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An open letter
to a pilgrim from the United States of America,
Brody T.,
who met the author in the Holy Land

My dear counter pilgrim on the Jesus trail!

You wrote to me in your letter:

“I asked the Lord to put me on a spiritual path

where I can do His work. I feel He has answered
me and is showing me the direction, removing
barriers, and allowing me to enjoy the fruits of
the Kingdom here on earth. However, I am weak
in so many ways. It is hard to avoid the influence
of society, especially in the United States. How is
it that you have become so strong that you live
the life you do? What can I do daily to help build
God's kingdom?..”
Oh, my friend, you want to enjoy the fruits of the king-
dom of God on earth. Was not this the original sin of fal-
len humanity that once already caused the expulsion from
paradise? Do you really want to step on the same rake
again – after Peter, who cherished the sad hope of becom-
ing the first among the powerful of this world?! Not for one
pagan Pilate, Jesus said that «My Kingdom Is Not Of This
World» - so be in the world not of this world, be not a build-
er of the new absurdity, abusing our misunderstanding of
the New Testament, which came from above.
When we intend to build the so-called «kingdom of
God on earth» - we only feed our great illusion in vain.
“You Have Planted Fruitless Trees In My Name”, Lord said
to the apostles. Paul planted the largest fruitless fig tree.
"The Kingdom Of God Is Within You," and in order to enter
in, you do not have to fight with the windmills of the outer
perishing world driven by our own ignorance. Ignorance
that will crush our dreams into dust and invariably lay out
the path to hell is our well-intentioned, until we finally
mature to perceive the path of Jesus as the i n n e r w a y
and to perceive the word of Christ as the revelation of the
inner voice of the universal Spirit existing in all those born
of Him.
To enter the kingdom of God, which is within us, in
this sinful earthly nature we need only to be born again
from above – and this is the s e c o n d good news that
Jesus brought to us. Belief in the higher human capabilities
of the twice-born followers of the living Truth – is the
t h i r d good news of the original pre-Pauline and pre-
Constantine New Testament!
«Who Will Receive Me (the inner Spirit of the uni-
verse!)... I Will Give Omnipotence To Become The Sons Of
God On Earth». For two thousand years, this bright and
simple – like childhood of Divine humanity itself – verity of
God's permanent mercy within us could not be received by
either Peter, or Paul, or their whole church, which finally
separated man from the “Living God Of The Living” and
turned the blessed sons of God into life-damned slaves to
the old idol worship crucifixion.
wants your love and spiritual growth within Him, oh Godly
children! And not – slaves of sacrifice, self-deprecation and
external worship. This winged truth, adopted by the relay
from Hosea, sounds like a leitmotiv throughout the Gospel.
Oh how we need to be deaf and have no ears to hear! Such
ones deaf, blind and unable to receive initial Bless have
already destroyed all the textual originals of the New
Testament that existed as long as three centuries before
the first cathedral of Nicaea, re-writing and re-editing
them five-six times to match the narrow political, clerical
and doctrinal worldview, turning the Gospel from foot to
head and fanatically shouting from the pulpit the God-
opposed dogma: “Sacrifice wanted, not mercy!”; blindly
burning in bonfires of the inquisition the inspired count-
less texts that carry to the world God's truth in the first
instance – and burning at the stake the newborn Divine
humanity itself, extraordinary rising to God the coming
mankind of radiant form within, all the blessed members
of the Incarnation supreme mercy...
No, we cannot change this world! All Divine avatars
could not. Buddha couldn’t change the outer world (and
never intended to), even the Son of God himself refused to
do that. But all spiritual guides of humanity of all times
and peoples taught us that the one and only great thing
which we can and should do, «the only revolution» which
is given to us from above – is to master and change o u r-
s e l v e s. Because when we all change ourselves, our inner
world will be revealed in all its immensity and its outer
projection – this external world around us, small and in-
significant on the verge of extinction – will suddenly…
change by itself as reflected in the living mystical mirror
of the flow of time and space within our Supreme Self!
This is the whole esoteric and universal truth of a n -
t h r o p o g e n e s i s, laid by Creator himself at the basis
of human evolution and, if I may say so, merely breathed
by Him into the Crown of creation.
So take a higher viewpoint, oh blessed sons of God!
Lift up and receive the great power from above for your
ascent, which is and has been waiting for you in vain, per-
haps, during already countless reincarnations.
Then the sorrowful image of this present life will fi-
nally fade away and you will instead find yourself in a new
inspired Existence, because our life, as we can see already,
is just an external reflection of the inner Self's experience
that connects us to supreme reality and leads the children
of Light ultimately to higher radiant form.

Yours sincerely

Neo Christian

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