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Project Plan Grading Rubric

GRADE 4 — Make a your own project plan about putting up your own ornamental
plant shop.

5 4 3 2 1
Grammar & Clear, concise Adequate Poor Very poor
Mechanics sentences. sentence sentence sentence
No grammatical Mostly clear, structure but may structure. structure,
errors. concise require editing for Writing may and/or Uses
sentences. clarity/wordiness. be wordy or inappropriate
May have some Some difficult to language or
minor grammatical follow in language that is
grammatical errors, but these
places. too informal.
errors. do not impede
understanding. Many Significant
grammatical grammatical
errors. errors.

Project Plan provides a Plan lists all the General

Plan lists most of Plan lists some
Details precise amount project statement that
the project goal, of the project
of details about goal, scope, lacks sufficient
scope, goal, scope,
the project deliverables, detail to assure
goal, scope, deliverables, mutual
milestones, and and
deliverables, milestones, and understanding
risks. milestones,
milestones, and of project
risks. and risks.
risks. direction.

Organization Document is Document is Document is Document is Document is not

well formatted formatted as a formatted as missing a formatted or
section, organized
and well project plan. required but its
exhibits according to
organized. The order in organization could formatting assignment
The document which be improved. issues, or the requirements.
presents information is The plan does not sections are
information in a presented can be present order in an
information in a illogical way.
logical order. improved, but is
logical way easy
The headings understandable. for the reader to
are appropriate Most headings understand.
and have are appropriate.

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