Day1 Genmath Patawe DLP

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School Emilia Ambalada Poblete Integrated High Grade Level 11

Practice Ericka Lalaine S. Patawe Learning Area General Mathematics
Teaching Date Week 7 – October 10-14, 2022 Quarter First

Month of October DAY 1

Section and Time October 10, 2022
HE1 & ICT3: 8:00 – 9:00 am
October 11, 2022
ABM1: 9:15 – 10:15 am
DATE October 10-11, 2022
MELCs Represents real-life situations using exponential functions.

Distinguishes between exponential function, exponential equation, and exponential inequalities.

I.OBJECTIVES 1. Define exponential function, exponential equation and exponential inequalities;
2.Distinguish exponential function, exponential equation, and exponential inequality;
3. Illustrate exponential functions that represent real-life situations; and
4. Appreciate exponential function in real-life situation.
II.CONTENT Real-life Situation Using Exponential Function;
Exponential Function, Exponential Equation and Exponential Inequalities
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 Senior High School Core Curriculum – General Mathematics May 2016
Pages CLMD4A Budget of Work v3.0 2021 Edition in General Mathematics.
2. Learner’s Materials General Mathematics Quarter 1 Module 16
Pages General Mathematics Quarter 1 Module 17
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
IV.PROCEDURE Preliminaries
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Response
A. Introduction Good morning, class!
Good morning, Ms. Ericka
Please all stand for a prayer.
(The student will lead the prayer)

Before you take your seats please arrange your chair properly
and see to it that there is no trash under your chair.

(The students will arrange their chairs and pick up pieces of trash)
You may now take your seats. Is everyone present today?

Great! That’s good to hear. Yes, ma’am.

Let me remind you that we have class rule.

A – Actively participate in class

R – Respect each other
N – Name before you recite

Are we clear?
Yes, ma’am.
Let's take a moment to recap the last topic we talked about at
our last meeting before we properly begin our lesson.

What was our lesson last meeting, class?

Last meeting ma’am, we talked about function as well as its

That’s right. Can you define what inverse function is?

An inverse function is a function that undoes the action of another

function ma’am.
kay, very good.
So, what about the steps when we are
solving inverse function
Okay, very good.
So, what about the steps when we are
solving inverse function?
Okay, very good. So, what about the steps when we First, we will replace f(x) with y. Then we will interchange x and
are solving inverse function? y. After that we will solve for y. Lastly, we will replace y with
f ( x) .

So, class as I can see you understood
our last topic and you are now ready for No, ma’am
our next topic.
Excellent! Now that you understood our last topic, you are now
ready for our next topic. But before that, let’s have a game first.

Are you familiar with the game NAME IT?

where you should figure out what
mathematical words can you formed by
adding or instruction. Name it is a picture analysis classwhere
you should figure out whatmathematical words can you
formed byadding or subtracting the names of the givenpicture.

If that’s the case, let me read first the instruction.

NAME IT is a picture analysis where you should figure out

what mathematical words can you formed by adding or
subtracting the names of the given picture.
Yes, ma’am.


So the answer is formula.

Do you get it, class?

Now, it’s your turn. EQUATION,ma’am

What is the mathematical word being depict in
the screen
What is the mathematical word being depict in the screen?

Very Good! You are correct.

BASE ma’am

How about this one?



The mathematical words that we found out are all connected to


Very good. It seems like you are good at picture analysis.

Those mathematical word presented have a

connection to our topic today and I hope it
energized you all. (The student will read the objectives of the lesson)
Those mathematical word presented have a connection to our
topic today and I hope it energized you all. Objectives:
1. Define exponential function, exponential equation and
Thank you for actively participating on our activity. Based on exponential inequalities;
our game, do you have any idea on what will be our lesson 2. Distinguish exponential function, exponential equation, and
for today? exponential inequality;
Thank You for actively participating on our 3. Show illustrations of exponential functions that represent real-
activity. Based on our game class, do you life situations;
have any idea on what will be our lesson for 4. Appreciate exponential function in real-life situation.

Okay. So, our topic for today is all about distinguishing

exponential function, exponential equation and exponential
inequalities as well as representing real-life situation using
exponential function Yes, ma’am

Please read the objectives of our lesson today.

(Presentation of MELC/s and objectives of the lesson)

In this lesson, you will familiarize yourself more with the

exponential function, exponential equation, exponential
inequalities and how the concept of an exponential function is
utilized in our daily life.

Are we clear?
B. Development Please read the definition of exponential equation.

(The student will read the definition)

An exponential equation is an equation involving exponential
expression that can be solved for all x values satisfying the

1. 121=11 x
2. 3 x =9 x+2.

How about the exponential function? Please read.

(the student will read the definition)
An exponential inequality is an inequality involving exponential
expression that can be solved for all x values satisfying the

1. 64 1/ 3> 2x
2. (0.9) x ≤ 0.81
Yes, ma’am
Can you follow?

Lastly, an exponential function is a function involving

exponential expression showing a relationship between the
independent variable x and dependent variable y or f(x). It is in
the form f(x) = bx or y = bx, where b is the base, b > 0 and b ≠ 1.

Why is it not applicable to have a base like 0 and 1? Because if

our base is 0 or 1, we will just get a constant function.

1. 02 =0
2. 0 4=0
3. 12=1
4. 110=1

Do you get it, class?

Do you have any question?

Okay, so for you

to understand
well what an (the student will read the direction)

exponential function RAWR, ma’am

The function f ( x )=8x is an exponential function because it follows

class is, the rules. As we can see, our base is 8 that is greater than 0 and
have the exponent x which is stated in the definition.
let’s have some
examples. UWU,ma’am.

Because the base of the exponential function x 5 is x which is a

Okay, so for you to understand well what an exponential
function is, let’s have some examples.

Kindly, read the direction. UWU, ma’am. It is because the base -4 is less than 0 and
according to the definition, the base should be greater than 0.

determine the given

whether it Yes, ma’am.

is an exponential
function or not. If
the given
is an example of an
exponential function
state RAWR but if
not state UWU
Determine the given whether it is an exponential function or not.
If the given is an example of an exponential function then state
RAWR but if not state UWU.

1. f ( x)=8x

Why do you say so?

Alright, very good.

2. f (x)= x5


3. f ( x)=−4 x

Good job! Always remember that when we are talking

about exponential functions, our “b” or base should be greater
than 0 except 1, and our exponent should not be a fixed

Can you follow?

So, to differentiate the three functions, let’s take a look a this


Exponential Exponential Exponential Function

Equation Inequality
Definition An equation An inequality Function in the form f(x) =
exponential b x , where b > 0, b ≠ 1
expression expressions

2 x− x
= 2x
5 -5
≤0 f(x) = (1.8)x or y =
1 (1.8)x

Now, let’s apply the exponential function in real-life situation.

Do you know that the exponential function can be use in real-

life situations? Some of the most common applications in real-
life of exponential functions and their
transformations are population growth, exponential decay, and
compound interest.

Example 1:
Let t = time in days. At t = , there were initially 20 bacteria.
Suppose the bacteria doubles every 100 hours. Give an
exponential model for the bacteria as a function of t.

Initially, at t = 0
Number of bacteria = 20

at t = 100
Number of bacteria = 20(2)

at t = 200
Number of bacteria = 20(2)2

at t = 300
Number of bacteria = 20(2)3

at t = 400
Number of bacteria = 20(2)4
Suppose a quantity y doubles every T units of time. If y 0 is the
initial amount, then the quantity y after t units of time is given by
y = y (2) T

So, the exponential model for this situation is y = 20(2) 100 .

Example 2:

Mrs. Dela Cruz invested ₱100,000, in a company that offers 6%

interest compounded annually. How much will this investment
be worth at the end of each year for the next five years?

Let t be the time in years. Then we have:

Initially, at t = 0
Investment = ₱100,000
at t = 1
Investment = ₱100,000(1.06) = ₱106,000
at t = 2
Investment = ₱106,000(1.06) = ₱112,360
at t = 3
Investment = ₱112,360(1.06) = ₱119,101.60
at t = 4
Investment = ₱119,101.60(1.06) = ₱126,247.70

at t = 5
Investment = ₱126,247.70(1.06) = ₱133,822.56

If a principal P is invested at an annual rate of r, compounded

annually, then the amount after t years is given by A=P(1+r )t

An exponential model for this situation is

y=100,000 (1.06)t
C. Engagement Activity:
A. Determine whether the given is an exponential function, an
exponential equation, exponential inequality or none of these.

1. f ( x )=2 x 3
None of these
2. f ( x )=2
Exponential Function
3. y=e
Exponential Function
4. 22 ( 5x +1) =500
Exponential Equation
5. 625 ≥ 5x+ 8 Exponential Inequality
B. Solve the given problem:

1. A population starts with 1,000 individuals and triples every 80

years. Give an exponential model for the situation. What is the t
size of the population after 100 years? y=1000 (3) 80
y=1000 (3) 80
y ≈ 3948.222

2. ₱10,000 is invested at 2% compounded annually. Give an

exponential model for the situation, what is the amount after 12 A=P(1+r )t
A=¿12,682. 42
D. Assimilation To summarize the lesson, differentiate exponential function,
exponential equation and exponential inequalities using your
own words and give at least two examples of each. Use the
table below.

Exponential Function Exponential Equation Exponential


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared By: Checked By:

Ericka Lalaine S. Patawe Franz Clarence O. Lagajino
Practice Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Month of October DAY 3 DAY 4

Section and Time



2. 2.
3. 3.


A. References

5. 6. Teacher’s Guide
7. 8. Learner’s Materials
9. 10. Textbook Pages

11. 12. Additional Materials

from Learning
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
IV.PROCEDURE Preliminaries Preliminaries

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Response Teacher’s Activity Student’s Response

A. Introduction

B. Development
C. Engagement

D. Assimilation

H. I. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
J. K. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
L. M. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
N. O. No. of learners who
continue to require
P. Q. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
Why did these work?
R. S. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
T. U. What innovations or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared By: Checked By:
Franz Clarence O. Lagajino
Practice Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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