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Edited by

Clemson University
Clemson. SC 29631

Identifying Polar and Nonpolar Molecules

R. J. Tykodi
Southeastern Massachusetts University, North Dartmouth, MA 02747

We touch on the polar/nonpolar character of molecules a t cules of a substance t o have an influence on its physical
various places in the undergraduate chemistry curriculum-- properties; i t comes as a surprise, therefore, to find that the
lightly in general chemistry and more in detail in physical influence of dipole moment on normal boiling point is quite
chemistry and in advanced inorganic chemistry: erratic: if we look a t the boiling points of sets of isomeric
molecules with identical molar-masses but varying dipole
nonpolar molecule.The center of positive charge in the molecule
coincides with the center of negative charge, and the molecule has moments, we find no clear trend with increasing dipole mo-
a zero electric dioole moment. m e n t s e e the table (the reoorted dioole moments were
polar molecule. The centers of pmitive and negative charge fur measured in the gas phase (1)j.
the molecule do not coincide, and the rndecule h a a nonzero Determinine the centers of oositive and neeative charae
electric dipole moment. for a molecul~can be a forbidding task, so we frequeniy
resort to symmetry considerations (3, 4 ) to establish the
With respect t o nonzero electric dipole moments, we ask if presence or absence of a nonzero electric dipole moment for
a given molecule has one and, if so, what effect the dipole has a -aiven molecule: a molecule is nonuolar (has a zero electric
on the behavior of the molecule. The dioole moment of a dipole moment) if it has two or more noncoincident proper
molecule is an ingredient in iw dielectricconntant (relative rotation axes or if it has a center of symmetry ( 3 ) .Dealing in
permittivity) and in its molar uolarization. The behavior of detail with bond dipole vectors, with symmetry operations,
the dipole moment during a ;ormal-mode vibration of the and with group-theoretical consequences of symmetry oper-
molecule determines the spectroscopic activity of that par- ations is appropriate in both the physical chemistry and the
ticular mode-if the vibrational motion changes the dipole advanced inorganic chemistry courses because these ideas
moment, that particular normal mode is IR-active (other- will be used in the discussion of molar polarization and
wise not): the symmetric stretching vibration in COz, for spectroscopic activity; such detailed considerations are not
example, is IR-inactive (no change in the dipole moment) appropriate to the general chemistry course because they
and Raman-active. will not have any additional applications beyond the polar/
We expect dipole-iipole interactions among the mole- nonuolar cateaorization of a few simde molecules.
~ b much
w time and effort shouldwe devote to the polad
nonpolar character of molecules in general chemistry? Not
much-one or two lectures should be adequate. Once we
have identified the polar or nonpolar nature of a given mole-
Murk1 Boyd B i s l w received the BA degree cule, we don't do a&hing withthat information-we don't
In chemisby from Huntingdon College, the MS usually say much about molar polarization or about the
degree in biochemistry from E m University, details of s~ectroscooicactivitv in our aeueral chemistrv
and me PhDdegree in cheminryhom Michigan courses, and we don't find an;special rilevance of dipoG
State University. She received a porflactaal character to the nhvsical orooerties of the substances we
appointment at Yale University. She Is current- study (except for'soke q;ali&tive observations about the
ly a profesor in the Chemistry Department at nature of polar and nonpolar solvents). The polarlnonpolar
Clemson University where she has taught character of molecules is one of those "define i t and drop it"
courses in biochemistry, organic chemisby. todcs that so litter the landscaue of general chemistry. For
general Ehemishy, and medical technology. such isolated topics that are mostlyaithout ramifications
She has been director of the medical technoi-
ogy program, coordinata of the freshman for the rest of the course, i t is important not t o "overspend"
chemistry laboratories and of the freshman learning center. She devel- in terms of time and theoretical machinery: do what you feel
oped me safety and teacher mining program for chemistry teaching needs doing, a t the simplest possible conceptual level, and
assistants. She has operated a summer science camp in chemistry for move on. I consider the PLAT0 module in Chemistry 1 (4)
high schwl students. She has worked with the Journal a number of on molecular symmetry to he an example of "overexpendi-
years, refereeing manuscripts. writing book reviews, and writing p s ture"in that it invests heavily in the machinery of symmetry
pers. operations-an investment that does not "pay off' because
nowhere else in the course is i t needed or used.

Volume 66 Number 12 December 1989 1007

EIectrb Dipole Moments and Bolllng Points lor Sets of Isomeric tion of the reference points is not fully symmetric, the mole-
Molecules ( 42) cule is polar.
For purposes of symmetry analysis, resolve a geometric
Molecule Diode momentldebves Boillna Point/'C fieure into a set of suhfieures that show either a center of
symmetry (the line) or multiple noncoincident proper rota-
tion axes (the trianele. the tetrahedron. the ~ e n t a e o n .the
square antiprism, &d so on). I shall call such kbfi&re$ the
"simple parts" of the given geometric figure.
If the satellite points of each of the "simple parts" are
equally occupied (occupied by identical entities), the refer-
ence figure is fully symmetric and the molecule is nonpolar.
CdWr If any of the "simple parts" has its satellite points unequally
1,ldichlamthane 2.06 57.3 occupied (occupied by nonidentical entities), the reference
1.2dichlw0ethane (less?) 83.5 figure is not fully symmetric, and the molecule is polar.
CIH+ Let's catalog some of the possible satellite configurations.
dimethylamine onesolellilr: reference f i ~ r the
e line, h u w a t . If the two point aare
equally occupied, H-H for example, the molecule is nonpolar. If
CaHsCl the two pointa are unequally occupied. H-<I for example, the
frans-l-chlaopmpene molecule is polar.
3-chloropmpem, two satellites: reference figure the line, Sat.-huwat. (the line has
cis-l-chlaopropene hut one "simple part", the line itself). If the two satellite positions
2-chforopropene are equally o G i e d , C=C=O for example, the molecuie is non-
4HsCIa polar. If the two satellite positions are unequally occupied,
1.ldichlwopmpane O=G=S for example, the molecule is polar.
2,2dichlwopropane three satellites: reference figure the triangle (the triangle has hut
1,Michlwapropane one "simple part", the triangle itself). If the three satellite posi-
1,2dichlnaprapane tions are equally occupied, BF3 for example, the molecule is non-
CsHICI polar. If the three satellite positions are unequally occupied,
Z-chloropropane SnC4 for example (one of the points is occupied by an s/p lone
1-chloropropane pair of electrons), the molecule is polar.
1,3-butadiene triangle BF3, nonpolar SnC12, polar
2-memylpmpene four satellites: reference figures the square and the tetrahedron (the
I-butene square has as its "simple parts" the two corner-to-corner diagonal
ci~2-butene lines, whereas the tetrahedron has hut one "simple part", the
trans-2-butene tetrahedron itself). If the "simple parts" of the square each have
CeH&Is their satellite positions equally occupied, tram-Pt(NH&Cln for
pdichlorobenrene example, the molecule is nonpolar. If either of the "simple parts"
mdichlwobenzene has its satellite positions unequally occupied, cis-Pt(NHa)pClzfor
pdlchlorobenrem, example, the molecule is polar.
Sat. Sat. CI
- ~ NHq" C1 NHq
square (trans) nonpolar (cis) polar

If the satellite positions of the tetrahedron are equally occupied,

What I want to do in this paper is to develop a scheme, CHI for example, the molecule is nonpolar. If the satellite positions
based on the most elementarv ideas of molecular svmmetrv. .. of the tetrahedron are unequally occupied, CH3C1for example, the
for determining the polar/nonpolar character of simple mol- molecule is polar.
ecules-a scheme suitable for general chemistry and that
can be used as astartingpoint for the more general consider-
ations of svmmetw develo~edin uhvsical chemistry and in
advanced inorgan& chemistry.
Simple Molecular Clusters --

Let's start by considering simple molecular configurations tetrahedron CH,, nonpolar CH3C1, polar
where a central hub atom is surrounded by a set of satellite
entities (atoms, molecules, or s l p electron pairs (5): Con, I think you get the general idea by now, so I'll look a t just
H20, BF3, CHC13, Ni(CO)a, PC15, IF&,SFs, etc. two more commonly occurring geometries, the trigonal bi-
Associate with each simple molecular configuration a geo- pyramid and the octahedron.
metric fieure such that the huh atom is a t the center of the Trigom1 bipyramid: the "simple parts" are a vertical line and an
figure &d the satellite entities occupy the vertices (or equatorial triangle. If the satellite positions of the line and of the
points) of the figure. If the satellite entities-the satellites, triangle are equally occupied, the molecule is nonpolar. If the
for short--occupy the points (vertices) of the figure in afully satellite positions of either the line or the triangle are unequally
symmetric fashion, the molecule is nonpolar. If the occupa- occupied, the molecule is polar. Here are a few examples:

1008 Journal of Chemical Education

\ I

Sat. trans-1,2,dichloroethylene,
trigonal PFs, nonpolar PFJCIZ,polar nonpolar
The presence of the double hond in ethvlene confers rieiditv
P C1 F on &e molecnle and makes for fmed bond angles close tb
120°. We can find acentral point in the molecular configura-
tion (halfway between the two carhon atoms) such that the
pencil of lines radiating out from the point contains three
k 61 i lines that skewer the atoms of ethylene, two a t a time, in a
PFzC13, nonpolar TeCla, polar XeF2, nonpolar balanced way (the vertex of the pencil is a center of symme-
Octahedron: The "simple parta" of the octahedron are the three trv for ethvline).
comer-to-corner lines that pass through the center of the figure. If "Take t h l indicated three lines of the pencil as the "simple
the satellite positions of each of the three lines are equally occu- narts" of the eiven eeometric confieuration: then. since the
pied, the molecule is nonpolar. If the satellite positions of any of ieference points of e a c h of the lines are e&ally'occupied,
the three lines are unequally occupied, the molecule is polar. Here ethylene must he nonpolar.
are some examples: Use the same vertex and pencil of lines for each of the
Sat. F three dichloroethvlenes. and take the three skewerine lines
as "simple parts'. hen 1,l-dichloroethylene and cis-1,2-
dichloroethylene contain lines with reference points that are
unequally occupied, so they are both polar molecules. The
reference points on each of the lines in trans-1,2-dichlor-
skt. oethylene,-however, are equally occupied, so the molecule is
octahedron SFs, nonpolar If we look a t the electronegativities (Pauling scale) of
F .. carhon, hydrogen, a n d chlorine-C(2.60), H(2.20),
Cl(3.15)-we see that we could have anticipated the ~ o l a r
nalure of 1,l-dichloroethylene and of cis-1;2-dichlorokthy-
lene iust hv lookine at the structural formulas: the chlorine
.. .. side kf t h e molecuie should be negative and the hydrogen
side should he positive. causina a separation of charae ' that
IF5, polar XeF4 nonpolar should result in a nonzero elecGic dkole moment.
In treating simple molecular clusters of the kind we have Next let's study hydrogen peroxide and hydrazine.
just been looking at, we need hut acquaint our students with
the "simple parts" of the few reference geometric figures
that show up over and over again. General chemistry stu-
dents then seem t o have little trouble in applying this
scheme to the determination of the polarlnonpolar character
of common molecules. hydrogen peroxide, polar hydrazine, polar

Rlgld and Nonrlgld Chain or Tree Conflguratlons The configuration of bonding and lone pair electrons about
Treating molecular clusters with single huh atoms is easy the huh atoms in each case is approximately tetrahedral:
enough, hut what do we do for molecular configurations with H U O hond angles of 95O, H-N-H hond angles of 108°.
several huh atoms: CzHs, CzHa, CzHzC12, H202, N2H4, C3H8, Consider hydrogen peroxide. If the four atoms were copla-
etc.? We do what we can, in an eclectic fashion-sometimes nar. with the hvdroeen atoms in a trans confieuration. then
looking for charge separation, sometimes irradiating the we could irradcate &e molecule with a pencil of lines from a
molecule with a pencil of lines (6) in a suggestive fashion, etc. central point and skewer the atoms in a balanced fashion-
the pl&ar configuration would he nonpolar. The actual con-
Rigid Configurations firmration of H?O?. however. is such that the two H-0
Let us look first a t a few molecules with rigid or "locked- bonds lie in different planes, the dihedral angle hetween the
in" configurations-an archetypical case would be that of planes heine about 111.5°. and the molecule is polar.
ethylene and some of its derivatives. - Here is agood place t o introduce a useful r& of thumb:
If it ispossibleto arrange the atoms in agiuen molecular eonfigura-
tion insueh a way that, consistent with the experimental atom-to-
atom bond angles, there is a central point from which a pencil of
lines skewers the atoms of the configuration in a balanced fashion
and if the actual experimental configuration differs from this ref-
erence (nonpolar)configuration by a reorientation of the parts of
.. . rotations.. ete.)... then
the maleeule relotiue to each other lfoldines.
the expenmental cnnftpurotion hos a nomero eleelnr dipole mu-
pencil of lines ment (i.e., the molecule rs a polor rnnlerulej.
According to our rule of thumb, then, hydrogen peroxide
should he, and is, a polar molecule.
The same sort of argument applies to hydrazine. If we hold
one NH2 group fixed and rotate the other NH2 group until
the two lone-pair charge clouds are exactly "diagonally op-
1,l-di~hloroeth~lene,cis-l,Z,dichloroethylene, posite," there will be a central point that can serve as a
polar polar vertex for the right sort of pencil of lines. The actual experi-

Volume 66 Number 12 December 1989 1009

mental configuration differs from the reference configura- nonpolar configuration-so we expect ethane to behave as a
tion by a rotation ahout the N-N axis: hydrazine exists in a nonpolar molecule.
gauche form with a twist angle of -9@, the twist angle I t is clear from the electroneeativitv . areument
.. that 1.1-
measuring the departure from a fully eclipsed configuration dichloroethane should be a polar molecule. The line of the
(the twist angle of the reference, nonpolar, configuration effective charee doublet of the dichloromethyl group will be
would he 180"). According to our rule of thumb, hydrazine skew to the C% line, and there will be a n i t separation of
should be, and is, a polar molecule. charee in the molecule-the molecule, therefore, will possess
Let us also look a t some benzenes. a no&ero electric dipole moment.
The case of 1,2-dichloroethane requires some care. The
lines of the effective charge doublets of the chloromethyl
groups will each be skew to the C-C line, but the two skew
lines could be so oriented that a suitable pencil of lines could
skewer the effective charges in a balanced fashion. For pur-
poses of analysis, fix one chloromethyl group in place and
then rotate the other group until the two chlorine atoms are
benzene nonpolar pencil of lines exactlv diaeonallv o ~ ~ o s i each t e other (the configuration
ahoutveach"carb~nitom is tetrahedral). In the reference
confieuration there is a central point from which a pencil of
l i n e s i l l skewer all the atoms of the molecule in a balanced
fashion, so the reference configuration is nonpolar. Now if
we rotate our nonfixed chloromethyl group away from the
1,2-dichlorobenzene, 1,3-dichlorobenzene. "exactly diaponally opposite" configuration to any other
polar polar configuration, we have, by our mle ofthumb, a polar config-
C1 uration. In one complete rotation of the nonfixed group,
therefore, we pass through one nonpolar configuration and
an infinite number of polar configurations; so, on a time-
averaee basis.. Id-dichloroethane
. must behave as a polar
Cl molecule.
1A-dichlorobensene, Finallv. let us look a t the series of straight-chain (alkane)
nonpolar hydroca;bons: propane, n-butane, n-pent&e, n-hexane, etc.
Consider separately the odd series (odd number of carbon
atoms) and the even series (even number of carbon atoms).
The center of the hexagonal configuration of benzene can For a member of the odd series, select the carbon atom a t the
serve as thevertexfor a pencil of lines, three of which skewer center of the chain and look a t its tetrahedral environment,
the atoms of benzene in a halanced fashion. Let the three considering the H atoms as charge singlets and the organic
indicated lines of the pencil serve as the "simple parts" of radicals as effective charee doublets (Me-methvl. Et-ethvl,
the configuration-do the same for the dichlorobenzenes. etc.). The odd straight-:hain (alkane) hydroc&bons have
Each of the lines in benzene and in 1.4-dichlorohenzene has reference tetrahedral configurations with points unequally
reference points that are equally occupied,so both molecules occupied, so they should all be polar molecules.
are nonoolar. Both 1.2- and 1.3-dichlorohenzene have lines For a member of the even series, select the two central
the refeience points of which are unequally occupied, so they atoms and treat an organic radical attached to a central
are both polar molecules. carbon atom as an effective charge doublet. The appended
Again, the electronegativity difference between chlorine organic radical plays the same sort of role here as is played
and carbon would have led us to expect that 12- and 1,3- by a chlorine atom in 12-dichloroethane: in the course of its
dichlorobenzene should each have a nonzero electric dipole internal rotations about its C-C honds, the molecule passes
moment. through some polar configurations; so, on a time-average
basis, the molecules of the even series (C4Hm. CsH14, etc.)
Nonrigid Configurations should behave as polar molecules.
When narts of a molecule can freelv rotate. fold, or flap All the molecules in the series of straight-chain (alkane)
relative & other parts, we deal with thetime-average propei- hydrocarbons, starting with propane (CsHs, C4H10, C5H12,

- - wav- of example,
ties of the confieuration. Bv . . consider some etc.), should, therefore, behave as polar molecules. The elec-
tronegativities of carbon and hydrogen are sufficiently close
together [C(2.60), H(2.20)], however, so that the individual
honds of such a hydrocarhon are hut slightly polarized; and
H H C1 H H H the total effect of the (weak) bond polarities is but a small
-H - - E l nonzero electric dipole moment. For each of the molecules of
the series propane to n-octane the dipole moment is less
I HI than or equal to 0.1 debyes (I).
There are, of course, some branched (alkane) hydrocar-
ethane, 1,l-dichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane. bons that are nonpolar, neopentane, for example.
nonpolar polar polar

In ethane the two methyl groups are free to rotate about

the C-C bond, so we have to consider the time-average
configuration of the molecule. For purposes of finding the
centers of positive charge and of negative charge in the
molecule, we can treat a methyl group as an effective charge ~e H fl Me
doublet. with the negative charge on the carbon atom and propane, n-hexane, polar neopentane,
the effective positive charge contribution of the three hydro- polar 2.2-dimethylpropane,
gen atoms located on the C-C line. We thus have, in effect,
equal occupation of a set of reference points on a line and a polar

1010 Journal of Chemical Education

Conclusion Literature Cited
I recommend that we spend some time teaching our gener-
Nelson, R. D., Jr.: Lide, D. R.. Jr.: Maryott, A. A. S&&d Values of Electtie Dipole
al chemistry students how to recognize polar and nonpolar Mompnfs for Moleeulea in tho Gas Phase: Nationd Bureau of Standards Referonce
molecules via the application of eliment&y symmetry ideas Data Seri-National Bureau of Standards 10 (NSRDS-NBS 10). 1967.
in the manner demonstrated here-"simple parts" of refer- Hondbwk of Chemistry end Phyaica, 67thed.; CRC: BocaRaton, FL, 1986.
Lwine. I. Quantum Chemistry. 2nd ed.;Allyn and Bacon: Boston. 1974:Chapter 12.
ence eeometric fieures. the irradiatineoencil of lines and the PLATO, Chemiafry 1: Contml Data Corp., 1983; module H.
rule of thumb, Gc. I k g e that we k t our treatment of Lone and lone mir electrons derivine: from s and/or P e1eNor.s have an influence on
symmetry in general chemistry to the bare essentials, saving
the sophisticated treatment of symmetry and its ramifica-
tions for the upper division courses in physical chemistry
and advanded inorganic chemistry.

Volume 66 Number 12 December 1989 1011

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