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173 partners, 45 countries
Updated September 2021.


Canada Morocco
- University of British Columbia - Sauder School of Business - Vancouver - AUI, Al Akhawayn University - Ifrane
- University of Calgary - Haskayne School of Business - Calgary, Alberta
- Concordia University - Montreal, Quebec South Africa
- Université Laval, Faculté des Sciences de l’Administration - Québec - Stellenbosch University - Bellville - Cape Town
- Ottawa University - Telfer School of Management
- Université du Québec à Montréal - ESG - Montreal
- Queen’s University, Smith School of Business - Kingston, Ontario
- Ryerson University - Ted Rogers School of Business - Toronto, Ontario
- York University - Schulich School of Business - Toronto, Ontario ASIA
-U  niversity of Victoria (UVic) School of Business - Victoria, British Columbia
- University of Western Ontario - Richard Ivey School of Business - London, China & Hong Kong
Ontario - NEW 2021 City University of Hong Kong - CityU
- Fudan University, School of Management - Shanghai
United States
- Peking University (PKU) - Guanghua School of Business - Beijing (DD)
- Emory University, Goizueta Business School - Atlanta, Georgia
- Florida Atlantic University - The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- George Washington University (GWU) - Washington - The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- Iowa State University, College of Business - Ames, Iowa - The University of Nanjing - Nanjing
- Texas A&M University, Mays Business School - College Station - Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Antai College (DD)
- University of Louisville College of Business - Louisville, Kentucky - Tongji University SEM - Shanghai (DD)
- Marquette University College of Business Administration - Wisconsin - Tsinghua University - Beijing
-N  EW 2021 UC Berkeley Extension - Berkeley Global - California * - Xi’An Jiaotong University, School of Management - Shaanxi
- University of Michigan, Ross School of Business - Ann Arbor - Zhejiang University, School of Management - Hangzhou
- University of North Carolina, Kenan-Flagler Business School - Chapel Hill
- University of North Florida, Coggin College of Business - Jacksonville
- Northeastern University, D’Amore-McKim School of Business - Boston - Symbiosis International University - Pune
- University of Northern Iowa - Cedar Falls, Iowa Japan
-N  EW 2021 University of Southern California, USC Marshall School of - Hitotsubashi University - Tokyo
Business - Los Angeles, California - Keio University - Tokyo (DD)
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Lally School of Management - Troy - Kobe University, School of Business Administration - Kobe
- University of Richmond, Robins School of Business - Richmond, Virginia - Osaka University, School of Economics - Osaka
- San Diego State University - San Diego, California - Sophia University - Tokyo
- University of South Carolina (USC) - Darla Moore Business School - Columbia - Waseda University School of Commerce - Tokyo
-U  niversity of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin School of Business- Madison
- Tulane University, Freeman School of Business - New Orleans, Louisiana Malaysia
- Monash University Malaysia - Bandar Sunway
- Nanyang Technological University
LATIN AMERICA - Singapore Management University
- National University of Singapore
- Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE) - Buenos Aires South Korea
- Universidad Austral - Buenos Aires or Pilar Campus - Korea University Business School - Seoul
- Universidad Austral - Rosario - Seoul National University, College of Business Administration
- Universidad del CEMA (UCEMA) - Buenos Aires - SolBridge International School of Business - Daejeon
- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Córdoba - Yonsei University - Seoul (DD)
- Universidad Torcuato di Tella - Buenos Aires
Brazil - National Chengchi University, College of Commerce - Taipei
- FGV EAESP - São Paulo - National Taiwan University - Taipei
- Fundaçao Gétulio Vargas (FGV) EBAPE - Rio de Janeiro (DD)
- Pontifica Universidade Católica (PUC) - Curitiba Thailand
- Pontifica Universidade Católica (PUC) - Rio de Janeiro - Chulalongkorn University - Bangkok
- USP, School of Economics, Business and Accountancy - São Paulo - Mahidol University International College - Bangkok
- Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez - Santiago or Viña del Mar campus
- Universidad de Chile, School of Economics and Business - Santiago
Colombia OCEANIA
- Universidad de Los Andes, School of Management - Bogotá
Mexico Australia
- Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) - Mexico - Monash University - Melbourne
- T ecnológico de Monterrey - Guadalajara, Puebla, Queretaro or Mexico campus - The University of New South Wales - Sydney
Peru - The University of Queensland - Brisbane
- ESAN Peru - Lima - The University of Western Australia - Perth
- PUC del Peru - Lima New Zealand
Uruguay - University of Auckland
- Universidad ORT - Montevideo - Victoria University of Wellington

* For cohort program only


Austria Portugal
- University of Economics and Business (WU) - Vienna - Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Lisbon
- Universidade Nova SBE de Lisboa - Lisbon
- KU Leuven - Faculty of Economics and Business (KUL) Russia
- Louvain School of Management (UCL) - Mons - Higher School of Economics - Moscow or St Petersburg campus
- Plekhanov Russian University of Economics - Moscow (DD)
- Zagreb School of Economics - Zagreb Slovenia
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics - Ljubljana
Czech Republic
- University of Economics, Prague (VSE) Spain
- Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat d’Economia i Empresa - Barcelona
Denmark - Universidad Carlos III (UC3M) - Madrid
- Aarhus University, S​ chool of Business and Social Sciences (BSS) - Aarhus - Escuela Superior de Gestión Comercial y Marketing (ESIC) - Madrid (DD)
- Copenhagen Business School - Copenhagen - IE Business School - Madrid
Finland - IQS - Universitat Ramón Llull - Barcelona
- Aalto University - Helsinki - Universidad de Navarra, School of Economics and Business Administration
- Turku School of Economics - Turku - Pamplona
- Universidad Pública de Navarra - Pamplona
Germany - Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Escola Superior de Comerç International (ESCI)
- Fachhochschule Dortmund (DD) - Barcelona
- Frankfurt School of Finance and Management - Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Faculty of Economics and Business
- Hochschule Regensburg, University of Applied Sciences - Barcelona
- Ludwig Maximilians Universität - München - Universidad Pontificia Comillas, ICADE - Madrid
- Universität Mannheim - Universidad de Salamanca - Salamanca
- Pforzheim University
- RWTH Aachen University, School of Business & Economics Sweden
- WHU - Otto Beisheim, School of Management - Koblenz - University of Gothenburg School of Business, Economics and Law -
Hungary - Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) - Jönköping
- Corvinus University of Budapest - Budapest - Linköpings Universitet, School of Management - Linköping
- International Business School - Budapest - Lunds Universitet - Lund
Ireland - Stockholms Universitet SBS - Stockholm
- University College Dublin, Quinn School of Business - Stockholm School of Economics - Stockholm
- Trinity College Dublin Switzerland
Italy - University of St. Gallen (HSG) - St Gallen
- Ca’Foscari University of Venice - Venice - University of Zurich - Zurich
- Università degli studi di Firenze - Florence Turkey
- Università degli studi di Torino, School of Management, SAA - Turin - Bogaziçi Üniversitesi, Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences -
- Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi - Milan Istanbul
- LUISS Guido Carli - Rome - Koç Üniversitesi - Istanbul
Netherlands United Kingdom
- Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University - Aston University, ABS - Birmingham
- Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University - Rotterdam - University of Bath School of Management- Bath
- University of Groningen, FEB - Groningen - Cardiff University Business School - Cardiff, Wales
- Hogeschool van Amsterdam, School of Economics and Management - City, University of London, Bayes Business School - London
- IBS, Hanze University - Groningen - University College London, UCL - London
- University of Maastricht - University of Durham, Durham Business School - Durham
- Radboud University, Nijmegen School of Management - Nijmegen - University of Edinburgh Business School - Edinburgh, Scotland
Norway - University of Hull - Hull
- BI Norwegian School of Management - Oslo - King’s College, King’s Business School, London
- Norwegian School of Economics & Business Administration (NHH) - Bergen - University of Leeds, LUBS - Leeds
- Newcastle University Business School - Newcastle
Poland - University of Reading, Henley Business School - Reading
- Cracow University of Economics - Royal Holloway, University of London - Egham, Surrey
- Kozminski University - Warsaw - Sheffield Hallam University - Sheffield
- SGH, Warsaw School of Economics - University of Kent, KBS - Canterbury
- University of Stirling - Stirling, Scotland
- University of Surrey, Surrey Business School - Guildford
- University of Warwick, WBS - Coventry

- IDC Herzliya Arison School of Business - Tel Aviv
- Kuwait University Business School
- ESA Business School - Beirut (DD)

DD = Double Degree

AACSB accredited institution

EQUIS accredited institution
EPAS accredited institution (International Business and Management

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