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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Level 2

NCM 105, 106, 107 and 113

St. Paul University Philippines recently underwent a location risk assessment and school safety
assessment and has received approval from the Commission on Higher Education to conduct
limited face-to-face classes. This affirms that our school is compliant with the minimum public
health standards set by the government.

In this light, the School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences – College of Nursing since February
2022, had been implementing limited-face-to-face skills laboratory, trainings, and performance
tasks assessments onsite.

For the Final Term Examination in June, the College decided to conduct testing of major (NCM)
subjects onsite to better monitor the students and avoid unnecessary concerns associated with
online testing especially those attributed to internet connectivity and power interruptions. The
onsite examination will also begin to re-integrate them to the normalcy of physical class
attendance prior to their deployment in the clinical areas. The onsite examination will enable the
students to concentrate well and focus on tasks, without the other unnecessary distractions.

Since there are four (4) major NCM courses for this semester, students will be having two (2)
examinations scheduled within a day. Hence, they will be reporting onsite for two (2) consecutive
days. Each course is allocated two (2) hours testing time. With two (2) subjects tested in a day,
the students will have a total maximum stay of six (6) hours in the University campus per day
including a 2-hour rest period including (packed) lunch break which will also be strictly monitored
within the school premises.

Rest assured that safety precautions approved by the Inter Agency Task force will be strictly
implemented. In accordance with the health and safety protocols, students with existing
comorbidities are NOT mandated to take the examination on site.

If you or your child decide to not attend the onsite examination, kindly inform the Nursing Office
through the teacher/adviser of your child, and state your reason/s. Please know that not attending
the onsite examinations will not result to any penalty, or loss of benefits or reduction of any basic
right to which your child is entitled.

As the parent or legal guardian of, _______________________________________I hereby

acknowledge that I have been informed of the details of the FINAL TERM onsite examination for
NCM subjects.

I understand that St. Paul University shall implement the minimum public health standards set by
the government to minimize risk of the spread of COVID-19, but it cannot guarantee that my child
will not become infected with COVID19, given that COVID-19 is highly contagious.

I understand that my child’s in-person attendance in school will include associating with teachers,
fellow learners and school personnel, and other persons inside and outside of the school that may
put my child at risk of COVID-19 transmission, notwithstanding the precautions undertaken by the

I acknowledge that my child’s participation in this activity is completely voluntary. While there
remains the risk of possible COVID-19 transmission to my child and to the members of my
household, I freely assume the said risk and I permit my child to attend school under this activity.
I am aware that symptoms of COVID-19 include, but are not limited to, fever or chills, cough,
shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of
taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

With full understanding, I ______________________________________, my household

members, and my child __________________________________ hereby freely and voluntarily
give my consent to my child’s participation in the Final Term Examination on June 22 and 23,
2022. I also attest that I had sought the views of my child and he/she has expressed willingness
to participate in the activity.


__________________________________ ________________________________
Student’s Signature over Printed Name Parent’s Signature over Printed


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