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1- Anatomy of the pons.

2- Levels of the pons: upper, middle & lower levels.
3- Clinical hint.

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II- Pons
• It consists of 2 parts:
1- Basis pontis:
Expanded ventral part.
Connected to cerebellum by middle
cerebellar peduncle.
2- Pontine tegmentum: dorsally.
• The fourth ventricle: is located

Dr Iman Nabil 4
II- Pons
1- Basis pontis
• It consists of 4 fixed structures:
A- Descending longitudinal fibers:
Descend from cerebral peduncles of
Corticobulbar fibers: to motor
nuclei cranial nerves.
Corticopontine fibers: to pontine
nuclei. Descending
Corticospinal fibers: descend to the
medulla as pyramids, then to spinal Pontine
cord. nuclei

Dr Iman Nabil 5
II- Pons
1- Basis pontis
B- Pontine nuclei:
Receive nerve fibers from corticopontine
fibers in midbrain.
 Send efferent fibers to the cerebellum
forming pontocerebellar fibers.
C- Transverse pontine fibers: pontine F
Appear as characteristic transverse ridges.
 Represent the axons of the pontine nuclei Pontine N
that cross the midline to enter middle
cerebellar peduncle as pontocerebellar
D- Middle cerebellar peduncles:
Contains pontocerebellar fibers.
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II- Pons
2- Pontine tegmentum
• It is the dorsal part of the pons. It is
bounded by:
Inferiorly: the upward continuation of
the medulla
Superiorly: it is continuous with the
tegmentum of the midbrain.
Posteriorly: fourth ventricle.
Laterally: in the lower part(ICP)& upper
• It contains the tracts, leminisci,
cerebellar peduncles& cranial nerve

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Levels of Pons
1- Lower level of pons. MCP
2- Middle level of pons.
3- Upper level of pons. MLB

• In the 3 levels: Med.Tecto-

spinal T

Middle cerebellar peduncles are present. Med.

Midline: MLB, Medial tectospinal tract. leminiscus

Medial leminiscus: appears transversely

next to midline.

Dr Iman Nabil 8
A- Lower Pons (Facial colliculus)
1- Outline: resembles open medulla. Cochlear N
Vestibular N ICP
2- Tracts& nuclei: 4th ventricle
A- ICP: lateral to fourth ventricle. Sup.Olivary N

B- Superior olivary nucleus.

C- Cranial nerve nuclei (4): Lat.leminiscus

Vestibulocochlear nuclei: Trapezoid

vestibular nuclei(superior, lateral&
medial) at the floor of the fourth Vestibulo-
ventricle+ cochlear nuclei( dorsal& nerve
ventral)at dorsal and ventral parts
of ICP.
Trapezoid body: formed by decussation of cochlear fibers that arise from 2 cochlear nuclei, cross to opposite
Dr Iman
side. It ascends as lateral leminiscus, end in inferior Nabil
colliculus of midbrain. 9
A- Lower Pons (Facial colliculus)
Facial nuclei: motor, superior salivary&
Abducent nucleus. Spinal N&T
Abducent N

Spinal nucleus: of trigeminal& its tract.

Facial N

Vestibulo- Facial nerve


Abducent nerve

The facial nerve loop around the abducent nucleus at the floor of fourth ventricle, forming facial colliculous,
Dr Iman Nabil 10
then emerges ventrolaterally
B- Middle Pons (Trigeminal level)
1- Outline:
Trigeminal N
The 4th ventricle acquires a roof. SCP
4th ventricle
Bulging of MCP. Vent.spino-
2- Tracts& nuclei: Cerebellar T

A- SCP: appears lateral to fourth ventricle. Spinal

B- Ventral spinocerebellar tract: ends into SCP.
C- Spinal leminiscus: formed by lateral&
ventral spinothalamic tracts.
D- Cranial nerve nuclei:
Nuclei of trigeminal nerve (motor nucleus,
main sensory, mesencephalic& tract, spinal Trigeminal
nucleus&tract). nerve

Dr Iman Nabil 11
C- Upper Pons (Leminisci level)
1- Outline: 4th ventricle
 Basis pontis enlarges at the expense of small tegmentum. SCP
 4th ventricle: smaller.
2- Tracts& nuclei:
A-SCP: lateral to 4th ventricle. Spinal
B- 4 leminisci:
 Medial leminiscus. Trigeminal
 Trigeminal leminiscus: Formed by ascending fibers arise leminiscus
from spinal, main sensory& mesencephalic nuclei of the
opposite side.
 Spinal leminiscus.
 Lateral leminiscus.
C- Cranial nerve nuclei: mesencephalic nucleus& tract of

Dr Iman Nabil 12
Levels of Pons Lower pons Middle pons Upper pons
1- Outline Resembles upper open medulla. The 4th ventricle acquires a Basis pontis enlarges at the
roof. expense of small tegmentum.
Bulging of MCP. 4th ventricle: smaller.

2- Most important Facial colliculous at the floor of the 4th 4 trigeminal nerve nuclei. 4 leminisci.
event ventricle..

3- Tracts&leminisci Trapezoid body: formed by decussation 1- Ventral spinocerebellar 1-Medial leminiscus.

of cochlear fibers , cross to opposite tract: ends into SCP. 2-Trigeminal leminiscus
side& ascends as lateral leminiscus. 2- Spinal leminiscus: formed by 3-Spinal leminiscus.
lateral& ventral spinothalamic 4- Lateral leminiscus.

4- Cranial nerves 1- Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve. Nuclei of trigeminal nerve Mesencephalic nucleus of
nuclei 2- Abducent nucleus. (motor nucleus, main sensory, trigeminal.
3-Facial nuclei: motor, superior mesencephalic& spinal
salivary& solitary. nucleus).
4-Vestibulocochlear nuclei: vestibular
nuclei(superior, lateral& medial)+
cochlear nuclei( dorsal& ventral). Dr Iman Nabil 13
Leminisci Medial leminiscus Lateral leminiscus Trigeminal leminiscus Spinal lemininscus

1- Origin Decussating fibers arise from Decussation of cochlear Formed by ascending Formed by fibers from
gracile&cuneate nuclei. fibers that arise from 2 fibers arise from spinal, the lateral& ventral
cochlear nuclei, cross to main sensory& spinothalamic tracts.
opposite side. mesencephalic nuclei of
the opposite side.

2- Termination Thalamus. Inferior colliculous of mid Thalamus. Thalamus.


3- Function Carries conscious Carries information about Carries pain, Carries pain,
proprioceptive sensations, sound. temperature, touch & temperature& crude
fine touch, vibration& two proprioception from touch from the body.
point discrimination from the the face.
Dr Iman Nabil 14
Lesion in Pons
• Pontine haemorrhage: usually fatal
(widespread lesion).
Cause: mostly due to long standing
uncontrolled chronic hypertension.
Decrease level of consciousness.
Paralysis: of the four limbs (quadriplegia).
Cranial nerves paresis (weakness).

Dr Iman Nabil 15
Identify the level and the pointed structures at 1&2

Dr Iman Nabil 16
Identify the level and the pointed structures at 1&2

Facial colliculus

Trapezoid body

Lower pons
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