Positive Material Identification Procedure

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Transmittal No. Date DOCUMENT TRANSMITTAL TO: FROM: Contract Name: Project Title: Contract No. Location: Saudi Aramco Approval Status Code: *Approved *Correct & Resubmit *For information _—_*Other as Noted *Approved with Comments “Not Approved * No Comments *For Action PSAL Reference N Document No | Rev Subject Status | Qty | Remarks 02 | ALLOY VERIFICATION PROCEDURE (POSITIVE Approved 1 MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION) COOPERHEAT with Comments “Accepted w/ comments.” Transmitted by: Received By: Received Dater sna Name and Signature Positive Material Identification Procedure CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE COVER SHEET 1 CONTENTS 2 4.0 AIM/SCOPE 3 20 DEFINITIONS 3 8.0 REFERENCES 3 40 SAFETY 3 6.0 PERSONNEL 4 60 EQUIPMENT 4 7.0 EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION 5 8.0 VERIFICATION COVERAGE 5 9.0 PREPARATION 6 10.0 PROCEDURE 7 11.0 EVALUATION 7 120 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 7 13.0 REJECTION PROCEDURE 8 14.0 MARKING 9 180 REPORTING 10 PMI REPORT FORMAT SAMPLE 10 I Identification Procedure 1.0 AIM/ SCOPE 20 44 This procedure establishes the minimum requirements for Kdentification of metaltic materials, also referred to as Alloy Verification (Positive Material Identication - PMI). 4.2 The aim of the identification of material shall be to ensure that the nominal material ‘composition is as supplied and complies with purchase order and / or design requirements. 4.3. This procedure shall be used to perform Positive Material Identification (PMI) for SAUDI ARAMCO FADHILI PROJECT in KSA. 4.4 Considering safety issues involved in placing the OES PM equipment at elevated locations, the usage of the same wil be limited to ground level work or limited to those elevations where it can be safely lifted and placed. DEFINITIONS a) Material Verification - Verifying the composition of metalic elements against known data. b) Material Identification - investigating unknown or unidentified metallic materials, ©) Material Sorting - Comparing and soring material against a reference sample analysis for which analyser is programmed. d)_ AV- Alloy Verification )_PMI- Positive material identification is the determination / verification whether the nominal ‘material composition is as specified. f) _ OES- Opiical Emission Spectrometer 9) Client - with whom Cooperheat has a direct contractual agreement - NSH hy Company ~ Owner — Saudi Aramco 50 60 Positive Material Identification Procedure +175-320300, Saudi Aramco Inspection & Testing Requirements form 176 for PMI, 2013, Equipment Operations Manual ‘SAFETY Only trained personnel shall use this equipment. As this procedure Involves the use of an electrically operated / x-ay producing portable equipments care should be exercised due to the possible hazards of using them in humid and other adverse operating conditions. Safe operation and emergency requirement shall be carried ‘out in accordance with the respective equipment operations manual, Direct viewing of the arc or x-ray should be avoided to protect the eyes from damaging ultraviolet rays and x-ray radiation. PERSONNEL PMI technician shall have been trained to use the equipment in accordance with this procedure, Personnel training shall include Radiation Safely (as per equipment manufacturer's instructions), Instrument operation, instrument limitations, basic knowledge in metallurgy and standards related to steel manufacture. Only trained, qualtied and experienced personnel shall undertake the operation and intorpretation of recorded results to ensure that both the procedure and the work are implemented correctly in ‘order to identify / very the nominal material compositions. Operator records meeting the minimum requirements of training, qualification and experience shall be submitted for Company approval. In case of specific request fram Saudi ARAMCO inspector, the PM technician shall demonstrate his working knowledge to operate the PMI equipment on a representative sample of the aloy ‘material and PMI technicians training record shall be offered to review. The PMI technician shall have knowledge about all aspects of PMl test mefhods and the operation of PMI test equipment used on the job. EQUIPMENT 6.1 OES - Optical Emission Spectrometer equipment shall be used when Carbon has to be verified as per the inspection request from the client / owner. ‘XRF - X-Ray Fluorescence equipment shall be used when element lighter than Sulphur has NOT to be verified as per the inspection request from the client / owner. 62 The following equipment or similar equipment shall be used, as may be available: 6.2.1 Optical Emission Spectrometer (OES) a) Spectro Analytical ‘Spectroport’ Alloy Analyser works on the principle of Optical Emission Spectrograph (OES). b) —_Belec Optical Emission Spectrometer (OES) works on the principle of Spark Emission Spectroscopy. Note: OES equipment may be used to check for the required elements including carbon, A hot work permit may be required before using this equipment. Any bum damage resulting from the usage of emission spectrograph shall be removed by grinding. Positive Material Identification Procedure 6.2.2 X-Ray Fluoresoence (XRF) a) Niton Corporation ‘XLt 800" Alloy Analyser works on the principle of X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). b) Innov-X Systems ‘Alpha 2000' Alloy Analyser works on the principle of X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) or similar equipment. Note: Because of inherent limitation of XRF, it is not possible to detect all elements. Elements lighter than Sulphur cannot be detected using portable XRF equipment. ‘Therefore, this technique shall nat be used to deteat Carbon. 7.0 EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION 80 a ») ° ‘The equipment shall be calibrated or veriied as specified in the equipment operation manual. The equipment shall be calibrated orce in a year. ‘The equipment shall be set up with the standard samples in accordance with procedure given by the manufacturer. Verification of calibration shall be carried out on_a standard callbration sample, representalive of the base metal / weld being tested. The calibration verification shall be done at the beginning of each shift or whenever there is change in material to be tested. VERIFICATION COVERAGE 8a a2 83 a4 ‘The PMI programme shall cover alloy materials and materials as per the project ITP and as, given in the written PMI request by the Client and SAES-A-206. Client shall follow the NDT Matrix and line class list for PMI. PMI of weld material shall be performed in the same manner as for the adjacent base metal. PMI testing of welds shall be done after remeval of slag and/or oxide from the weld surface. In cases where PMI testing of the competed weld is not possible because of geometry (e.9.. ‘small fillet welds and narrow root beads), PMI testing of filler metal lots and visual inspection of electrodes may be acceptable. ‘The required number of PMI tests shall be in accordance with SAES-A-206 sec 7.4 and Table-1. @) One sample for each pipe spool component. b) One sample for any component that makes up part of the pressure boundary. ©) Fornon-pressure components, ten (16) samples or 10% of total, whichever is greater, from each heat or lot. 4) One sample for each pressure boundery weld and for all welds between non-pressure paris and pressure parts, 2) When welding of alloy materials is conducted, one electrode or wire sample from each {ot of filler metal shall be positively identified. ‘The elements of the basic alloy materials to be verified shall be in accordance with the Table shown below; 8s 86 aT Positive Material Identification Procedure TABLE Basic Alioy Elements to be verified Carbon-Molyodenum, Manganese- | Chromium, Molybdenum and Vanadium Molybdenum, and Chromium Molybdenum-Vanadium steels Regular Carbon grade Stainless Stesis | Chromium, Nickel and Molybdenum Low and High Carbon Stainless Steels _| Chromium, Nickel, Molyodenum and Carbon Stabiised Stainiess Steel Chromium, Nickel, Molybdenum, Tianium and Nicbium Nicker-based alloys ‘Nickel, iron, Copper, Chromium, Molybdenum, ‘Tungsten, Vanadium and Copper as applicable Note: Nickel base alloys also include “Hastelloys",“Inoonels", “Alloy20", Monel etc, For Copper alloys PMI verification is not required. For alloys not covered in the Table, the Client shall obtain written instructions from the owner (GA). Dissimilar Metal Weld PMI resulis from base and weld metals shall be submitted by Client to the Materials Engineering Unit of ME&CCD/CSD foe evaluation and approval. PMI Testing of Welding Consumables PMItesting of welding consumables shall be cone as per Client's requirement as follows; (As recommended in SAES- A- 206) One consumable from each lot shall be PMi-tested. The remainder of the lot shall be commared to the idextified consumable to verify that the auarkings of the electrodes/twires are comect. PMI testing of weld metal (¢.z,, deposited or undiluted weld "buttons") is an acceptable alternative fo PMI testing of an electrode or wire sample provided it is conducted immediately prior to welding or during the welding process. PMI Testing of Weld Overlay and Clad Materials (Ref. SAES-W-014) ‘The final weld overlay surface shall have the chemical composition checking prior to final PWHT or Hydrolest. The chemistry may be tested using portable Xray fluorescence equipment (XRF equipment) instead of Spectrograph equipment. All elements specified for the deposit chemistry shall be analyzed and reported, except for ‘Catbon when Using the X-ray fluorescence method. The analysis method and acouraay limits for each element shall be submitted to Owner inspector for review and approval “The frequency of Chemical composition analysis shal be as follows: ‘@) Automatic Welding - One analysis for each overlay area or Clad joint. Separate analysis shall be made for each heatbatch of Filler metal or Electrode. b) Manual Welding — One analysis for each 1 meter square of area or one analysis at interval of 2 meter or less for overlay restoration of clad joints. Positive Material Identification Procedure 9.0 PREPARATION 100 ‘The metalic surface to be tested shall be free from all extraneous materials such as scale, welding fiux, slag, grease, rust, drt, etc, which may interfere with the testing. If necessary, light filing shall be done to ensure good suriace contact of the electrode of the Spectroport equipment. Only stainless steel brasses, ceramic (glass) beads, iron-free grit or stainless steo! grit shall be used to mechanically clean the overlay surfaces. PROCEDURE 10.4 10.2 Optical Emission Spectrometer (OES) ‘The Spectroport Equipment shall be set, veriled and operated in accordance with the ‘manufacturer's instructions. a) The Spectroport equipment shall be connected to power source after ensuring ‘compatible voltage. The electrode shall be checked for cleanliness and having sharp tip, otherwise the electrode shall be property cleaned or replaced. The basic electrode is copper, which is suitable for most analysis; however for identification of copper in metalic material, a silver electrode shall replace the copper electrode. b) Inthe case of Spectroport the electrode shall make contact with the metallic material to strike an arc and then the readings obtaired shall be stored; the print out shall give the permanent record of the readings. ©) Programme options as per Client requiement, such as identification, verification or sorting shall be selected X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) ‘The XRF equipment shall be set, verified and operated in accordance with the ‘manufacturer's instructions. a) In the case of the battery powered Nion or similar equipment, the measurement window shall be placed against the sample to be analysed and the trigger pulled to get the analysis of the sample. The chemical composition obtained shall be noted dawn in the appropriate report format. b) Programme options as per Client requirement, such as identification, verification or sorting shall be selected. ©) Display Requirement: On start-up, the soreen will be replaced by the restart screen which will count down from 9 to 0 in increments of 1 second. When restart is complete the screen will be replaced by Logon screen. The operator needs to enter the 4 digit securily code followed by enter key to access the main menu. d) Once in the main menu by selecting the utiles menu one can select the auto calibrate ‘option. Once auto calibration is complete one can go to the Mode menu to select one ILis recommended to use the Trigger + Interlock + Proxi Positive Material Identification Procedure of the test mode ~ Alloy, PB paint, Thin Sample, Buk sample and User definable modes. The Alloy mode is normally used and under this the chemistry mode is selected and the verification sample is tested to ensure proper identification. ©) From the main menu Test icon is selected to proceed with the test in the selected measurement mode. Now the instrument is ready to take a measurement and there are five (6) diferent methods of operation to take a sample measurement. These methods are given below in increasing order of secure operation: Trigger Only method Trigger and Proximity Sensor method Momentary Trigger Touch and Proximity Sensor method Trigger and Interlock method Trigger + Interlock + Proximity sensar method. gasp ily sensor method. When the proximity sensor is enabled, the shutter will open only when the window is pressed against the sample. The X-Ray tube will operate only when both the Trigger and the Interlock are pressed simultaneously and even if one is, not pressed or released the X-Ray gels switched off. For Further information on the measurement modes refer fo the Instruction manual of the Equipment. 11.0 EVALUATION 120 13.0 a4 92 Sort mode may be used whenever different grades of the same material are mixed and the aim shall be to separate one grade from other in a quick manner. This mode is helpful in reclaiming valuable metals from scrap material. Material verification made shall be selected whenever the chemical composition of the job is to be verified. The chemical composition of the job shall be programmed into the equipment and the result shall be verified. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA (Ref. SAES-A-208) a) ») 2 For acceptance, it shall be demonstrated that materials contain the amount of alloying elements shown in the material speciicatn. Alloys shall be deemed acceptable if the alloying elements are each within ten percent (10%) of the specified values. Welds having consumable material content that matches, or nearly matches, the base metal ‘composition within approximately twelve and half percent ( 12.5%) of the ranges allowed in ASME Section II, Part C for each element. ‘Acceptance eriteria for dissimilar metal alloy welds shal be in accordance with the welding ‘consumable material specified in the approved welding procedure. The effects of dilution between the different base metals and the filer metal shall be taken into account when determining the nominal as-deposited weld metal composition. REJECTION PROCEDURE (Ret. SAES-A-206) 4 If the PMI testing results fall outside the azceptable range, the Client has the option to ‘conduct a more accurate analysis to determine the component acceptance such as obtaining ‘a chemical analysis performed by an indeperdent testing laboratory. The results of the more Positive Material Identification Procedure ‘accurate test method or independent chemicel analysis shali govern. PMI test results which {all outside the acceptance range shall be informed to the Company PID. b) If any component or weld falls outside the acceptable range, it shall be replaced and the replacement shall be alloy verified. ©) Client shall ensure that rejected components are segregated and properly identified to prevent reuse. d) Where one of the selected items falls outside the acceptable range, all remaining materials represented by such selected items shall be tested, 14.0 MARKING (Ref. SAES-A-206) ‘All components and / or welds that are examined by PMl shall be marked by the Client (NSH) 14.1. Verification Marking 4141.1 Paint marking shall be done with water-insoluble material that contains no substances that harmiully afect the metal at ambient or elevated temperatures. in particular, the marking material shall be free of lead, sulfur, zinc, cadmium, mercury, chlorine, or other halogens. 14.1.2 All components and welds that are found unacceptzble shall be marked immediately with a circled red *X" pending resolution in accordance with Section 11. 14.1.3 All verified materials with an acceptable analysis shall be marked with the letiers "PMI" using a certified low-stress stamp (these use a series of rcunded dots or a rounded indenter to form the letters). Alternatively, a vibrating "pencil" may be used. The marking shall be placed as follows: Pipe: One mark, 75 mm from one end on the outer surface of the pipe. This marking shall be in addition to the requirements of PFI ES-22 and Attachment 3 of 00-SAIP-07. Welds: Adjacent to the welder’s mark on the weld (Welds on tubes for heat transfer equipment shall be marked by either stenclling or vibro-etching on the tubeshee!). Fittings and Forgings: Adjacent to the manufacturer's markings. \Valves: Adjacent to the valve manufacturer's markings on bodies and other pressure parts. Castings: Adjacent to the casting manufacturer's merkings and heat numbers. Plates: 75 mm from one edge, adjacent to manufacturer's markings. ‘Tubes: Stenciled, 300 mm from each end. For 300-serles stainless steel operating above 900°F (482°C), consult with the Materials Engineering Unit Supervisor of CSD (to guard against “strain aging” - unlikely to be encountered in refinery processes). 14.4.4 When heat treating is performed after PMI, the identification marking must be recognizable after heat treatment. PMI markings shall be transferred to retain material identification when a plate or pipe is cut, The transfer of PMI markings shall be carried cut prior to material cuting/separaton. If this is not possible, then transfer shall be perormec immediately after material cutting/separation. Positive Material Identification Procedure 14.2 Color Coding 14.2.1 The color coding system for material identiication described herein is intended to help prevent fabricators from using incorrect alloy material. The principal purpose of color coding Is visual identification during storage and after the componerts have been cut for fabrication. 14.2.2 Color coding is not a substitute for PMI testing or other, permanent manufacturers’ markings required by ASTM or other specifications. Permanent manufacturers’ markings shall not be obscured by cotor coding. 15.0 REPORTING 15.1. PMLis to be integrated with the Weld ID system and data base as an element as per SAEP 1160 and the results shall be logged / reported / tracked accordingly by the Client. 15.2. The repor if required by Client (NSH) shall be teken directly from the ‘Spectroport’ Alloy ‘Analyser. 15.3. For X-Ray fluorescence equipment, the PMI Feport shall have the following information; Client Name Cooperheat Job Number Technician Name Site/ Location Project Line / Heat Number Weld Size Element Percentage Element Range Grade identiication Results PMI Report Format (Sample! ‘PM Ropont

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