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if A MICRO PROTECT ov See wo | tame oF STUDENT Rall Ivo al ( Bajivao Jetither. g1 | Unde guidance of PROF. &-k. Rokde j 5 “7 DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, ALLINDIA SHRI SHIVAJI MEMORIAL SOCIETY 's POLYTECHNIC, PUNE 41; ACADMIC YEAR 2021-2022 fee = _ POLYTECHNIC CERTIFICATE Certified that this micro project titled the bonafide work of SR.NO, NAME OF STUDENTS. ROLLNO. | Of First year diploma in Engineering for the course Workshop Practice Course code:22003 during the academic year 2019-20 , wh micro project work under my supervision. eer Pee E PAGE fo. NO WORKSHOP FLD? FITTING SHor — deat tiel! CARDENTARY = ‘SHOP. Mousa} ton OFTATS 4 El os | REFERENCE SITES / Books Tt | | Bb ci | at Ae 12. #guuaidiny es AG de _ kinds ot to__prepawe the products _{ _eeplace Or mrepeui a moust__f?t a another 1 sOniee Pc a his involves Pina The gauges ete _involves pxks The ad L the fittea- coming. ties He Oe content fy vanying fan On1 6} = ELITING roo.s: All types of work ae gine _the* tise pt | Numbes of els —tosailng of operation ing Chipping . Scaapp —scuning a fgpellehe. en en the wink clesized shape and siz esa Different + aac ee 4th used in Fitting ae lib is. $ ¢ ‘ I —measuainy oals (iif 7 - ~ a) steel aiule swt ivi | bh) Te i )_Serther : io JLo ish ipo. \ . |b) chisel c) Deilt lL dj Ose ory %. Finishing tools L a) Files ; < i] Flat file. y iH iit) Squane file ‘ i ‘w) Paring dour file v) Half -aound File divi) Round fife ee aa ee pes of Hammers Ti fs mast common type of ¢ = —}— used for aciveting and eee i! AS pes Ist standards cei varies from _O+11 kq-t0 0-41 kg. = fp Cross _peen _hammene ee: é = Te sane ee ¢cl_fox_bending Be \ ji Sineching hammesin inte y 5 shoulclers , tnside ~ claves es | ete. A S bs weight yarfes from 0.99 ka. é £0 0-4 ik. i. Sternigh t peen_hammenc © TOS wstO IN FITTING = TOOLS USED IN FITTING Beeld osbae ~ Lu —S aa | SQ £4) : HAND TOOLS USED IN FITTING SHOP Hacksaw Engineers Peon pecans | Flat | Standard \ poraper L screwdriver Bye hole r : 1 Handle» te vile Ferrulo—' RS RR RTT RS oO DETAILS + \ 40 mm lomm | tomm wee ! a INTRoductT1ON. eee paroce “making wooden aaticles and__compo nents act as! nats 4) Flea%rs | _patitians . door and windows. Canpentaay tnuoives. cutting « Shaping ach fa tening othe: heart | wood > anol a__Tnateaial s togbth +t produce a Einisheclpanduch. } Paenaxcation of in ones of othe joints Hnpoatant _opercitiont {n won womk Tot denotes connect} tS strsing « z point Uchs tas get J 5 f Z joints «mortise ound T= fotnts briolle joints, ete. i fe Holding tools + Cutt ing tools -EStaiksing BECO Se used. to. wee ob a ellaneous tools Lines -thooden Eat cauane.: we den _ctock steel, oles a — mea at shot and. tengths” tn to the made ection. wine o9 ou teel Screw. abtioais. Eve ean fh —| “Saws : es e 1S. in i is 4 t z 5 ss is___gpecs th th of its toole edge- The i i —Conpentanr Section - § | Rip Saw = 5 Bemebiadeno aig saw 2s ettheg Lai % OF skew = backed Th teeth a o a ti that the cutting edge of thy S@ w = p Q__stecper angle aboot Gdo hick Pi a al ° « 2 ti ‘ ji : = ey a + ° : as pee AAnthenons gpa 2905 used _ for fine — - & [ rede BE fine sbiade mbich is ein force d = A__erigiol Stee} back: The teeth : BeShaped f?ke those of apace tut “aww r | chisels >| Chisels sed for ¢ thing and_“sha ping aceite |i) . 290 chisels are made 2 vania‘a blade. smidthig “aang ing | Fir m0. +o 60mm - Most at +he wooed i + made iota’ tang | Paving a Stee! shank which” fiks inside Soh. the handle. pets 1 q et Ei chisels z zt i ee te ff fd fof alanine ear by Sysp = Tin smithy Tob: = Tacay _ Tg) EE VN iy y \ \ ! \ V) (ro Se Material Tools use d z mec : 2. ch . 3 el aule al Te One ier: 2 SM Hole Punch a Marck ex Hi

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