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1- Definition.
2- Function.
3- Classifications.
4- Diseases associated with synapse.
• Definition: It is a specialized area of
functional contact between neurons/neuron
and effector cell.
• Function: Transmission of nerve impulses
from presynaptic neuron to postsynaptic
neuron or to an effector cell.
Classification of synapses
I- According to components
1- Axodendritic:
Between an axon and a dendrite.
Common in nervous system.
2- Axosomatic:
Between an axon & a cell body.
Common in nervous system.
3- Dendrodendritic:
Between two dendrites.
4- Axoaxonic:
Between two axons.
Classification of synapses
II- According to the effect on the target neurons
1- Excitatory: when the stimulus at the
synapse depolarizes the postsynaptic
2- Inhibitory: when the stimulus at the
synapse hyperpolarizes the postsynaptic
Classification of synapses
III- According to the histological structure of the synapse
A- Electrical synapse:
Predominance: Few in nervous system.
Structure: gap junctions.
Function: It allows movement of ions
between neurons(electrical coupling), thus
permits the direct spread of electrical
current from one cell to the other cell.
Transmission of impulses: Direct, does not
require the release of neurotransmitters
Classification of synapses
III- According to the histological structure of the synapse
B- Chemical synapse:
The most common in nervous system.
1- Terminal bouton (synaptic knob):
 It is an expanded terminal end of the axon.
Contains numerous mitochondria& synaptic
vesicles containing neurotransmitter.
2- Presynaptic membrane: It is the membrane of
the axon terminal at the site of the synapse.
Classification of synapses
III- According to the histological structure of the synapse
3- Synaptic cleft:
It is a space of 20 nm between the presynaptic &
the postsynaptic membranes.
It contains the released neurotransmitter.
4- Postsynaptic membrane:
It is the membrane of the target neuron at the
site of the synapse.
It contains the specific receptors for the
Transmission of impulses: Indirect, requires the
release of neurotransmitters &unidirectional.
Types of synapses Electrical synapse Chemical synapse
1- Predominance Less common in nervous system. Most common in nervous system.

2- Structure Gap junction.  Terminal bouton.

 Presynaptic membrane.
 Synaptic cleft.
 Postsynaptic membrane.

3- Transmission of  Direct.  Indirect.

impulse  Does not require the release of  Requires the release of neurotransmitters.
neurotransmitters.  Unidirectional.
 Bidirectional.
Which statement is describing the electrical synapse?

1- It allows transmission of impulse in one direction.

2- It is common between neurons.
3- It requires the presence of two functioning connexons between two
adjacent cells.
4- It requires a neurotransmitter release.
Which statement is describing the electrical synapse?

1- It allows transmission of impulse in one direction.

2- It is common between neurons.
3- It requires the presence of two functioning connexons between two
adjacent cells.
4- It requires a neurotransmitter release.

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