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-Vern D.

- Annika Blaire Barro
Assessment tools
Assessment tools are techniques used to
measure a student’s academic abilities,
skills,and/or fluency in a given subject.
It is the instrument that is used to
collect data for each outcome.
General principle of testing
1. Measure all instructional objectives -
When a teacher constructs test items to
measure the learning progress of the
students, they should match all the
learning objectives posed during
instruction. That is why the first step in
constructing a test is for the teacher to
go back to the
instructional objectives
2. Cover all the learning tasks -
Teacher should construct a test that
contains a wide range of sampling of items.
In this case, the teacher can determine the
educational outcomes or abilities that the
resulting scores are representatives of the
total performance in the areas
3. Use appropriate test items - The test items
constructed must be appropriate to measure learning
4. Make test valid and reliable - The teacher must
construct a test that is valid so that in can measure
what is supposed to measure from the students.
The test is reliable when the scores of the
students remain the same or consistent when
the teacher gives the same test for the
second time.
5. Use test to improve learning - The
test scores should be utilize by the
teacher properly to improve learning by
discussing the skills or competencies
on the items that have not been
learned or mastered by the learners.
5 General Principle of Testing
1. Measure all instructional objectives
2. Cover all the learning tasks
3. Use appropriate test items
4. Make test valid and reliable
5. Use test to improve learning
Appropriateness of Assessment Tools
The type of test used should match the
instructional objective or learning outcomes of
the subject matter posed during the delivery of
the instruction.

1. Objective Test 5. Oral Questioning

2. Subjective Test 6. Observation Technique
3. Performance Assessment 7. Self-report
4. Portfolio Assessment
Type of Assessment Tools
1. Objective Test - It requires student to select the correct
response or to supply a word or short
phrase to answer a question or complete statement.

2. Subjective Test - It permits the student to organize and

present an original answer.
- it is usually scored on an opinion basis, although there will
be certain facts and understanding expected in the answer.
3. Performance Assessment - Is an assessment in which
students are asked to perform real-world tasks that
demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge
and skills.

4. Portfolio Assessment - It is an assessment that is based

on the systematic, longitudinal collection of student work
created in response to specific, known instructional
objectives and evaluated in relation to the same criteria.
- It measures the growth and development of
5. Oral Questioning - This method is used to collect
assessment data by asking oral questions.
- The most commonly used of all forms of assessment
in class
- The ability of the students to communicate orally is
very relevant to this type of assessment.
- This is also a form of formative assessment.
Fay V. Alaba

Teacher-made test
Teacher-made Test
- used to evaluate the progress of the
students in school. However , the specific
use of tests may vary from school to school
and teacher or teacher. • The test results can
be used for students, teachers, and for other
administrative purposes.
Different types of assessing the
performance of the students;
• Objective Test
• Subjective Test
• Performance based assessment
• Oral questioning
• Portfolio assessment
• Self-assessment
• Checklist
Two General Types of Test Item

Selection-type Items

Supply-type Items
Selection-type or Objective Test Items

A. Multiple-choice Test
- used to measure knowledge
outcomes and other types of learning
outcomes such as comprehension and
- commonly used format
Three (3) parts ofMultiple-choice Test

• Stem – represents the problem or


• Keyed Option – correct answer.

• Incorrect Options or Alternatives – the

distracters or foil..
Example of Multiple-choice Test
B. Matching Type Test

- consists of two columns

- Column A contains the descriptions,

- Column B contains the options.

Example of Matching Type Test
C. True of False Type
- the type of test which the examiness
determine whether the statement presented is true or false.
- an example of “force-choice test”
- this type of test is appropriate in assessing
the behavioural objectives such as “identify,” “select,” or
- It is also suited to assess the knowledge and
comprehension level in cognitive domain.
Example of True or False Test
Answer by True or False the following Algebra questions.

1.(True or False) ((22)3) = 25.

2.(True or False) The slope of a vertical line is undefined.

3.(True or False) Two lines with positive slopes can be


4.(True or False) 5 > 10 or 5 < 7.

5.(True or False) The set of ordered pairs {(6,4),(2,-5),(-2,4),(6,-4)} is a function.

Supply Test or Subjective Type of Test Items

A.Completion Type or Short Answer Test

- is an alternative form of assessment

because the examinee needs to supply or create the
appropriate word(s), symbol(s) or number(s) to
answer the question or complete a statement rather
than selecting the answer from the given options.
Example of Completion or Short Answer Type of Test
B. Essay Items
- It is appropriate when assessing
students’ ability to organize and present
original ideas.
- recall factual knowledge; organize
his knowledge; and present his knowledge in
logical and integrated answer.
Two Types of Essay Items
Extended Response Essay
allows the students to determine the length
and complexity of the response.

Restricted Response Essay

is an essay item that places strict limits on
both content and the response given by the students.
Examples of Essay Test
Extended Response Essay

1. Present and describe the modern theory of evolution and discuss how it is
supported by evidence from the areas of (a) comparative anatomy, (b) population

2. From the statement, “Mathematics maybe defined as the subject in which we

never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true,”
what do you think is the reasoning of the statement? Explain your answer.
Restricted Response Essay

1. Point out the advantages and disadvantages of an essay type of test.

Limit your
answer to five advantages and five disadvantages. Explain each answer in
not more than two sentences.

2. Mr. Cruz, a science teacher, wants to measure his students’ ability to

scientific data with paper-and-pencil test. Describe the steps that Mr.
Cruz would follow.
Give reasons to justify each step in not more than three sentences.
C. Problem-Solving Test

- Problem-solving test or computational

test is a type of subjective test that presents a
problem situation or task and required
demonstration of work procedures and correct
solution, or just a correct solution.
Example of Problem Solving Test
Thank you and
God Bless!

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