekly intervals during, and at various
monthly intervals up to 14 months after a 3- to 6-week course of fractionated paraver-
tebral lymph-node irradiation of 1500-5000 rad (15-50 Gy). During the first 2 weeks of
therapy, there was no definite change in the appearance of the marrow on spin-echo
images; however, there was an increase in signal intensity on the STIR images, appar-
ently reflecting early marrow edema and necrosis. Between weeks 3 and 6, the marrow
showed an increasingly heterogeneous signal and prominence of the signal from central
marrow fat, shown best on Ti-weighted images. Late marrow patterns (6 weeks to 14
months after therapy) varied and consisted of either homogeneous fatty replacement or
a band pattern of peripheral intermediate signal intensity, possibly representing hema-
topoietic marrow surrounding the central marrow fat. No focal marrow lesions or soft-
tissue edema were identified during the course of radiation therapy; their presence
should raise the possibility of the presence of a pathologic process other than radiation
These data suggest that MR can detect radiation-induced marrow changes as early
as 2 weeks after starting therapy, and that there are at least two distinct types of late
marrow MR patterns.

AJR 154:745-750, April 1990

MR imaging has been shown to be a useful technique in the evaluation of bone

marrow. Studies using both spin-echo and chemical-shift imaging techniques to
show marrow changes in response to radiation therapy have reported bright signal
intensity within vertebral marrow on Ti -weighted and out-of-phase images. This
bright marrow signal is thought to represent fatty infiltration after radiation therapy
Received August 14, 1989; accepted after revi- [1 -4]. Marrow changes correspond to the boundaries of the radiation portals and
sion November 7, 1989. have been detected as early as 9 days after completion of a month-long course of
Presented at the annual meeting of the American
radiation therapy [1].
Roentgen Ray Society, New Orleans, May 1989.
Although the appearance of acute radiation changes in marrow on MR images
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Felix
has been described in patients receiving fractionated total body irradiation [5, 6],
Bloch Laboratory, Stanford University Medical Cen-
ter, Room S-052, Stanford, CA 94305-5105. Ad- these findings are complicated by simultaneous bone-marrow transplantation and
dress reprint requests to S. G. Mcore. do not necessarily represent changes that will be seen in patients not receiving
2 Present address: Department of Radiology. transplants. No current knowledge of the chronologic evolution of the MR appear-
University of Califomia School of Medicine, Univer-
ance of early marrow changes after fractionated localized radiation therapy exists.
sity of California at San Francisco, San Francisco,
CA 94143. In order to determine the spectrum of appearances of normal marrow on MR
Department of Radiation/Oncology, Stanford
imaging in the first days and weeks as well as several months after institution of
University Medical Center, Stanford, CA 94305. radiation therapy, we conducted a prospective study evaluating the lumbar vertebral
0361 -803X/90/1 544-0745
marrow of 1 4 patients receiving incidental radiation to otherwise normal vertebral
C American Roentgen Ray Society bodies.
746 STEVENS ET AL. AJR:154, April 1990

TABLE 1: Summary of Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy

Radiatio n Therapy
Diagnosis/Case No. Age Days of MRb
Dosea Duration
(rad) (weeks)
Hodgkin disease
1 45 3990 5 -25,1,21,28, 35
2 26 4020 5 0, 8, 16, 22, 390
3 26 4020 5 9, 17, 24, 379
4 17 4050 5 0, 8, 23, 36, 420
5 41 4380 6 79, 136, 199, 339
6 38 4400 5 190
7 73 3600 6 180,281
8 49 4385 5 -1, 24, 31, 141
9 13 1500 6 0,9,15,84
10 33 4400 5 -10, 3, 35
11 34 3000 3 0, 1 0, 1 7, 24, 73
12 39 3090 3 0, 8, 15, 22, 53
Prostate cancer
13 70 5000 6 20, 24, 34, 46
14 68 5000 6 1 0, 23, 36, 42

Note-Chemotherapy had been administered previously in three cases: Adriamycin, bleomycin, vinbiastine, and
dacarbazine in cases 8-1 0 and, in addition, nitrogen mustard, Oncovin, procarbazine, and prednisone in cases 9 and
American Journal of Roentgenology 1990.154:745-750.

a 80-200 rad (1 .8-2 Gy)/day when administered.
b Days after starting radiation therapy.

Subjects and Methods intensity on Ti -weighted images and/or increased signal intensity on
STIR images were seen.
Fifty-five MR examinations of the lumbar spine in 14 patients 13-
Ti and T2 relaxation times of vertebral marrow were calculated
73 years old were performed with a 0.38-T resistive magnet (RX
from the spin-echo images. Ti relaxation time was calculated by
4000, Resonex, Sunnyvale, CA). Patients were imaged before and
using successive approximation to fit the acquired data to an expo-
during a 3- to 6-week course of fractionated paravertebral lymph-
nential curve based on the signal strength acquired for two different
node irradiation for either Hodgkin disease, seminoma, or prostate
values of TR. T2 relaxation time was calculated by using the signal-
carcinoma. Patients were screened with either bone scans, bone-
intensity measurements for two different TEs and the assumption
marrow biopsies, or CT prior to receiving radiation and were found
that hydrogen, TR, and Ti are constant. Signal strength is therefore
to have no evidence of marrow disease. Three patients received a 4-
proportional to exp(-TE/T2) [7]. The regions of interest used in
week course of chemotherapy 2-4 weeks before starting their course
calculating the relaxation times included all vertebral marrow from Li
of radiation therapy, at which time peripheral blood counts were
through L5 shown on any particular image, provided the vertebral
normal. These patients had not had MR scans before receiving
body was not near the edge of the coil. Discrete central areas of
chemotherapy. Clinical data are summarized in Table 1.
marrow were measured for each vertebral body; care was taken not
Sagittal spin-echo Ti -weighted, 300/30,75 (TRITE), and T2-
to include disk or posterior spinous ligaments. In each case the
weighted, 2000/30,75, images were obtained by using 1 0-mm-thick
individual regions of interest consisted of more than 40 pixels, with
slices with a 20% gap between consecutive sections. Ten and two
an average standard deviation of calculated relaxation times of less
acquisitions were obtained for Ti - and T2-weighted images, respec-
than i 0%. Statistical analysis of the calculated Ti and T2 relaxation
tively, with a 256 x 256 image matrix. In addition to spin-echo
times as a function of time after institution of radiation therapy was
imaging, short-Ti inversion-recovery (STIR) images, 1 500/i 00/30
performed by using the sign test.
(TR/Tl/TE), were obtained. Two averages were acquired with a 256
Pathologic specimens for correlation with the MR findings were
x 256 image matrix. Patients were imaged before the onset of
not obtained from any of our patients during the course of radiation
radiation therapy, weekly for 4-6 weeks, and at various monthly
therapy, as none of our patients had evidence of tumor involvement
intervals up to 1 4 months thereafter. Not every patient was imaged
of the marrow when irradiation was initiated. Patients were monitored
during every time interval, however, and in three patients the first
with serial blood chemistries, complete blood counts, and chest and
MR scan was obtained 6 or more weeks after starting irradiation
plain abdominal radiographs. No patient showed evidence of clinical
(Table 1).
disease immediately after the course of irradiation, and the four
Data were analyzed by using an intensity grading system. For
patients imaged 1 year or more after receiving radiation therapy were
spin-echo images, a grade 1 signal intensity was given to the marrow
all disease-free at the time of their last MR scan.
if the marrow signal intensity was equal to that of muscle, a grade 2
signal intensity was given to the marrow if the signal intensity of the
marrow was greater than that of muscle but less than that of fat, and
a grade 3 signal intensity was given to the marrow if the marrow Results
signal intensity was equal to that of fat (fatty marrow). In addition to
a signal-intensity grade, homogeneity or heterogeneity of the marrow, Spin-Echo Imaging
as well as the presence or absence of surrounding soft tissue or disk
edema, were noted. Edema of the soft tissues or intervertebral disk The appearance of the bone marrow on Ti -weighted spin-
was considered present if increased signal intensity on T2-weighted echo images essentially did not change during days 1-10
spin-echo images with corresponding intermediate to low signal after the institution of radiation therapy in six of seven patients

imaged. The marrow signal intensity remained either equal to surrounding a central zone of bright signal intensity. In half of
or greater than that of muscle but less than that of fat, our patients imaged more than 6 weeks after radiation therapy
depending on the signal intensity of the marrow before ther- was started, the homogeneous pattern of diffusely increased
apy. Between days 1 1 and 24, there was either no change in signal intensity developed (Fig. 2); in the other half, the band
the appearance of the marrow (five of 1 1 patients) or there pattern developed (Fig. 3). Those who manifested the late
was a slight increase in the amount of central fat (six of 11 marrow band pattern were slightly younger (age range, 13-
patients). Between weeks 3 and 6, the most consistent 39 vs 34-73) than those exhibiting the homogeneous pattern.
changes were either increasing heterogeneity of the marrow Of those who developed the late band pattern, two-thirds
(four of 1 0 patients) or an increase in the central marrow fat (four of six) had homogeneous marrow before receiving radia-
(six of 1 0 patients). The earliest detectable increase in signal tion; the other third had a heterogeneous or a bandlike
intensity on Ti-weighted images occurred on day 8; by 6 pattern. Of those who developed the late homogeneous
weeks after the initiation of radiation therapy, increased signal marrow pattern, four of six initially had homogeneous marrow;
intensity and evidence of early fatty infiltration were seen in the other two had heterogeneous preradiation marrow. Both
all but one of the 1 1 patients imaged (Fig. 1). From week 6 marrow patterns were seen at all radiation doses with two
onward this heterogeneous marrow pattern evolved in one of exceptions: the homogeneous pattern only was identified in
two ways: either it became progressively homogeneous with the two patients receiving 5000 rad (50 Gy) for prostate
fairly diffuse bright signal intensity or it developed into a band carcinoma, and the band pattern only was noted in the single
pattern with a peripheral region of intermediate signal intensity child receiving 1 500 rad (1 5 Gy) (Fig. 4).
Prior chemotherapy appeared to have no effect on deter-
mining which marrow pattern ultimately developed. Of the
three patients who had received chemotherapy (all of whom
American Journal of Roentgenology 1990.154:745-750.

had Hodgkin disease), marrow patterns before and after

irradiation changed from heterogeneous to homogeneous,
homogeneous to heterogeneous, and remained heteroge-
neous in patients aged 49, 33, and 1 3 years, respectively.
MR T2-weighted images during the first 21 days of radiation
iNo Change From Pre-Scan
OF therapy showed either no change (six of 1 1 patients) or a
si on Tlwrs
subtle increase in signal intensity in the marrow suggesting
edema and/or necrosis (five of 1 1 patients). During weeks 3-
6, there was either no change in the marrow (six of 10
patients) or the emergence of a mottled pattern of intermedi-
ate signal intensity greater than that of muscle but less than
0-3 3-6
that of fat (four of 1 0 patients); this appearance either re-
WEEKS AFTER INITIATION OF RADIATION THERAPY mained unchanged or became more homogeneous at time
points more than 6 weeks after starting radiation therapy.
Fig. 1.-Time of initial appearance of increased signal intensity (SI) on
TI-weighted images (T1WI’s), indicating replacement by fatty marrow. Pre-
No focal marrow lesions were seen at any time during or
scan = scan obtained before irradiation. after the course of radiation therapy. There was no evidence

Fig. 2.-Sagittal TI-weighted spin-echo images (300/30) of lumbar spine in 34-year-old patient with seminoma.
A, Before radiation therapy.
B and C, 24 (B) and 73 (C) days after initiation of radiation therapy. Note evolution of homogeneous marrow pattern with increased signal intensity.
748 STEVENS ET AL. AJR:154, April1990

Fig. 3.-A and B, Ti-weighted images (300/

30) of 17-year-old patient with Hodgkin disease
before (A) and 14 months after (B) 4050 red (41
Gy) to lumbar spine. Peripheral zone of inter-
mediate/low signal intensity surrounds central
marrow fat.

marrow was detectable on the STIR images at the same time

that it was noted on the Ti -weighted images. In the two
exceptions, increased-signal-intensity fatty infiltration on Ti -

weighted images was seen approximately 2 weeks sooner

American Journal of Roentgenology 1990.154:745-750.

than the decrease in signal intensity on the STIR images.

rA ws
Relaxation Times

Ti and T2 relaxation times were calculated and plotted as

a function of time after institution of radiation therapy. There
was a trend toward an increase in Ti relaxation time within
the first 3 weeks after radiation therapy, but this was not
statistically significant. No discernible pattern in T2 relaxation
3000 4000 4400
TOTAL DOSE IN RAD time was seen (Fig. 7).

Fig. 4.-Typo of late (6 weeks after initiation of radiation therapy)

marrow pattern observed according to total dose of radiation received. Discussion

Several studies describing the initial effects of localized

of edema in the soft tissues or intervertebral disks on T2- irradiation on both the histologic structure and hematopoietic
weighted images in any of the patients. function of bone marrow have already been reported [8].
Although Lehar et al. [9] described dramatic reductions in
cellularity in the first 16 days after 2000 rad (20 Gy) of localized
STIR Imaging
radiation therapy for breast, lung, and esophageal carcinoma,
On the STIR images there was an increase in signal inten- their study did not evaluate marrow changes beyond this
sity of the vertebral marrow (greater than fat, less than or time. Knospe et al. [i 0] described the histologic effects of a
equal to fluid) appearing at various times between days 7 and single dose of 2000-i 0,000 rad (20-1 00 Gy) of localized
24, with a peak incidence 9 days after initiation of radiation radiation therapy to rat bone marrow observed from 24 hr to
therapy. This increase in signal intensity was seen in nine of 1 year after treatment. At 2000 rad (20 Gy) they reported an
the 1 0 patients who underwent STIR imaging in the first 3 initial uniform depression of marrow cellularity with disruption
weeks after starting radiation therapy. From weeks 3 through of the sinusoids, edema, and hemorrhage within the first
6, there was a progressive decrease in signal intensity of the week. There was a subsequent increase in hematopoietic
vertebral marrow in all patients, and heterogeneity was noted activity as well as an increase in marrow cellularity during the
in five of nine. After 6 weeks, two marrow patterns evolved: second week, postulated to represent an influx of cells from
patients who manifested the late fatty homogeneous marrow remote unirradiated areas. A concomitant increase in fatlike
pattern on Ti -weighted images exhibited diffusely decreased material was seen. At i -3 months, marrow cellularity as well
signal intensity on the STIR images; those whose marrow as the number of marrow sinusoids were decreased. Endos-
demonstrated the late band pattern of peripheral intermediate teal fibrosis was also noted. At 6 months, evidence was
signal intensity and central increased signal intensity on Ti- present of both hematopoietic and sinusoidal regeneration.
weighted images showed reciprocal changes on STIR images We found characteristic MR changes in lumbar vertebral
consisting of a peripheral zone of bright signal intensity alter- marrow following localized radiation therapy; this may reflect
nating with a central region of low signal intensity (Figs. 5 and some of the findings noted on pathologic examination. Little
6). In all but two patients, postradiation fatty infiltration of the change was seen in signal intensity of the vertebral marrow

Fig. 5.-A-C, STIR Images (1500/100/30) of 33-year-old Hodgkin disease patient before irradiation (A) and at 3 (B) and 35 (C) days after Initiation of
4400 rad (44 Gy) paravertebral lymph-node irradIation. Diffusely increased signal Intensity represents edema on day 4 compared wIth pretherapy scan.
By day 36 (C), decreased signal from central marrow fat Is seen.
American Journal of Roentgenology 1990.154:745-750.

Fig. 6.-A and B, Ti-weighted, 300/30 (A),

and STIR, 1500/100/30 (B), Images of lower lum-
bar spine in 70-year-old patient with prostate
carcinoma 46 days after Initiating a 6-week
course of 5000 red (50 Gy). Diffusely homoge-
neous bright signal Intensity on Ti-weighted im-
age corresponds to identical region of de-
creased signal intensity on STIR image.

on the spin-echo images within the first 3 weeks after radiation

therapy in most of the patients; however, on STIR images,
an increase in signal intensity was noted during this time,
which may reflect early cellular edema and hemorrhage as
well as the early influx of unirradiated cells suggested in the
report of Knospe et al. [1 0]. T2-weighted images were less
0 useful in evaluating marrow changes than either Ti -weighted
U) or STIR images because of a loss of appreciable contrast
between the increased-signal-intensity red marrow and de-
creased-signal-intensity fatty marrow on the second echo of
the T2-weighted sequence.
In most patients, a heterogeneous pattern of mottled mar-
row developed by week 3. The heterogeneous pattern of the
vertebral marrow in some cases was dominated by a predom-
inance of central fat surrounding the basivertebral vein. Be-
tween weeks 3 and 6 the pattern of either diffusely hetero-
geneous vertebral marrow or marrow with a predominance
of central fat persisted and often became more pronounced.
DAYS AFTER INITIATION OF RADIATION THERAPY Three to six weeks also corresponds to the time when
Fig. 7.-Calculated Ti relaxation time as a function of time after insti- pathologic changes consisting of decreased marrow cellular-
tution of radiation therapy for individual patients. ity, marrow healing, and regeneration of fatty marrow are
750 STEVENS ET AL. AJR:154, April 1990

seen. The MR findings of heterogeneous low and high signal Finally, we saw no evidence of focal marrow lesions in any
intensity would therefore appear to correspond with fibrosis of our patients, nor was there any soft-tissue or intervertebral-
and fat infiltration, although direct pathologic correlation is disk edema. The presence of focal spinal lesions or soft-tissue
needed for confirmation. edema should raise the possibility of a metastatic lesion or
Half of our patients developed a late (6-week after therapy) other abnormality after radiation therapy including radiation
homogeneous pattern of diffusely increased signal intensity necrosis.
representing diffuse fatty infiltration. This is a pattern that has
been described previously [1 , 2]. However, the other half of
our patients developed a band pattern of peripheral interme-
diate signal intensity with central increased-signal-intensity ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
marrow surrounding the basivertebral vein, which may rep- We thank Lincoln Moses for statistical analysis, Michelle Gaudette
resent peripheral hematopoietic marrow with central marrow and Neal Duenas for valuable contributions, and Mark Riesenberger
fat. This pattern has not been reported previously. We saw and Ann McGrath for assistance in manuscript preparation.
the band pattern in our younger patients, suggesting the
possibility that the ability of marrow to regenerate after radia-
tion therapy may be age-dependent [i 1 ]. The appearance of
a late band pattern in our younger patients that was identical REFERENCES
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