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Part 5-A: THYROID AGENTS SIDE NOTE: Calcitonin regulates serum calcium levels. In
 The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ response to increased serum calcium levels the
located in the lower neck, anterior to the thyrocalcitonin is released from the thyroid gland into
trachea. the bloodstream causing the position of calcium into
 Consists of two lateral lobes (L and R lobes) the bones. It promotes the position of calcium to the
connected by an isthmus. The gland is about 5 bones it inhibits osteoclasts and stimulates osteoblasts
cm long and 3 cm wide and weighs about 30 g. and also inhibits calcium the absorption in the kidney
 The blood flow to the thyroid is very high (about and also inhibits calcium absorption by the intestines
5 mL/min per gram of thyroid tissue), causing decreased serum calcium levels.
approximately five times the blood flow to the
liver. This reflects the high metabolic activity of SIDE NOTE: Release of thyroid hormones is influenced
the thyroid gland. by the hypothalamic pituitary thyroid axis. The
hypothalamus will first secrete the hormone thyrotropin-
Hormones produced by the thyroid gland: releasing hormone and this will stimulate the anterior
 Thyroxine (T4) pituitary gland to secrete thyroid stimulating hormone
 Triiodothyronine (T3) which will then stimulate the thyroid gland to release the
 Calcitonin. thyroid hormones.

 Thyroid Hormones (T4 and T3) - referred to
collectively as thyroid hormones
 The primary function of thyroid hormone -
control of cellular metabolic activity.
 Iodine - essential to the thyroid gland for
synthesis of its hormones.
• The major use of iodine in the body is by the CONTROL
thyroid, and the major derangement in iodine • The secretion of TSH is regulated by thyrotropin
deficiency is alteration of thyroid function. releasing hormone (TRH).
• Thyroid hormone production and release are regulated
SIDE NOTE: Have enough intake of iodine in our diet to by anterior pituitary hormone called thyroid-stimulating
prevent thyroid dysfunction. hormone (TSH).
• The thyroid gland produces increased thyroid
hormones in response to increased levels of TSH.
2. Hyperthyroidism – occurs when excessive
Thyroid Dysfunction amounts of thyroid hormones are produced and
1. Hypothyroidism – A disease condition where released into the circulation.
there is lack of sufficient levels of thyroid
hormones to maintain a normal metabolism. This • Grave’s disease is the most common cause of
condition occurs in a number of hyperthyroidism. Goiter (enlargement of the thyroid
pathophysiological states: gland) is an effect of hyperthyroidism which occurs
• Absence of thyroid gland when the thyroid is overstimulated by TSH.
• Lack of sufficient iodine in the diet to produce Note: ma hypertrophy ang gland when it is over
the needed level of thyroid hormone stimulated
Note: Iodine is essential ingredient in the • Hyperthyroidism may be treated by surgical
synthesis of thyroid hormones so if there is lack removal of the gland or portions of the gland (TOTAL
of sufficient iodine so there would be depressed or SUBTOTAL THYROIDECTOMY), treatment with
levels of thyroid hormones. radiation to destroy all parts or all of the gland, or
• Lack of sufficient functioning thyroid tissue due drug treatment to block the production of
to tumor or autoimmune disorders thyroxine in the thyroid gland or to destroy parts or
• Lack of TSH due to pituitary disease all of the gland.
• Lack of TRH related to a tumor or disorder of
the hypothalamus


SIDE NOTE: if there is inadequate secretion of thyroid Hyperthyroidism

hormone during fetal and neonatal development it can  Over secretion of thyroid hormones
lead to the disease condition known as CRETINISM. (hyperthyroidism) manifested by a greatly
increased metabolic rate.
Cretinism - Inadequate secretion of thyroid hormone  Many of the other characteristics of
during fetal and neonatal development hyperthyroidism result from the increased
response to circulating catecholamines
Clinical manifestations: (epinephrine and norepinephrine).
• stunted physical and mental growth because of general  Over secretion of thyroid hormones is usually
depression of metabolic activity. associated with an enlarged thyroid gland known
as a goiter.
 Goiter also commonly occurs with iodine

Hypothyroidism in adults
Clinical manifestations:
 lethargy
 slow mentation
 generalized slowing of body functions
- The signs and symptoms of HYPOTHYROIDISM
are all related to hypometabolic rate while the Hypothyroidism: Decreased function: menorrhagia,
HYPERTHYROIDISM the clinical manifestations habitual abortion, sterility, decreased sexual function
are attributable to hyper metabolic rate. Hyperthyroidism: Altered tendency toward
oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea

Clinical Effects: Goiter

Hypothyroidism: Rare; simple nontoxic type may occur
Clinical Effects: CNS Hyperthyroidism: Diffuse,
Hyperthyroidism: Localized highly
with vascular,
very of
Hypothyroidism: Depressed: Hypoactive reflexes, mucopolysaccharides in eyeballs, (protruding eyeballs) ocular
lethargy, sleepiness, slow speech, emotional muscles; periorbital edema, lid lag, exophtlamos, periorbital
dullness. NOTE: Ang patient na hypothyroidism daw edema
lutang, walang ganagana, permi ginatuyo.
Hyperthyroidism: Stimulated: Hyperactive reflexes, Clinical Effects: Ovaries
anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, tremors, Hypothyroidism – Decreased function menorrhagia habitual
restlessness, increased basal temperature abortion sterility decreased sexual function.
Hyperthyroidism – Altered tendency toward oligomenorrhea,
Clinical Effects: CV System amenorrhea
Hypothyroidism: Depressed: Bradycardia,
hypotension, anemia, oliguria, decreased sensitivity Clinical Effects: goiter (both hypo and hyperparathyroidism can
to catecholamines. have goiter)
Hyperthyroidism: Stimulated: Tachycardia, Hypothyroidism – Rare; simple non-toxic type may occur
palpitations, increased pulse pressure, systolic Hyperthyroidism – diffuse, highly vascular, very frequent
hypertension, increased sensitivity to
catecholamines Thyroid Agents

Clinical Effects: Skin, hair, nails 1. Thyroid Hormones - Used as replacement

Hypothyroidism: Skin is pale, coarse, dry, thickened; therapy in hypothyroidism
puffy eyes and eyelids; 2. Antithyroid Agents - Treatment of
Hyperthyroidism: Skin is flushed, warm, thin, moist, Hyperthyroidism
sweating, hair is fine and soft, nails are soft and thin a. Thioamides
b. Iodine Solutions
Clinical Effects: Metabolic rate
Side Note: because nubo imo thyroid hormones so Pharmacologic Therapy for Hypothyroidism
depressed mn imo metabolic rate
Hypothyroidism: Decreased: Lower body Therapeutic Actions and Indications
temperature, intolerance to cold, decreased
appetite, higher levels of fat and cholesterol, weight Side Note: thyroid hormones, in hypothyroidism we lack
gain, hypercholesterolemia the thyroid hormones which are we really need to
Hyperthyroidism: Increased: Overactive cellular maintain equilibrium in our body and the thyroid
metabolism, low-grade fever, intolerance to heat, hormones available are synthetic form so meaning they
increased appetite with weight loss, muscle wasting work just the same as the endogenous thyroid
and weakness, thyroid myopathy hormones
 Thyroid replacement hormones increase the
Clinical Effects: Generalized Myxedema metabolic rate of body tissues, increasing oxygen
Hypothyroidism: Accumulation of mucopolysaccharides consumption, respiration, heart rate, growth and
in the heart, tongue, and vocal chords, periorbital edema, maturation, and the metabolism of fats,
cardiomyopathy, hoarseness and thickened speech carbohydrates, and protein.
THYROID HORMONES available are
Levothyroxine, Liothyronine, Liotrix, and Thyroid
desiccated. All of these are used as replacement
therapy in a hypothyroidism but usually what
comes up in local and foreign exams is this
Levothyroxine Synthroid.
NOTE! : Always remember that THYROXINE must be Contraindications and cautions
given on empty stomach at least 30 minutes before  should not be used with any known allergy to
taking breakfast so this medication should not be the drugs to prevent hypersensitivity reactions.
CHEWED or CRUSHED and the medicine must be taken
with a FULL GLASS of WATER  Should not be used during acute thyrotoxicosis
unless used in conjunction with antithyroid
All of the available hormones have indications of drugs.
TREATMENT of MYXEDEMA COMA and  During acute myocardial infarction (unless
THYROTOXICOSIS complicated by hypothyroidism).
 Caution should be used during lactation, with
NOTE! Remember that this medication should not be
hypoadrenal conditions.
used during acute thyrotoxicosis unless they are used in
conjunction with anti-thyroid drugs.  Liothyronine and liotrix - have a greater
incidence of cardiac side effects and not
Thyrotoxicosis – this is the name given to the clinical recommended for use in patients with potential
effects experienced with the patient due to an excessive cardiac problems or patients prone to anxiety
levels of thyroid hormones in the bloodstream. reactions.

Pharmacokinetics Adverse Effects:

✓ Thyroid hormones are well absorbed from the GI tract
and bound to serum proteins. ✓Skin reactions and loss of hair (during first few months
✓ Thyroid hormones do not cross the placenta and seems of treatment in children) note: and because they are
to have no effect on the fetus. replacement hormones they can work just the same as
Side Note: that is why if the women is hypothyroid and the endogenous hormones.
then she becomes pregnant thyroid replacement ✓Arrhythmias, hypertension (cardiac stimulation)
therapy should not be discontinued and actually ga taas ✓Anxiety, sleeplessness, headache (CNS)
ang metabolism during a pregnancy so the need for ✓Difficulty of swallowing with esophageal atresia
thyroid hormones often becomes apparent or it (patient must be instructed to take the drug with a full
increases during pregnancy so the if the woman gets glass of water to alleviate this effect)
pregnant she should go back to the Doctor so that the Side Note: Patient must be instructed to take the drug
hormone levels can be checked as well as necessary with a full glass of water to elevate this effect
adjustments can be done based on the patients signs
and symptoms or the results of the laboratory. Clinically important Drug-Drug Interactions
✓ decreased drug absorption of thyroid hormones if
✓ Enters breast milk in small amounts. Caution should be
used during lactation. they are taken concurrently with cholestyramine (should
be taken 2 hours apart)
✓ effectiveness of oral anticoagulants like
RIVAROXABAN is increased if they are combined with
thyroid hormone (bleeding time should be checked
✔️ Decreased effectiveness of digitalis glycosides
can occur when these drugs are combined. (Digitalis
levels should be monitored, and increased dose may
be required).
✔️ Theophylline clearance is decreased in
hyperthyroid states. As the patient approaches
normal thyroid function the theophylline dose may
need to be adjusted frequently.
Pharmacologic Therapy for Hyperthyroidism 2. Iodine Solutions
Antithyroid Agents- Drugs used to block the - Iodine is needed in synthesis of thyroidhormones
production of thyroid hormone and to treat  Low doses of iodine are needed in the body for the
hyperthyroidism. formation of thyroid hormone. High doses block thyroid
Two forms of pharmacotherapy for treating function
hyperthyroidism and controlling excessive thyroid  Iodine solutions will cause the thyroid cells to become
activity: oversaturated with iodine and stop producing thyroid
A. Thioamides hormone. In some cases, the thyroid cells are destroyed.
B. Iodine solutions  Radioactive iodine (sodium iodide 131) is taken up into the
thyroid cells which are then destroyed by beta-radiation
Antithyroid Agents given off by radioactive iodine

Therapeutic Actions and Indications

1. Thioamides

 Indicated for the treatment of hyperthyroidism

 Lower thyroid hormone levels by preventing

the formation of thyroid hormone in the thyroid
cells, which lowers the serum levels of thyroid

 They also partially inhibit the conversion of T4

and T3 at the cellular level.

 Thioamides include propylthiouracil (PTU) and (How do these Iodine Solutions perform?)
methimazole (Tapazole) Iodine Solutions
 The use of iodine iodide is reserved for those patients who
 Both of these drugs can be fatal to a developing
are not candidates for surgery, women who cannot become
fetus. But if it is needed;
pregnant, and elderly patients with such severe,
A. Propylthiouracil (PTU) – preferred drug during complicating conditions that immediate thyroid destruction
pregnancy. is needed.
Iodine solutions available include:
Once the thyroid toxicity is under control, the dose
is decreased to prevent fetal hypothyroidism. 1. Strong iodine solution (a.k.a. Lugol’siodine/
Antithyroid medications are contraindicated in late aqueous iodine, potassium triiodide)
pregnancy, because they may produce goiter and 2. Potassium iodide (Brand names: SSKI,
cretinism in the fetus (Cooper, 2005). Iosat, Thyrosafe, Thyroshield)
3. Sodium Iodide I131 (comes incapsule)
Take Note: the mother has hyperthyroid case not the
baby, if this drug will cross the placenta makadto sya sa Pharmacokinetics
baby, fetus might develop a fetal hypothyroidism. If it’s
really needed, because the patient is symptomatic -> Thioamides
the doctor should explain the risks and benefits of giving  Well absorbed from the GI tract and are then
these medications. concentrated in the thyroid gland
 Onset and duration of PTU (Propylthiouracil)
B. Methimazole (Tapazole) –
varies with eachpatient
 Methimazole onset of action:
30-40minutes, peak: 60 minutes
o Crosses the placenta and is
found in high ratio in the breast
o If an antithyroid medication is
really needed during
pregnancy, the drug of choice is
PTU, but it doesn’t mean that
PTU will not have any effects
to the pregnancy or fetus
that’s why the mother should
informed by the physician
about the risks and benefits of
giving the medication.
Iodine solutions

 Rapidly absorbed from the GI tract and widely

distributed throughout the body fluids. Excretion
occurs through the urine.
 Potassium iodide and sodium iodide are taken
orally and have a rapid onset of action, which
effects within 24 hour and peak effects seen in 10-
15 days.
 The effects are short-lived and may even precipitate  PTU – associated with nausea, vomiting, GI
further thyroid enlargement and dysfunction. For complaints, and severe liver toxicity
this reason, iodides are not often used and are used in  Methimazole – (drug of choice for patients who
cases of radiation emergencies are unable to tolerate PTU or patients
with known liver dysfunction)
Contraindications and Cautions
- GI complaints, bone marrow suppression, so the
 Contraindicated in the presence of any known allergy patient using this drug must have frequent blood
to antithyroid drugs to prevent hypersensitivity tests to monitor this effect.
reactions - Check for bone marrow suppression byreviewing
 During pregnancy, because of adverse effects on the the CBC results with differential
fetus and the development of cretinism (teratogenic)
Iodine solutions
When mother has hyperthyroid, the mother is being
treated sang hyperthyroid and the baby is euthyroid.If  Common adverse effect is
this medication crosses the placenta, the fetus will be hyperthyroidism; the patient will need to
most likely to develop congenital hyperthyroidism or be started on thyroid replacement
cretinism. hormone to maintain homeostasis.
 If antithyroid is essential and the mother has been  Thyroid hormone should not be given
informed about the risk of cretinism in the infant, PTU during acute thyrotoxicosis. You can only
is thedrug of choice, but caution should still be used. give that if it is accompanied by
 PTU has been associated with severe liver toxicity antithyroid medications because
and is no longer recommended for use in children antithyroid medications can cause
because they are more susceptible to the toxic hyperthyroidism.
effects in the liver  Iodism (metallic taste and burning in the
 Use of strong iodine products is mouth, sore teeth and gums, diarrhea,
contraindicated with pulmonary edema and cold symptoms, and stomachupset)
tuberculosis  Staining of teeth (Give iodine solution
through a straw to decrease staining of
Adverse Effects teeth), skin rash, and development of
Take Note: Sodium Iodide (I131) [radioactive
 Adverse effects are thyroid suppression: (patient may iodine] - is usually reserved for use in patients who
manifest hypothyroidism) are older than 30 years of age because of the
- Drowsiness, lethargy, bradycardia, nausea, skin rash, adverse effects associated with radioactivity.
and so on. • A special precaution for women: For pregnant women or
- (Because itis an antithyroid medication, the patient women who wants to be pregnant in the next 6 months, they
may manifest signs and symptoms of shouldnot use radioactive iodine because the treatment can
hypothyroidism). destroy the fetus’s thyroid and impair its development.
Women should wait at least a year before conceiving if they
have been treated with radioactive iodine. Women who are
breastfeeding should also not take radioactive iodine. They can
use alternative ways of feeding like formulafeeding or using
donated breastmilk.
Iodine Solutions
Nursing Considerations (Radioactive Iodine Therapy):
 Drugs that have a small margin of safety that could
 Use of an ablative dose of radioactive iodine initially
be altered by the change in thyroid function should
causes an acute release of thyroid hormone from
be monitored closely.
the thyroid gland and may cause increased
symptoms.  These drugs include: anticoagulants, theophylline,
digoxin, metoprolol and propranolol.
The patient must be observed for signs of thyroid
storm, a life-threatening conditionmanifested by: Antithyroid Agents
 Cardiac dysrhythmias
 Fever
 Neurologic impairment

✓ Thyroid Storm – (also known as thyrotoxic crisis) is an

acute state of hyperthyroidismwhere all the signs and
symptoms are exaggerated. It can be life threatening
butwith quick response can be controlled and manage.

To control these symptoms, we will give:

 Propranolol (Inderal) is useful in controlling

these symptoms
 The patient is monitored closely until the
euthyroid state is reached. In 3-4 weeks,
symptoms of hyperthyroidismsubside
 Radioactive iodine is contraindicated during
pregnancy (because it crosses the placenta) and
during breastfeeding (because it is secreted in the
breastmilk) to prevent hypothyroidismin the fetus.
 Pregnancy should be postponed for at least 6
months after the treatment. Women are still
advised to wait until or at least 1 year to make sure
that the body is clear from the radioactive iodine.

Clinically Important Drug-Drug Interactions


 Increased risk of bleeding when PTU is

administered with anticoagulants like
 Changes in serum levels of theophylline,
metoprolol, propranolol, and digitalis may lead
to changes in the effects of the PTU as the
patient moves from hyperthyroid to euthyroid

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