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DOI: 10.1002/anie.200800827
Periodic System

Icon of Chemistry: The Periodic System of Chemical

Elements in the New Century**
Shu-Guang Wang and W. H. Eugen Schwarz*
atoms · electronic structure · elements ·
orbitals · periodic system

1. Introduction philosophers have been showing increas- ter” as the carrier of the cold and the
ing interest in the PSE.[3] The 100th wet). Around 1660, Boyle introduced
Every science has its basic concepts anniversary of the death of Mendeleyev,[4] the third concept of elementary simple
and principles, and for teaching in the most prominent among the creators of substances that cannot be further de-
schools and universities, they must be periodic tables,[5] triggered a flood of composed in the chemical laboratory.
expressed distinctly. In research and publications. However, only consideration Lavoisier[7] adopted all three notions in
development, ambiguous definitions of the most recent theoretical chemical the 1780s. But soon the second concept
may serve as inspiration, although this studies on the PSE offers deeper insights, (e.g. oxygen as the carrier of the acidic)
approach is at variance with the “logi- which are outline in the following sections. had to be abandoned. Around 1870,
cians program” for science.[1a] Particu- The most important points are: 1) The Mendeleyev stressed the difference be-
larly in chemistry, fuzzy concepts such as origin of the elements periodicity is the tween the other two concepts, which saw
aromaticity, conjugation, electrophilici- exceptional position of the 1s and np an element as a conserved entity in a
ty, polarity, and so forth are very practi- shells (n = 2–6). 2) The groups before and substance and as a simple substance in
cal.[1b,c] Another example is the concept after the noble gases form the backbone elementary form.[3q, 5, 10]
of a Periodic System of Elements (PSE), of the PSE. 3) The PSE is complete with The defining primary property of the
which is graphically rendered iconic by Period 7. 4) The electron configurations “abstract” elements is the nuclear
many different periodic tables.[2, 28] of the d elements of Group g with charge charge Z. It determines, together with
Every day, publications appear that state q + are ndgq(n+1)s0. 5) There is no the atomic weights, the immense diver-
integrate the results of various branches nature-given optimal projection of the sity of physical, chemical, and biological
of science into the PSE. Since the middle multifaceted PSE onto a table. properties of the elementary substances
of the last century, historians, didacts, and Previous wisdom of the PSE has and their compounds. Statistical chemo-
suffered from the “invention of scien- metric factor analyses[8] extract sets of
tific facts”. This scientific phenomenon basic, linearly independent “main fac-
[*] Prof. Dr. S.-G. Wang, was uncovered by Ludwik Fleck in a tors” as the basic secondary properties
Prof. Dr. W. H. E. Schwarz book dating from 1935,[6] which was only of the elements.[9a–c] They reproduce
Theoretical Chemistry, School of Chemistry recently absorbed by the philosophy of atomic radii, number of electrons in
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 200240 science. In any event, chemical educa- the valence shell, dominant valence
Shanghai (China) tion as well as didactical and philosoph- numbers, electronegativity, reactivities
and ical discourses could strongly benefit and thermodynamics of their polar and
Theoretical Chemistry, FB8
from advances in the special branches of nonpolar compounds, and so forth, in a
University Siegen
57068 Siegen (Germany) science. The case of the PSE is an simple and approximate manner. An
Fax: (+ 49) 271-740-2851 excellent example. element is not directly visible, though
E-mail: not at all “the substance without qual-
Homepage: ities” (see also references [3q, 9]). Since the early 19th century (Dal-
[**] We acknowledge valuable input from our 2. Notions of “Element” ton), at the latest since the early 20th
colleagues H. Bent, J. C. A. Boeyens, P. century (Perrin), the elements were
Buck, H. J. Deiseroth, G. Frenking, M.
In antiquity, the word “element” atomistically interpreted. A common
Grger, M. Kaji, W. Kutzelnigg, M. Reiher,
G. Restrepo, E. Scerri, V. Scharf, F. comprised two different notions. From sentence in contemporary textbooks
Schmidt, J. Schummer, P. Thyssen, F. Thales (ca. 600 B.C.) to Empedokles (ca. reads “The electron configuration of a
Weinhold, A. Wickleder, A. Woyke, and 450 B.C.) the concept of an abstract chemical element is given by the ground
unknown referees. We are grateful for conserved entity in the flow of time (e.g. state of the free atom.” However, the
financial support from the DFG (Schw in chemical reactions) emerged. Aristo- difference between free atoms in a
161), the FCI (160 273) (Germany), and
tele (ca. 350 B.C.) added the concept of physical vacuum and chemically bound
the NSFC (2057 3074) and the SRFDP
(2004-024 8017) (China).
a direct carrier of properties (e.g. “wa- atoms in an environment of ligands is

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unexpectedly large (see Sec- Cluster analyses of the elements fuzzy. This fuzziness is due to the
tion 4.1).[11, 12] have been performed in recent involvement of the p6, d10, and f14 shells
years.[9, 25] Numerical values from the in double steps in Period 2, 4, and 6 and
literature of up to 150 different chem- to the many nonvertical similarities.
3. One System—Many Tables ical, physical, and material properties of Apparently, the physical nuclear num-
up to 90 elements and their compounds bers together with a subset of the
Since the creation of the modern were analyzed. The above-mentioned chemical similarity groups (i.e. the noble
concept of the elements (ca. 1785),[7] similarities of elements historically ob- gases, alkali metals, halogens, etc.) fix
chemists have strived towards an order- tained from chemical “sensations” were the period lengths. One characteristic of
ing scheme for the elements in terms of reproduced numerically, “objectively”. the PSE is this “natural backbone” with
qualitative chemical criteria. Scholars as On the other hand, the generation of a large property changes between Groups
early as L. Gmelin (in his famous hand- unique and simply structured periodic 16, 17, 18  0, 1, 2. Other characteristics
book, 1843)[13] or Odling (1857)[14] pre- table by automatic self-organizing algo- of the PSE are the smooth property
sented some of the “vertical” groups of rithms failed, owing to the large number variations from element to element of
elements (as they are called today): of complex similarity cross-connec- the other groups, and the large number
[Mg–Ba/Cd], [Li–K], [F–I], [O–Te], tions.[3c, 26] of nonvertical similarities.
and [N–Bi]. In the late 19th century Numerical Fourier frequency analy- The network of furcations is shown
the noble gases [He–Rn] were added. sis of the chemical and physical proper- in Figure 1.[27] In general, every empiri-
Furthermore, “horizontal” similarities ties of the first 103 elements[9c] yielded a cal property yields a different order than
as for [Cr–Cu] or [La–Lu], “diagonal” significant background noise and rather the nuclear charge (Figure 2). This sit-
ones as for [Be,Al] or [O,Cl], “knights broad periodicity maxima at distances uation necessarily results in a multiply
move pairs” such as [Ag,Tl], “connected DZ of the element numbers around ( connected topology for the PSE. The
fields” such as the platinum metals [Ru– 10 %) 32 (s2p6d10 f14), 18 (s2p6d10), and 8 system of elements might be embedded
Pt], and “distant pairs” such as [Al,Fe] (s2p6), but also at 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 (i.e. into a multidimensional Euclidean
and [Ba,Pb] were also found.[15] As a neighboring elements are similar, espe- space, for example as a cylinder with
result of all these relationships, the set of cially in the d and f blocks). The ears (see graphic in the Table of Con-
elements forms a “partially ordered elements periodicities are objectively tents).[28]
Since 1817[17] Dbereiners triad rule
has highlighted the relevance of the
quantitative chemical-empirical equiva-
lence weights. However, more “theory-
laden”[18] concepts had to be added.[3q,5]
Namely, in 1860[19] the atomic weight A,
based on physicochemical laws (namely
for gases, specific heats, and colligative
effects) and in 1913[20] the nuclear charge
number Z. The atomic cores enabled
linear ordering of the elements, while
the properties of the valence shells sug-
gest a network according to chemical
similarity. The chemical elements could
be arranged in a scheme largely deter-
mined by nature.
De Chancourtois[21] wound up the
“physically” defined row of elements as Figure 1. The multiply connected structure of the PSE from neutron (n, Z = 0) to Fm (Z = 100).
a spiral in 1862. Several of the partic- The region under the bold line forms the “backbone” of the PSE. Some of the bi- and multi-
furcations are also shown. Designed according to Longman and Stewart.[27]
ularly different similarity groups (alkali,
alkaline-earth and earth metals; halo-
gens, chalcogens, and pnicogens/pen-
teles) can then be arranged in adjacent
columns. A rectangular table of what we
now call the main groups was published
in 1864 by L. Meyer.[22] And New-
lands[23] pointed out a periodicity of
eight (or seven), resulting in the triad
rule. Finally in 1869, Mendeleyev[24]
managed the construction of a useful Figure 2. The set Q of chemical elements. Left: ordered by nuclear charge. Right: regions of a
tabulation of all elements. similar property. Drawn according to Restrepo.[9a]

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The cross-connections indicated in group. We will elucidate the common s shell. Among the free transition-metal
Figure 1 are partly lost if the PSE spiral misconceptions. cations M+, half of them have ground
with its loops is slit somewhere and states derived from dg1s0. And concern-
ironed flat to obtain rectangular, clearly ing the more highly charged ions Mq+
arranged, and printable tables for books 4.1. Free and Bound Atoms (q > 1), all have ground states with
and classroom walls. For the selection of empty s AOs (dgqs0).[33] The larger the
a specific table, an additional criterion The empirical chemistry of the tran- effective nuclear charge in the valence
must be favored, for example, the prop- sition-metal elements can be interpreted shell (for increasing Z and q), the more
erties viewed as most important or a as “pure d AO chemistry”, as in the pronounced is nd < (n + 1)s (spatially
shape perceived as particularly felici- ligand-field model. For example, in Ni0 and energetically).
tous.[3d,e,q, 29, 30] On the other hand, the use compounds such as Ni(CO)4, the dom- For low- and high-spin complexes, it
of several different tables in a given inant electron configuration of the Ni is well known that in the case of
teaching context may be advocated.[3f, 66] atom is 3d10 with only a small 4s energetically similar orbital levels the
About one thousand different table admixture.[31] A similar situation applies lower one is filled first only if the
versions can be found in the literature to nickel metal, which has only a small difference in orbital energies is larger
(including more than one hundred spi- d-hole fraction. Apparently, free atoms than the difference of energies of repul-
rals), and a slightly reduced “table zoo” and atoms in substances are rather sion of the two orbitals. Y, Ti, and V
is available on the internet.[28] dissimilar. present typical examples for the filling
The (n + 1)s AO of free transition- of the nd–(n + 1)s shell:[11, 33]
metal atoms is a Rydberg orbital.[32]
4. Electron Configurations of the Concerning spatial extension, nd ! (n + Y3þ ! Y2þ 4d1 ! Y1þ 5s2 ! Y0 4d1 5s2
Transition Elements 1)s. Upon insertion of the atom into a
chemical compound, the extended (n + Ti4þ ! Ti3þ 3d1 ! Ti2þ 3d2 ! Ti1þ 3d2 4s1
The backbone of the PSE consists of 1)s AO overlaps with the occupied shells ! Ti0 3d2 4s2
the element groups usually discussed of the adjacent atoms. Because of Pauli
first in elementary textbooks, that is, repulsion, the AO becomes destabilized, V5þ ! V4þ 3d1 ! V3þ 3d2 ! V2þ 3d3
those of group numbers g (number of that is, nd ! (n + 1)s is also true ener- ! V1þ 3d4 ! V0 3d3 4s2
electrons in the valence shell) from 16 to getically. Therefore, the dominant con-
18  0 to 2. These groups should form figuration of transition-metal atoms in Many students and chemists know
the starting point of any theoretical compounds is dgqs0 throughout (q = the common textbook sentence: “4s is
rationalization of the PSE. We are atomic charge; Figure 3, right).[11, 12, 31] occupied first, but 4s is also ionized
currently in a position to reach this goal. first”. This seems to violate the principle
A single-electron orbital approach that of microscopic reversibility. A better
accounts for electron-pair repulsions 4.2. Sequences of Orbital Energies and of formulation is this: 1) In the sequence of
forms a sustainable basis for most semi- Orbital Occupation neutral free atoms K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V … 4s is
quantitative explanations in chemistry. occupied first in K and Ca. 2) But in the
Two points must be clarified at first: Among all free atoms M0, only one sequence of ions of a given transition
1) Which electronic states of the ele- (Pd) has a dg ground state with an empty metal, for example, V5+, V4+, V3+ … 3d is
ments are relevant for chemical explan-
ations? 2) Which definitions of orbitals
and which atomic orbital (AO) sequen-
ces are appropriate?
The electron configuration is the set
of (significantly) occupied orbitals in
some nearly independent particle ap-
proach. The configuration characterizes
the more or less inert atomic cores and
the valence shells, which are responsible
for primary and secondary interactions.
Quite “unsystematic” electron configu-
rations are found in chemistry textbooks
for the majority of the transition ele-
ments. In Group 10, for instance, we find
Ni 3d84s2, Pd 4d105s0, and Pt 5d96s1; these
descriptions are derived from the spec-
troscopic details of the free atoms. It is
Figure 3. Nickel: Configuration energies of 3d10k4sk, k = 0, 1, 2 (c: arithmetic mean of all
not easy to relate these jumps to the individual states of the configuration). Left: Single free atom (the vertical lines indicate the
chemical trends of the elements in that highest and lowest energies of the different respective states). Right: Approximate mean of
neutral, chemically bound atoms.[12]

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occupied first and 4s last. It is then more or less approximate frame-

160 kJ mol1 (1.65 eV) higher because of
logically consistent that 4s is ionized first strong interelectronic d–d repulsion. The works.[38] The energy differences of in-
in the reverse sequence V0, V+, V2+.[34c] 3d84s2 configurational energy is also higher, terest can then be soundly represented
This concept was already (or still) clear to by about 105 kJ mol1 (1.1 eV), in this case by orbital energies and elaborate ex-
some textbook authors around 1930.[34f] because of the double occupation of the pressions of Coulomb repulsion ener-
Since the nd AOs are spatially much higher 4s AO.[11, 34] gies (direct, exchange, and correlation
The different Coulomb repulsions in the
more compact than the (n + 1)s AO, in terms).
singlet and triplet SL terms of the 3d94s1
particular for neutral atoms with low configuration lead to a slightly stabilized 3D
In general chemistry we need some-
effective nuclear charge, the repulsion term. (The superscript 3 is the spin multi- thing reliable but more simple, a theo-
of two electrons in the nd shell is much plicity M = 2S + 1, the capital D represents retically and empirically founded rule to
bigger than in the (n + 1)s AO.[34] For the vector sum L of all orbital angular predict the relevant valence orbitals for
instance, the first valence electron of the momenta.) Different populations of the five all atoms in chemical compounds. Mo-
Y atom goes into the energetically lower adjacent components of the 3d shell (dxy, lecular AO population analyses and
dxz,…) by eight electrons yield very different
4d shell. But for two electrons, a lower determination of energetically favorable
repulsion energies for the 3d84s2 configura-
total energy is obtained in the higher tion. The 3F term has by far the lowest energy. atomic configurations without occupied
and more extended 5s AO, where the 3
F-3d84s2 is only 2 kJ mol1 above 3D-3d94s1, Rydberg orbitals (which are destabilized
repulsion is much smaller. To be sure, while the highest term 1S of 3d84s2 lies nearly in molecules) will form the basis. This
concerning the chemically more impor- 500 kJ mol1 higher, far above the terms of approach yields a consistent set of AO
tant transition-metal cations, nd ! (n + 3d94s1 or 3d10. sequences for chemists, which differ
1)s is always true. This and the following The relativistic spin–orbit coupling in the somewhat from those in chemistry text-
Ni atom on the order of 10 kJ mol1 causes a
qualitative statements are fairly inde- books. Theoretically interested readers
larger splitting for 3F-3d84s2 with two d holes
pendent of the specific definition of the than for 3D-3d94s1 with only one d hole. The may find several important “sophistries”
orbital concept. lowest state is 3F4-3d84s2, just 2 kJ mol1 in the appendix.
In contrast to the transition-metal below 3D3-3d94s1. (The subscript is J, the
atoms, Groups 1 and 2 (g = 1, 2) form a vector sum of all orbital and spin momenta.)
special case, with (n + 1)s < nd. Indeed, Another example is Ru with “chemical” 5.2. Different AO Sequences
configuration 4d8 ; the lowest free atomic
the ground configurations are ndg-
configuration is 4d65s2 and lowest free atomic
(n+1)s0. Quantitative shifts may occur state 5F5-4d75s1.
Most chemistry textbooks teach one
upon inserting such atoms into crystal Orbit and spin couplings in free single AO sequence, corresponding to
lattices or molecules. The extended atoms are surely relevant in atomic the Madelung rule [see sequence (1M)
overlapping (n + 1)s and (n + 1)p AOs high-resolution vacuum spectroscopy. below]. Figure 4 displays AO sequences
become more destabilized than the nd In chemical compounds, electronic ro- enlj for three different values of Z,
AOs and can more easily hybridize.[35] tations in atoms are quenched by adja- derived from ionization energies of
For example, the heavier alkaline earth cent atoms. Atomic angular momenta average configurations DE.[11, 33] Figure 4
dihalide molecules are bent because of couplings are less relevant to chemical differs from textbook graphics: 1) The
non-negligible (n + 1)s–nd mixing.[36] bonding, in particular for qualitative vertical axis carries a defined scale. We
discussions (except for very heavy ele- plot the effective quantum number neff ~
ments, see Section 7.). In chemistry, the 1/ enlj to generate a similar impression
4.3. Configurations, Terms, and States of lower atomic configuration averages are as the commonly encountered graphs of
Open-Shell Systems more relevant. That would mean 3d94s1 AO energies. 2) Different AO sequen-
for the case of Ni. However, the diffuse ces are displayed.
A momentous misconception in the 4s Rydberg orbital of a bound Ni atom is We discuss five prototypical cases
case of open shells is that often states severely destabilized by ligands. Hence, (to simplify matters, spin–orbit splitting
and configurations are not distinguish- the chemistry of neutral Ni is governed and total angular momentum quantum
ed. The nickel atom offers an instructive by d10, with only slight admixture of d9s1 number j are averaged out):
example (Figure 3). Because of the (Figure 3, right).
intricate situation in the field of atomic H atom :
vacuum spectroscopy, chemistry text- 1s  2s  2p  3s  3p  3d ð1HÞ
book authors quote the chemically irrel- 5. Atomic Orbital Sequences  4s  4p  4d  4f  . . .
evant d8s2 configuration (of the ground
state of the free atom) instead of the real Inner Atomic Core Shells :
3d10 main configuration (of the element 5.1. On Definitions of Orbitals 1s  2s < 2p  3s < 3p < 3d  4s < 4p ð1CÞ
in chemical substances).[31] The resulting
< 4d < 4f  . . .
detailed explanation (from the Common chemistry uses its own
1930s!)[33b] may be skipped. qualitative, fuzzy, semiclassical notion Valence Shells :
of orbitals.[37] Quantum theory offers
The energetically lowest configuration 1s  2s < 2p  3s < 3p  3d < 4s < 4p
average of the free Ni atom is 3d94s1. If the various neat definitions for different ð1VÞ
types of quantum-mechanical orbitals  4d < 5s < 5p  4f < 5d < 6s < 6p
atom has all 10 valence electrons in the lower
3d shell (3d10), the energy is about (some of them even measurable) within  5f < 6d < 7s < 7p < 8s < . . .

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Alkali and Alkaline Earth Valence Shells :
np  ðn þ 1Þs < fðn þ 1Þp,ðn þ 2Þsg < nd

Madelung Rule in Textbooks :

1s  2s  2p < 3s  3p < 4s  3d < 4p
< 5s  4d < 5p < 6s  4f < 5d < 6p
< 7s  5f < 6d < . . .

5.2.1. AO Sequence in Hydrogen

The enlj sequence of the H atom is

1s < 2p1/2  2s  2p3/2 < 3s … A simpli-
fied model of the H atom[39] can be
solved analytically with paper and pencil
(i.e., without opaque computer calcula-
tions or experimental data processing).
For that common model, e depends only
on the principal quantum number n =
nr + l: enlj = (Z/n)2 Ry (nr and l = radial
and angular quantum numbers, j = l  s,
s = 1=2 = spin quantum number; Ry =
1313 kJ mol1).

5.2.2. AO Sequence in Atomic Cores

Figure 4. Mean AO energies enlj, presented as neff ~ Z/ enlj , of the free atoms Zr (Z = 40), Hg
Electrons with angular momentum l
(Z = 80), and Eka-Ra (Z = 120). The relativistic j-dependent spin–orbit splittings (p1/2–p3/2, d3/2–
are pulled away from the nucleus by d5/2, f5/2–f7/2) must not be neglected for heavy elements. Note the energy gaps between the
centrifugal force. In many-electron upper core shells (p6, p3/24, or d5/26) and the valence shells (Zr 4d, Hg 6s, Eka-Ra 8s).
atoms with a positive nucleus + Z and
n negative screening electrons, any elec-
tron with a large l value feels only the 5.2.3. AO Sequence in Valence Shells the heavier elements (n + 1)p also
fully screened nuclear charge Zn. With moves down. For K, it is even the case
a lower square of the angular momen- The shifts according to rule (2) be- that 5s < 3d.[33] This effect is indicated by
tum hl2i, the AO can penetrate deeper come comparatively larger for the outer sequence (1A) for the free atoms of the
into the core, and the energies e become valence shells. The most common AO electropositive elements.
more stable. For an e sequence of given sequences in the valence shells of most Upon insertion of the atoms into
n, rule (2) results: elements (from UV/Vis spectra or com- molecules and solids, sequence (1A)
putations; see the upper parts of Fig- may change towards sequence (1V), as
ns < np  ndð< nf  ngÞ9hy00 : ð2Þ ure 4) are combined in sequence (1V). mentioned in Section 4.2.[35, 41] For
Thus, for l values appearing in the Groups 1 and 2, the nd shell is strongly
In this case, 2s lies slightly below 2p, valence shell, rule (3) holds. This se- screened and is still of extended Ryd-
3s slightly below 3p, and so forth. quence is the most important for berg type. With increasing nuclear
Furthermore, 3p lies somewhat further chemistry. charge, the nd AO “collapses” energeti-
below 3d and 4p correspondingly below cally and spatially (Figure 5). From
4d; 4d lies even further below 4f (pro- Group 3 onwards it is always the case
np  ðn1Þf < nd < ðn þ 1Þs < ðn þ 1Þp  that nd < (n + 1)s, in accordance with
vided there are a sufficient number of
ð3Þ sequence (1V), in particular for the
screening core electrons). All AOs with
large l sit completely outside the core cations. Transition-metal chemists know
5.2.4. The Exceptional Groups 1 and 2 it.
and have e values “hy” analogous to
hydrogen. The core orbital levels (from
The screening effects in rule (2) are 5.2.5. The AO Sequence in Textbooks
X-ray and XUV spectra or quantum
largest for the alkali and alkaline-earth
calculations; see lower and left regions
atoms with particularly large ratios of Even before the invention of quan-
of Figure 4) are only screened from the
the numbers of screening core electrons tum mechanics in 1925, the simple UV/
full nuclear attraction by the innermost
to outer valence electrons. For the light- Vis spectra of the free alkali- and
core shells. The fractional shifts De/e
er elements, the (n + 1)s valence AO alkaline-earth-metal atoms had been
according to rule (2) are not that large,
moves down below the nd AO, and for correctly interpreted with the help of
and sequence (1C) results.

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Figure 5. The d orbital “collapse” of free neutral atoms at the beginning of the transition rows.
The orbital energies e are represented by neff ~ 1/ e. g: 3d and 4d, c: 4s and 5s.

the Bohr model.[33] Ground configura- nearly purely analytically. The actual
tions ns1 and ns2 were attached to the sequences in atomic cores (sequen-
atomic ground states. Soon afterwards ce (1C)), in most valence shells (sequen-
the complex spectra of the free neutral ce (1V)), and in the valence shells of Figure 6. Qualitative
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi order of AO energy lev-
and charged transition-metal atoms strongly electropositive elements (se- els, neff1/ jenl j. Left: Hydrogen-derived or-
were also correctly assigned, with occu- quence (1A)) can then be qualitatively der of core orbitals (sequence (1C)), neff  n.
Right: Madelung order (sequence (1M)) of
pied d AOs. The details of electron– rationalized as intermediates (Figure 6).
hypothetical “strongly electropositive” atoms,
electron interactions appeared in some This situation had already been suggest- neff  n + l. Middle: Most common order in
chemical textbooks around 1930.[34f] ed in 1964.[46b] atomic valence shells (sequence (1V)),
However, owing to a simplistic view of The e schemes for many atoms neff  ndl, d = quantum defect, displaying the
a small selection of these results, se- reconstructed from spectroscopic data basic energy gaps between core and valence
quence (1M) was invented.[42] It pene- have been reconfirmed since the 1930s shells.
trated into more and more chemistry by atomic quantum computations.[46a]
and even some physics textbooks, al- Since the 1970s, theoretical AO schemes
though it did not at all reproduce the have also become known for the not yet line cases (Ni, Nb). As mentioned ear-
relevant findings about atoms and ions or insufficiently experimentally investi- lier, the chemically significant configu-
reflected in sequences (1C), (1V), and gated superheavy elements.[47] These rations of bonded d-element ions Zq+
(1A). The view of chemists had uncon- findings of the last 80 years are rather are always dgqs0.
sciously narrowed to spectroscopic de- hesitantly penetrating into the chemical
tails of some free neutral atoms. and more general literature.
As early as 1928, Fermi[43] had ob- 6. The Cause of Quasi-Periodicity
tained different sequences of occupation 5.2.7. Quite Regular d,s Shells and the Period Lengths
of s, p, d, and f angular-momentum sates
as a function of Z by simple hand Experimentally and computational- Chemistry textbooks lack a convinc-
calculations of his quantum-statistical ly derived energies of the dg, dg1s1, and ing rationalization for why just the noble
atomic model. Tietz[44] found a simple dg2s2 configurations of the neutral free gases and the neighboring p groups (g =
analytical approximation to the atoms of the second transition row are 15–17) and s groups (g = 1, 2) form the
screened atomic potential. With its help, displayed in Figure 7. They vary rather PSEs backbone, and why the vertical
Ostrovsky[45] could easily deduce the regularly according to the regular varia- d groups are empirically less evident.
(n + l) rule for the special case of tion of the orbital energies and the two-
vanishing electronegativity. particle repulsion energies. In contrast,
the individual atomic state energies vary 6.1. The Basic Gaps Between Core and
5.2.6. AO Sequences in Molecules rather irregularly, owing to the state- Valence Energy Levels
specific orbit–orbit and spin–orbit cou-
The two limiting cases, the simplified plings. We note that one-third (nine) of The most prominent feature of the
H atom (sequence (1H)) without any the SLJ ground-state configurations of actual valence schemes is the clustering
screening electrons and the textbook the free atoms of the 3  9 = 27 d ele- of (n + 1)p, (n + 1)s, nd (and possibly
atom (sequence (1M)) with a strongly ments differ from the dg2s2 textbook (n1)f) levels, and a comparatively
screened nucleus, can both be derived rule, and an additional two are border- large energy separation (“gap” in Fig-

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 3404 – 3415  2009 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 3409

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tive elements. The specific chemical
properties of the d elements are not
different enough to devise a distinct
group assignment as is the case for the
main-group elements.
The chemical periodicity of the ele-
ments became established by the recur-
rences of strong property variations of
the main-group elements before and
after the noble gases. We note the peaks
in the plot of atomic volumes, which
were decisive for the acceptance of the
PSE concept.[22b] Chemists were also
looking for smooth variations. While
Figure 7. Configurational energies DE (in eV = 96.6 kJ mol1) of the free atoms Sr–Ag of Row 5 the halogens and alkali metals still sat
for dg2s2 and dgs0 relative to dg1s1. c: DFT computation, a: experimentally derived.[11] The together in the center of Meyers first
energies of the individual states of the open ds configurations are indicated by vertical lines. “main groups” table,[22a] the “PSE spi-
g2 2
&: lowest states of the textbook configurations d s. ral” was cut early on between just these
groups, so that now the most different
groups occur at opposite edges of the
common tables.
ures 4 and 6) above the upper core levels ple, in octaheadral coordination they
1s and np (n = 2–6), respectively. The occur for d3 and d8.
closed 1s2 and np6 shells of the noble gas 6.3. Vertical Periodicity
atoms of group 18  0 and of the iso-
electronic ions of the elements in the 6.2. Horizontal Structure of the PSE The lanthanoid contraction[51, 52]
adjacent groups (O2, F , Ne, Na+, upon the first population of an f shell
Mg2+)[48] not only have comparatively The stable noble gas shells with gaps in Period 6 and the somewhat different
low energies, but they are also compa- above them give rise to two important behavior of the early actinoids in the
ratively poorly polarizable, as there are consequences. The antecessor elements next row are well known. A related
no virtual AOs nearby. Just the closed have valence-active p holes and are variation upon the first population of a
1s2 and np6 upper core shells are chemi- electronegative; the successor elements d shell in Period 4 and the somewhat
cally inactive and “hard”. This rule will have loosely bound valence-active elec- different behavior of the heavier d- and
end around n = 6, since there is no trons and are electropositive. The p-block elements are called d-block,
longer a large gap above 7p3/2. It is p shells of Groups 14–18 give rise to transition-metal, or scandid contraction.
questionable whether Eka-Rn still has a covalent electron-pair bonds and lone Particularly special is the first p shell in
“stable noble gas shell”.[49] pairs, with valence and oxidation num- Period 2. Below we explain and stress
However, since a little above an ns bers v in steps of 2 (e.g. for sulfur from the anomaly of the hypothetical Peri-
valence shell (n  2) there is the np group g = 16, v = 6, 4, 2, 0, 2). In the od 8.
(main-group elements), or since a little case of loosely bound electrons from This “secondary” two-step periodici-
above an nd valence shell (n  3) there is Groups 1 and following, the oxidation ty has been discussed in empirical
the (n + 1)s (transition-metal elements), numbers vary in steps of 1 (e.g. for chemistry since 1915.[53] Quantum-
the closed s2 shells (Na , Mg, Al+) and manganese from group g = 7, v = 7, 6 … chemical rationalizations have been de-
the closed d10 shells (Co , Ni, Cu+) are 1, 0, 1). Historically, the highest and veloped in the meantime.[54] Atomic l (or
not particularly inactive. These closed lowest valence numbers were a decisive lj) valence shells are subject to the
shells become inert only at higher Z val- criterion for the group assignment of an attractive potential Va of the screened
ues. The 2s2 shell behaves like an element.[5, 22] nucleus. The kinetics of the electrons is
inactive shell for O and F, and nd10 Groups 3–11 are mainly defined determined by the Heisenberg uncer-
becomes inactive for Zn, Cd, and Tl through their distance from the noble tainty and Pauli exclusion principles. If
(the nd(n+1)s separation is not yet gases, that is, the number of valence there is an occupied shell of the same l in
large enough to prevent the existence of electrons in the d shell above a p6 core. the core, the Pauli exclusion principle
HgIV under special conditions).[50] Half- The total ionization energy expense of acts as a repulsive “pseudopotential” Vp
filled shells are also not automatically atoms increases with the third power of on that one valence shell. The first l
stable, but they give rise to particularly the ionic charge; the ionic lattice-energy shells (1s, 2p, 3d, 4f) “feel” only the
large splittings into stable and unstable gain increases with the second power. attractive Va ; they are comparatively
SLJ states (see the vertical bars for Nb- This situation leads to a stability opti- compact. The next l shells (ns with n  2,
d5, Mo-d5s, Tc-d5s2 in Figure 7). In com- mum for medium oxidation numbers np with n  3, etc.) feel Va + Vp. They are
pounds however, half-filled shells occur around + 3  2, depending on the ionic more expanded, and the respective
at different electron numbers, for exam- radii and polarizabilities of the respec- canonical orbitals have additional spher-

3410  2009 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 3404 – 3415

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ical nodes. Consequently, concerning above the closed 7p shell. The order of riodic tables of chemical elements (for
spatial extension, 2p  2s, while np > ns each of the spin–orbit-split 8p1/2, 8p3/2, chemists), of simple substances (for
for n > 2. The elements in the middle of 7d3/2, 7d5/2, 6f5/2, and 6f7/2 levels varies in material scientists), and of free atoms
the carbon row show strong s–p hybrid- a complex manner with Z, ionic charge, (for atomic spectroscopists) are often
ization, while this tendency is much less and the distribution of the valence insufficiently distinguished (for an ex-
pronounced among the heavier main- electrons over the various orbital lev- ception, see reference [28]).
group elements. Similarly 3d  3p, while els.[60] In addition to the 7d and 6f shells, There are dozens of definitions of
nd > np for n > 3. Many complexes from the 5g shell, too, collapses through the “atoms in molecules”. The correspond-
the first transition row have weak co- valence shell into the core. However, ing atomic properties are somewhat
valent bond contributions and high-spin this does not occur near Z = 121 (Eka- different, for example, the charges[8] or
ground states, while the heavier transi- Ac) as “predicted” by the Madelung the radii. Bound atoms of the same
tion-metal complexes form stronger rule,[60] but around Z = 125. A “new element are also different because of
d covalences with low-spin character. chemistry” should be expected on the different bonding situations. However,
basis of relativistic quantum-theoretical the difference from free atoms in vac-
insight.[47, 59] The advances in heavy-nu- uum is usually bigger[63] and is particu-
cleus synthesis have triggered the pub- larly striking in the case of the transition
7. The Superheavy Elements: The lication of periodic tables for Z up to 200 elements.
End of the Periodic System? or even 1000, yet with complete neglect Chemical elements and their atoms
of quantum-chemical experience and on are defined by one physical primary
To date, atoms of nearly all elements the basis of the questionable, empirical, property, the nuclear charge Zi. Zi
up to Z = 118 (Eka-Rn, “Moscowium”) inaccurate, nonrelativistic Madelung determines one chemical primary prop-
have been synthesized.[55] Reliable rule.[61] erty, the electronic valence configura-
chemical knowledge up to Z = 108 tion VKi of the bound atoms. The linear
(Eka-Os, Hassium, g = 8) is essentially arrangement according to Zi reveals
based on theoretical–experimental co- 8. Conclusions more or less sharp quasi-periodicities
operation.[3i, 47a, 56] Chemical information of a multitude of empirical chemical
about the even heavier elements comes The successful systematization of properties. In general chemistry, these
from relativistic ab initio calcula- chemical elements started nearly trends can be rationalized by means of
tions.[47, 49] 150 years ago on a largely empirical, VK. In quantum chemistry, the proper-
The details of chemical trends in chemical basis. As stated by Dirac more ties can be determined numerically from
Period 7 sometimes deviate from the than 75 years ago,[62] the theoretical Z (in complex cases, however, this is
previous rows.[3i] The fractional relativ- principles of the mathematical part of impracticable). Furthermore, the isotop-
istic changes DrelX/X increase in the chemistry are definitively codified in ic atomic weights Aij and their frequen-
valence shells roughly with Z2, that is, by quantum theory. It was only in recent cies are needed for kinetics, thermody-
factors of 2 to 4 from period to period. years that a big step forward has been namics, stoichiometry, and rotation–vi-
The energetic and spatial spin–orbit made towards a deeper reductionistic bration spectroscopy. The chemical
splittings (7p1/27p3/2, 6d3/26d5/2, understanding of the PSE, on a com- properties of the elements depend not
5f5/25f7/2) become dominant (Figure 4). bined atomistic–quantum-chemical and only on Z, but also on our cosmological
Also, the angular behavior of AOs and macroscopic–statistical basis. The basic and geochemical history.
hybrids changes. For example, the p1/2 aspects of the PSE could be extracted The host of basic chemical proper-
AO has a spherically symmetric electron and rationalized. Like chemistry as a ties can be roughly represented by a
density. The s and p1/2 AOs are relativ- whole, the PSE in particular consists of good handful of linearly independent
istically stabilized, the d and f AOs quantitative concepts and relations of basic properties of the chemical ele-
become destabilized. The closed config- physical theory and of fuzzy qualitative ments. These are the secondary proper-
urations 6d107s2 for Eka-Hg and notions of typical chemists. Chemistry is ties of the elements, in addition to Z,
6d107s27p1/22 for Eka-Pb are predicted more than a purely autonomous empiri- VK, and A. Homologous VKs turn the
to be more “noble” than might be cal art, and it is also more than an vertical groups of elements into “natural
chemically expected. In contrast, Eka- insufficiently developed part of physics. kinds”.[3q]
Rn (7s27p1/227p3/24) will be more active The word “element” comprises sev- Element lists and periodic tables
than Xe and Rn, no longer a noble gas eral different notions: at the macro- often display “electron configurations
but a reactive condensed phase.[47, 49, 56–58] scopic level the (simple) elementary of the elements” which, however, refer
Quantum mechanically, the com- substance and the (basic) conserved to the ground states of free atoms. In the
plete breakdown of chemical system- element in changing substances,[10] at case of the transition elements, those
atics is expected to occur from Period 8 the microscopic level bound atoms in differ from the dominant VK of bound
onwards. The AO energy separations chemical substances and free atoms in atoms. Four points are important. 1) In
decrease with increasing principal quan- physical vacuum. Historically, the peri- the case of open shells, the state-aver-
tum number, the density of states in the odic tables were designed as a useful aged ground configuration and the con-
valence shell increases significantly, and ordering scheme for the basic abstract figuration of the atomic ground state
there is no longer a pronounced gap elements. Nowadays the notions of pe- may be different. 2) The extended (n +

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 3404 – 3415  2009 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 3411

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1)s Rydberg orbitals of d elements are nd would be mentioned as an “excep- Appendix: Notes on Orbitals and
generally destabilized in chemical com- tion”. Ionization Potentials
pounds and are less relevant in chemis- Available electrons fill energetically
try. 3) Although the (n + 1)s AO may be low-lying shells. But filled shells are It is convenient to communicate data
singly or doubly occupied in some free chemically inactive only if separated as given in easily accessible compila-
atoms Z or Z+, the nd AOs are generally from higher shells by a large energy tions, such as those from atomic vacuum
energetically lower and overlap better gap.[64] According to sequence (1V), this spectroscopy.[33] The first ionization po-
than the (n + 1)s to form coordinative situation is only found for 1s2 (He shell) tentials (IPs) are the energy differences
bonds. 4) The order of electronic orbital and for np6 (n = 2 to ca. 6, Ne to Rn). of the ground states of the free neutral
occupation of the series of neutral atoms From the experimental as well as quan- atoms and the free cations, for example,
(Z, Z + 1, …) may differ from that of the tum chemical and spectroscopic points for vanadium IP[V0(4F3/23d34s2)!V1+-
series of ions (Zq+, Z(q1)+, …) of the of view, helium is not akin to Groups 2 (5D03d4)]. This spectroscopic quantity
same atom. Independent of which con- and 12 with semiopen (sp)2 configura- is quite complicated and depends on d–
figurations are given in the tables, the tions.[3o] The ns2 and nd10 shells become d, d–s, and spin–orbit couplings. For
dominant VKs in substances are dgqs0 inactive only at correspondingly higher chemistry, the energy differences of
for elements from groups g 2 [3,10] with Z. chemically relevant configuration aver-
atomic charges q + . The periodicity of the valence shells, ages are more interesting, such as DE[V0
The properties of the elements sup- arising from the particular stability of (3d5)!V1+ (3d4)] and DE[V1+ (3d4)!
port a complex network of similarities. the np6 shells (n = 2–6), comes to an end V2+ (3d3)].
Three criteria define a periodic table. for nuclear charges somewhat above According to the Koopmans theo-
The choice of the nuclear charge for the 100. Eka-Rn is no longer a noble gas. rem, the energies e of “canonical”
definition of elements and as the first While Mendeleyev could reliably pre- Hartree–Fock orbitals often offer rea-
ordering principle is undisputed, despite dict Sc, Ga, und Ge by purely empirical sonable estimates of ionization process-
the large differences between H, D, and interpolation, the extrapolation into the es, e  IP or DE. In this simple form,
T and the similarities of some rare-earth region of superheavy elements requires the Koopmans theorem holds true for
elements. The very different elements validation by relativistic quantum closed or evenly populated systems,
before and after the noble gases impress chemistry. Incidentally, the chemically provided no configurational reorganiza-
a periodicity on the whole system, which meaningful stability of the nuclei also tion occurs upon ionization. But most
is without alternative. However, the comes to an end in this Z range. Only atoms have open shells, and transition-
selection of properties as particularly fleeting single molecules and no con- metal configurations often reorganize
important and the individually favored densed phases are viable. The PSE drastically (see Section 4.1 for Y and V).
shape determines the projection of the seems complete with Row 7. In any case, the representation of sev-
multiply connected PSE onto orthogo- Indeed, the n + l rule has little mean- eral states by one mean orbital set
nal tables in a manner swayed by ing in chemistry. However, since the rule requires sophisticated two-electron en-
interests and aesthetics. For example, occurs in all textbooks and is absorbed ergy corrections.[11, 34]
whether He should be above Be or by all students and teachers, it will die The atomic IP versus Z curves
Ne,[3o] Al above Sc or Ga, Y above La or out only very slowly. Only a few chem- typically presented in the textbooks
Lu, Hf above Th or Rf, and so forth. ists need correct details about the elec- exhibit irregularities for precisely those
Selected vertical similarities come to the tronic structure of the chemical transi- elements that have a different type of
fore. IUPAC orients our view by the tion elements; their re-education in reference configuration. For example, in
recommendation of the present stan- graduate courses is not too difficult. the row Ca–Zn with common dg2s2
dard table.[51] Most other undergraduate students will reference, chemically less relevant
The energetic sequence of AOs is not need the n + l blunder in their future peaks appear for Cr and Cu, for which
not universal. Realistic sequences lie career. So it does no harm, as some a dg1s1 reference was chosen.[40] The
between the limiting hydrogen and Ma- scientists argue. Since the inherited wis- lanthanoids form an exception in this
delung cases with sequence (1H) and dom of the chemical community forms respect, as their f shells sit deep in the
sequence (1M). In the deep cores of the basis of discourses in the philosophy atomic cores. Their atomic states are
heavy atoms (X-ray spectra), we find of chemistry, biased conclusions are chemically relevant, as they are only
sequence (1C), which is somewhat sim- unavoidable.[1c, 3b,i,j,l,p,q,t,u,v] The example weakly perturbed by the ligands.
ilar to sequence (1H). The sequence in of the PSE shows two things. “Facts” An adequately averaged set of (ex-
the valence shell of the electropositive and “truth” are not that clear, even in perimentally or computationally de-
elements, sequence (1A), is not that the hard sciences. And the discussion rived) DE values is suitable for the
different from sequence (1M). The se- between chemists, didacts, and philoso- construction of an atomic orbital energy
quence (1V) in the valence shells of all phers can help chemistry to recognize its scheme that reproduces the chemically
other atoms, however, is intermediate. own scientific problems and then eluci- relevant configurations of the elements
A realistic chemistry lecturer would first date and clarify them. The new book by in compounds with the help of the
teach sequence (1V) as the empirical Scerri on the PSE was instrumental in simplified Aufbau rule. The atomic
rule between the two textbook models. this respect.[65, 3q] configuration energies vary rather
Concerning Groups 1 and 2, (n + 1)s < smoothly with Z; no “exceptions” occur

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