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International Journal of Coal Geology 154–155 (2016) 265–274

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International Journal of Coal Geology

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Experimental study of CO2–brine–rock interaction during CO2

sequestration in deep coal seams
Kairan Wang, Tianfu Xu, Fugang Wang ⁎, Hailong Tian
Key Laboratory of Groundwater Resources and Environment, Ministry of Education, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: CO2 sequestration in deep coal seams is a potential option for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Once CO2 is
Received 13 August 2015 injected into coal seams, sealing capability of the cap rock is critical. To investigate and quantify reactions over
Received in revised form 19 January 2016 time between CO2, cap rocks and brine, associated with selected cap rocks of the No. 3 coalbed of the Qinshui
Accepted 19 January 2016
Basin in China, batch experiments were conducted for reacting powdered rock samples (180–220 μm) with
Available online 20 January 2016
CO2 and brine, as well as CO2-free brine, at 160 °C and 15 MPa. The analysis of leachate chemistry indicated sig-
nificant mobilization of major elements from dissolution of carbonate and silicate minerals in the coal measure
CO2 storage strata. Analysis of reacted solids by XRD and SEM also revealed appreciable changes in mineralogical composi-
ECBM tions. For lithic sandstone after reaction with CO2–brine, the contents of quartz, plagioclase, illite and chlorite in-
Water–rock interaction creased considerably, whereas the contents of illite/smectite, biotite and kaolinite decreased more or less. The
Mineralogical changes calcareous mudstone reacting with CO2–brine and CO2-free brine all showed major mineralogical alteration
Caprock after 12 days of treatment. The modeling results identified key chemical processes, but they also showed that
the models are not capable of covering all possible contingencies. The precipitation of carbonate minerals
could also enhance the security of CO2 sequestration in deep coal seams.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction CO2. This technique is known as CO2-ECBM (Gale and Freund, 2001;
White et al., 2005; Czerw, 2011; Baran et al., 2015).
Climate change has become a hot point involved in global environ- Throughout the world, coal measure strata are important source
mental issues. Controlling greenhouse gas emissions and protecting layers of oil and gas, and they are important reservoirs, especially for
global climate is a major issue at present. Of all types of greenhouse natural gas resources. By the statistics, many large gas fields in the
gases blamed for climate change, emissions of CO2 from human activi- world are associated with coal measure strata. Coal measure strata
ties has one of the largest impacts on climate change gases, accounting include a large number of abandoned coal seams due to technical and
for 63% of the temperature effect from all total greenhouse gases. Addi- economic reasons, and these unmineable coal seams are potential geo-
tionally, CO2 is retained in the atmosphere for more than 200 years logical structures that can be used for geological CO2 sequestration. Only
(Metz et al., 2005). The question of how to reduce the content of CO2 a handful of CO2-ECBM tests in the world have been implemented.
in the atmosphere is the current problem to be solved. It is well These tests showed great potential for both CO2 sequestration and
known that geological CO2 storage (GCS) is undoubtedly the most real- ECBM production. For instance, the United States built the first CO2-
istic and effective disposal method. At present, storing CO2 by injection ECBM pilot project in the San Juan basin, and more than 100,000 t of
into subsurface oil and gas reservoirs (Winter and Bergman, 1993; CO2 has been injected into the Fruitland coal seam since 1996 (Weber
Bachu and Shaw, 2003), deep saline aquifers (Xu et al., 2004; W. et al., 2012). Canada is in the process of a controlled trial of a CO2-
Zhang et al., 2009; X. Zhang et al., 2009; Lei et al., 2015; Tian et al., ECBM test in Alberta (Gentzis, 2000), and the evaluation of regional pro-
2015) and deep unmineable coal beds (Massarotto et al., 2010; jects is widely being carried out throughout the world. In addition,
Dawson et al., 2011) is the most valid and economic choice for reducing Australia, Japan, The Netherlands and other countries have implement-
CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Of these methods, coal bed geolog- ed CO2 injection to enhance CBM exploitation, and they have carried out
ical disposal is one of the most favorable, as enhanced coal bed methane related researches (Li et al., 2004; Golding et al., 2013).
recovery can be accomplished simultaneously with sequestration of There are many coal-bearing rock series widely distributed in conti-
nental sedimentary basins (Qinshui Basin and Ordos Basin, etc.) in
China, which are more suitable for CO2 sequestration. Since 2002,
under the support of the governments of Canada and China, the China
⁎ Corresponding author. United Coal Bed Methane Corporation carried out the theory and tech-
E-mail address: wkr8708206611@163.com (F. Wang). nological research of CO2 injection/burial, enhanced coal bed methane

0166-5162/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
266 K. Wang et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 154–155 (2016) 265–274

recovery, and successful implementation of a single well CO2 injection 2. Geological setting
test in the southern Qinshui Basin of Shanxi Province in 2004, obtaining
a series of key parameters (Wong et al., 2007, 2010; Wei et al., 2007). The Qinshui Basin is a near longitudinal-trending tectonic basin be-
Under the support of the China Ministry of Science and Technology, tween Taihang Mountain and Lvliang Mountain, located in the middle
the China United Coal Bed Methane Corporation carried out a techno- of the North China Platform. The basin has experienced the tectonic
logical research on deep coal seam CO2 injection and coal bed methane movements of the Indosinian Period (Late Permian to Triassic), the
exploitation in 2007, to achieve the commercialization of this technolo- Yanshan Period (Jurassic to Early Cretaceous) and the Himalayan Period
gy. This is the first research project of deep coal bed CO2-ECBM in China, (Late Tertiary). The basin's fold and fault structures are well developed,
and 234 t of CO2 was injected into the No. 3 coal seam. and most of the tectonic lines are in the NE-NNE direction. The study
In recent years, in allusion to the basic theory of CO2-ECBM, a series area, in the north block of Shizhuang, is located in the southeast of the
of studies on multicomponent gas competitive adsorption on coal sur- Qinshui Basin. The main geological structure is folding. Faulting is not
faces (Tang et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2004; Zhou et al., 2013), coal matrix well developed, and existing faults are no longer than 100 m. Collapse
expansion and contraction induced by adsorption (Karacan, 2003; Qin columns occur occasionally. The overall structure of the study area is
et al., 2005; Pan and Luke, 2007), and numerical simulation (Sun, a western-leaning monocline (Fig. 1). The block is divided by the
2005; Wu and Zhang, 2007; Siriwardane et al., 2012; Vishal et al., longitudinal-trending syncline structure into three tectonic units. The
2013) were carried out. However, long-term studies have ignored the east unit is a gentle monoclinal structure, with only a few small faults
fact that, once CO2 is injected into coal seams, it will dissolve in forma- and with dip angles generally less than 5°, and it slowly uplifts towards
tion water and form carbonic acid. Thus, the minerals in coal seams the SE. The central unit is a severely squeezed anticline-syncline pair
and roof-floor rocks were dissolving and the components of coal were with a range of 210 m, and the axis orientation is NNE. The west unit
changing. Secondary aluminosilicate and carbonate minerals could be is a complex groove structure, with several large faults, and the coal
formed at the same time, so that CO2 can be safely sealed underground seam has a discernible undulation (Huang et al., 2010; Ye et al., 2012).
for a long time (Li et al., 2013). The Upper Carboniferous Taiyuan Formation and the Lower Permian
To reveal the physicochemical processes and evaluate the security of Shanxi Formation are the main coal-bearing strata in the study area,
CO2 sequestration in deep unmineable coal seams, it is necessary to containing a total of 6–11 coal seams. Among them, the thicknesses of
carry out the related experimental investigations on CO2–brine–rock re- the No. 3 coal seam of the Shanxi Group and the No. 15 coal seam of
actions, to discuss the geochemical behavior and possible mechanism of the Taiyuan Group are larger and have a stable spatial distribution.
mineral traps in the long-term interaction between CO2 and coal mea- They are the main coal seams for coal bed methane exploration.
sure strata, and to provide a natural analogy as a research object and The burial depth of the No. 3 coal seam is from 830 m to more than
as a geological basis for CO2-ECBM projects. 1600 m due to dipping strata, and the thickness is 4–6 m with an

Fig. 1. Burial depth contour map of the No. 3 coal seam of the Qinshui Basin and the stratigraphic section of coal-bearing strata.
Modified from Wei et al. (2007) and Cai et al. (2015).
K. Wang et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 154–155 (2016) 265–274 267

average of 5.82 m. The No. 3 coal is mainly bright coal with vitrain of the two samples, as determined by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), are
bands, metallic luster, vertical joints, and endogenous fissure develop- given in Table 2. The XRD analysis was conducted using a PANalytical
ment. Plant fossil fragments can be found in part of the boreholes, and X'Pert PRO powder diffractometer with a Cu X-ray source at 45 kV and
there is a sandy mudstone or shale interlayer with a thickness of 0.24– 40 mA. Powder X-ray diffractograms were recorded between 5° and
0.7 m (average 0.44 m) in the coal seam. Its roof is mainly composed 52° 2-Theta. XRF analysis was conducted using a Rigaku ZSX Primus II
of mudstone, siltstone and silty mudstone, which locally is fine and me- automatic order scanning X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. EMP analy-
dium grained sandstone. Its floor is mainly mudstone and siltstone, ses were conducted on a JEOL JXA-8230 at 15 kV and 15 nA. SEM-EDS
which locally is silty mudstone (Lu et al., 2012). The No. 3 coal seam is observations were made using a Hitachi JSM-6700F field-emission scan-
considered to be suitable for geological CO2 storage. ning electron microscope equipped with an INCA ENERGY 350 EDS
microanalytical system.

3. Materials and methods

3.2. Experimental setup and methods
3.1. Materials
The experiments were conducted in several uniform high-
The roof rocks of the No. 3 coal seam used in the experiments were temperature and high-pressure airtight reaction kettles, with liners
taken from the north block of Shizhuang of the Qinshui Basin in Shanxi made of Hastelloy C-276 (Fig. 3). The advantages of the kettles are
Province. Microscopic observations in transmitted light were made on their resistance to acid and alkali corrosion. The volume of the reaction
polished thin sections with a standard thickness of 0.02 mm. These ex- kettles was 300 mL. Other instruments, such as the incubator chamber,
aminations were carried out using a Leica DM2500 polarizing micro- electronic scales, and pH meters, were also used. The crushed rock, with
scope. Two types of lithology samples were selected: lithic sandstone a grain size between 180 and 220 μm, was rinsed with distilled water
and calcareous mudstone (Fig. 2). and dried in an oven at 80 °C for 48 h prior to the experiments. Before
X-ray diffraction (XRD) semi-quantitative analysis, Electron Micro- the experiments, a mixture of rock and brine solution (1 M NaCl,
probe (EMP) analysis and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) incor- Merck analytical grade) with a water/rock ratio of 20:1 was poured
porating the use of a quantitative energy dispersive spectrometer into the reactor, and then the mixture was bubbled with (N2) to remove
(EDS) confirm that the main mineral composition in the lithic sand- O2 from the solution to imitate the conditions found in geological reser-
stone includes quartz, clay minerals, plagioclase (albite dominated), voirs. For easier observation of mineral morphology, a polished thin sec-
and a small amount of chlorite, and the main mineral composition in tion was also added in the reactor. The system was then heated to the
the calcareous mudstone includes clay minerals, quartz, and small desired temperatures before pressurizing with CO2 from a commercially
amounts of K-feldspar and calcite (Table 1). The chemical compositions supplied bottle (≥ 99.9 vol.%). In the experiments with CO2–brine, a

Fig. 2. Thin-section imaging of the roof rock samples with a polarizing microscope. (a and b) Lithic sandstone, 10× magnification: (a) with plane-polarized light and (b) with cross-
polarized light. These two images show quartz, sandstone fragments and feldspar phenocrysts. (c and d) Calcareous mudstone, 10× magnification: (c) with plane-polarized light and
(d) with cross-polarized light. These two images show mudstone fragments and clay minerals. Carbonate cement is present in the fractures.
268 K. Wang et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 154–155 (2016) 265–274

Table 1
Mineralogical composition by XRD (wt.%) (semi-quantitative).

Sample Quartz Plagioclase K-feldspar Calcite I/S Kaolinite Chlorite Biotite

Lithic sandstone 48 13 N/D N/D 25 10 2 2

Calcareous mudstone 19 2 2 2 54 20 N/D 1

I/S: illite/smectite mixed-layer minerals.

N/D: not detected.

Table 2
Chemical composition by XRF (%).

Sample SiO2 Al2O3 TFe2O3 CaO MgO K2O Na2O TiO2 P2O5 MnO L.O.I SUM

Lithic sandstone 76.31 10.38 6.67 0.33 1.01 0.63 2.01 0.26 0.02 0.02 2.21 99.86
Calcareous mudstone 56.3 20.47 4.01 2.73 2.23 2.9 0.75 0.88 0.15 0.07 9.29 99.78

L.O.I: loss on ignition.

pressure of 15 MPa was achieved by adjusting the initial CO2 pressure determined by ion chromatography (IC) (Metrohm 861). All report-
using the air compressor and booster pump after heating. The system ed pH and alkalinity measurements were taken 3 h after the samples
was closed for the duration of the experiment; therefore, no sampling were equilibrated with atmospheric P CO2 at room temperature
was carried out until the end of the experiment. In all experiments par- (20 °C). Solid samples were washed with distilled water on a
ticles in the solution were kept in suspension by turbulent stirring at a 0.45 μm filter and then oven dried at 80 °C for 48 h before they
speed of 200 rpm. There was a ± 1 °C variation in temperature, and were analyzed. The mineral compositions of powder samples were
the pressure stayed within ± 3 bar. Once stabilized, the temperature analyzed by XRD and XRF, and mineral morphology observations
stayed relatively stable throughout the experiments. A summary of were made on polished thin sections with SEM-EDS.
the experimental parameters is given in Table 3.
After the reaction, liquid and solid samples were collected after
4. Results and analyses
quenching and releasing the pressure in the reactor. The solution
was filtered through a 0.45 μm filter to separate the solution from
4.1. Reaction of solid phases
the solids. The liquid samples for metal analysis were acidified to
pH 2 with pure HNO 3 to prevent the precipitation of metals. Dis-
4.1.1. Lithic sandstone
solved SiO2 was determined using a Seal-AutoAnalyzer 3™. Basic
The content of solid minerals in lithic sandstone changed extensively
metals were determined with an inductively coupled plasma mass
at the end of the experiment after 12 days. The primary minerals
spectrometry (ICP-MS) (Agilent 7500C), and dissolved anions were
alterated appreciably under the effect of CO2 acid fluid during the

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the experimental device.

Table 3
List of experiments and experimental parameters.

Sample Experiment Starting fluid Temperature (°C) Pressure (MPa) Solids (g) Water/rock ratio Duration (days)

Lithic sandstone Ext. 1 B+C 160 15 12.5 20:1 3

Ext. 2 B+C 160 15 12.5 20:1 6
Ext. 3 B+C 160 15 12.5 20:1 9
Ext. 4 B+C 160 15 12.5 20:1 12
Calcareous mudstone Ext. 5 B+C 160 15 12.5 20:1 12
Ext. 6 B 160 0.62a 12.5 20:1 12

B + C: reacted with brine and CO2.

B: reacted with CO2-free brine.
Saturated vapor pressure of water at 160 °C (~0.62 MPa).
K. Wang et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 154–155 (2016) 265–274 269

plagioclase was slightly corroded (Fig. 5b). During the lithic sandstone
experiment, the plagioclase composition as determined by EMPA did
not significantly change. The plagioclase composition for untreated
and CO2-treated samples was generally clustered about the albite end-
member (Table 5). In addition, kaolinite and chlorite were also precipitat-
ed (Fig. 5c and d). However, through the SEM observation, and combined
with XRD analyses of the solid phase after the experiments, there were no
discernable new mineral phases (especially secondary carbonate min-
erals) precipitated in the whole experimental process. Therefore, after
different reaction times, the content and morphological structure of the
initial minerals changed appreciably. The relative contents of quartz, illite
and chlorite clearly increased, whereas the contents of illite/smectite, bi-
otite and kaolinite decreased more or less. (Table 4).

4.1.2. Calcareous mudstone

The mineral composition of the calcareous mudstone alterated
severely after the reaction compared with the original material. The
peaks of plagioclase, siderite, and dolomite were not clearly discernible
in the unreacted material, but they all increased after reaction with
CO2–brine and brine only, and they exhibited an analogical trend
(Fig. 6). This was due to the presence of large amounts of clay minerals
in the calcareous mudstone. The dissolution of K-feldspar and clay
Fig. 4. Bulk XRD plots of the lithic sandstone: unreacted and reacted for 3, 6, 9, 12 days minerals can release K, Al, Fe, Mg and other metal ions, and the dissolu-
with CO2–brine. Qtz—quartz, Pl—plagioclase, Kao—kaolinite, Chl—chlorite.
tion of a small amount of calcite could supply HCO− 3 , which can generate
secondary carbonate minerals when combined with the metal ions
(Fig. 7d). As in the experiments of lithic sandstone, illite and chlorite
were all generated in large quantities (Fig. 7b and c). However, plagio-
reaction time, where ions leached from minerals into the solution and clase experienced slight growth under the experimental conditions
then formed new minerals through geochemical reactions (Fig. 4). (Fig. 7a). In this process, CO2 could not be a decisive factor in the forma-
From the SEM images of lithic sandstone after the experiment, we tion of secondary carbonate minerals, although it may be at longer reac-
can see that quartz exhibited overgrowth phenomena (Fig. 5a) and tion times.

Fig. 5. SEM images of the lithic sandstone after 12 days of reaction with CO2–brine. (a) authigenic quartz, (b) corroded albite, (c) kaolinite in the cement, (d) authigenic chlorite.
270 K. Wang et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 154–155 (2016) 265–274

Table 4 Table 6
Mineral composition by XRD after reaction (semi-quantitative). Saturation index of minerals involved in geochemical reactions.

Minerals Lithic sandstone Calcareous mudstone Minerals Lithic sandstone Calcareous mudstone

Initial B+C B+C B+C B+C Initial B+C B B+C B+C B+C B+C B+C B (12d)
(3d) (6d) (9d) (12d) (12d) (12d) (3d) (6d) (9d) (12d) (12d)

Quartz 48 57 42 52 57 19 44 46 Temperature 160 °C 160 °C 160 °C 160 °C 160 °C 160 °C

Plagioclase 13 17 25 18 11 2 4 5
K-feldspar N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D 2 2 2
Chlorite 2 12 15 17 14 N/D 6 6 Albite 0.156 0.375 0.425 0.504 0.934 1.501
I/S 25 N/D N/D N/D N/D 54 N/D N/D Ankerite −0.580 0.211 0.638 0.726 −6.515 −4.823
Illite N/D 8 9 11 9 N/D 26 24 Calcite −1.137 −0.499 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000
Kaolinite 10 6 9 8 9 20 8 8 Chlorite −0.024 −0.060 −0.062 −0.065 −35.822 −6.980
Calcite N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D 2 N/D N/D Dolomite 1.623 1.426 1.152 1.932 10.208 6.509
Biotite 2 N/D N/D N/D N/D 1 N/D N/D Dawsonite −1.259 −1.030 −0.938 −0.829 −1.207 −3.166
Siderite N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D 4 2 Illite −0.008 0.009 0.005 0.002 −0.236 −0.011
Dolomite N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D 6 7 Kaolinite 1.261 1.310 1.286 1.281 1.445 −0.476
K-feldspar −3.010 −2.868 −2.842 −2.836 −0.439 −0.555
B + C: reacted with brine and CO2.
Quartz 0.123 0.120 0.101 0.096 0.360 −0.136
B: reacted with CO2-free brine.
Siderite 0.980 1.388 1.411 1.413 −5.813 −5.038
All values are percentages of total dry weight.
Smectite 1.340 1.354 1.349 1.347 0.188 −0.016
I/S: illite/smectite mixed-layer minerals.
pHm 5.72 5.67 5.86 5.93 6.52 6.97
N/D: not detected.
pH 4.791 4.988 5.124 5.174 5.003 7.516

B + C: reacted with CO2–brine. B: reacted with brine only.

m: measured.
4.2. Fluid chemistry
SI: log (IAP/K), where IAP = ion activity product and K = equilibrium constant.

4.2.1. Reaction with lithic sandstone

Because the composition of the reaction liquid is 1 M NaCl solution, 6 days, it was increasing faster, and reached 2.02 mmol/L at the end of
some ions (K, Ca, Mg, Fe and Si) did not exist in the initial solution. For the experiments. Magnesium and SiO2 had the same trend: increasing
the four experiments at 3, 6, 9 and 12 days, all of these ions were detect- at the beginning, then decreasing gradually until they reached their
ed, indicating dissolution of reacting solids. A large amount of CO2 lowest values after 6 days, and then increasing. Fe concentrations in-
quickly dissolved into the water under high temperature and high pres- creased almost five-fold after 6 days of reaction, and then it declined
sure, generating a large amount of HCO− 3 , and pH also decreased rapidly. sharply (Fig. 9).
After 6 days of reaction, the concentration of HCO− 3 increased to
11.41 mmol/L, and pH was reduced to 5.67. Then, the concentration of 4.2.2. Reaction with calcareous mudstone
HCO− 3 began to decline, and pH began to rise (Fig. 8). The release of major ions into solution varied, mainly depending on
Because CO2 dissolved into the solution in this process, forming an the reacting fluids. To evaluate the effects of CO2 in the reaction process,
acidic environment, mineral dissolution occurred and then precipita- two experiments were conducted: Ext. 5 CO2–brine and Ext. 6 CO2-free
tion. This mainly involved the dissolution of aluminosilicate minerals. brine with calcareous mudstone. As shown in Fig. 10, in solutions from
The calcium concentration in solution continued to increase. After reactions with CO2–brine, the concentration of Ca was almost double,
whereas concentrations of K, Fe, Si were higher by 54, 94 and 27%, re-
spectively, compared to their corresponding cases of brine only. The
Table 5 concentration of Mg in the CO2–brine experiment was 65 times higher
Representative plagioclase compositions before and after CO2 treatment, as determined by than that in the brine-only experiment.
EMP analysis.

Untreated CO2 treated CO2 treated

for 3 days for 12 days

SiO2 67.29 67.77 66.89

Al2O3 20.69 20.19 20.15
MgO 0.01 0.02 0.01
FeO 0.15 0.11 0.21
TiO2 0.01 0.02 0.01
MnO 0.02 0.01 0.01
CaO 0.29 0.18 0.51
Na2O 10.42 10.67 10.24
K2O 0.18 0.23 0.07
∑ 99.06 99.20 98.10

Normalized to 8 oxygen
Si 3.14 3.16 3.12
Al 1.10 1.07 1.07
∑ 4.24 4.23 4.19
K 0.01 0.02 0.01
Ca 0.02 0.01 0.04
Na 0.77 0.79 0.76
Ti 0.00 0.00 0.00
Mg 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fe 0.01 0.01 0.02
Mn 0.00 0.00 0.00
∑ 0.81 0.83 0.83
xkfs 0.01 0.03 0.01
xan 0.03 0.01 0.05
Fig. 6. Bulk XRD plots of the calcareous mudstone: unreacted, reacted with CO2–brine, and
xab 0.96 0.96 0.94
reacted with brine only.
K. Wang et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 154–155 (2016) 265–274 271

Fig. 7. SEM images of the calcareous mudstone after 12 days of reaction with CO2–brine. (a) albite secondary enlargement boundary, (b) authigenic chlorite, (c) illite, and (d) carbonate

4.3. Geochemical modeling conditions of temperatures (0–300 °C), pressures (1 to hundreds bars),
water saturation, ionic strength (up to 6 mol/kg H2O), and pH. The pro-
Based on a mass balance, the saturation index (SI) of the primary and gram can be applied to the related numerical simulation study for pore
secondary minerals can reflect the mineral dissolution and precipitation media and fractured rock for one, two, and three-dimensional domain.
to a certain extent. The saturation index of minerals can be calculated On the basis of the measured final solution composition of fluids,
by geochemical modeling. The simulation was done with the non- equilibrium speciation calculations were made for all experiments for
isothermal multiphase reactive transport code TOUGHREACT, which the two rock samples. In addition, a predictive kinetic calculation was
was developed by US Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Xu et al., also run for the lithic sandstone that was reacted with CO2–brine for 3,
2006). A broad range of subsurface thermal–physical–chemical processes 6, 9, and 12 days at 160 °C and 15 MPa. Saturation indices are given in
are considered under various thermohydrological and geochemical Table 6.

Fig. 8. Changes in pH and HCO−

3 concentration during the reaction time for the lithic Fig. 9. Changes of ion concentrations during the reaction time for the lithic sandstone
sandstone experiments. experiments.
272 K. Wang et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 154–155 (2016) 265–274

reacted with CO2 and brine for 12 days. The generation of secondary car-
bonate minerals was not found in any of the other experiments. The
main reason may be because the reaction time was shorter. The exper-
iments of other studies lasted for longer times, e.g., several weeks,
months or more than 1 year (Alemu et al., 2011; Tarkowski and
Wdowin, 2011; Fischer et al., 2013; Wdowin et al., 2014). With the
progress of the experiments, various elements released into the reaction
liquid from primary materials, resulting in dramatic changes in ion con-
centrations in the aqueous phase, which can be used as an effective
monitoring tool of CO2 leakages from underground reservoirs to shal-
low aquifers, This makes it valuable and necessary to obtain the chemi-
cal background characteristics of aquifers.
Geochemical simulation can reflect the results of the experiments to
some extent, but there were also some differences between the simula-
tion and experimental results (Gaus, 2010). This is because a number of
parameters were used in the simulation, and the actual formation con-
dition is very complex. There are many factors involved in geochemical
reactions, and the differences between simulation and experimental re-
sults are larger when an actual field situation is considered. Therefore,
the fitting of experimental and simulation results is very challenging.
Fig. 10. Leachate chemistry of the calcareous mudstone reacted with CO2–brine and brine- However, if considering the thermal dynamic parameters of actual min-
only for 12 days at 160 °C.
erals, geochemical modeling is also very necessary (Fischer et al., 2013).
In view of these reasons, the geochemical modeling needs a more com-
From the simulation results, it can be seen that, for the lithic sand- prehensive database that includes various minerals, particularly for clay
stone reacted with CO2–brine at 160 °C, the solution gradually became minerals with unique qualities.
saturated with respect to ankerite and illite over time. Dawsonite and Under the condition of geologic sequestration, CO2 injected into the
K-feldspar in all four experiments at different reaction times were not target reservoir will tend to migrate upwards towards the cap rock, be-
saturated. Calcite was unsaturated in the early stage of the reaction, cause the density of the CO2 is lower than that of the formation water.
then it reached a saturated state after 12 days of reaction. The solution Because of the overlying cap rock with a lower permeability, much of
was saturated with respect to kaolinite, quartz, siderite and smectite the supercritical CO2 will accumulate at the bottom of the cap rock
in all four experiments. For the calcareous mudstone, the main change and migrate slowly with the flow of the formation water (Bachu and
was the emergence of plagioclase and dolomite, which were detected Shaw, 2003; Xu et al., 2010). The accumulated CO2 under the cap rock
by XRD and SEM. This was consistent with the positive saturation indi- will gradually dissolve into brine, lowers the pH and change the aque-
ces. The solution was saturated with respect to kaolinite, quartz and ous complexation, thereby inducing mineral alteration. In turn, the min-
smectite under the CO2–brine condition, whereas it was unsaturated eralogical composition could impose significant effects on the evolution
with respect to these minerals under the CO2-free condition. For both of the solution, and on the CO2 storage. The sealing ability of the cap rock
lithic sandstone and calcareous mudstone, the solution was unsaturated is always the key in the study of the safety of GCS, and it is also an impor-
with respect to chlorite in all six experiments, indicating that its disso- tant security index in the evaluation of GCS (W. Zhang et al., 2009;
lution would continue if the experiment was been allowed to run for X. Zhang et al., 2009). A large number of experiments (Kaszuba et al.,
longer periods. 2005; Wigand et al., 2008; Busch et al., 2009; Gaus, 2010; Yalcinkaya
et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2012) and numerical simulations (Gaus et al.,
5. Discussion 2005; Gherardi et al., 2007; Fischer et al., 2013, 2014; Tian et al., 2014)
were carried out to study the effects of CO2–brine–rock geochemical
5.1. Dissolution and precipitation of minerals induced by injected CO2 reactions on the self-sealing of cap rock. The results show that the influ-
ence mainly depends on mineral composition, pH conditions and reac-
To speed up the rate of reactions, and to overcome the kinetic barrier tion time, etc. Secondary precipitation of minerals could block pore
of mineral dissolution and precipitation, the experiments were run at channels, further reducing the rate of CO2 diffusion and restricting the
higher temperature (160 °C) than the current reservoir temperature process of interaction between fluid and rock.
(40 °C). This is because the rate of silicate mineral reactions increases
with increased temperature (Gunter et al., 1997; Gislason and Oelkers, 5.2. Potential mobilization of organic compounds due to the presence of CO2
2003; Credoz et al., 2009). In addition, the reactive surface area of the
caprock material was increased by crushing it to 180–220 μm grain Supercritical CO2 is a good solvent for organic compounds such as
size to increase the reactivity. A brine solution of 1 M NaCl was used benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene, and xylene (BTEX), phenols, and poly-
as a substitute for formation water to encourage the dissolution process, cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (Anitescu and Tavlarides, 2006;
as the presence of more ions in the initial brine solution, especially diva- Kolak and Burruss, 2006). Monitoring results from GCS field tests have
lent cations, has a pH-buffering effect and decreases the acid-induced shown that organic compounds are mobilized following CO2 injection
reactions. The water rock ratio was also increased for reactivity com- (Monin et al., 1988; Olukcu et al., 1999; Okamoto et al., 2005; Kharaka
pared to practical geological storage conditions. Further enhancement et al., 2009, 2011; Scherf et al., 2011). Such results have raised concerns
of dissolution was guaranteed by continuous stirring. Results of the regarding the potential for groundwater contamination by toxic organic
six experiments provided data that contribute to the qualitative under- compounds mobilized during GCS. Knowledge of the mobilization
standing of fluid rock interactions under geochemical settings of CO2 se- mechanism of organic compounds and their transport and fate in the
questration in deep coal seams. From X-ray diffraction analysis and SEM subsurface is essential for assessing risks associated with GCS. Especially
images, dissolution and precipitation of minerals due to reaction of for coal measure strata, which contain large amounts of organic matter,
acidic fluid with formation rock after CO2 injection could be clearly once CO2 is injected into the coal seams for long term sequestration, it
observed. However, secondary carbonate minerals were found in the in- will inevitably extract the organic matter from the coal and typical cap
tergranular pore space only in the experiment of calcareous mudstone rock such as shale or mudstone.
K. Wang et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 154–155 (2016) 265–274 273

There is still very little study devoted specifically to organic material consideration should be given to the effects of relevant factors, includ-
migration caused by CO2 sequestration in deep coal seams or aban- ing fluid flow, geochemical reactions and geomechanics. The conjunc-
doned oil and gas field formations. Kolak and Burruss (2006) conducted tion of these methods can yield more comprehensive prediction of the
laboratory experiments to evaluate the potential for mobilizing non- physico-chemical changes due to mineral dissolution and precipitation
methane hydrocarbons during CO2 storage or enhanced coal bed meth- of caprock in geological CO2 storage.
ane recovery from deep coal beds, where coal samples of different rank
were extracted with supercritical CO2 (40 °C; 10 MPa). The experimen-
tal results showed that supercritical CO2 is capable of mobilizing hydro-
carbons from the coal matrix. The amount and type of hydrocarbons
This work was supported by the China Geological Survey working
mobilized varied in response to coal rank. The hydrocarbon distribu-
project (Grant No. 12120113006300). We would like to thank the editor
tions in samples extracted indicate that this influence of coal rank is
Dr. Karacan, and three anonymous reviewers for their constructive
likely derived from the chemical changes associated with bitumen gen-
comments and suggestions for improving the quality of this paper.
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mal maturation. The coal samples continued to yield hydrocarbons
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